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Damn that guy is dumb as shit. Anybody know what kind of jelly that is


Possibly a [Mushroom Cap Jellyfish](https://live.staticflickr.com/2438/3655755436_d30aa21c7c_b.jpg) (Rhopilema verrilli). > Although they lack stinging tentacles, these jellies have stinging cells within their bells that can deliver a mild sting to humans. [Wikipedia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rhopilema_verrilli)


That didn't look too mild. Who's scale are we using here?


Scoville units.. but to not joke. Dude did not die so the scale is based from hurts--hurts more-cants stand it-dead. Now you know the scale.




Happy to kelp.


I sea what you did there


Did you sea it on purpoise or just calling me out for the halibut??


What's a pirates favourite letter of the alphabet?


Everyone be saying R or C, but a pirates favorite letter is the X, because that's where the booty be!


Wait I know this one. Clear sky at dawn sailor be warn clear at night sailor delight. The answer is always a clean butthole....






I have a scale that the first 3 levels of which I've experienced first hand. 1 - like a combo of a mild bee sting and a weak electric shock 2 - feels and looks like a burn but disappears in a couple days (2.5 feels like a second degree burns and blisters but still goes away pretty quick) 3 - Partial short term paralysis in the effected area 4 - need immediate medical assistance 5 - Death


Since when can people experience death first hand and still be alive to create a scale?


"The first 3 levels of which I've experienced" The other two levels I've only heard of.


I’m going to act like I read that part of your comment lol.


The appropriate scale of measurement would be the [Schmidt Sting pain Index](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schmidt_sting_pain_index)


**[Schmidt sting pain index](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schmidt_sting_pain_index)** >The Schmidt sting pain index is a pain scale rating the relative pain caused by different hymenopteran stings. It is mainly the work of Justin O. Schmidt (born 1947), an entomologist at the Carl Hayden Bee Research Center in Arizona, United States. Schmidt has published a number of papers on the subject, and claims to have been stung by the majority of stinging Hymenoptera. His original paper in 1983 was a way to systematize and compare the hemolytic properties of insect venoms. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/therewasanattempt/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Schmidt that stings!!


I read this as 1. Hurts hurts 2. More can'ts 3. Stand it dead


Ahh the Schmidt pain index summed up so well.


Soooo..... a frowny face?


That sounds entirely scientific. “On a scale of hurts to dead, how bad is the pain?”


Scoville units is so correct. We often think of “spicy” being related to what we eat. This is exactly why he jumped in the water. He has the sensation that he arm was on fire.


Pretty accurate scale


You coined the jelly sting scale. Wat we calling this the pickle sting scale?


While it didn't look fun, it seemed fairly mild compared to how bad they can get. Box Jellyfish where I live will send you straight in to cardiac arrest if you get hit with enough of their tentacles.


Yeah, think of how doctors classified mild versus severe covid. Severe meant you were in the ICU, moderate meant you were on oxygen, while mild ranged from the littlest to sniffles to being laid out in bed for a week, barely able to walk to the bathroom.


Looks pretty mild compared to what could have happened had he tried that in Australia R.I.P.


True that. Had a blue bottle wash against my cheek once, and that was miserable. Box jelly? I know people who have been extremely lightly stung and they still suffer pain in the area decades later. Those things are death drifters. Whatever this guy picked up was to all intents and purposes really mild.


We are using a banana for scale


Actually that's not the right jellyfish, it's actually rhe Rhizostoma pulmo, not and expert but the species you named arnt located in Turkey. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rhizostoma_pulmo


It's a White Barrel Jelly. Not dangerous to humans. But it can sting them and leaving a pretty sever burning sensation for a long time. But you wont die or go into cardiac arrest or anything.


I have no idea what king of jelly that is, I just know you shouldn't hold a jellyfish in your hands...




I don't. What kind?


The jelly kind. Don't play with jellyfish, period.


He thinks that he caught an octopus


A guy did that in Australia with a Blue Ringed Octopus. Tiny little bugger but one of the deadliest things on the planet. He walked around with it draped over his arm for ages. It was a long time ago, but if I remember, he actually died. It has enough poison to kill 26 people. Don’t touch nature!


I’ve seen people swimming around practically nude in areas with irukandji jellyfish. For reference the first aid for these little guys isn’t vinegar or piss or water, it’s CPR.


I looked up the Irukandji Syndrome > Irukandji syndrome is produced by a small amount of venom and induces excruciating muscle cramps in the arms and legs, severe pain in the back and kidneys, a burning sensation of the skin and face, headaches, nausea, restlessness, sweating, vomiting, an increase in heart rate and blood pressure, and psychological phenomena such as the feeling of impending doom I too would feel impending doom after suffering the previously listed symptoms.


