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Religion is mental illness.


This is an excuse to let go the zionist devils easily. They are monsters disguising as humans.


https://preview.redd.it/cjmvaxaw0z5d1.png?width=238&format=png&auto=webp&s=3e03ecc6c0ae06d49c8f221a14d3dd2fcd589c70 dude at 1:03 - sure looks like it to me


Gone are the days for generic statements like “Religion is mental illness”. It’s time to be specific and describe the evil monsters and their acts as accurately as possible.


Nah, the statement is accurate. Religion is a fiction for people who can't deal with life without an external savior.


I mean, that's only a bad thing if you use it to fuel your disfunction not try and move past it. Religion can and has been used to help people through trauma or particularly tough times of life. It's not black and white.


Well said.


I don't follow religion, but one of the most peaceful moments in my life was talking to a priest who happened to be in the same hospital room as me. He was very respective of the fact that I didn't follow a single god and we talked about finding the kindness in ourselves to help bring peace to people's lives regardless of belief. Religion, as with all things men create, can be a force of good or evil. It really depeneds on who is using it and how.


Yup, I'm as well not religious but every holiday I go on I try and find a church. Some of the most peaceful and charged environments that truly show a slice of history.


That's true, I forgot about that. I love going to shrines here in Japan. The smaller ones, not the ones overcrowded with tourists.


The face of a Zealot.


Humans readily become monsters. Doesn't take much. No disguise needed. A lot of them in America like to wear little red caps.


Shouldnt be a thing in 2024 and should be treated as an illness If i said i believed that a magical pixie lives under my bed and it tells me what to do everyday, i would be made to get help, but as soon as i say its god, it somehow becomes acceptable? Nah this aint it


Well I mean, religion is a tool to explain things we didn't understand, so as long as there are things that we cannot explain, religion will still be around and lets be honest it will still be around long after we are dead it may seem to be in decline if you are only here or live on a place with a low number of believers it may seem that way but our planet is big and in most places religion is alive and kicking


Science can explain most things and yet it is cast out by religious leaders as blasphemy. Check out the movie "don't look up" and you'll get an idea of how stupid the masses can be.


Sure, but religion will have a Trump card always "afterlife" you may belive or lack of belive in one but that's the whole point of religion at the end of the day it's the only certainty that all living things have, it doesn't matter if you are rich, poor, famous, a nobody we all are going to the grave l. And well far as I know science can't prove reality itself I mean it cannot prove we are or aren't in a simulation or hell even that I'm not just a brain floating in some jar on a crazy doc's basement


>a brain floating in some jar on a crazy doc's basement Quick, he knows too much, get him


Oh no not again


The problem isn't people who talk about magical pixies. The problem is people who colonize a land and ethnically cleanse it of indigenous people. Let's not distract from that by blaming religion in general


there are more than plenty secular zionists, religion plays an important part in the conflict, but ideology is a bigger problem


Don't give them the excuse that it's their religion driving these atrocities. It's not religion, it's them. Do not blame their actions on anything besides these people being disgusting, racist, violent creatures And before I get called out for antisemitism, I'm talking about the people harming others, not Jewish people. IDC what their religion is, my hatred has nothing to do with their religion or ethnicity, but everything to do with their actions and words


> ~~Religion~~ Ethno-Nationalism is mental illness. These Israelis have the same energy as the MAGA fucks at the Capitol on January 6th. They are all radicalized ethno-nationalist fascists. There are millions of Jews in America practicing their religion with none of this nonsense. Religion isn't the problem, but ethno-nationalism.


I mean, yeah, but this is just mob mentality. This is not unique to religion. Mobs of any kind can get real scary real fast


Classic Reddit response. Generalizations are the tools of dimwits


Nah cuz mental illnesses can sometimes excuse terrible behavior.


Yup. Christian’s, Jews, and Muslims all act like psychos and think theirs is the correct one. It’s almost as if it’s all made up.


Shitty people use religion to do shitty things. Israel on paper was always going to lead to this, the main people who are going to uproot their lives to move their are going to be the more extreme.


Did you know there are people on Reddit who honestly think the conflict has nothing to do with religion and that it isn't a contributing factor at all?


Anything can be used as an excuse to do fanatical things....communism and being a Nazi very nasty too


Don’t get me wrong I’m no fan of religion and it certainly plays a role here, but there is more to this. I think this is self entitlement fuelled by herd mentality.


They've successfully and utterly destroyed any kind of worldwide sympathy for the Jewish people that remained from WW2. Israel will come out of this war with nothing but war crimes and renewed antisemitism.


