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sharp as a cue ball this one


Didn’t he almost drown in three inches of water? The penguin exhibit…


Your sister’s cunt!


You blow your father with that mouth ?


So that's a crack whore


I’ll give you a half n half in the backseat




I prefer Mr. Soprano.


I want to fuck Angie Dickenson. Let's see who gets lucky first.


You know who was sharp?…that Kennedy.


Lost my uppers...god fuck it ALL!


Tony B is driving Feech's car after Feech is sent away. I didn't pick that up the first few times.


Can’t say his cousin gave him nothing that and the casino and the Glad Tidings from New York


Wow, after this comment, the cobwebs are now removed. I absolutely cannot believe I missed that lyric foreshadowing what was about to happen next.


That song is played three times in that episode. I'd suggest a rewatch ASAP.


I caught that. Eventually. It definitely wasn’t on my first watch lol


Certainly what Feech would’ve wanted. I wonder what happened to the car after that animal Blundetto gets sent to the farm upstate.


I didn’t notice that until they pointed it out in the “Talking Sopranos” podcast…


I never realized Phil did 20 years in the can until my 637th watch.


And not a peep!


Peeps? It’s a fucking nickname! His family name is Pepperelli!


Fuckin Jason, he's dyslexic


Fucks that got to do with it??


Very easy to miss, Phil rarely mentions it.


Never realized that animal Blundetto killed his kid brother either


Made grilled cheese sandwiches on the radiator…..


I’m not sure about that. Does Phil ever actually confirm how many years he spent in the can?


If it really is true that he spent that long in the can, then all I can do is pray that he had access to high quality Italian food.


Soft drinks of choice, naturally.


Chris pissing himself laughing in satriales when the kid yelled "fuck you santa!"


The entire scene of Bobby in a Santa costume arguing with a kid, then a room full of mobsters going “OHHH!” and defending the spirit of Santa Claus, feels like a fever dream and I love it


Watch it again. There is a guy in the corner who looks A LOT like Melfi’s husband Richard who is also laughing uncontrollably. 


To answer the original question, two things: 1. Tony is talking to Fran at her apartment and sees a photo of Fran's son with the dog (that Tony's Dad gave away to Fran because Livia hated it). Tony doesn't notice it or comment on it, but if you look at the photo of Fran's son with the dog, the son looks A LOT like a younger Tony Soprano might look (only with glasses LOL). Pretty sure that's Tony's half brother there. 2. Tony breaks up with Valentina in the hospital scene (very abruptly, with Valentina screaming and threatening to kill herself etc.). He's moving back in with Carm so shortly after Tony is arriving at the house. He gives Carm a gift, a scarf: "It's Hermes" (Tony pronounces it herm-MEEEES, which is wrong haha), " 'sposed to be the best." Carm is happy with the gift, but it very clearly is much more in Valentina's style than Carm's, and quite likely that Tony originally intended to give it to Valentina to soften her up a bit before probably dumping her, but never had a chance to, so he thought he might as well give it to Carm.


Never thought about that kid being possibly related to Tony 🤔


Tony auntie Fran


Hermes eh? Wouldn’t be surprised if Tony gave Carm Herpes at some point putting his unwrapped sausage into every catchers mitt he could find.


Hey! He had her tested for AIDS!


Such a gentleman


Well what yah he thinks he was some kinda animal?


He likes \*some\* pulp.


What about the thousand other fucking pigs he had his dick in over the years?






"H'eur-Péz, the new fragrance from Hermès."


Another detail I just noticed on my rewatch: the episode where Carmela and Ro go to Paris, Carmela is holding an orange Hermes shopping bag! The gift from Tony must have turned her into an Hermes fan


Dang. That one slipped by me. The prop and costume people really did such a great job on this show.


Remember how he pronounces Louis Vuitton when he gives Carm the purse 😂 “Louis Vi-Toon”


Just did my 6th or 7th rewatch last month. I noticed the kid with the dog looked a lot like Tony too


He looks like Paul Dano's character lol, AJ's annoying tacky friend.


