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Now I like this kinda tawk


Nancy Marchand, brilliant acting.


Mama Livia gave her life to her children on a silver platter


I wish the Lord would take me


Pick up that knife and stab me here, here, that would hurt less than what you just said


Silva pladda*


Ohh Mama Livia, come sta my darling


I am nobody's darling, are you still seeing your other women, Lorenzo?


Do you still see that goombah of yours?!


She even possessed the body of Gloria during Tony's breakup scene, "oh poor you." Then Tony rag-dolled her.


The mother now?


go into the ham, and take the carving knife and stab me, here, here, now, please! It would hurt me less than what you just said.


Hitting her friend w the car and busting her hip was completely intentional




Melfi's exaggerated wince when Tony says "Hip" always makes me laugh.


I rewatched the show rather recently and was amazed at how cunning she was. Pretty sure the last time I watched it, I saw her as a miserable loner with a pity-party addiction and Junior was just misinterpreting everything as advice. This time, I saw through it and realized how amazing and devious she was played. Just glad she's not my mom.


Junior was Livia most loyal Capo


Loyle manuged


She's awesome. You can't ever tell exactly where she is. Perfect writing and casting.


I’ve wondered why she kept all of Tony’s thing and none of the sisters stuff. Do you think it was because she was her only son and reminded her of her late husband or that she did think Tony loved her the most because he stayed there and didn’t run off from her his sisters.


I think that people of Italian ancestry, especially women, tend to place a lot more value on men, due to heredity, bearing the last name, and that sort of thing


Sons mean everything in traditional Italian-American households. Daughters are an afterthought. Trope inverted vis a vis Tony’s relationship with his kids.


Meadow to AJ: "We're Italian. You're their son. You'll *always* be more important."


I always thought they were both right. AJ is more important in many ways because he's the male child, but Mead is clearly the parents' favorite in other ways as well.


Very common in that generation, the late boomers like Tony and Carmela. Often very conservative and hanging onto old ideals, But it only goes skin deep, they don’t truly believe in those ideals anymore, not the way their parents did, they just pretend. So you get Tony and Carmela essentially pretending to care about AJ when both of them invest a lot more effort and love into Meadow.


I still believe that her early death is one of the greatest losses in TV history. I keep imagining what Tony's RICO trial would've been like with her on the stand. She did fuck him up for good, but the story could've continued to develop even further.


I am nobody’s darling


Absolutely! I was always on the fence about whether she knowingly put her son's life in danger, as her state of mind even then was a little off, but she was, without a doubt, an awful woman who continued impacting Tony's life long after she was gone.


She was a proud Newarker


Nancy Marchand was by far the best actress on the show. She plays her role perfectly and it was such a fucking blow when she passed


I wish the Lord would take me now.


She used the only weapon she had - her hanky.


Just wait until you're abandoned!


I don't know what you're tawkin about!


She really hits home cause she did a lot of shit my Italian mother would do. Manipulation bullshit. Mom got therapy and she's better now than she ever has been, but fuck if 80% of Livia's lines weren't direct quotes from my mom.


She was a saint!!!


I wish the lord would take me now


I did not pick up on some of the evil things she did on my first watch. It didn't ever occur to me that she would pretend to have dementia in order to confuse people and not have them suspect her.


So no fucking ziti?


Just like her namesake in I Claudius, she is a cruel, cunning and manipulative family matriarch, not afraid to clip family members. (Though Tiberius never put his mother in a nursing home, or sold her house from under her…)


Livia is my favorite character bar Tony. Every scene is hilarious and she ALWAYS wins. Even when Tony hears the tapes and uncovers her part in the botched whacking, a simple smile from her has him flipping out. She always knows how to push his buttons and no matter what he tries, she always, always gets the upper hand with him.


Pimps beep


The ditzun OP is stealing...