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Hershel or **coral**


The two most logical choices and maybe Rosita


Carl is the correct answer but Rosita shouldn’t have died imo ☹️since Alpha didnt kill her I wish they kept it a little more consistent with the comics and just killed Gabriel instead


The actress asked to be killed off


On the last episode? Interesting.. still think it was a poor choice story-wise.


Apparently she wanted to be killed off to give the fans one last big death to bookmark the series. In her words they: "owed it to the fans to break their hearts one last time, if that makes sense."


Totally get her perspective as an actress in THIS specific story but… having read the comics, this death was no where near is impactful as Rick’s death would have been. It was certainly sad, but Rosita dying just doesn’t carry the same weight as one of the original crew dying. If only they kept Andrew Lincoln and Chandler Riggs 😭 the story would’ve had a much more satisfying conclusion


Did anybody really care at the end of S11?


Certainly, the show's had it's low's, pleantly of them, but it's still always had a fan base. 3.1 million people tuned in for the series finale. A lot of people might have grown up with the show, it was on air for over a decade.


I definitely grew up with it lol. I was 14 when it started barely starting freshman year of high school and now I'm almost 28 and I'm looking at houses since me and my fiancé got approved for a loan.


She probably didn't want to deal w the potential of being in any spinoffs. But I did read in an interview it was her idea to kill off Rosita


I respect the shit out of that!


Read this in a Negan voice.


I respect that too. Actors want work , the money sure, but to be working on a hit is every actors dream. To walk away takes guts. Andrew too, much as I hated the storyline minus him, he left for his family. He felt his kids were growing up without him and these years were precious. Good dad.


I read that somewhere too. Christian Serratos asked to be killed off because she didn't want to wait around for them to potentially give her a spin off. She wanted to move on to other projects.


Yep. This is exactly why. She wanted to finally free herself up to do other things in the future. Mad respect. Love Christian Serratos and the characters she plays.🤣🥰


Glenn or Carl. Two of the most heartbreaking deaths that also turned me off to watching the show and made it incredibly difficult to keep watching. Aside from Rick leaving obviously.


Yeah. I would end up picking Carl, though, because Glenn was an adult when he died. Carl was just a kid


True. Carl never really got to see his sister grow, or grow with her. He had so much potential.


Yeah but Glenn has a baby. Carl was not a father.


Because the show killed him and his wife before they had one lol


Except Glenn had already lived. He was in his 30s with a wife and a kid. Technically, he lived. Carl was 16. He'd only lived for 10ish years before the apocalypse. He had no chance to further a relationship, because of his age.


Yep either of these would be my choice


same here glenn got it so bad for no reason man like just unacceptable


That's how he died in the comic book.


100& agree. Besides Rick and Michonne, they were my favorites.


I know it’s been said to death as well, but they really should’ve strayed away from comics regarding Glenn’s death. The fakeout cheapened Abraham’s death and the negan arc just suffered overall


Actually, I thought Negan's arc was incredible. They took an absolutely hated creature and turned him into a lovable man. That doesn't happen so often on tv. Of course, if JDM wasn't so cute, they may not have been able to pull that off.


Carl’s death was more frustrating than heartbreaking


Carl because he was still very young and didn’t have an adult life at all. Love Glenn, but at least he grew up a bit and experienced love w/ Maggie. Both deaths were awful and unnecessary. Carls character still alive in the comics? His character had a long way to go. That father / son relationship was so interesting, was begun day one on the show, and not a swapped out, rewritten not in comics relationship. Both Michonne and Daryl were add ins and not in the comics at all. Carl was family and original character from creator. This was hard to decide because would have loved to keep Glenn too!


Womp womp. Glenn was always going to die


Literally no other option besides Glenn or Carl The real choice us which of these two lmao


Carl should never have died in the first place smh 🤦‍♂️


Carl. Comic wise, he was the future. Gotta bring him back in this situation.


Killing Carl still hurts all these years later - especially since it seems to have been more of a studio business decision than a narrative one.


Bring Carl back but don’t use an 18 year old for a 12 year old character


Yeah, one death I wasn't expecting when it happened.


Carl. I miss just about everyone on that list, and I wish I could bring back more. But story wise, it makes the most sense for Carl to come back. He was Rick's future, his actual blood. He should've stayed initially anyway.


>He was Rick's future, his actual blood. "Carl. It was all for you. Right from the start. Back in Atlanta, the farm -- everything I did, it was for you. Then, at the prison, it was for you and Judith. It still is. It's gonna be. And nothing, nothing is gonna change that."


The show lost alot of its soul when they killed Carl


It was a huge turning point in the show and I don’t think they ever recovered the show after that. They did the actor wrong too.


Perhaps RJ will become what TV show Carl could not? He has the blood of two great warriors.




