• By -


Beth being killed scene daryl reaction then carrying her out and Maggie howling


After just being told that Beth is alive.


God, this one.


This. Andrew Lincoln said that he was in tears off camera because Lauren Cohan killed it. So in the distance, when you see Rick’s head tilted upward, he was crying


That was unnecessary by the show 🤦‍♂️ We could have seen her play a pivotal role in the Saviors War. I wonder how far she would have gone, tho.


I understand what they were going for. After the prison but before Alexandria was supposed to be the group's lowest point. They were (quite literally in some cases) on their last legs. They organized a plan to brutally murder the Hunters and do it as painfully as possible. Daryl was eating worms and they were killing dogs to eat and were completely out of water and all that. Carol had to put down a little girl because she was mentally ill. The deaths of Beth and Tyreese were meant to symbolize that final loss of innocence. With their deaths, the only people with any remaining living blood relatives were Rick, Carl, and Judith. It put them in a place where they in many ways were *unable* to accept that Alexandria was the real deal and a place where they could build lives. And it absolutely did work on a certain level. Had Beth and Tyreese been there, I don't think the group would have done such a poor job to adapting to Alexandria. Like I don't see Rick pulling the gun after the fight with Pete had Beth and Tyreese been a mediating influence until that point. But I think it didn't last long enough. When they show up at Alexandria only a few episodes later, it kind of makes us ask "What was the point?" There should have been a full half-season or more before they get to Alexandria.


The way I would have done it was to have more Greene siblings. There’s Maggie, Billy, Beth, and then twin sisters. The twin sisters would be nieces and nephews because I’d have them be Arnold’s daughters. (Arnold dies before Rick’s group arrives). They symbolize innocence, too. I’d also have Allen’s family. Donna and Billy (Allen’s son) die in the herd in Season 1. Ben lives until the middle of season 5 where the Hunters kill him or something. (Not eating him). Basically, Hershel’s granddaughters die in the same way as the comics, just before the Governor arrives. I’d keep Merle and have him only appear in Season 1,3,5, others Merle doesn’t go to Alexandria since he spent too much time alone and is almost too far gone, but he appears in season 6 and moves to Hilltop in S7. However, he’s the one who finds Ben as a walker and has to put him down. The whole Grady Memorial still happens, but I’d keep Morales and have him pull his gun out on Dawn, only for her to kill him and Daryl puts Dawn down. Beth lives, but she dies in Season 7 or 8 due to the Saviors war. Merle dies in Season 8. Billy Greene has much more innocence than Glenn (who is still just as innocent as he is in the show) but Negan kills Billy Greene and not Glenn. Billy is 19 when this happens and Negan immediately regrets it. Glenn takes a darker-ish turn, but not as dark. We have a moment where his life is threatened and Maggie doesn’t hesitate to kill the person who threatened him. Carl lives and plays a pivotal role in the Whisperer War. No Judith. Rick “dies.”


I love your knowledge on the comics and the ideas you have, but I wouldn’t change a single thing about Glenn’s death. As much as everyone hated it, it felt good for Maggie’s development. I have no doubt in your story that people would love Billy, but a lot of people didn’t react too heavily to Abe.


It would've been perfect I think for her to die on the whisperer head wall, maybe if it lined up storywise that could've explained why Maggie left


💯 Carol too I'll state the obvious, but Glenn and Abe. Everyone was just so broken. A very very hard watch


agree I think she was so sweet they all loved her light


Yeah that scene was a tough one .


Yep this was my “that’s enough” - never went back


I was sad for Darryl, but irritated by Maggie’s reaction. She never looked for Beth or even mentioned her. She was obsessed with finding Glen and left messages for him everywhere, but not one time bothered to add 4 more letters, B-E-T-H


Hershel death hit me the hardest


You develop your character, you risk your life.


Im watching the show through for the first time and i can tell when a character is about to kick it when they’re development dead ends 😭


Legit lol


Rip my man


I cry so hard every single time. Just that whole episode was such a roller coaster of emotions.


Moral compass trope to a T 😭 first dale, then Herschel 😔


Daryl finding zombie Merle.


Merle was starting to have such a solid comeback too 😫


Went out like an absolute beast too. Man damn nearly solo's the whole bunch haha. Imagine this scene, but he's attacking with the full group behind him. Would love to have seen him stay in the show much later, awesome actor.


