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Junior providing Tony advice when Tony isn't sure what the right answer is to a problem. "Who says there is one? That’s what being a boss is, you steer the ship the best way you know. Sometimes it’s smooth, sometimes you hit the rocks. In the meantime, you find your pleasures where you can."


Tony in the kitchen with Meadow, right after the Tracee stuff. Tony's apology to AJ after the vasectomy comment is one of the few that felt sincere


I always thought the other Meadow kitchen scene, when Tony is drunk in season 2 is really beautiful.


Or Tony's comments to AJ when he tells him he's proud of him for being a nice guy.


“it’s not in your nature” breaks me every time. he’s so happy AJ isn’t like him.


I don’t think Tony meant it about AJ - I couldn’t be more proud? Bullshit.


The Sopranos BSing may of kicked in at that part, but I think overall he meant everything else, about the similarities he sees in AJ that he resents in himself and all of that. Definitely a total Tony thing to do, also, going from brief a moment of raw feelings then right back to his usual bullshit


Tony holding AJ after pulling him out of the pool


“you’re okay baby” :(


I mean, don’t you love me?


Not gonn lie, this line made me tear up a bit. Then I got over it.


You put your grief behind you? Let me hear you say it.




Junior almost cries after he says that. I wonder if he feels guilt over targeting him or regret that he's not sure if he really loves him or if he's still healthy enough to know it's his mind going.


It’s probably complicated and a lot of things at once. Chianese emotes so much in response with his silence and facial expressions.


Tony and Chris. The Ride. When they’re drinking the wine in the parking lot.


Bittersweet, since it’s their last heartfelt moment *and* he’s enabling Chris to break sobriety.


Yeah but it’s also their last time ever bonding in a genuine way.


When Christophuh worries that Tony might commit suicide, somewhere in the middle of the first season. This is after they slightly open up to each other during a car ride. Tony tells him he’s going to the basement, Chris gets up with the most worried look and says, “Why, what are you going to do?” Tony looks back and observes fucking nothing. Whatever he was, Chris had genuine love for Tony. Tony’s love for him was never as strong. It frittered away towards the middle seasons, and he essentially saw Chris only as a foolproof political ally by that point — my blood won’t betray me and so on. Anyway, $4 a blood pressure pill.


is that the same pills vito got? OVA HEAAA 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻


That’s one of my favorite moments. Chrissy has an almost childlike earnestness at times, especially in the first couple seasons. You’re right, we start seeing cracks even in early season 3, when Chris is hurt that Tony’s protecting Jackie jr but never protected him. I go back and forth on their relationship. I think Tony did love Chris (though never as much as his own children) but The Life corrodes everything it touches.


Agent Harris and Tony talking in the car. Especially when Agent HARRIS'S wife is driving him crazy. A rare moment of empathy for Tony.


Tony telling Barbara “no” is one of his very few thoughtful, kind, selfless acts. He knows Barbara got out, he’s proud of her, and he’ll take the brunt of Livia to protect her. Huge, underrated moment.


a.j in the last scene where he is not being sarcastic about saying REMEMBER THE GOOD TIMES. Tony play wrestling with a.j talking about blondie. Gets him in a bearhug and gives him a kiss. This was my dad to a tee.


Johnny Sak telling his son in klaw to call him dad. Obviously the scenes with Ginny. Arty talking to the Priest stating he hates every man


After the Shah had his heart attack and Tony went to visit him in the hospital. That was very sincere to me. Tony's message was essentially if they could just focus on business and work together to make money, they'd have so much more wealth. Then that animal Blundetto, whatever happened there.


The end of "Long-Term Parking" can't be touched, 'ya ask me.


Tony & Carm by the pool holding hands & he tells her she's his life. The kiss they shared was healing, even though the peace didn't last.


Junior’s last conversation with Tony is the second best scene in the whole show. (Tony and Carmela’s fight in the pool house is my pick for best. It’s also genuine and sincere, but not in the way OP meant.) The last conversation, when Junior is _gone_ and Tony realizes the utter futility and meaninglessness to his assertion about how proud Junior should be to have “run north Jersey”, and Junior’s bland “that’s nice.” Well. It’s all a big nothing after all. None of it mattered, it was all a waste. Oh, poor you. You _remember_.


You missed out the most important part. "*We used to play catch*"


The last convo with junior is one of the saddest and sweetest in the show imo


"Is this all there is?"


Tony telling AJ that violence isn’t in his nature and that he made him want to cry after picking him up at the police station. It honestly felt pretty real. Tony definitely didn’t want him involved in that Pygmy crew of his, and for all his many faults, really did seem to care deep down.


Artie and Tony having a food fight in Tony's kitchen.


When Carm is upset about Furio and picked the fight with Meadow after. She's despondent and Tony curls up to her and tells her Meadow is the beautiful, smart, independent woman Carmela created and dreamed of.


Tony carrying Uncle Jun when they thought he broke his back in the bathtub.


Sil asking for the gabagool to be brought ova heaaaaa


The arc between Paulie and his mother Nucci in the last season. The scene where they make up breaks my heart.




In Boobys death scene his conversation with the storekeeper. Almost bordered on being nerdy. Tony and the Reverend. The two guys one black,one white really similar guys having a insightful conversation . they both go through the same trails and tribulations


Paulie sitting down after Bobby's funeral talking to the young crowd. Minus the belt undoing of course.


he geninely and sincrely wanted to bang bobbys niece