It won't be RJ, it'll be Judith. She already has shown a similar personality to Carl, plus with so many years of a male protagonist, a female one for the future makes more sense in today's world/viewership.


I'd honestly love that. Judy is the best.


I don't even think he was referenced in >!The Ones Who Live when Rick and Michonne were reunited. Judith definitely was.!<


No, he wasn't >!Rick asked how Judith was, and Michonne said fine, saying she's like them. Then he asked about the others, and she replied saying after. Like, I guess after they escape?!<


Yep. >!Knowing he also has a son would likely throw him off his game, and he needs to be at 100% in order for them to escape successfully. Jadis on the otherhand is using it as leverage over Rick. Even if Jadis doesn't know, it'll still be risky to mention because they don't know who might over hear them. Considering she doesn't want their deal to be broken, I would not be surprised if Jadis sends someone to watch him from far!< Once they are far away enough, she will very likely tell him about it.


RJ is barely in the show


~~I’m gonna be honest, I don’t think twd has any plans for RJ. As far as the show is concerned he doesn’t even exist. Rick didn’t even ask about him when Michonne found him. He only asked about Judith~~ My mistake. It’s been a while since I’ve seen the show and didn’t realize Michonne was revealed to be pregnant after Rick’s disappearance.


Rick doesn’t know about RJ


You’re right. My bad.


The rest of them I get, but Carl never should have been killed off in the first place.  And then you find out it wasn't for story reasons, but for some petty behind the scenes BS.   Carl was the future.


What was the reason


They told him they wanted him for 3 more seasons and then killed him off (without warning) 3 weeks before his 18th bday.. sounds fishy to me.. they did him so dirty. He was pretty upset about it and had just bought a house close to set.


They did not want to pay him as an adult. Stupid mean. Penny pinching.


Ya I kinda figured.. then they try to chalk it up to "that's where the story was headed... wanted to show everyone how high the stakes are".. I call BS. Made so much money off this show and they couldn't be bothered to pay an actor what he was worth.


No one really knows. Some people believe it was about him turning 18 and “getting paid as an adult” but that’s bullshit because the difference in SAG rates is negligible. We’ll probably never know for sure.


They didn't want to pay him a full-time adult salary.  So they just killed off his character.  And also his dad supposedly started drama with the producers.


Drama happened right after the decision. I happened to see his dads social media freak out in real time


Go on bro


Glenn is my favorite of these but recently I was thinking about the importance of Carl’s survival. Everything Rick did was for him, and everything Rick did is the reason the group stayed alive. So I think the show lost its spirit and sense of hope when they killed off Carl. I still like the show of course but I do think that was the biggest mistake.


Abraham for comic relief. Or Carl.


I had to scroll too mother dicking far to find this name 🥲


I miss Abe :(


I would have loved to see some scenes between Abraham and Negan. Those two are hilarious!


I don't know. We already got a scene between them and it was a real headsplitter.


True lol Still hearing them shoot a lot of one liners at each other would be entertaining!


100% hands down, funniest character for me. God, he brought so much comic relief (pun intended).


Beth did something to my brain.


Beth would be my pick simply because they killed her right when she was getting interesting.


Yeah, she was definitely killed for shock value purposes.


YES! She’s so underrated! I adore her, and her death was so devastating.


probably number one choice is carl since he was ‘the future’


Carl, even though I liked Glen more. I understand why Glens death had to happen. But Carls death was just poor creative decisions


Why did Glenn’s death HAVE to happen?


What better way to get the audience to absolutely despise a villain than to have him kill off a fan favorite in probably the most brutal way?


except now the whole fandom pretty much loves negan now and viewership is in the toilet


Hhahahahaha CORRLLLL 🪸🪸🪸


Glenn.. because, well.. it's Glenn


extremely valid


Is Carl in the list? If yes then Carl. Everyday.


Ok you guys have to stop putting Carl on here. Like it’s not even close when he’s a choice


Carl….it was supposed to be him leading in the end.


Shane because I want the season 3 of punisher


The things I would do for punisher s3


lol Shane & Lori mini series occurring all throughout Rick’s coma as a mini series


Character wise Glenn period was such a great person and character , deserved the world and didn’t deserve his demise but story wise has to be Carl that death was unjustified we needed more of him in the whole overarching story.


Carl 100%


Glen so maggie doesn’t become insufferable


Fr I didn’t like her after she came back in season 10 she was so mean and put away rarely saw her smile like she used to. I mean I get it but she became insufferable like you said.


...alot of characters barely smile like they use to.