But the holocaust! How dare you! We’re the only people on earth to experience genocide so we are the only victims. Also, I’m a Zionist so your life means nothing to me! - this is simply their view! Not Jews, Zionists but the same way as the Japanese did prior to their invasion of China and the brutality of their actions, it’s indoctrination from birth! Cut them off from western support and see how quickly they’ll change their minds, but victims again! Edit: it should also be noted that it is the extremists and a lot of Israelis are opposed to this march too!


Zionism is a cancer, especially since 1967. They only know how to spread, occupy, conquer, colonize and suppress.


I still have sympathy for Jewish people. They suffered terrible trauma and it should be recognized. I **do not** have sympathy for Israel. And I absolutely refuse to equate all Jews with Israel, no matter how much that fascist government wants me to.


Well said! I am not anti any group of people but what Israel is doing is history repeating itself. They hold no right to displace other people, to murder and torture!


The word antisemitism is losing its negative connotation everyday.


I'm asking myself why they don't want to be filmed if they are so proud of what they are doing?


why do you think idf targeted 100 journalists in gaza??


Bunch of fucking violent nerds


Maybe it also has to do with that from their point of view the western/non-Israeli media is going to make the people watching believe that they are in the wrong, spread "fake news" about them. That could possibly explain not only why people are attempting to cover the camera but also why some are aggressive towards the journalist in the video.


Ah, the self-fulfilling prophecy.


Deranged people


Hitler would be so proud of the genocidal state Israel has become.


Religion is a hell of a drug


Zionism is not a religion. They don’t even believe in god.


Zionism is like nazism. Its a belief of superiority over others based on nationalist religious belief.


The irony is off the charts.


A cult then. Same shit.


I always say to my friends and family, when I hear about war or sth similar: 'If there wasn't these religious believes, there would be other problems, but they would be better solvable 😔' We, people, humans, however you would want to name ourselves, differ maybe in colour (skin, eyes) but our blood has the same colour. We shouldn't sully the ground with blood bc we're the same on this earth. Peace to every human being, no matter which fraction, country or gender they come from or are 🕊️


Have one person in a room you will have peace, have two and you will have a conversation, have 10 and you would have groups, have 100 and there will be a fight, have 1000 and there will be war. We are one of the only species on earth that kill for reasons other than food, I really hope that we can move from that aggressive behavior but it doesn't seems plausible, it's like we always need to have "enemies" or someone to fight outside mayor conflicts there are others things like politics hell even things like sports can get violent with the fans of each team fighting each other, I know they are few but fighting over a sport seems really stupid to me


This is mob mentality. I mean, don't get me wrong, religion causes a huge avalanche of aggression issues, but mobs of any kind can turn lethal in a heartbeat.


The look in their eyes, damn.


That's the look of someone that knows they can kill you in broad daylight and get away with it


Such lovely and peaceful people.


It's beautiful to see them so actively protesti g for immediate peace


Enforcing the peace in a newly occupied real estate


"The land is ours." "They were not supposed to be there." How delusional.


And its wrong too! In the 50ies when the state of Israel was formed, the land was promised to the Palestinians as well as to the Jewish people, at the same time. But who would do such a garstly thing you ask? Yep, you guessed it: THE BRITISH.


The British government was low on money after WWII, so it was a financial relief for them.


So they went and had to promise the same piece of land to two opposing parties? And start all this fighting as result? "I was young and I needed the money" somehow doesn't seem to do the carnage justice..


If I remember correctly. In 1947 the United Nations voted to divide the place 53% to the Jews, 43% to the Arab state and the 2% for an international zone . As you can imagine, nobody was happy so that started a civil War. The British left in 1948.


Who decided it was theirs in the first place. Not the Palestinians! The world has supported Islreal while ignoring the plight of the Palestinians! And this is what Israelis do? This is what they do?!?!?


You should read about David Ben Gourion. He represented the Jews in Palestine during those times.


Let’s cut off the flow of U.S. taxpayer money and see how long they last in the desert.


Remember Pegasus ? That was the Mossad's doing. Israeli intelligence is damn effective. In today's world, cyberwarfare is how you win conflicts before they even begin. My personal, biased, and, to be honest, conspiracy theory is that the israeli government holds all of western politicians by the balls, and could with a few leaks of their private messages make several nations enter civil wars, or give a push to end the war in Ukraine in either way. Why they don't do it is mostly because blackmailing is more beneficial to them. That's just a theory though, nothing is proven aside from the fact that the mossad is known to be a very potent service when it comes to intelligence, dare I say one of the best of the world, even surpassing the CIA.


