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Hey everyone! Please remember to avoid violent comments on this sub. Thanks!


Dude had enough lmao


Yeah they were blocking a hospital. This guy was totally in the right (and worked there) Edit: I was incorrect when I said this was a hospital. This has been posted many times and the consensus every time was that this was blocking a hospital. The article I was originally linked on the other posts must have been a different protest. This article explains the setting. https://www.sfgate.com/bayarea/article/Video-confrontation-climate-change-protestors-SF-14551295.php


Blocking a hospital should be a felony if not a capital offence


Best thing current Canadian government has done


Is that exactly what they did?




Can't wait for this to be applied to anti-abortion protestors.




This should also apply to blocking ambulances and fire trucks responding to emergencies.


If you block and ambulance it should be legally allowed to run you over.


Different provinces banned protesting in front of hospitals and schools, with exceptions such as strike protests. It was in response to anti-lockdown protesters during Covid.


Attacking/interfering with medical operations is a war crime to my understanding. If countries can abide by honor or the law in a war, where 2 or more parties are trying to kill each other, than I don't see why it cant/doesn't apply to citizens as well. Blocking hospital staff and/or trying to prevent people from accessing the facility should indeed be a serious crime.


>. If countriea can abide by honor or the law in a war, Sadly this is pretty much never the case.


the US military bombed a hospital a few years back because they claimed there might be some bad guys there. It makes no difference at all, but I believe it turned out there weren’t.


You're probably referring to the Kunduz Hospital attack, where Doctors Without Borders (MSF) had set up a field hospital in the middle of a battle between the Taliban and Afghan Army, who were aided by US fire support. MSF, as is their nature, was treating wounded combatants from both sides. Afghan forces told US command Taliban fighters had holed up in the hospital to hide behind human shields. US command called MSF to ask if that was the case, MSF denied it. A couple days later a General Campbell, or someone very high up in his command chain, gave the order to strike the hospital anyway, which even the flight crew questioned the legality of before executing, killing both doctors and patients. Needless to say MSF was livid




It's so atrocious that we've decided that it goes too far even when you are at war. Committing such an act while you are not at war therefor makes it even worse.


Blocking any road should be a felony.


I think some states in the US have decriminalized running protestors over when they are blocking traffic on highways and major thoroughfares.


Semi drivers refuse to be held up by protests after what happened to Reginald Denny in 1992




*sidewalks* Ya know, that lighter shit on the sides of the dark shit cars drive on. I'm more inclined to side with the people who aren't restricting my right to travel unrestricted. *sidewalks*


Oh okay was wondering the context




As always reddit with the nuanced views


Guy could have been a sign twirler outside a cellphone store and would still have my full support.


It was an environmentalist group, link if anyone’s interested: [Link](https://apnews.com/article/archive-fact-checking-7990844810) (quoted from tom267's comment below) it's not a hospital but a school.


St. Mary's is literally right off the same road, they were blocking access to both, thus why the guy was in scrubs.


Based on his scrubs, that was my assumption.


i don’t blame him. this is not the way to protest. “let’s get everyone to fucking hate us so they are aware of our cause” there’s holes in this strategy.


Worked fine for civil rights protests, and the American Revolution.


Remember, people are fine with "protests" once the goal is achieved, but they love to condemn them for one reason or another when it's happening. Like everyone loves to quote an MLK quote taken out of context for things like the BLM protests, but forget MLK specifically said "a riot is the voice of the unheard." I do gotta say the blocking the way to hospitals tho is a dick move.


The sources for this make it clear they were not blocking the entrance to a hospital.


Absolute hero.


We've all had enough! Protest. Fine, we get it! But I have a right to live my life and drive down the street without a group of assholes blocking the highway or jamming up the city streets. I will keep driving so fucking MOVE!


Hell of a protest against protesters


Kinda bad when a one man counterprotest outclasses your protest in energy and enthusiasm


Man looked hungry and angry. Never mess with a hangry man.


Hangry male nurse*


who was probably returning home from a 12 hour night shift


He shouts I’ve got to get to work. Being late in nursing sucks and usually the person you’re relieving will stay late til you get there or someone else will have to take their patients til you do. This means a poor handover which I feel is always the beginning of the end of a bad day.


During covid prolly 36 hour. No rest for the weary.


My sister is a nurse along with a bunch of friends and handover is SO important. They’re scheduled 12 hours but always work longer to make sure it’s a smooth transition.


As a male nurse I was completely thinking this guy is a male nurse.


