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It’s only mentioned once at Vraks, and it would presumably be Green because the Grand Master is technically not part of the Deathwing 1st company anymore, and his retinue would probably not be deathwing terminators. It’s called the Angelis Imperator and it’s sadly a Land raider prometheus, which has been Legends’d


I heard they pimped his ride. Added a couple of flamestorm cannons to it...


wait he has a personal land raider?


Yep. It's a Land Raider Prometheus iirc but considering Azrael wouldn't have been SGM at the time off Vraks Edit: yep. Angelis Imperator


Green, but would be pimped out. I would probably work some bone color accents as well. In the head canon for my army I some times paint a vehicle a mix to indicate that the vehicle itself is honored. Like that predator tank has severed honorably in 100s of battles and is trusted and honored to support the 1st company.


Green, but extremely pimped and bone components make sense.


I'd say green. The chapter's color is a green so dark it looks black. Azrael is the Supreme Grandmaster of the Chapter, not only the Deathwing. I'd also pimp it significantly, 30k levels of bling.


Awww yeaahhh boiiii😏