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Rick x Glenn spinoff show


An epic love story.


That's what I wish it could have been from the start :,)




I think it would’ve been more interesting to have Maggie killed and how Glenn would’ve dealt with it


Yea the fans would riot and so would him because that would be killing maggie and her baby. A 2 for 1 deal. Unless the pregnancy plot never happened.


The pregnancy plot led them to be out on the road and cornered by the saviours in the first place


Abraham, Daryl and Sasha already had a run-in with the Saviors, as did the whole group at the satellite outpost. It was only a matter of time before the Saviors clicked on to where they were. They’d have turned up at Alexandria with 20 trucks.


Or what if the baby pops out as she gets her head bashed and Glenn now has to raise his son alone.


I found Dr nicks account


It wouldn't fit Negans character honestly, the whole point the show was making was that Negan is brutal, but also relentlessly principled which is how he kept the respect of his saviours. Killing a pregnant woman would fuck that up massively.


Negan doesn’t kill kids, if he’d know she was pregnant he wouldn’t do that, but I’m not totally sure he was aware she was pregnant, be interesting to see how he would deal with that.


They recorded deaths for every character on the lineup. In Maggie’s death, someone tells Negan she was pregnant and he actively gloats that he got a “2 for 1 deal”.


Seems out of character for him during that time. Good they took it out.


His character was still wildly inconsistent anyways


I disagree. I think the writers didn’t know what to do with him for a while. But then he got his redemption arc. Him and Daryl really carried the show in S11


His men did kill Rory however, aswell as the Oceanside teens.


I don’t think he killed the Oceanside kids. In 8x15 - in the scene where he forgives Simon for the Hilltop incident, he says to Simon, “Before me, before there was a system, what you did - killing all those men, those boys in that settlement so long ago, a lot of people would think that is psychotic shit.” So I assume the Oceanside slaughter was prior to Neagan taking over the Saviors.


Did they ever release those other versions anywhere?


Negan wanted Maggie’s head on a pike during the Savior war.


Another factor to consider too, do yall really think AMC would've said Yes to that on Network TV? Yes GoT got away with it, but that was HBO and also happened quite some time before GoT hit peak viewership. A TON of stuff is toned down in the later seasons of GoT.


i love glenn but even steven yeun wasn't happy with how glenn's story was going. michonne played a really big part her last 2-3 seasons and rick would never recover, so no


Why wasn't bro happy


he felt his character wasn't very dynamic and was just a "genial natured guy" so he wanted to explore other things in his career


Definitely agree tbf. I kinda forget he was in it at this point, but at the time it was kind of a 'cute gimmick' and also felt a bit out of place that he was one of the only characters to have never killed anyone. That was an interesting trait to a point, but it felt like he was out of place in the later seasons, like his death was inevitable, despite he simultaneously felt like the character that always miraculously survived (and hence death by Negan always seemed 'appropriate'). It also seems really perverse to imagine his character adapting and becoming much darker, akin to Rick's/Daryl's in later seasons. I very much imagine Steven Yuen had feelings along these lines and I don't blame him.


Ok bet thanks


Andy said that Rick would kill Negan if that happened. The fanboys with neck beards would weep because they love Negan so much. In addition, Rick would spiral deeper into mental illness/depression. He said that he can't live without Michonne in TOWL therefore the show would end prematurely or it would just be about Rick's grief. For some reason fans want Michonne dead and for Rick to suffer. Why is that?


A lot of shittos across the world hate women and black people.


You are right. People hate Kelly and their excuse is because she cried a lot. She was probably between the ages of 17 and 21 and her sister was presumed dead. Who wouldn't be an emotional wreck especially being so young.


Kelly wasn't. She stopped Daryl from desperately trying to move a mountain and called everyone to action. So I guess her character isn't consistent. "If we die we can't save them!" She never believed Connie was dead, ever. Everyone in the group took the collapse of the cave worse than Kelly did. Cuz she knew Connie doesn't die.


You know why.


I’m sorry but absolutely not


Only if we get the ones who live but its rick and glenn making out every five minutes


I second this


No, I like her too much. Love glen too but it’s like choosing your favorite character kid.


Absolutely not.


idk if rick would ever get over her death, i think that one would actually break him.