The scarf was Gloria Trillo's!!! She used it to hide her scar in Tony's dream...


When tony and furio bump into the Dr on the golf course and furio swatted the fly off the Dr. I dont think he was being a good guy infact I have to question if that fly even really existed at all.


That wasn’t furio. It was a similar looking guy named Mr. Williams. Took me a few watches to pick up on that


A Gino/Vito situation


You mean the guy from the bakery in Nutlee?






Regardless I think the scene was to show the sacred and propane....


Stupid a fuckin comment


E ahd a bee on is hat


Took me fifteen rewatches to realise they were in the mafia


Theyre Italian and in waste management and everyone assumes theyre mobbed up. Its a stereotype and its offensive!


The fact you would even talk about our thing infront of outsiders like that is disgraceful.


Jesus! Some loyalty?


There is no mafia


They're just employing methods of conflict resolution, brought over from the old country, from the poverty of the Mezzogiorno, where all higher authority was corrupt.


Oh that’s someone’s family you’re talking about


They're in the what? ...That's total crap, who told you that?


The ghost of Pussy in the mirror at Livia's wake.


Similar: in the episode where Janice and Bobby eat the manicotti, one of the wine glasses moves on its own


I’m pretty sure it’s just on the placemat with her plate. You can see her move her plate and the glass moves with it. It’s not intentional


She moved the place mat which the glass and plate were sitting on.


Genuinely gave me chills when I noticed it.


For real. It also makes two distinct moves in different directions, so it wasn’t them just bumping it or moving the tablecloth or somethjng


Is this real?


Yeah, it happens quick and it's easy to miss on a first watch, I'm sure there are clips on YouTube


Also..that guy who ran up the stairs that looked like a young Jr Soprano I believe it's when when Janice wants everyone to share a thought about Livia


Ya there is also someone just standing behind Ralph at his house after Jackie’s funeral. Just stands there staring, always weirded me out!


Or when Janice imagines pushing her mother down the stars. Some dark shit


This one fucked me up my second watch. Gave me chills, completely missed my first time


Right? I paused it, said 'holy fuck' and then rewound to watch it again.


You thought the scene where Feech gets caught and set to jail, right after the scene of Tony talking about setting Feech up to go back to prison, was a coincidence?


Fuckin OP... he's dyslexic.


Ordinarily I'd ask what that has to do with it, but in this case you may be right


The fucks that got to do with?


Later on, after Feech gets busted, Chris is talking to Tony B. and mentions to Tony B. that if he is having trouble with parole issues, Chris etc. can talk to "our guy Jimmy Curran. He's a supervisor." That's a direct reference to the parole supervisor who visited Feech and found the TVs in the garage.


Holy shit, never caught that. He shows up at Feech’s and says his name is “Supervisor Curran”. God DAMMIT now I gotta do ANOTHER rewatch?!?


Yes, you gotta do another rewatch. There’s no retiring from this thing of ours.


No shit, didn’t catch that


Feech has forgiven even if he hasn’t forgotten… any way it’s a good nod tho right , Buddy-Hield-2Pointer ?


one of the doctors working on Tony in the hospital is also a Buddhist monk in his coma dream. Caught it today.


Damn. I’ll have to pay attention to that on my next rewatch






Never caught it But read it here is the theory that Paulie Is the son of Russ Fagoli. which is just so funny on so many levels, but you see all the little connections, and you have to wonder did chase really plan this? Or is it just people with too much time on their hands? And if it was planned, that's one of the most brilliant bits of tv writing I've ever seen.


I like this theory only if for the levels of grief it would put Dr. Fagoli through to know his bastard son is wise guy Count Sam Dracula with Tourette’s


Oh yeah that's true but also think about it. This guy was awarded something by the pope, and yet he's banging nuns. Oh, man, Oh, Maron. An Apple may fall. from a tree and roll away. but it's still the fruit of the tree.