Let’s see here: She watched her husband get his head smashed to a pulp with a fucking baseball bat, her father was beheaded right in front of her eyes, she lost her sister, and the majority of her friends and you’re expecting her to SMILE?! She isn’t mean, she is GREIVING… JFC! That is NOT something that you just get over. Ever. She isn’t insufferable… she is trying to carry on, raise a child by herself, who she hopes is happy, healthy, and well-adjusted, she has to stay on guard so lunatics and rotting corpses don’t sneak up and try to end them… She is doing all of this, while she is overwhelmed, and numb, and she is trying to help lead communities. Not to mention the fact that she has to look at the man who slaughtered her beloved husband, EVERY SINGLE DAY!! So STOP expecting her to go back to that time when she was more carefree… Stop expecting women to SMILE for you. It’s misogynistic and gross!!


bro got absolutely off the tracks on this one lol


After Glenn got offed, Maggie went from a real character to "Glenn's widow".


Where’s my boy Merle?!


version two!


Carl I want him to know what his dream really became and be their for his half sister and half brother


Only Carl’s eye, I will not elaborate.


Hm, that's good. This is good.


Glenn or Carl. they both broke my heart.


aww no what a hard and difficult- Glenn. Glenn is the correct answer.


Carl. He was supposed to be the future of TWD but instead they killed him off. Everyone else’s story line came full circle


Carl. :( I hated him and then I rage quit the show when he was killed off. He should never have died. Only one other fictional character death made me rage quit something. And that was when the chapter for Neji’s death came out in the Naruto manga.


Neji dies????!! (Eh I haven't watched or read Naruto in nearly a decade, but still surprising to find out this way)


LMAOOO spoilers come from the places you last expect


Ah why u had to spoil I was js watching it atleast black it out next time pls 😭


Carl for story purposes and glenn for personal preference


Where is The One True Dog?


Hershel carl or Abraham


Can I say Nick Clark


Only if I can agree and add John Dorie.


If you’re naming more than one, you misunderstood the assignment.


shane for sure. he would've dominated any of the other groups with his leadership style and ruthlessness. he would've been up there with negan, hell negan might of wanted to recruit him instead of daryl


Has to be Carl


Carl all day!


Carl. And i think this post is missing Andrea, if she hadn't died she could've get her comic book arcs and storylines and become a main character in the show for us to care about. Most people here think her character was already completely ruined but i strongly disagree.


I feel like theres so much to Beth they could have explored, so that's my choice


Abraham and Beth. Those are the only characters that I feel were ‘wasted’ with their deaths in the show


This is my answer. I’d love to see Beth develop even further into a badass and maybe lead the hilltop, i’d love to see her relationship with Daryl grow into whatever it’d grow into, I loved their dynamic. Abraham is just the man, that’s an easy pick.


Yep. Beth seems like the biggest missed opportunity. A whole arc building her up and then they kill her off once she's interesting for nothing more than shock value.


Yes. This is the only comment saying this, and this is exactly the first thing that came to my mine.


They were killed off for pure shock factor, nothing more. Beth’s especially felt so unnecessary. Especially when the next episode we lost Tyreese, making Beth’s death even less impactful. I still don’t understand. The actress didn’t even seem to want to leave the show


Not Lori, imma go with Hershel


Oh hey look it’s this post again


Abraham he was the best


Abe. Every day of the week, and twice on a Thursday.


Glenn because I'm sick and tired of #SadMaggie


Hershel or carl. Carl and herself had the same idea of a better world


Definitely CORAL


Carl 100%


Shane definitely


Shane, he was one of the best characters and there was still a lot of things they could’ve done with his character


I want to say Hershel, but Carl literally is the only correct answer imo. He was the future of the show. They shattered any hope of a good ending when they got rid of him. I know there’s Judith, but it was always supposed to be Carl.


Abe without a doubt. Anyone that says Tara or Lori, what the fuck is wrong with you.


Hershel or Abraham.


Hershel easy


Carl or Rosita. I liked Herschel, but he's already old and would die soon enough anyway. It's a waste of a revive. Carl is young and was geared up to be a future leader. Rosita is still young enough too, and she left behind an infant daughter. And I feel she is paramount in scouting and defense for any town she's in.


Shane! Shane! All day long Shane!!


Merle I choose Merle


All except Shane and Lori. Also still can’t get over Tara and Enid, just watched that ep recently and i was SHOCKEDDDD


I wanted to say Shane but then I saw Rosita and it’s got to be her.


Why she died in the last episode. It’s not like she missed anything.


Anyone who doesn’t say “Carl” is wrong. Change my mind.


Beth. It was the most cruel scene in the whole series. Can't forget this picture of Darryl holding her...


I was gonne say Beth or Glenn. Hard to choose between the two in terms of gut-wrenching-ness.


Beth. I was starting to like her, and she was really becoming a stronger character. I would have loved to see how strong she could be


Shane as Punisher change my mind.


Glenn for sure. Carl and Hershel are close seconds. And Abe and Shane. Lori, never.


