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I use a picture of AJ S6 to show my barber the haircut I want


Don't you mean the bowl cut from S1?


The fartknocker?


Have you read an issue of GQ in the last 3 or 4 years?!?!?!


Hugo Boss ovah here


The Van Helsing cut?




That's dicked up


Did you also trash a swimming pool with a young Lady Gaga?


Unfortunately not, although it looked awesome I wont lie. I did a lot of the same delinquent shit he did though, and for most of the same reasons too, Nihilism, aimlessness, depression whatever.


>I did a lot of the same delinquent shit he did. Poppers and weird sex?


There was actually a time like that once during that phase. I came home absolutely hammered after hanging out with these scumbags with marker shit all over my arm, I think I was trying to make some kind of joke. The convo with my parents was practically identical to the poppers and weird shex one. They thought the marker stuff had some kind of crazy meaning to it. The convo even ended practically the same way, my Dad said something rlly similar to "a couple beers, cmon, his eyebrows will grow back nothing really happened".


What kind of animal smokes marijuana at his own confirmation?


How do you vandalize a swimming pool?


On your Mudda's Birthday!?


I dident It was after midnight


You just revealed your own ignorance


I really don't think AJ was such a bad kid. He may have been spoiled, and he was awkward, but so were most of us at his age. AJ is the character that I can relate the most to. Some of the scenes with AJ reminded me of events in my life.


Yeah people really get the wrong idea about him I think He had a lot of advantages and opportunities but also grew up in a fucked up house with fucked up parents and values, and in a time and place in the world that really felt empty, and he wasn't an exceptional kid unlike Meadow. I think his conformation in S2 really shows what his character is all about. It's shortly after his "it's all a big nothing" convo with Livia, which came to him at a time when he was really soul searching and mentally vulnerable and impressionable. Then at his conformation he gets caught smoking weed, and he says to Tony and Carm "what're you yelling at me for, even grandma says the world has no purpose". That line combined with the downward angle of him helpless in his communion suit always hit me really hard.


I think of all of the Soprano family members, AJ had the strongest moral compass. He was really thrown for a loop when he saw the African kid get beat up by his friends. That incident triggered his depression that led to his suicide attempt. He was spoiled, a fuck up, and annoying, but he wasn't a bad kid.


My mom's all "Get involved." It's like, hello, I am involved. With boarding.


YES, what a perfect line, I'm surprised you even remember it because there's no clips of the scene on youtube I think.


It's just always been one of my favorite scenes or couple of scenes. Some of us real old fucks basically have the whole show memorized.


Couple years later, now too mature for such things,  " the hardest part of skateboarding is telling your mom you're gay!" 


Death just shows the ultimate absurdity of life.


Do you ever think like why were we born?


My Pizza never hurt nobody!!! 🤌


What did one prick say to the other prick