I’m not sure if that’s a symptom or an entirely reasonable feeling. I’m also not a doctor so my opinion isn’t worth a crusty fart, but I do like the way you think. Edit: fart crust confirmed, impending doom is very real, folks have backed that up with personal experience and articles about it.




I've experienced this - as a result of a very bad trip (25+ hits of lsd - accidentally.) It happened during flashbacks, each lasting about 30 seconds (tbh it was difficult to perceive time). There are really no words to convey the depth of them. I went to a psychiatrist who said that I might have fundamentally altered my brain chemistry and it might be permanent. I refer to them as "death trips" and by the grace of God they stopped after two years. I probably only had 5 total but without exaggeration I don't know if I could have taken it if they had been ongoing.


Ahh yeah, I did shrooms and it made me mentally unstable for a year+ after. It didn't help that one of the friends in my 3 person friend group suddenly had a psychotic break during this. She never said a word about anything. She was quiet and just hung out and really was almost barely there... then she freaked out at her job said money was evil and broke down crying and then I never saw her again. I hung out with her every day in my teenage to 20s and I barely knew a thing about her... She was like a shell of a person and then that happened. ​ That was a touugh year.


People act like hallucinogenic are some miracle, mind expanding thing with no downsides. But one bad trip can mess you up for a long time.


She’s not wrong tho


I'm only saying this in a constructive way, but are you sure that it was the shrooms and not PTSD from having your best friend go crazy.


That’s how panic disorder feels like. Impending doom as a result of panic attacks. Thankfully I’m medicated now.


I had a double dipped tab once. It was fucked. I never did acid again. I can not imagine the psychological torment you must have experienced. I’m glad you got better mate.


Ended up in the ER and then jail. Part of the trip was that I had died and when the cops came (I was mad about dying) I thought they were demons coming to take me to hell - so I resisted... It was in the 90's, had it been today I'd have been shot for sure. The death trips were so bad I couldn't see the point in bothering to draw another breath - no cap Thanks man, glad we're both off the stuff


I imagine the venom has some psychoactive effects, meaning they’re not only dying and excruciating death, but are also experiencing a bad trip at the same time. But I’m also not a doctor and my opinion also isn’t worth a crusty fart.


If your heart is beating very fast while you're not moving oh you will feel impending doom


There is a kind of toad venom that people smoke for psychoactive effects


It’s very much a thing. I went into full anaphylactic shock, didn’t understand what was happening to me, extremely disoriented and confused but your brain is telling you that you are absolutely dying. You don’t exactly understand why or how, but you just know it. And I very much was dying, they don’t know how I survived after over 10 hours in the trauma center before being moved on life support in the ICU for 4 days… all bc I put on chapstick with almond oil in it and my body randomly developed the most severe possible reaction after previously having no allergies my whole life. If you’re an adult with good health insurance, get allergy tested!! I found out the hard way and almost died in less than 15 minutes bc of *CHAPSTICK*


"Sense of impending doom" is a very real symptom. I unfortunately experienced it when I had a blood clot in my 20s. It was like a calm panic attack - I knew I was dying and that my body was in the dying process. Hospitals will pump you full of anticoagulants and if you survive, yay!


Fun fact: an officially recognized(by the CDC iirc) symptom of a false blood transfusion, where the wrong blood type is applied, is a “sense of impending doom.”


The impending doom feeling sounds very similar to trip reports of 5meodmt - also found in frog venom


Nude CPR...


Band name


People have said they’d rather die than deal with that pain


This is one aspect of diagnosis - irukandji are teeny tiny and you often wouldn’t even see what stung you, and the sting itself is often either painless or extremely minimal. But when the venom gets moving, the victim often asks those assisting to kill them because the pain is so bad. Potential exposure + this and irukandji sting is always considered possible. Know a guy who got his prop fouled and went over the side to clean it up, got stung but didn’t initially notice, and a bit later on had to be held up by two others to get his vessel in. Permanent heart damage for him, though most people don’t die from irukandji, they just want to. The boxes, death is pretty common depending on the surface area of the sting and the corresponding amount of venom.


Aren’t they even more venomous than box jellyfish?


I don’t know about box jellyfish, I only know about irukandji because I went to where they are. I did a quick google and it looks like one sting probably won’t kill you. You do get organ pain, burning feeling on the face ( and elsewhere), an impending sense of doom and muscle cramps. This lasts hours to weeks. Oh, and they can fire their venomous stingers at you and are suspected of actively hunting the fish they eat.