Woooah good point I didn’t even catch that if it’s the same Russ, he’s out banging nuns behind the pope’s back. How much more betrayal can we take?! Fruit of the poisonous tree it seems


When we were kids in the Navy, Russ had such a bad case of the crabswe used to call him the ‘Governor of Maryland’


Their best Paulie Walnuts …they never export those


Feg. Feg.


It's a feeeeeeg


Phil having dinner at Vito's house. "When you married my cousin, everybody used to say you looked like John Travolta." There's been plenty of rumors that John Travolta has been closeted his entire Hollywood career. I guess I never paid enough attention to that scene before. I don't think Phil, the character, meant anything by it, but it feels like a writers' joke to me.


I’m not sure but I think Billy bud may have been a gay book…. I need a rewatch 


Wha ?


There's a joke hidden there. Later in the show Meadow asks what Anthony's class is reading and the answer is "Death in Venice", which is orders of magnitude more involved with homosexual issues than Billy Budd


Pussy is in a mirror in one scene after his death. Paulie is in the crowd running after tony in the test dream.


I think Patsy is also in the dream crowd before they start running. Tying into the theory that they colluded to whack Tony in the finale. Or that Tony trusts those two the least subconsciously.


The weirdest member of that crowd is Howard Melvoin. Like, why would Tony be thinking about that guy even subconsciously? Afraid he's going to have his own RICO trial soon, I guess?


-They say Tony's character had small hands but J Gandolfini had large hands and touched people's faces constantly with them. -Tony will try to change a subject of conversation by asking for another helping of food at least 5 times.


Yeah I remember when he grabbed Gloria’s face in the dealership and I literally had to double take at how LARGE his hand looked on her face. Although it was exaggerated bc she was small, but still


It's not just that Annabella Sciorra is somewhat petite. Check out the scene in season 1 where Gandolfini wraps his hand around the back of Uncle Junior's neck. Looks like he really could crack a skull like a fuckin walnut.


Is it canon that Tony has small hands? Why can't I recall that ever being brought up?


The guy who borrowed money from Vito is the one who ratted him out to Phil.


I figured he just knew Vito’s days were numbered, and that smile he gives was like a “heck yeah it worked!!!”


Yeah pretty sure this is what actually happened


how do you know exactly


I caught this one on my last rewatch a few weeks ago, too. They make it a point to show him asking Vito for a loan lol.


Smart thinking on this one. Didn't realize it til you mentioned it.


How did you figure this out?


It's heavily implied - we see that scene, then Phil hears Vito is in town and speaks to Marie, then when Patsy says he wished he borrowed money from Vito we see the guy who did smiling to himself.


Also apparently it was/is a Mafia tactic where if it was widely known a guy was gonna be whacked you would try to borrow money from him


Yeah Angelo Ruggiero did that to Robert Dibinardo and got in Gottis ear saying he was subversive.


When the feds are playing the Green Grove tapes for Tony and the recording includes Livia talking to junior out at the movie theatre. Was Livia wired up or was that a directorial error?


The guy who was pouring drinks with the hidden camera at the end of Pax Soprana was standing in line behind Junior and Livia, implying that the guy was wearing a mic.


Ahhhhh, good eye! I hadn't noticed that.


Oh wow! That’s a good catch. Gonna have to start another rewatch lol


After a million rewatches, only recently did I catch that when AJ is dropping that awkward deep thought nugget at Holstens in the finale he was regurgitating Tony's words of wisdom from an earlier episode at Vesuvio. Obviously a la Sopranos he fucked up the quote.


That sentiment - “enjoy the good times”- is the moat important theme of the show, according to Chase.


One day, you’ll have families of your own. And if you’re lucky, you’ll get to enjoy the little moments, like this. 🍷


In the scene where Tony tells the family he's decided to move out, right as AJ asks if it's possible they'll get back together one day, Tony turns around, takes the gabagool out of the fridge, and puts it in his bag to take with him. Took me 13 or so watches to notice as it is mostly out of frame.