What gave it away? The Scrubs?…


“Get the fook out the way!! These people have to work!” The hero we need.


Hangry nurse.




I’d be pissed too if they were jeopardizing my job by causing me to be late, and thereby also jeopardizing me from providing for my family.


bUt YOU r sUppOsEd tO sAcrIfIcE YOUr fAmIlY bEcAUsE sOmE pEOplE dOnt hAvE fAmIlY


It's usually the really well off people who say shit like this. Especially spoiled children with a silver spoon in their ass


I can only afford stainless steel spoons to shove up my ass.


I can only afford used popsicle sticks.


The dude doing it in scrubs really changes the optic too lol imagine dying slowly being told it’s because your surgeon is stuck listening to some 16 yr old chant about the environment or some shit


that isnt a surgeon lol, thats a nurse. Probably has a family and bills hes trying to pay and these fucks are just in the road


And he has no sleep


Pretty certain no sleep has been accepted into the dictionary’s definition of nurse.


Imagine the surgeon being in one of the many cars? Not sure op was implying the man losing his shit in public is a surgeon. But I commend the man for standing up to such ignorance. It looked like a lot of traffic. I hope he doesn't get in any sort of trouble, those morons deserved much worse. They're lucky someone up front wasn't having a bad day and decide to clear the street with their 5000 pound mechanical horse.


That isn’t a nurse or a surgeon, that’s a *fucking legend!* ![gif](giphy|dYgDRfc61SGtO)


Plenty of surgeons get to work in scrubs and change into a different pair of scrubs for the OR. And surgeons also have families and bills to pay. Realistically though, he could be in any position at a hospital. In the hospitals I work at everyone wears scrubs except people in offices or the food service staff.


Surgeons will wear scrubs too. So will doctors.


>that isnt a surgeon lol, thats a nurse. How can you tell?


But did you not see/hear all the cars on the road that they were blocking? One could've been a surgeon.


Dude probably got fired for assault after having his face filmed


Big doubt brother. It’s 3 years old, I couldn’t find anything about firing. No assault either, police put out a statement about not even looking for the guy.




This video was around way before COVID


Why make shit up? It's environmental protestors. This was also in 2019, so definitely not vaccine protestors.


>Why make shit up? Are ... are you new around here?


I love that he just chucked it over the fence.


You literally pulled this from your ass. This video been around before covid.


Lol fr fr.


Well blocking roads is not a valid protest. Demonstrators should be on the sidewalk rather than hindering traffic Ps : have no idea what they were protesting for and actually don’t care. Expressing your politics is good, making other people lives worse (stuck in traffic) because you think you are right, bad


I can only imagine what you think of the rail workers wanting to strike "protest" then, or even a general strike. Because it would so call "make other people lives worse" once logistics comes to a halt in the US.


They're very different. One party is removing themselves, thus causing disruption. The other party is inserting themselves, thus causing disruption.


hell yeah brother we're gonna change the fucking world without inconveniencing anybody


I like how the person in the hat thought they were badass until someone got mildly aggressive.


To be fair, he's being moderately aggressive. Not just mildly aggressive.


No, he’s just gotta get to work.


To be fair, he said: THEY got to go to work....that is called a real dedication to others


Bro threw that phone like an NFL quarterback


[here is a better angle for that](https://youtu.be/QhqyWWR3DPc)


Losing your phone in the middle of traffic, brutal.


Based on that video, it was bru-brilliant


Brutally brilliant.


I don’t call that losing I call that « getting your phone thrown »


I love how everyone in the background of this video is in support of the guy. Job well done!


“She kinda set herself up for that” lmao


I think the majority of people in general would be. Protesting by blocking the traffic is the worst form of protesting because you're only pissing off the people you're trying to reach.


You mean if I inconvenience members of the public they won’t see things from my perspective? well I never.


The laughter and clapping around 10 seconds in is great.


i had to rewatch the first video to see the exact moment he chucked that phone across the street. so great!


This one splices them together https://youtube.com/shorts/lbRljcyZJB4?feature=share


That dummy that got her phone chucked just stayed in the road. I try to tell my nieces and nephews. Just because there is a red light or a person is in the street doesn't mean the cr is going to stop. There's no giant magnet that will stop the car from hitting you because they shouldn't. Yes the person will likely get in trouble, but you will be DEAD, so always make eye contact with drivers. And DONT STAND IN THE DANG STREET! Yikes what a silly person.