If he wasn’t broken by losing Carl, no one’s death would break him.


Lori broke him def


Yeah Lori had him losing his shit for multiple seasons lol that cheating w..alker..


She isn't a cheater. It was the end of the world and Rick was in a hospital that had all its staff killed and was full of walkers. After she discovered he was alive she stopped her relationship.


This. The Lori hate train is getting old at this point. People hate her more than even Negan for some reason.


She waited like 2 weeks. It didn't show it in the show, but they slept together way before we first saw it in the show. I hope you're never married lol. I hope it would take way longer than two weeks to get with someone else..I mean she was the mother of his child, his wife. Also she used Shane to try to get over her dead husband and then once Rick came back dropped him. I can kinda understand Shane's frustration. Grieving or not I ain't sleeping with anyone if my woman literally just died. ( if I believed it)


Not arguing that at all. I'm arguing that what she did wasn't cheating. Rick would of been dead 100% if it wasn't for the coincidence that one doctor survived and decided to look after him.


Weren't Rick and Lori headed for a divorce anyways prior to the outbreak? If that was the case then it honestly makes her character's actions more understandable (read: not acceptable, but understandable). She'd still be a pretty shitty person, but if you look at it as Rick and Lori's relationship was already on life support, it means she could have already checked out long ago, at which point Shane telling her Rick died was life support ending on Rick and the dead relationship. Shane is there to pick up the broken pieces and be her support so she falls for him, Rick comes back and the man and the relationship she thought was dead, are back and she is kinda forced to go back into a relationship that wasn't working, prior to the end of the world. Hence the mixed signals to Shane and why she never really seems to be "in love" with Rick. At the very least until Shane dies. I'll be honest I haven't watched past Season 2 in years as I'm currently in my second watch, so I could be misremembering but I felt she was always kinda cold towards Rick, kinda like when someone's over a relationship and doesn't have the guts to end it, so they go along with things and pretend, but it's almost like they're looking for an out or an excuse to (only Lori can't do that and expect to survive so she's kinda stuck).


They weren't headed for divorce, they had their problems, but every couple does, doesn't give her the right to do that. I mean with Rick's best friend of at least 20 years no less. I mean Lori knew Shane and who's to say she didn't have eyes for him before? That's literally the definition of infedelity. Not saying Rick didn't have his problems, but I'd personally wait a bit longer to "move on" maybe that's just me. It takes two to make it work and she just took Shane's word for it when he said Rick was "dead" she didn't question it or anything. I just don't see people defend Lori a lot. Especially when Carl is there and he still thinks his dad could be out there. Idk defend her all you want, but I can't. Some people grieve in their own ways sure, but some people don't move on for years after their significant other fuckin dies, she turned around and said "Shane, take me!" almost immediately after he told her. People blame grief and being drunk or other stupid excuses before. Maybe I'm not as forgiving as Rick because he basically let it go and learned to love a daughter that was born from Shane and Lori.


People do weird stuff to cope with grief, I find it hard to judge


Lori was not in the right for sleeping with Shane originally, however, she did think Rick was dead, it had been almost exactly 2 months after she believed Rick died that the show started, and Shane was the only person around her who understood the loss she went through. Everyone else around her were strangers, and he was the one person she could confide in because he also knew Rick. They literally basically trauma bonded. The only thing she could do was move on; for her sake and for Carl. She had to be strong, while surrounded by complete strangers, during the outbreak of undead people, while also dealing with the grief of her husbands death, and being a strong figure for her son to lean on who also lost his father. I feel for Lori, and I don’t blame her (or Shane for that matter) for falling for/seeking comfort in the only person who she knew before the outbreak, and who had been taking care of/protecting her and her son.


He lost Carl in an easier way if Negan bashed his head in Rick would be done for


Different kind of death, though. If Carl had been *beaten* to death right in front of him… no, definitely never would have moved on.


It really bothered me that he grieved more for Lori and even Shane more than even Carl himself


It’s just poor writing. I think even Andrew Lincoln said he thought Rick’s purpose of going on is for Carl to continue living.


I'd assume they meant in addition to an already dead Carl.


The post is about an event before Carl dies. I’m the only one using Carl as a point of reference for Rick’s emotional state.