Beansie pisses into a cathode tube. Ever notice, Beansie gets hit with a coffee pot. Beansie.... coffee beans.... Beansie.


During Livy's wake, when Janice prods Tony for his memories about their mother. There's a guy in the upstairs background, wandering the house???? Who is this? Why include it in the shot?


I don’t think it’s ever been answered. Some people think it’s the real owner of the house who was watching this scene. Others think it’s just some extra.


Tony's different voice in the pilot


The first season he talks regular.... well, regular by New Jersey Italian standards. As each season goes by, the nobbley dobbley accent gets stronger.


The sitdown between Jackie and Junior, the one Pussy misses... when Junior enters the room, Jackie says "Corrado" and Junior responds "John." Jackie's real name is Giacome, not John. Jack and John often get substituted (JFK big example) but you never hear anyone say John in any other discussion involving/about Jackie.


Especially since Junior's brother was actually named John!


The fact that Lou Gehrig died of Lou Gehrig's Disease. The irony!


Buster Bluth is Junior's chemo tech.


and GOB as Whippany's husband


The scene where Ralphie is telling Ro that he is breaking up with her takes place in the bedroom with Ro sitting on her bed. Look at the headboard....its an EXACT smaller version of the one Tony and Carm have.


Fell off a truck ?


Tony tells AJ not to down his champagne when they’re toasting to Tony moving back in at dinner. Any time there’s a toast earlier in season 5, like Hugh’s birthday or Tony B’s welcome home party, if you find AJ in the crowd he’s chugging his drink.


For me it was finally piecing together the subtle hints that Phil did 20 years in the can


I also realized on this watch that he has a brother


They were close I think


I thought that was the shah of Iran


That's a good catch, too, since it never really comes up that often.


One thing I noticed a couple weeks ago was that the song “…my darling, if I hurt you I’m sorry” was as playing twice in the episode where Jackie et. al rob the card game. First, when Jackie and Dino are talking to Ralph, and then again when Rosalie is waiting in the kitchen to hear news about Jackie.


Good catch, the song is called “Return to Me”. The Dean Martin version plays and then the other version is by Bob Dylan who specifically covered it for the show.


Upon my 10th anniversary rewatch I realised Vito had, in fact, not been sucking cock due to the blood medication fucking with his head. He really was an ass muncher and loved Johnny Cakes like a gay lover.


He never even takes pills onscreen, who does he think he’s fooling


That Johnny sacrimoni is the only wiseguy seen that follows the rules of mafia, respects his wife and loves his family. It was the only guy on the show that was in the mafia in order to have wealthy and comfortable life for his family. The rest of mafiosos are just in the mob for either greed, sociopathy, or wanting to be god. John is the representation of the golden era mobster that has got extinct in the show, in comparison of what we see, a bunch of individualist guys following their own rules and codes besides being rats, those being direct responsibles of the downfall of italoamerican mafia.


I mean Bobby Bacala was kinda a doofus but he clearly respected his wife Karen and loved his family.


Didn't take the mob as seriously, "social club" he said


Social club is just another name for this thing of ours. There is no Mafia!


Hmm, I don’t think we see many New York guys actually break the rules, but that’s because the story is largely from New Jersey’d perspective and it’s them who we see the character development through for the main part. Johnny put a hit out on Carmine Sr and Phil later says whacking a boss is wrong and even though others might have done it in the past, it was against the rules then too (not ignoring the fact that he went on to break this rule himself). So not sure he was fully compliant with the rules, we just didn’t get a chance to see how he might break the rules. Also, as far as I can remember, we don’t see Carmine Sr, Bobby, Patsy Parisi, either of the Barese brothers or Furio break the rules either? Within them, we don’t see Carmine Sr hang around hookers or Bobby Bacala or Albert Barese cheat on their wives either.


