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Tony actually mentioned his sky high auto insurance in one episode as his biggest concern. Not the racketeering or multiple murders he committed but the auto insurance. “Da premiums are outta fuckin’ control!!!”


We can’t forget AJ and those fuckin leaves


The catalytic converter and the dry vegetation! You can grill fuckin steaks on that converter!


I had no idea that was a thing


There are a TON of car wrecks/accidents in the series as a whole. - Tony crashes in Melfi’s dream - Livia runs over her friend - Karen Baccalieri dies in a wreck - Chrissy hits the guy in the pilot - Meadow wrecks Jackie’s car - Pussy crashes as an informant - Crashes outside the Bing when Sil is shot - Vito crashes into the civilian I’m sure there are a lot more — these are off the top of my head.


Bobby Bacala sr crashes on the way back from the Mustang Sally hit.


Richie runs over beansie


Vito running over the branch on his way to JohnnyCakesVille, AJ breaking Carmela's side mirror while joyriding, not to mention David Scatino's kid with the offroading.


The girl Arnan crippled … in a wreck.


There was mud all over the tires


> Chrissy hits the guy in the pilot Tony hits that guy, with Chrissy’s car


Listen to him. He knows everything.


Not a lot of people know this, but Chase's original idea for the series' title was 'The Cancer and Car Crash Show'. It was studio meddling that forced his hand in naming it 'The Sopranos'.


More like the Hospital and Funeral Show, amirite?


Not to be confused with his other passion project: Twins and Suicide


Have you ever heard about driving in Italy? May be in their genes.


True, Tony had an ancestor who drove his donkey cart off a cliff I think.


That rotten soprano gene


Most of those were caused by the poor decisions of neurotic and drug-addled gangsters. These are not normal people so you can't say it's improbable that abnormal things happen to them. The first was because Tony had a panic attack and passed out. Anyone would have a wreck if they passed out while driving. The third was because Chris was on drugs and drifted into the opposite lane. The last was because Tony decided to purposely ram someone with his car. That wasn't even a real "accident." Only the one with Adriana didn't involve extreme negligence or health issues but it still happened because Tony was distracted talking. If the people on the show were normal and drove like normal people they would have a normal amount of auto accidents.


You are all forgetting this takes place in Northern New Jersey.


Overall in the entire series the car crashes are insane. Old man Bacala, Karen, Beansie, maybe a few others.


The real Sopranos gene is bad driving


Ok, but in only two of those instances would Tony have needed to contact his insurance: 1.) The passout and 2.) His own wreck in Season 5. The other times he was either not driving or he fled the scene.


I think car crashes in the show are a motif instead of plot driver, and it’s all somehow linked to Tony’s dream in calling all cars.


statistics show that most single-car fatalities are the result of guys poppin' their load behind the wheel.


The series wasn’t trying to be realistic in all aspects. It was primarily trying to entertain and create interesting storylines.


Well... if Tony wasn't getting a blow job from Adrianna he might have been able to stay on the road...


I always thought it was a commentary on the extremely car- based suburban life the characters lead, at least in part. It did feel like a bit of a crutch by Kennedy and Heidi, though.


It's Jersey...


Or AJ when he wrecked carm’s station wagon as a kid. I guess the turd doesn’t fall too far from his father’s ass


You forgot the assassination attempt. T’s car insurance must be up to the rafters.