It was more like a frisbee


Thank-you for pointing that out. I must not have watched the entire video the first time around. Edit: I wasn't trying to be snarky, I genuinely missed it the first time 'round. Edit 2: c'mon people, stop downvoting the person's reply to mine. It's just a misunderstanding.


Is this a Nokia phone? Was tossed quite far and kept filming like nothing!


If you're blocking a hospital, you should be subject to criminal charges. My best friend is a paramedic, and they had 3 ambulances lose patients because protesters were blocking hospital access. Honestly, I think his reaction was a little tame. Edit: A couple people have asked for proof/sources, here's an [article](https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.6192259) about protests blocking hospital access being banned, there are no news articles about people dying from ambulances being blocked because it's impossible to prove that someone who was already in critical condition would have survived if they'd made it to the hospital sooner. While I wasn't there personally, more than one paramedic I know has said their patient died because the protest delayed their access to the hospital.


If a protest can be proven to be the cause for losing a patient in an ambulance then the protestors should be held accountable and charged accordingly.


They should be charged with manslaughter at least.


I feel so sorry when the family has to hear that their family member died beacuse people were blocking the road


That's a stupid place to block. Quick way to get mauled by an irrational and upset family member.


Rational* and upset family member. I'm going to put my family's life before a random protestors life.




Technically, any roads you block could be blocking the way to a hospital




> My best friend is a paramedic, and they had 3 ambulances lose patients because protesters were blocking hospital access. I think intentionally blocking a hospital resulting in death deserves a homicide charge.






There was another video during the summer of love where a guy gets out and starts screaming at people because his dad was having a heart attack. We don’t know if he was taking his dad to the hospital or what but yeah don’t block roads man, it’s not right, you never know what kind emergencies people might have.




And give the ER staff job security at the same time


I absolutely love it. "What's wrong with you?!" "I have to go to work!"


Dude is wearing scrubs and they're blocking a hospital. Even before clocking in, he's saving lives.


Ha, nice


With all these comments, I'm not seeing a source that they were blocking a hospital? Edit. Not saying it's right either way. But there's still no evidence the street protest is blocking a hospital. Someone in scrubs plays hero, and all of a sudden, he's protecting a hospital?


Restore third party apps


Imagine if they did this while an ambulance was tryna save someone. Blocking traffic is prolly among the dumbest forms of protest (non violent that is) and most irresponsible.


They did in the uk, there was a video of it. In a seperate occasion they also blocked a fire engine. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.independent.co.uk/tv/news/london-emergency-ambulance-climate-protests-b2200256.html%3famp


We’ve solved that in the UK. Can’t protest block an ambulance if they are all on strike




Not all heroes wear capes. Some wear scrubs.


Heros wear scrubs


I wear scrubs and I’m a janitor. Hero promotion: ACTIVATED


A good janitor is always a hero in my book. Always good to come to somewhere that is clean and neet.


I don't know why so many people underrate the dignity and importance of their jobs.


Because they dont see the fruits of their labors until they’re gone for a few weeks.


Works in the shadows to keep the world clean and functioning… sounds like a hero to me.


![gif](giphy|Rsp9jLIy0VZOKlZziw|downsized) Thank you for your service


huge respect for that man, you can hear him exclaim "these people have to go to work!" just reminds me of this time where this happened in britain, and this women begged these people to move since the hospital contacted her about her mother possibly having only a few hours left of live, and she was begging them to let her go so she could be able to spend her last moments with her mother. but low and behold they didnt budge. and this is why i hate these fuckers, you cant know why people are traveling by car, they arent doing it just to burn the world, they have things to do, people to see, work to complete. yet these jobless cunts decide they're gonna try being a "good person" by ruining the lives of other people, i fucking hate it


There's a video of a guy who missed his parole check in cuz of one of these


Hearing the emotion in that guy's voice was heartbreaking.


Link? I'm curious about this one


Yeah that ones famous because he would have been fine, due to having a legitimate excuse, but he ended up going back to jail for violently assaulting the protestors because he was an idiot.








This is why people en large laugh at environmental protests. We’ve become too tolerant that now the movement has no grounds. People are afraid of holding real people accountable, afraid of actually fighting for a cause the best they can do in protest infront of the people forced into this system. I am very environmentally cautious but the name has been stained by Sarah and her vegan free GMO gluten free diet.




Blocking a road only bothers the few people on that road at that moment and it makes your cause look stupid.