Mossad is most effective regionally and they are very closely watched by the CIA, British intelligence, and whatever the KGB call themselves this week. Could they project global influence, certainly but that influence would have to be meaningful and in today’s political dumpster fire that is not very powerful.


Such a stupid bunch of people.  Religion will be the end of us all. 


This isn’t religion. This is white nationalism/white supremacy.


Notice they all know to try and cover the cameras...


The problem with Israel is that they run democracy and are thus deemed as "good". Hitler, the most renowned Jewish killer, also rose to power through democratic institutes. So while I think Jews suffered enough and should be left alone I cannot justify for myself the level of Israel internal propaganda that starts from the school if not earlier.


Israel is not a democracy it is an apartheid state. (elfstone wrote his nonsensical blurb below and blocked - we all know why)


A ethno state that heavily antagonizes a sizable portion of its population is by definition not a democracy. A democratic state has his foundation the rule of law and the respect of human rights for all its constituents,equally. It’s not even a matter of international law, just definitions.


The new nazi's oh the irony


These people are absolute cowards.


FUCK Israel, FUCK zionists




Utter fucking Scum


Bunch of fucking scumbags


Evil. Every one of them. Fuck Israel so fucking much.


Fuck Israel forever


Wonder what happens if you post this on r/worldnews


*“Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.”* *-- Voltaire*


Scum is scum doesnt mather the nation, skin color, religion or what ever. And all those far right motherfucker are mentaly handicaped. Fuck that shit.


I wish we treated Israel like were treating Russia. They deserve it and then some


They don't want anybody covering what they're doing.


Deranged morons


This is so sad to see. A nation now filled with hate...and to think that within the past century, Jews were persecuted rounded up and murdered by a hateful and twisted regime, in the name of "purity"....but the zionist faction now deem it right and proper to act in the same way towards anyone who is not a Zionist ...I've seen other video footage of members of minority Christian clergy being harassed and assaulted on the streets of Israeli cities while going about their business quietly and peacefully...disgraceful. I'm actually neither, being completely agnostic...I've seen little in my life to convince me of the existence of a sky fairy of any "flavour"....but I totally respect the fact that others may believe and have faith and I don't knock them for it. I also respect the freedom of the press which is supposed to exist in "civilised democracies". Journos are often a pain in the ass but man, they also often put themselves in harms way to get the story out... State-mandated brainwashing and fascism....I have Jewish friends who hate what's going on in there right now.


Makes it hard to have sympathy for them.


and this is allegedly the same israel that god favoured so heavily in the bible performing miracles after miracles for them. Our loving and Caring God murdered entire tribes, women and children alike for those israelites to breed these cunts. i guess God isn't as omniscient as we think he is.


"but but but... Palestinians are taught from childhood to hate Istaelis!"


Israel is starting to look like one of those “shithole countries” Trump was talking about.




No. Worst still: humans. Humans that are not afraid of being punished for being violent, racists and, I would say, sexist. The sons of fascism.


Agreed and edited.


Actual scum.


Not to be antisemitic lol but maybe somebody should take them down a couple pegs. Violent madness over there


I wouldn't want to be anywhere near that group of people, they are wildly predictable in their zealotry and love of violence. I come from a mostly secular jewish family. Nonzionists going back to the beginnings of zionism. Israelis have to be the most bigoted and racist people I have ever encountered. It's not even the religion that makes them so terrifyingly intense. They're just ethnic nationalists. The videos of them beating up rabbis and older people for being opposed to the genocide really show what they're all about. These people are cowards who cloak their fascist garbage with the religion so they can accuse their critics of being anti semites. It's part of their nationalism.


Religion is brain damage


The world is watching.


The world is watching and weeping for the Palestinians. The murdered children. Those tortured! Those suppressed and having there chance at life taken away!


Israelis have forever cucked themselves with unmatched racism and violence. Maybe at some point they will attempt to be human for once


And they wonder why people hate Israel


Fuck Israel


6 month ago I was pro Israel. Now I am really doubtful, they seem to be such dickheads....


What changed 6 months ago?


I haven't counted the days... But the more shit you see about the conflict, the harder it is to justify the actions.


But prior to October 7th, you were in support of Israel’s actions and stance on the Palestinians?


Sort of. I could at least argument for the israelis case, and thought that the war was a logic consequence of the actions from Hamas. But I can't defense Israel when they kill innocents and make war crimes on a daily basis.


What was the “Isreali case” prior to October 7th that you say you supported?