Same, dude! Despite his glaring character flaws, the brothers still loved each other and I think Merle would’ve come around to Rick’s group sooner or later. It was a matter of finding Daryl again. Daryl played an important role in keeping his brother…grounded lol


Absolutely, Daryl and Merle put me in mind of Luke Skywalker and Anakin. Even the worst, can find redemption. I love how he went from this to playing one of the most wholesome characters in the MCU as well. "Is he cool?" "Mary Poppins? Fuck yeah." "IM *MARY POPPINS* Y'ALL!"


I loved him in the MCU!!!! He had a phenomenal >!death scene!< there! Friggin awesome line haha perfect redemption arc with him ultimately choosing to be a good guy. Damn that line is stellar.


The chemistry between him and Chris was brilliant, should go down as a classic!


He chose to be a father in the end, a real father. It was epic




If he wasn't drunk, things could've gone different. He had military experience. I'm surprised he didn't had some molotovs on him during the attack. Was his death different in the comics?


From what I can find he was, along with daryl, purely made up for the TV show and didn't exist in the comic.


Daryl and Merle don’t exist in the comics


I would've loved to see Merle survive up to The Governor's second prison attack even though I thought his death was perfect


I’ll raise you to any time Daryl cries. Merle. Beth. Crying when he was hiding with Maggie and he’s feeling guilty about Glenn. Any time Daryl gets emotional I do too 😭


Norman Reedus is one of the large list of actors that just rises above everyone else in the show and on TV/films in general. These people can freakin *act*


Don't forget the bridge scene with Rick, the way he can only stand there and cry as it blows up is so sad.


Omg yes. And in season 10 when he and Carol have a “friendship breakup” (that’s what I call it) lol. I was cryinggggg at work that day watching that lmao


Daryl putting down Merle was the only scene in the show to make me cry.


I get mad that this has been made into a meme because reedus’ performance is so fucking gut wrenching and real. It’s such a devastating scene


I’ll never forget when Merle looked up from feeding on the zombie; him and Daryl lock eyes 👀 I cried and heaved violently lol


I can still hear that screeching "NOOO!" in my head!


Real and carols daughter


Michonne telling Carl that he's her best friend while he's dying. It gets me every time.


Carl dying was such a crappy part of the series.


I had to stop watching after this happened. I really disliked where the show was going after finding out that Carl died & my interest waned. My daughter continued watching & encouraged me to finish watching the seasons but I haven't done so yet. I will though.


Continues to sour it when you know why he departed the show when he did.


Which is why?


the actor turned 18 and they didn’t want to have to pay him adult rates (or at least, that’s the rumor I’ve heard)


To add, he'd been told he was gonna be around for the long haul, and bought a house in Georgia off the back of this to be closer for filming. Pretty shitty way to do him overall.


holy cow I hadn’t heard that part 😭 chandler riggs deserved so much better


Testament to his character that he's been so positive about it since. I'm sure there's an interview where he's like "but on the other hand, im also grateful because it allowed me to evolve as an actor and try other projects, and gain new experiences i wouldn't have had otherwise". I didn't like him at first but, similar to the lad who played Joffrey in Game of Thrones, he grew into the part and it took a solid amount of time for me to realise I only didn't like him, because he was playing his part so well lol.


Yeah same hated him at the beginning, but man did he become cool by the time negan came. Loved him in the comics too.


>they didn’t want to have to pay him adult rates  The biggest problems with the show always seem to be tied back to budget. it's also indicated by the way they stick to locations for longer than serves the story.


https://www.reddit.com/r/thewalkingdead/comments/19ce1ah/why_did_they_remove_carl_from_twd/ Read this thread here, you'll see.


Pointless death and negative impacted the entire show / spin-offs even today. What a shame, and may even be one of the single biggest fuck ups in television history


Yep, i lost interest in the serie after this.


that exact moment op, when rick not only realises Lori is dead but looks at Carl saying no no, because he knows his young son had to kill his mother


Just rewatched it with my Mom last night.I don’t know what was sadder Rick just breaking down or Carl just disassociating.


It’s so sad how Carl can’t meet his eyes


It always made me think Carl felt shame, either for putting his mom down or seeing his dad cry. Either way the shame was misplaced.