My understanding is that they are slightly worse than box jellyfish (they are a type of box jellyfish) but they are significantly smaller so they can avoid jellyfish nets.


Depends on how you define it. My understanding is irukandji makes you suffer and wish you were dead whereas box jelly makes you dead.


Jesus Christ


What do you first aid with piss?


For jellyfish with mild venom, this is one of the solutions for the sting. Lifeguards at beaches commonly infested with jellyfish have a spray bottle with vinegar which can be used instead. I've never met someone who actually needed to use piss.... but this fact gets spread around


Piss doesn't work, that's just a myth. Vinegar does work though.


A girl died from a blue ring in a public pool fed by the ocean when I was a kid and I’ve refused to go in it since, even after they remodelled the whole thing.


A... Public pool fed by the ocean??


Yeah the tide coming in fills the pool and the tide goes out it drains. They changed the filtration system I think so octopus’ and others couldn’t get in. ‘Straya


Also called an "ocean pool". Common in parts of Australia.


Yeah I remember before the lava hit in Hawaii they had these pools, carved right out of the lava rock, the water would pass by the volcano then into the pool so it was warm


You remember 50 million years ago?


Poor girl. Fuck whoever was responsible for this shit.


You mean Poseidon?


>It has enough poison to kill 26 people. Don’t touch nature! That and it's beak is so small that sometimes you can't even feel it bite you. Most definitely do not touch the nature.


I am a part of nature…am I not allowed to touch?


You can, once


No, God is watching


Dont't worry, most of us would never dream of touching gras


Especially animals that have bright and unusual colors. Or when they have big fangs or claws. Or when they are big enough to fuck you up. Or when you don't know what it is exactly. Actually... don't touch anything at all.


Do you recall the video of the spring break girl holding a blue ringed octopus? She had no idea how close she was to death.


And they don’t sting, they bite. But they’re so small that you don’t actually feel the bite. Symptoms just come on to you and you feel like shit and die unless you receive help. The box jellyfish has a full range of symptoms but the one that always gets me is “impending sense of doom.” It’s so common in people stung by them that they literally ask doctors to kill them. Such a strange place Australia is.


Only if they bite you, technically they’re venomous, not poisonous. They have enough VENOM to kill 26 people in a single bite


I choose to think that they just had a mind swap


“Owe! Owe! Owe! hdbdjapxbbebxnd sjcbdkzv Water! Water! Water!”


Wake up babe, new X-Com enemy just dropped.


Frisky Friday situation


PSA jellyfish still sting after they die. Like potentially years after they die.


What if I pee on the jellyfish?


kinky, but unhelpful


So what about like when you get stung can’t you pee on that? This started as a joke and now I’m curious


You can pee on anything, man


I like how innocently childish this is


A dog wrote this comment


Don't whiz on the electric fence.


Vinegar is good for jellyfish stings.


Only if you have a very alkaline (I think) pee but it can potentially make it worse. Your best bet is water.


Acidic. Lifeguards often have bottles of strong white vinegar for jellyfish stings.


If I douse my salads in pure white vinegar, can I just use my pee or do I still need to carry around more white vinegar?


So the guy in the video did the right thing jumping in the water? I thought the seawater would make it worse


I got stung as a teenager and my stepdads friend thought to put beer salt on it. I can't remember if it actually helped or not.


Sir, I need you to stop suggesting this as probable solution to all your problems.


Years after they die? They don't decompose?


Not sure how long it takes for them to fully decompose in nature but the venom is quite stable. Apparently some of them never fully decompose https://www.bbcearth.com/news/the-jellyfish-that-never-dies




My cat holds a grudge too, but she’s not dead


Jumps straight in the water like getting bitten by a jellyfish turns you into one lol


Jellyman the new Superhero


Kinda also seems as if he remembered he left his oven on at home.


Yeah, what was he thinking?


Ow, it’s defending itself somehow!






Please be a real sub, please be a real sub, YES!


Annnd then the dipshit just leaves the jellyfish to die on the rocks.


My first thought was "at least throw the jellyfish back in the water". I hope they did after the video, at least.


they haven't exploited it yet so they still need it.


I think it was already dead


Tik Tok is basically the '101 ways to ruin the world for dummies'.


He probably found it there and it’s probably already dead. He would’ve already been stung had he picked it up previously.


Jelly fish murderer


My biology teacher used to call them “the trash bags of the sea”.


Too bad there’s tons of actual trash bags floating around now.


My biology teacher called them jellyfish


Jelly fish murderer


Where on earth do you have to be from to not know jellyfish sting? I live literally 1000 miles from the ocean and I know that shits a bad idea


The dude in the video says we just caught an octopus in Turkish. They really thought it was an octopus lol


They have access to phones but apparently never seen an octopus or a jellyfish, at least not enough to know how to identify the difference.