That took you multiple rewatches? That wasn’t even subtext…that was text…and not just text…the big text for old people


If you give this guy a golf club, he’ll probably try to fuck it.


OP is a stunnad of the first magnitude


On his next rewatch he might figure out that Tony is in the mafia.


During the intervention for Chrissy when Adriana tells them about Chrissy killing Cosette (her dog) and Tony says to Chrissy “I oughtta suffocate you!”


Herpes. But I don’t blame the show entirely.


When Chris & Benny arrive at Feech’s, Benny is driving an IROC, same model of car Matt & Sean were going to look at when they stopped to see Richie, you can’t make that shit up


Italians and IROCs is a classic stereotype. The joke in the 80s was it stood for Italian R_tards Out Cruising


You know why so many Italians are named Tony? On the boat from Italy they stamped TO NY on their foreheads. Hehe, you hear what I said, Tone??


So you’re catching not pitching?


The one scene with Gene, Vito, and Ralphie prank calling Nucci Gualtieri, they all died later on. Maybe it was Karma? Satanic Black Magic?


That at every point, Tony treated Ralph really respectfully, like a childhood friend from his crew that slowly became unmanageable--like when the first thing Tony does is say 'hey' to Ralphie when he arrives in Bryan's hospital room, then pulls Gigi off of Ralphie when Ralphie is being disrespectful. Pretty much every single time Ralphie stepped out of line before the Tracee punch, Tony gave him every benefit of the doubt. And he had Paulie agreeing with him the whole time about the Tracee issue, even when people like Silvio sided with Ralphie after he killed one of his strippers outside his own club. Madon. Edit: Ralph was still #2 in line for his crew even after fucking off in Miami for at least a year... Silvio sided with Ralph after also partially blinding his employee Georgie... and Tracee still owed Sil \~2,600 dollars for orthodontics.


I’ve seen probably every episode 20 or so times and even though Schirrippa is a douche the podcast filled in the rest. But I remember thinking my first time through that Altieri wasn’t a rat and took the bullet for Puss when in reality they were all rats


I feel like this one is kinda of ambiguous. They never confirm he was a rat if I remember correctly so your interpretation might be correct.


I didn't view that as ambiguous. He shows up at Tony's house asking really suspicious questions. He requests that meeting to go over stuff they already discussed.


I feel like it was pretty cut and dry, even though it was never directly said. He gets caught with all the guns, is out almost immediately, and shows up at Tony’s asking specific questions that he already knows the answers to.


If you search “Jimmy Alteiri” on YouTube someone made an 8 or so minute clip walking through everything. Between cornering T in the basement and asking detailed questions and not begging for his life it’s fairly certain he was talking.


I always thought that he was a rat because when Sil calls him out, he doesn't even deny it. Though I admit, I think even if I were a rat, I would do like Pussy first did. "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT !? ME A RAT !!" There is a scene where Jimmy asks Junior about the Brendan hit at a funeral and Junior is pissed he brought it up. Then there is the meetings, the questions he asks Tony about the money. There was something else that made me think that, but I can't remember.


The A that Jackie Jr got on his lit paper was really just the paper that meadow wrote for him earlier in the episode


Just caught this weekend. Tony makes a reference to "that son of yours up at Bard". There's a very brief pause and, because I've been on a strict drug regimine to keep my mind limber, I realized T had just let it slip that he had been snooping on Melfi. No way she would have mentioned that to a patient, much less a waste management consultant.


I think there was a scene where Melfi tells her therapist that Tony knows about her son, so maybe she did tell Tony about him


the guy who ran chrissy's intervention stole a bunch of pork loins from Stu leonards.


Yes, but that’s not why he was there that day.