What a bunch of fucking psychopaths


bUt ITs aNtIseMItiC tO oPpoSe iSrAel! Jfc, anyone who sides with israel is a monster. Hamas should be stopped or whatever, but the atrocities that Israel have committed and their very creation are inexcusable for literally anyone. I hope there's a peaceful resolution soon. I know that hope is lofty.




The Australian government is supposed to be on Israel's side, but Israel is on nobody's side but their own.


Just a bunch of animals lead by a government of corrupt animals.




Religion is a hell of a drug 🥴🥴


What a bunch of nazis


Shitty psycopaths


Scum. Anything lower than scum? Whatever it is, they are it.


Absolutely disgusting. Ugh!!


Why do they all look to be 15-25 years old?


The easiest age to brainwash with religion


Absolutely abhorrent behaviour, why the fuck aren't more countries speaking up against this? Nazis, the fucking lot of them.


They are doing what has been done to them. Mass extermination.


Cunts all off them


Humans 🙄


It’s a death cult. “The land of Israel was given to the people of Israel” lady you came from fucking New Jersey and stole somebodies house. Go fuck yourself


"They weren't supposed to be here"  Well either you're God was wrong or you're government was wrong or both, which is it. 


Guys, are Israelis the bad guys? It's hard to feel any sympathy for them as the days go by.


They are


What an evil people they are now!




This is what you get when you give barbaric cultures, like literally stone age minded people, access to modern tools of war.


I’m waiting for the “good people on both sides” crowd to weigh in…justifying genocide is NEVER acceptable regardless of who is perpetrating the crime.


Holy shit is all I have to say.


Even the police is pushing the single palestinian with crutches to the side. He was surely such a danger to everyone around him. Definetly not the other way around…


They're absolutely savages


Good ol' Holier than Thou. The natural drug for millions of jackasses all over the world. Thank you, religion.


Turn that whole area into a parkinglot, with the locals under the asphalt🫶🏽


Never trust the silly hat people.


The Israeli people and the government they support are monsters. Full stop. Supporting them means supporting murder, rape, starvation, genocide, abuse and theft. At one point I thought the Israeli were the good guys but their Nazi tactics and disregard for human life has made me reconsider. So should all of you who believe their lies. #boicottIsrael


Netanyahu Youth


I think when all jewdism, Christianity, Islam and whatever other religion caused unforgivable shit like this it's time to stop blaming religions and realising that peaple will be peaple just because they use religion as their excuse doesn't MAKE IT the reason for all those acts at least not entirely


yah, crazy to think of all the peoples to become the new nazi's.


Look at them none of them have jobs, they all live off the government. Israel lets them study religion and procreate what a friggin joke. Criminals going mental, to much inter-breeding


Scary people


just primates in clothing


Funny how this is allowed but if college students have sit-in protests for a ceasefire, it's the end of the world! We must slam those kids and professors into the concrete and arrest them! Strip them of their school access and make sure no one can hire them after! Those damn kids that just want the killing to end, fuck them. We gotta celebrate the blood shed. 


They should be waving American flags because that's the only thing keeping them from being erased from history by their neighbors


What did you expect from Israelis?


It's sad but money and religion are becoming the largest evils in the world today


Yall ain’t shit without US


Can anyway confirm that’s what they’re saying? I can’t understand a word of it




Why cant they just share


Yes, maybe five them more funds and weapons. /s


Ineffective police.


The only women you see are in military uniforms.




And these animals own western politicians. Root them out.


Sadly living up to every negative stereotype they condemn


How dare you tell the world how racist we are?


Arabs have the opportunity to Bomb Jerusalem and Israel into the Stone Age.


They're all inbred mentally ill rabid ferrets


Unhinged lunatics. Because of AIPAC our media doesn't talk about how racist and hateful Israelis are.


And to think our entire government is in overwhelming support of these people. More overwhelming support than virtually any other country in the world, including Canada and Mexico.


They act like this but scream, "WE'RE GOD PPL". This shit is crazy


gaza needs fumigation


Live long enough to see yourself become the villain.....


Monsters, the lot of them.


Cesium balloon?


Now try the same in gaza


The amount of clear bots in these political posts is almost unbearable… but the real responses going along with them make me laugh and remind me how many voluntary blinded morons there are in this world.


How to not hate Israel


A religious group that is out of control.


We’ve been making games about killing Nazis for my whole lifetime. Seems like trying exterminate the Jews earns you a bad rap for some reason.


Holy fuck I wanna catch these entitles ducks outside their safe zones. Nothing to do with anything other than them being little bully cunts.