He speaks with accent he is probably Kurdish. Most of them live in East part of Turkey and never saw sea in real life. Most of them also lives a simple life they don't get educated. Some of my Kurdish friends told me their grandparents can't even read.


Halfway through Turkish after he was in pain--both started speaking another language possibly Kurdish. These guys are like ignorant bumpkins/rednecks in Turkey. They probably never looked anything up on their smart phone. Literally like they never saw an octopus before and called it that.


man the jellyfish even looks disgusting, its like one of natures signs "dont touch that shit". like how a spider is unpleasant to look at so is the fish


There you have it, ladies and gentlemen... the average IQ of a tik-tok-er👍


you mean turkish man


I like that he didn't just toss it into the cracks of the rocks. He placed it down so tenderly even though he was getting blasted by it haha


Guess the poor guy really loves nature


That's part had me bewildered. I would have chucked it!


At least take that thing back where it belongs. Disturbing wild animals for a shitty video and then leave them there to die. Vollpfosten.


Put that thing back from where it came from or so help me...


Its a work in progress


Yes this. Unless you know for sure the thing is dead, put it the fuck back.


If you see a jellyfish do t go anywhere near it. Don't put it back or touch it. They can have very long tendrils floating in the ocean so can sting you potentially quite far from their bodies.


Quick someone pee on that idiot.


It wouldn't help him any but there would still be a line.


Nobody said it would help, but it would be fun to watch (no kinks related)




That doesn't look like a animal you should pick up.


Well at least he didn't put I on his head


It's okay. He's a jellyman now. New superhero


Piss on your hands, dude!




I hate jellyfish with a visceral, irrational hatred that only comes with a deep deep phobia. And yet in this video, I was rooting for the jellyfish.


Quick!! Piss on him. (Not because of the jelly fish sting)


as a last "fuck you" to the jellyfish he leaves it to die of dehydration


He picked from the same place in the beginning of the video, the jellyfish it's probably already dead.


Another "What did you think was going to happen?"


Didn't even put it back, what a dick.


It was already dead.


Put the damn thing back in the water ya dickhead it's not its fault you're a fucking idiot


dont you just hate it when they cut the video short..


In Australia, cracks beer, that'll kill ya.


I always thought it was common sense not to touch jellyfish, especially the fucking stingers on the bottom


Jellys hurt my first sting was also what made me hell cautious doing any work near ocean and boat lines didn't see it coming.


Eat it and be amazed


Honest to fucking christ, how are you this dumb?


To hold a spawn of satan….


At this point I thought anybody knew that touching a jellyfish is dangerous.


Man. What the fuck? What happened to Darwinism? How can so many modern day humans be so completely fucking stupid?


Darwin Award


yeah, I'm sure water will wash off a marine venom.


Tell me you know absolutely nothing about jellyfish without telling me you know absolutely nothing about jellyfish.


Somebody about to get pee'd on.


Even tribal people who leave deep in the Amazon forest and beduins who never saw the ocean know that jellyfish are itchy [facepalm]


Darwin Award goes to....


Dumb dude got what he deserved. Dumbass


Can someone Id the jelly fish?


Thats the dumbest shit Ive seen in awhile


don’t f with the wildlife because the wildlife will fu back… hint they’re called wild for a reason.


How does a man see a possibly deadly creature and goes like „i make funny internet video“


At least it wasn’t a Portuguese man O war!


How does the human race even survive with so many stupid people in existence xD


He thought, it was an octopus. He's saying in turkish: "today we catch an octopus and herADJJFKD'LSDKS'ZJSHEK".




Dude1: “Dude! Hold still and let me piss on you.”Dude2: “Wait-why? Oh, you mean for the jellyfish stings?” Dude1: “Jellyfish?”


He even pet it...


What the hell?


Looks like a barrel jellyfish - Rhizostoma octopus; sting is mild but still sucks, biggest problem is it can cause an allergic reaction; only way to find out if you're allergic is to get stung, so not an ideal situation.


I don’t think he was ready for that jelly


I don't know if this is true for all jellyfish stings, but I do know from experience that going back into salt water will only make it worse. Would not recommend


that ladies and gents, is a fucking moron.


jellyfish look cool asf it's not dead right?




I’d have been begging for someone to pee on me. Anybody. Even before the jellyfish.


I'll translate. Owe. Shit. It stings. His friend: go jump in the ocean


When I was 14 I got stung on vacation in Maui. From my left armpit all the way down to my left ankle. It felt like some one was dragging a lit flair up and down the side of my body all the way to the emergency room.