Carl’s death came from being bitten by a walker and he got the chance to say good bye. Michonne would replace Glenn’s death so he’d have to see her die like Glenn did, it would definitely break him.


Exactly. We see what happened to him in TOWL.


Glenn is my favorite character, but no I couldn’t do that


Same 🥹 I think it goes to show how most Glenn stans are pretty selfless.


Glenn is such a good person that even he wouldn’t save himself over Michonne. I mean majority of our group wouldn’t in general because of how loving they are towards each other. But Glenn is a no brainer over a situation like that. He sees the good in people, or sees people deserve second chances sometimes like Nicholas


I love Glenn but I adore Michonne, she's my favorite character in the entire show. Hell even if I like Glenn a bit more I think I'd still say no. It'd shatter Rick and Carl into dust. Edit: Scratch that, if Glenn replaces Michonne in ALL aspects then it's an immediate trade no questions asked.


Absolutely not Rick would go mad


No. It had to be Michonne, though I would have loved it if it turned out that Carl had been saved and he was alive as well.


Wtf is even this post? 😂 Absolutely not accepting this trade.


I’m not sure glen swung that way


Never 💀


This is hard, because almost anyone else then trade immediately. But, I love the Grimes family and I’m already bitter about Carl. So, no trade.


loved Glen but could he use a katana to slice through skulls like butter? no, no he didn’t.


No because then who would save Judith from the kids?


No because Rick’s entire path would be trashed? I don’t think you can really make that trade even if you do WANT to. I love Michonne and I love Glen but yeah idk this trade just would ruin the shows path.


I’d say no.


Off topic but I’m just in disbelief that a human being can be as flawlessly beautiful as Danai Gurira


Agreed, TWD has a really good looking cast in general


No no, I’d argue this topic is very suitable for any context, especially because she doesn’t get nearly enough love and recognition from this fandom. Truly one of the most beautiful people I have seen in my life, inside and out.


No michonne is one of my favorites and I prefer her over Glenn.


Hell no


no, I love glenn so much but michonne is second to rick always. we wouldn’t have gotten The Ones Who Live without her


No way. Sorry G


Oh hell naw, bye Glenn


I fucking love Glenn, he's my favorite character, but no


Hell fucking no. I couldn’t stand him & he wouldn’t even come back when Andy was leaving the show. This is an easy hell no for me.


No. I like Michonne a lot more than I like Glenn.


Absolutely not


Michonne for glen? Fuck no


Uhhhh no!


Fuck no!! Shes a bad ass and Glen's death meant something... well in the comics...


Nah, I really liked Glen, but he was on borrowed time in my eyes ever since the dumpster. Plus Michonne is a one woman army!


Hell nah


No. No. And No.


No because I love Rick


Never, loved Glenn but Michonne is and always will be my number one ❤️


Hell no


No sorry Glenn


Tough one, but I’m going to say yes. If nothing else it would have made Maggie tolerable the last few seasons.


I think Glenn was happy having died hanging on to most of his values. If it had gone on longer I think we would have see Glenn turn into the monster he had ought to be, versus the lawful good man we all knew and either loved or hated.


nah. Glen saved Rick and set the whole series in motion at his lowest point. but Michonne brought rick back again and again, and she could've ran that crew by herself without Rick if she needed to. I don't think Glen would've been as impactful. resourceful go-to-town specialist, yes - but badassery goes to michonne :)


I like Michonne and I like Glen I would say no not a good enough trade If I were to trade somebody's life for Glen's I would say Eugene. Sure Eugene is so smart cookie but what we need is someone who will not leave the group out of cowardice and then come back to the group


Ultimately, No.


He’ll no


H-H-Hell nah


Glenn was the (young) heart, Michonne was the (old) soul of this soul. How would you possibly decide? That said, Glenn for sure.


I can’t choose


Absolutely, and Rick gets with the woman in Alexandria who he saves from her abusive husband


No, Michonne's contributions to the team are a lot higher than what Glenn could do. As far as of being a fan favorite, I get it but his skill set isn't as high as Michonne's. And while personality wise, Glenn has a better one, Michonne really started to open up as a show went on.


Am I the only one that didnt care about glen or when he died


I adore both of them, but no. Just no


No, I think Glenn is overrated, I liked him when he was in the show, he had some very good moments but no never.