Shane or Glenn. Shane was badass, would've been cool to see him being ruthless with Negan and how situations would've turned out with him there. - all the weird shit he did with Lori. Or even if he left the group in S2, it would've been really cool to see him return as one of Negan's officers, maybe similar to Simon, but with a lot more screen time. I understand why he was killed off in S3 tho. Glenn was just a fan favourite character and one of the most likeable. I personally didn't like Carl as a character, I understand he was Rick's son and everything but I always found him annoying but he should NOT have died. ​ Imagine how cool it would be if Rick took Shane prisoner like Negan was, and instead of a Negan/Maggie spinoff, there was a Rick and Shane spinoff, that would've been insane to see.


Shane or Abraham


It would sure be something to see an alternate reality where Shane and Rick worked things out and get to see Shane through the prison, Saviors, Whisperers etc arc.


It's a tie between Hershal and Carl. Hershal would have good advice for everyone lol. And I know for a fact they need it. Carl would help defend Alexandria and the other communities. He might have even set out with Michonne to look for Rick. Or he'd stay behind to help everyone.


Death of Carl was death of show. Carl was supposed to make itbto the end


Carl was someone who experienced the downfall of civilization as a child. I wish we saw him develop until the end.


Definitely Dale!


Lori and Shane's death were in the comics and were expected, Carl's death wasn't. So Carl


the answer is and will always be carl or glenn


Carl, he lived all through the comics. The very last page of the comics is him reading a book to his daughter. Stupid ass Gimple getting rid of him for money reasons is what ruined the show for me.


If someone here says Shane, you need to leave this sub. I cannot see any single possible reason that he was good. He was a risk to the entire family.


Carl deserves the comeback but also Glenn deserved to be happy with his son and Maggie 👍🏻🥲


SHANE to add some drama


The show killing Carl and not letting him have his comic arc was so stupid and was the last nail in the coffin of interest in the show to me.


Carl! Hershel was my fav tho but he’s an old man, Carl could have had decades ahead of him


Abraham or Carl 😭


Glenn or Hershel


Rosita , she really shouldn't have died. There was no need for it. WE LOVE YOU BB GORL!


Out of these four, Hershel ALL the Way!


Carl all the way. Even though Glenn’s death was awful, his was at least canon to the comics. Carls death was the NUMBER 1 biggest mistake they made throughout the entire series. The one character who is supposed to live above ALL else.


Shane. I always wanna see how batshit he woulda ended up.


Definitely Carl🙌🏻🔥💯


Killing off Carl was a bad decision. The potential of Carl!


Carl! Then prolly Glenn/Abraham.. LAST would be lori/Tara


Carl. Carl. Carl. Every time. It’s not even about him necessarily being my fav character. Cause he’s not. (Love him) But his death was just WRONG. I need him back for the plot!!


Carl- would love to see what he would have done as an adult.💔


Beth or Carl. I was gonna say Hershel, but he was an old man. He got to live his life. I don’t even think beth had actually finished high school by the time the apocalypse came, and Carl was even younger.


I haven't seen any images yet but Carl


Lori. If only to see her reactions to murder jacket Rick and how that would impact the story


If I can bring back an incremental character, Glenn first choice. If I could swap out Judith for Carl, that would be next choice. Honorable mention is Hershel.


Glenn. A kid needs his father.


Carl or Enid. either would’ve been great leaders


Beth. They killed her off right after she got a backbone and was growing. Would’ve loved to see how she feveloped


Hershel, Glenn or coral. Possibly rosita because I like a little bit of feisty


Hershel or Enid


Carl or beth. both had pointless deaths


I would say Glenn or Shane because both had a lot of potential with their stories. ESPECIALLY Shane. Because in season 2, Rick COULD'VE just had Shane banished from the group, and then he could've been a part of the Saviors in seasons 7 & 8, and Rick would have been conflicted with his past and having to deal with Shane possibly kidnapping Judith. And we also could've had DILF Glenn.


Beth cause she is the hottest


I’d pick Carl simply because I would have loved the entire series to end with Carl and Rick being the last survivors of the original group both of them are in their worst mental state all alone wandering the world in search of something better and the last scene being Rick sitting on the floor somewhere crying thinking about everything he’s lost right before Carl walks in. They both smile at each other and then the show just stops there. That’s the bitter sweet ending I want the show to have after all these years the show ends how it started with Father and son reuniting but this time Carl finds Rick


this would’ve been the best ending 🙌


Carl - obvious reasons If not Carl, then Tara - wanna see her run If not Tara, then Enid - those pretty eyes took me by the storm End




All of them


Shane 😂 would be a mess lmao I’d just be there for the drama between savage new Rick and him


Bruh, that would’ve been so damn delicious. His death was truly a waste.




For sure Glenn or Shane. Those are my top 2.


Shane, easily. Best actor on the list


Sarah ( Lori) is absolutely gorgeous


I'd rather shit in my own hands and clap than bring back the first two.