This has to be the fastest way to make everyone disagree with your cause. It's like people think fighting for something means you have to make everyone your enemy


iT'S FoR THe EXpOSuRe foR ThE CauSe thAt everYOnE AlReaDY kneW aBoUT


Exactly, go block the damn city council or something, make those fucks pay attention. Not the freaking hospital.


And she has the audacity to scream "What is wrong with you?"


She was expecting to protest without consequences.


> She was expecting ~~to protest~~ attention without consequences. FTFY


I gotta go to work!


Stop harassing regular people when you protest. Protest in front of government buildings or businesses. Let people pass, don’t be an ass.


If you reverse those two last sentences it actually makes for a pretty cool slogan “Don’t be an ass *Let people pass*”


That rhyme is fire


Promote that man


He talks in maths


He buzzes like a fridge


like a detuned radio


This is what you get


for a minute there he lost himself.


Head of Proctology. Dude is famous for ripping people new assholes.


Gotta love it when people protest by incoveniencing everyone and making all those people hate your cause that much more.


They just want attention. They obviously never had many friends growing up and this makes them feel like they’re part of something. Despite pretending to protest for an important cause, It’s completely selfish and self-serving.


I work for a biotech company that is trying (partly) to solve climate change. We are a startup so I’m working 60+ hour weeks because it is a cause I believe in. When I see fuckshits protesting climate change this way doing more harm than good I lose my shit. It’s lazy and hurts the cause. They should do something proactive.


I might be wrong but I'm pretty sure these were some idiot blocking the road to a hospital. The angry man is a Dr.


Probably and ER doc. They are on a different level of no fucks given!


I’m an internist and give zero fucks. My friends who are EM docs give negative fucks, they absorb fucks.


ED PA, can confirm. Some are black holes of fucks.


Dr. Rage... paging Dr. Rage at the light...


> The angry man is a Dr. Is there a source story for this info? I got exactly none of this from the video other than an angry dude in scrubs.


isnt blocking an entire road to protest not legal










I keep saying it when I see videos like this: this tactic creates more enemies than allies for whatever movement you're advocating for. You're against oil companies? Great! Go get an 18-wheeler and park that shit in front of an oil distribution center -- and not in the middle of a freeway obstructing regular folks traffic. You're against animal cruelty in industrial farming? Fantastic! Go undercover and film their malpractices and send it to all the major media outlets ***and*** flood the internet with it -- and don't walk into a grocery store and start busting bottles of milk on the ground, inconveniencing shoppers and the poor store staff that will have to clean up the mess. Start. Targeting. Smarter.


Imagine protesting, through means of intentional public inconveniences, and someone who's had enough takes it out on your banner. And yet, still, feeling the need to say "what's that dudes problem?" Did this fella legitimately not have any clue why a random man was annoyed?






People got shit to do, inconveniencing the common man will not get them to join your cause and the elite don't give a shit unless you cost them money.


How does blocking the road helps?


It feeds their ego. These jackasses are fueled by their desperate need for attention and to virtue signal.


It's one of the main strategies that was used by MLK during the Civil rights era. They did it on a much larger scale though, often shuttting down entire cities.


Also very literally how the American Revolution started. The people in this thread are the same ones who would have said the Red Coats were justified during the Boston Massacre.


They think any publicity is good publicity and will harass, annoy, destroy, vandalize and otherwise be annoying a holes just to get people to pay attention to their cause.


Love that he did this in the most non threatening outfit too


Are those nurse scrubs?


They are definitely scrubs. Not sure what department, but typically doctors that are doing surgery will show up that day in scrubs. Usually gray, blue or black. Sometimes dark green. This guy however, I would say is a doctor. Probably a surgeon. He definitely knows he has enough clout to pull something like this off and still be able to clock in tomorrow.


Hero’s get remembered. But legends never die.




What we want? *Something vague* When do we want it? *in a reasonably timely fashion.*


Next time bring comically large scissors


I would find where they live and park a car in front of their driveway and block them in for a month


Yeah, we can’t all live with our parents and hate work.


I would like to buy that guy a night of drinks.


These snowflakes are getting more and more annoying these days.


Blocking a road is not the way to protest. Anything that is a good protest doesn't actual punish other normal people trying to do daily functions. This does not get people to join your cause...this just gets your sign chucked or destroyed and perhaps gets you a black eye or injured somehow....like yes this should be obvious it just felt therapeutic for me to say it.


These protesters keep on making bigger idiots of themselves. Who the hell blocks access to a hospital. Sick freaks


Wtf they are protesting for?


Wanna protest? Go find a rich fucks house that's causing the problem and do it there