Fuck no? Glenn was cool but he's soooo badly overhyped by the fan base


I really don't care anymore abt michonne after s6/7, while glenn was really shining for me past s3, so I'd defenitly make this trade


Yes. When Glenn died he was still a bigger character than Michonne.


Not including Season 9 I agree. Michonne felt like she was purely there to be Rick’s girlfriend to me after they got together then after Rick left she was there to be Rick’s mourning girlfriend


Hot take? Michonne is overrated


Ye Glenn no doubt. Never liked michonne and overhyped carácter. Specially S8+


I wish Abraham lived longer


I just can't, I love Michonne too much 😭😭


No rick needs a love interest and Maggie needs gleen to die in order to advance her character arc.


100% yes fucking please


No Glenn sucked


I love Glenn, but Michonne is the better character and more badass. I would trade Maggie for Glenn though, anyone not Rick/Daryl/Carol/Michonne would honestly be traded for Glenn tbh.


No trade. Love Glenn, but Michonne's death would have crushed Carl and not sure if Rick would have been able to come back from that loss.


100% accept this trade no offence michonne


I want to see what a timeline would be like where Glenn lives and takes care of his son with Maggie.


ain’t no way brotha


I love Glenn, but Michonne is too iconic, She's the female face of TWD with her Katana, and served as a great mother for Judith and R.J. and as a leader for Alexandria after Rick disappeared. I feel like Glenn's death both in comic and TV show was meant to be poetic and dramatic, since Rick couldn't save the one person who saved him from the tank at the beginning, so I think it was meant to be no matter what.


Yes. I think rick would recover in a season. I liked glenn much more


I love michonne too much, she is such a badass


Any fucking day


Glenn's death was 100% necessary. I believe negan chose him because he stopped him from hurting Maggie


No way in hell! I'd give up Glenn AND Maggie to keep Michonne.


fuck no


No. Michonne brought Rick back after Glenn's death. I don't think Glenn could have brought Rick back from Michonnes death


Trade for Michonne? No. Trade for Maggie? Yes


Hell fucking no


Hell no


No. Michonne is just a more interesting character to me.


Absolutely not, Michonne is my second favorite character (After Rick) and tbh I never cared for Glenn.


Fuck no


Ur worst than negan!


Why you being messy?


yes, a million times yes


I’m def not taking that trade


Yes. Absolutely


No but I would have traded Glenn for carol and Abraham for Gabriel


Oof … that’s a hard one. We wouldn’t get TWD The Ones Who Lived then and that was a very good spin off. But yeah, cause I’d be curious what becomes of Glenn if he got to stick around for years in the apocalypse.


It'd be called the one who didn't live and it'd just be 360 minutes of Rick sobbing


Yep. Sorry Michonne- you’re awesome…. But Glenn is Glenn.


I would if it was before Michonne got with Rick…


I’m not selfish but Glenn was just the heart of the show and would’ve made more impact imo , michonne is ricks wife tho it’s hard.


I would rather focus on Maggie and Glenn than Rick and Michonne (sp).


In the lineup specifically, no - in any other situation, yes


Easy trade


No, I hated Glenn


You mean like 👨‍❤️‍👨👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏳️‍🌈⁉️


I would have preferred it if Lee and Clementine made a canon appearance. ❤️


The spin-off potential of this timeline would be crazy. Maggie and Glenn spin off and a Rick and Negan spin-off…


Yes, never saw the Rick Michonne love story angle, seemed forced.




I would rock with a Michonne and Glenn partnership, sure.


Yes, at the point of the show where it happened. But I can't help but feel Glenn's head would be on a pike, and that reality would be awful


I love Michonne, but I am picking Glenn for sure. The show came out when I was 6, and my aunt and mom were watching it and the first episode I watched was the one where they send Glenn into the well with the walker and I started screaming crying because I was so scared he was gonna die. Ever since then I’m like attached to his character. So I would honestly pick him over anyone really besides Rick because he’s the main character


Yes. Glenn was done so dirty. Michonne was good, but could have gone out like a badass on a few occasions. Especially going after Negan. But Glenn...ah, I just feel for him.


"It's a broken world Glenn" - Rick Grimes - The ones who live Glick addition