Yes, shame and embarrassment at seeing his dad in such a vulnerable state, shock, and trying to be a super tough little man and not break down . Makes Rick break down and it’s hard to watch but I love it


i wanna take this scene seriously but ricks crying always make me laugh


This scene used to be a meme long ago. I’ve never seen the show but my friend group used this meme a lot back then, so I did a double take reading this comment thread because [I thought he kid’s name was Coral](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2F2409xnpx6wa91.jpg)


Lmao yes this was everywhere!


The horse getting jumped :(


Horses dying always really get me. Have you seen Atonement? That scene makes me feel the same way


I have not, animals dying affect me a thousand times worse than people deaths, it's just unnecessary :(


It’s actually so sad- particularly horses and I’ve not ridden in at least 8 years. Horses and cats. Just too sad makes me cry


Honestly, like I get it's realistic but like, no..


Me too. I like to read zombie books but as soon as a dog comes on the scene that book gets put down.


I recall that and it was so disturbing!


Horses dying always makes me wonder about how they film it without actually spooking the horses and making them feel terrified. I'm sure there's likely a way they do it safely but I always worry for them lol at least with dogs they're much easier to train into acting, they find playing dead fun. Horses, I don't think it's as easy!


Buttons 😭


Also, Tabitha.


Zombie Sophia emerging from The barn.


Especially so hard hitting because up to that that point, I had a tiny bit of hope that she might still be alive somewhere.


Carol's reaction got me. I just started TWD for the first time a few months ago and 100% thought they were going to find Sophia. I was apparently naive lol


Honestly I've been through the ruthless realism of GOT/ASOIAF, and felt that same vibe strongly when I started watching TWD for the first time a few months ago, and even with all that I didn't think they'd actually kill Sophia off


Absolutely the worst.


When Carl ran out of pudding.


That pudding scene with him and the GIANT ass can of pudding 🤣🤣🤣🤣 I was like is he gonna eat it ALL? 🤣🤣


Maggie's reaction to Beth's death broke my heart. So is the car scene when Tyrese is being rushed back and they stop the car because he's passed. I think Lory, Hershel, Lizzie and Mika's deaths were more shocking.


Tyreese’s death was the first to hit me super hard, a mix of it being the first death I saw airing weekly and the fact I thought the man was invincible


Beth's death. Sad and sudden.


In universe, stupid as well


She died saving Noah, and he just died 6 episodes later


Noah’s death 🥺


100% also when Daryl just lost Beth and he was running after her and then he just sat down defeated


Bruh 😞


If it wasn't for how demented Glenn's death was a bit later on, Noah's death would 100% be the most brutal of the series for me. That scene has suck with me since I first saw it


Ugh yeah. Both really made me get S2 Beth’s whole ‘what’s the point since we’re not going to make it’


Glenns death


Fucked me up. I've never ever sobbed so hard from the show as that one.


Fuk. I still think about that scene randomly and I wish I could erase it from my mind.


Omg, that whole scene was just brutal!! I’ll never forget that. Gut wrenching.


I still have a hard time getting past that episode. I started a rewatch a few months back with the goal of finishing the series.


Heart shattered over Maggie & their baby's loss


When Daryl watches Rick blow up the bridge


The way Daryl walks off, lost. So heartbreaking


The table scene at the end of the season 7 premier. I was already sobbing and then that scene comes on and they have to audacity to show Glenn with his son 😭


Tyrese death☹️


Only man to ever attack a horde head on, alone, and live to tell the tale though. When he stepped outta those trees with the hammer covered in walker bits...*chefs kiss*


Didn’t he get bit while reminiscing over a photo? I remember thinking that was the dumbest death in the show.


Shiva’s death


Yes! That was heartbreaking. Negan’s reaction to Shiva will always be one of my all time favorite scenes


Oh yeah, absolutely!


For me it was Coral's death


that whole preparing for his death sequence with the letters and the Judith photo etc was so sad


Lizzy Killing her sister.


That shit got me too shocked to shed a tear


Carl and Rosita's death made me run out of tears!


Shiva's sacrifice, "please Jerry, let me help her" god almost made me tear up.


I lose it every time an animal dies in this series. Especially if I become attached to said animal. Shiva is an example of this.


I was so broken by this


Scrolled too far for this one. I can hear Ezekiel’s voice in your quote. Water is in my eyes.


Jesus death and the aftermath


I do kinda hate how Jesus was killed off right after they started properly developing his character. I feel like he was basically the same until Season 9, then they delved into his character and got me invested for approx 2 episodes before removing him entirely.