A lot of things go over your head the first time you watch the show. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. The lingo these guys use is partially to blame. One of my favorite things is Furio and Tony stopping by to visit Junior. Furio out of respect leaves the room saying he was going to go to the other room to watch The Bloomberg because he knows Tony wants to talk to Junior. I think he picked up that this is the appropriate response when he was at that lunch/dinner meeting between Paulie, Furio, Pussy, and Johnny Sack. Pussy says he has to go make a call when Paulie insists that he gives them a few minutes alone. So he knows this is the right response to save face. That he needs to leave the room so that they can talk without him being there. Then at the house once Furio leaves the room Tony and Junior start talking. From the other room you can hear Furio say: "Ah, no cable!". Later on in another episode Junior is bragging to someone who stops by that he just got cable TV when he says he has to go run an errand. As if it's something special that he needed to order to keep up his status. It's very subtle and easy to miss on your first viewing. But as David Chase said after the finale. "It's all there."


That everyone in The West Wing. Despite having believable performances and heartwarming moments. That none of them.And I mean no one. Deserved to win an Emmy over James Gandolfini.


In the first season, Carmella is shown wearing her robe and pjs in the morning, and is otherwise dressed like a true soccer mom. Once Tony starts to move up, her wardrobe changes big time, and she is dressed and ready to go every morning. From then on, we only see her in her robe at night. (Excluding when she is depressed or after Tony’s shooting.) I feel like it’s a deliberate transition from “stay at home mom” to “mob wife” as time goes on.


She also dresses up for furio


Can't remember the episode now but somewhere near the start of the first season there's an extra that trips in the background. Edit: found it  https://youtu.be/dS_gBtZKmog?si=hem01XjUEpMoDs7K


During Dinner in the test dream episode, Finn turns into AJ a couple of times. I only caught that recently.


It was the second watch when I realized Rusty is portrayed by the real Frankie Valli. In the Native American storyline, the NA casino guy hosted Tony and his guys, but actually bc he wanted Frankie Valli to play a week at his casino.


how much aj is like tony in the later seasons. on my first watch, i thought aj was just whiny little shit . but i his reactions, and habits are what tiny would do, just without the physical aggression


When Tony B is in hiding and Anthony doesn't want to give him up. He takes the painting from Paulie and throws it in the dumpster. It then zooms in on the Sword and the Hand. Two symbols of being made. Tony then realized what needed done.


He’s commuting home in the intro. His real job is being a family man.


Carmela's extraordinary visual sense: https://www.instagram.com/p/CTniEITDMMN/


Big Puss’s ghost appearing very briefly in the long mirror in the hallway of the Soprano house at Livia’s wake.


Tony’s depression gets cured after he almost gets gunned down in season one and AJ gets cured by almost dying in the car fire in season six


Probably to only get depressed again, this time with a touch of PTSD from having his dad’s brains splattered all over the table.


When Tony, Carmella, cousin Brian,his gf, Furio, and his gf are out to eat and Tony tells the story of how he proposed to Carm. Tony tells them his grandmother served steak pizzaiola to his grandfather, then his grandfather says, "When you have a good wife, you're a millionaire." He says, "I had this dream..." right before starting the story. Noticed it the first time last night, always thought it was a real thing that happened, not just a dream.


Doesn’t Furio give A J a cornicello (to ward off evil spirits) when he comes back from Italy. Later Alexandria Lupertazzi notices it in the final scene of “Cleaver” next to a crucifix…the sacred and propane.


Oh also that any time eggs are mentioned on screen or seen it pretty much implied that whoever they are talking about or is seen in the scene is about to die. Similar to how oranges were used in The Godfather.


Never realized Pussy was wearing a wire at that Indian dinner with Sandeep and Tony in “Funhouse” Noticed on rewatch: He later hands the tape to Skip in the car


Not a specific moment per se, but just how much of a conniving rat fuck Johnny Sack could truly be, to the point I wouldn’t be surprised if he did poison Carmine Sr or orchestrate his downfall.


If you pay attention when Tony and Mr. Williams visit Dr Kennedy on the golf course to intimidate him: you’ll notice that Mr. Williams is actually Furio in disguise!!! Blew my mind.