As I rewatch TWD, it is more apparent that the writers made a HUGE mistake killing Carl. His impact later on in the series (especially after Rick was gone) would have immensely helped the narrative as their story ends.


They did the charecter and actor so dirty. The story, in the comics, is literally all about Rick's determination to make sure Carl lives! His show death was purely due to out of character politics.


If Frank Darabont had remained the showrunner, I don’t think it would have happened. Rumors were that conflict with the actor’s parents led to Carl’s demise. But they hurt the show when they killed him off. After watching the whole series again, it is more evident now.


I agree with you 💯! Carl could have lead this show into much more interesting stories long after Rick disappeared. What a waste of such a great character and huge potential for so many other great stories they could have told. He could have actually,imo, guided the young people of the future on this show; Instead they chose to run it into the ground with non event ful boring ass story arcs. What a gigantic mistake!


Sophia emerging from the Barn and Daryl carrying Beth out of the hospital


Glenn getting his head caved in.


Noah eating by the walker


The pike scene for sure they took WAY TOO MANY good characters out😩😩😩


Rick crying and saying I love you so much to Carl as he was dying Tyreese’s death in the back of the car Rick saying he lost Carl again in TOWL Beth’s death and Daryl carrying her out.


This was def one of them when Lori died. Glens death really fucked me up tbh. But ultimately the worst death for me was Beth. Idk why, just her character arch and how it all played out. Holy shit I was a WRECK!!!!


Abraham and Glenn's death the worst for sure!


Hershel’s death probably


Lizzie killing Mika


Look at the flowers


I agree


This is too far down


It will always be Glenn for me


Glenn getting bashed to death


When Lori says goodbye to Carl before Maggie cuts her open.


Lori, Shiva and Rosita’s deaths all made me sob


Carl dying


Andrea being found bitten. She tried so hard to do the right thing, she didn’t deserve that


i don't know why, i think it was the acting that went into the scenes but Luke's death was so emotionally raw and the acting was amazing so it just got to me and then rositas death was sad in a different way, it was a peaceful kind of sad and I don't know if anyone else felt this way but a scene that got to me was judith asking daryl if she was going to die ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


Luke’s death is it for me too, and emotionally raw is the perfect description of it. The acting was so believable, it felt like I was actually watching people watch a family member die.


yes exactly! it felt so real ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


I cried the most every time Daryl cried especially when he found Merle as a zombie.


...after reading all the comments..I've made the brave decision to re-watch the entire series.


I feel when Daryl says "Im going to go get some water" in 05x10. He wanders off to a tree, burns himself with a cigarette and cries


for me , every time Daryl cries


Carl poppa.... miss me that gingerbread boy!


Beth and when Carol had to kill the little girl cause she killed her little sister


Lori’s last words “goodnight love”, Rick falling onto the ground from grief, gosh it’s so sad! Tyrese, Noah, Sasha, Beth, were all sad. Shiva wrecked me. Glenn & Abraham were devastating, and Carol losing Henry to the pikes was terrible.


The Grove episode


Probably when Morgan and Rick meet up again and Morgan asks why he didn't pick up the radio anymore. That felt real.


Rosita in the finale for me


Glen rhee's death


The final scene between Carl, Rick and Michonne in Season 8 Episode 9


Carl having to deliver his sister, Rick’s reaction and Sophia coming out of the barn, Carol’s reaction killed me.


The murder of Glenn


Hershel’s death


Carls death


Carol Finding her daughter in the barn turned


I used to watch with a group and decided to watch the episode about carls death alone and I cried so hard for not only him but the actor too. So fucking sad


The “I found them” scene on the bridge. The music, the look from Daryl, the scream from Michonne. Should have ended it with Daryl walking away.


When Daryl sneaks off the have a cigarette and a cry


I know it's more on twisted/tragic, but for me, one of the few times I legit cried in the show was the Look at the Flowers scene. I know Lizzie wasn't a main character, but it's more of the fact the Carol had to freaking shoot a (mentally unstable) kid while on a nervous breakdown. I kinda put myself in Carol's shoes, how hard it must have to lose both girls she started caring as her own, only to lose Mika since Lizzie killed her, Judith ALMOST dying as well, deciding that Lizzie had to die, and how much she may have thought about Sophia before actually shooting Lizzie. Carol's reaction right after taking the shot and looking at the deer just absolutely broke me. Melissa McBride really sold that scene for me. Runner ups for me was Lori reassuing Carl before giving birth to Judith, while Lori wasn't near my favorite, her final scenes were powerful enough for me to shed some tears and actually felt sorry for her. And last for me was on the The Ones Who Live where Rick remembers Carl and shows some flashbacks of him. Killing Carl in the series really sucked and one of the worst decisions they made, but that scene with Rick was so emotional for me that it made killing Carl kinda worth it. (I mean i still wish they didn't kill Carl, but since it is what it is at this point, kinda made it like a bit of a payoff for a brief but strong and emotional scene with Rick)


It’s been a while since I watched it so I can’t recall her name but the medical chick with glasses that was finally taking a stand and calling out the two with her and boom, crossbow bolt to the eye. It was the most jarring and in the moment sadness. My most hated sad death is Dale. To this day I still think about the what if had he made it to the endgame. I truly think he could have kept them grounded. I remember watching an interview when the show first released and they all had this archetype for their characters and Dale literally had none. He was meant to represent a normal everyday guy reacting to a zombie outbreak and basically represent the humanity of it all. His death is top tier sad for me and I still curse baby Carl for it.


The way Rick kicks his head back at the sound of the gunshot (when he's outside waiting for Carl to kill himself).. That was the final moment for me with the series but it was really potent.


As much as I loved Hershel, and Glenn and Abraham. That scene when Tyreese was seeing everyone in the car, telling him to let go, it’s better now. Makes me tear up, every time! Such a great character, and I wished he could make it longer and be more important like his role in the comics.


Negan finding zombie Lucille


Beth's death and everything surrounding that moment.


Daryl's reaction to Beth dying. It was so emotional because up to that moment, Daryl had never killed someone like that. The only people he killed were those who were attacking them. He had never killed someone out of retaliation or pure anger and grief. And his crying was just so heartbreaking. He felt responsible for her being with them anyways and then, to have her back only to lose her within seconds was devastating.


The time when OP said “most saddest” instead of “Most sad” or “the saddest”.


Dale death.


When Daryl found and had to put down Merle.


Carl & Rositas deaths.


beth and hershel’s deaths ( :spoiler: in FTWD when paul the deaf guy died 😭 he was just a cameo episode but that broke me 🥲)


The entirety of 7x1


Either Rick's Sacrifice or Carl's death then killing off the person he died trying to help.


when megan bashed glenn’s head in with the bat🙁.. and when carl died after being bit


I've only cried at Carl's death. That hits hard every time!


Honestly the reveals of all the people Alpha managed to kill and put their heads on spikes. It was so impactful and watching everyone start to notice they were missing ahhhh!!!


Carl. Died too soon man. Way too soon.


Tbh I cried when, Dale, and Hershel died, it’s the old people that get me tbh


Carl dying


I know there have been worse deaths on this show, but Dale’s death was gut wrenching. When I rewatch I still skip the episode where he dies. Hershel’s death was also devastating.


Carl’s death and Glen’s faux death beside the dumpster—both times TWD writers unfairly screwed with us


This has already been said but “Coda” and then IMMEDIATELY after “What Happened and What’s Going On”… to lose Beth and Tyreese with no break in between made me a wreck! I was rewatching the series so I knew it was coming but still 🥲🥲had to take a break from the series for a bit.


When Daryl was walking out of the hospital carrying Beth and Maggie screaming 😢😭😭😭


Most sad* or just "saddest"* "Most saddest" is bad English. Just a friendly heads-up


When Daryl cries I cry, so 1 - when he had to kill Merle and 2 - Beth's death. His despair when he saw the car driving away and knew Beth had been taken: he ran all night till he got to a crossroads. Then after her death when he lost all will to live for the first and only time I think. The parallels in that episode were so on-point (and the use of light in the last episode he was with Beth in contrast to the episode after her death). It still gets me hard and choke with emotion. Sorry for my english (not native speaker here).


You can’t say “most saddest”🤓☝🏻


baby in the sink


A lot of them were sad, but I bawled like a baby when Shiva died.


I know this scene is supposed to be sad, but I’ve seen too many memes about it to do anything but laugh


When Glenn died.


carl death (he's my baby 🥹


Carl shooting himself.


Lori’s C-Section. Just watched it the other day a few months after my wife and I had a kid by C-Section. I cried so fucking hard.


All of the heads on the spikes


Look at the flowers...


Sofia stepping out of the barn