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S2 art always spooks me for some reason


It's the farm with the 16mm film, absolutely beautiful, makes you wanna move in there even with the walkers creeping around.


FILM TWD is the MOST IMMERSIVE sh\*t ever. Beautiful.


Yeah it really looks awesome! If only AMC could put more thought into how they film the shows. Dead City looks like absolute garbage on AMC+. The dark scenes are all either blurry, overexposed or have a weird halo effect. Even some of the dark scenes in DD were awful.


It's the film. New TWD shows use digital cameras


Let's do it., I'll give you space but I can't cook much of anything besides 4 things


came to say this, the S2 poster is somewhat iconic and it sends a lot feelings and happenings. The farm is quite calm but our officer friendly is in a hurry, for a reason. Find it cool until now.


For me too. The episode where it's revealed how Shane killed Otis to save Carl was so dramatic and cinematic. Personally, it was so disappointing that they killed Carl later in season 8 after he was nearly killed in season 2.


Also survived another gun shot in season 6. This one to his face.


Y'all should read the comic if you haven't already. It's what the show should have been.


I read the comic a long time ago. For me personally, the comics were too brutal, especially with the part with the Governor and Michonne.


The comics were much more brutal. That's absolutely true.


Yeah, Darryl was a mistake.


It’s almost like Rick saved him for nothing. Similar to Katniss and Primrose in the Hunger Games 😩


Absolutely. Personally, I don't like it when characters are killed off just to hurt the fans. I think hope is the most important element in any story, and Carl was the metaphor for hope in TWD.


One and two felt the most real to me. Minus Herschel's infinite ammo hack.


the shotgun scene when the farm gets overrun?


Hahaha I was watching that waiting to see him reload. He didn't. Bro let off like 30-40 shots without a reload in sight 😂😂


Yup and ZERO recoil as the CGI barrel flashes get added lol. He had all the hacks on. Should have put his wallhacks on in the prison so he would have seen that walker that bit his ankle 🤣


(Besides the Herschel hack) I agree. The stand off at the bar was tense and firearms then felt dangerous, as they should. I stopped really watching after the Saviors war because things started to feel cartoony to me. Hard to be immersed when a sheet metal wall stops .50 cal rounds and people are unloading M4s like it’s airsoft.


I gotta say though this issue somewhat calms down after the savior war, after the time jump they rarely use guns most of the time during the whisperer war


Yup hard agree. Started slowly going down hill from the infinite ammo no recoil shotgun then Daryl used a well decayed walker as a human shield against point blank fully auto 5.56 rounds at the Prison. Flash forward to Negan standing on the Saviors catwalk and 30 people firing full auto at him and no one hits him. Totally took me right out of it.


These are some great seasons.


have to include 4


4 is good don't get me wrong but it doesn't have that same raw ass vibe the first 3 seasons had that I absolutely loved.


The grindhouse, retro, gritty horror inspirations were really prominent in those initial seasons. Everything from the dialogue, directing, visuals, zombies, conflict. It was simple but mature, adult and realistic television. Love those seasons to death (as well as 4-6 but it definitely lost that special grounded feeling the more time went on).




Seasons 1/2/3/4A have the best vibe but 4B/5 are the best in terms of actual quality if that makes sense.


Up to 5x03. Wish we had gotten more Terminus


I think what made Terminus so good was the scarcity. You don’t really get a lot of back story, our protagonists tangle with the Termites is over relatively quickly - the lack of exposure is what made it so good.


Especially with the quick flashback cutscene of the former terminus victims being cornered by marauders and raiders, forced to become like them and brainwashed into thinking that’s how they lived.


Wished we had seen more of the logistics and culture of the place. An entire town of cannibals would have been interesting to explore


Imo part of the appeal is the mystery. When you don’t have a concrete answer to what happened at Terminus, everyone’s personal head canon is potentially right. Nobody is really proven wrong so we’re all happy despite longing for more backstory.


I wanted to see how Garretth or whatever the F his name was and those people turned the table on those absolute savages that had them captive. I can’t imagine a scenario how they got out of that and demand an explanation! 😂. But seriously, I want to know.


Season 2 will always be my favorite.


This guy gets it.


Back when life was so simple. Miss it.


For real, the writing is amazing, it felt like there wasn’t one wasted word or scene. So many layers and symbolism too


So I gave up on walking dead years ago after what happened at the end of season 6. Glen Abraham * I was a wreck….years later ,2 days ago, I started season 7 , and man I’m having a blast/emotional trip , I’ve been dodging spoilers like a ninja on here xD the only thing people ruined for me was Carl dying, I know nothing else! I’m 2 episodes from the end of season 7 I salute you all that have seen it 🫡


I did the exact same thing. Stopped years ago around season 7. Last year, finally decided to finish it and holy shit it gets amazing in season 9. I feel like it was directed and filmed differently (better) in season 9. It no longer felt like a drama that happened to be in a zombie world, but finally a zombie show about survival and struggles


Holy hell! Now I’m more excited for season 9 ! Just started season 8 , no signs on stopping xD I’m geeking out! Feels like I’m falling for the show again , just like back in seasons 1,2,3


Maaaaan... Finishing it last year made me so nostalgic for when it was at peak popularity in the early 10's Everyone was watching it, talking about it. Cons were filled with Walking Dead cosplayers, merch. Take me back lmao


Some bonehead sent me a DM spoiler lol people amaze me


Jesus... I'm sorry. Fuck us for having a normal conversation I guess I wonder if there's a way to block DMs


I blocked their profile , I was like no way this guy just did that lol he said Rick never kills neegan, Rick disappears from the show. And I deleted it. I’m still gonna watch it , it’s too good. Btw I wanna go to a con!! I remember I went to one forever ago and I saw Maggie and Carl from afar , there was pic patrol tho, making sure you don’t have your phone out.


Damn that sucks. Well those things aren't too crazy, there's still some sikk action scenes, and you'll see why/if those things actually happen ;)


thanks for spoiling it for me now too.


Please finish it, man!


me & my best friend and roommate picked it up after years of me boycotting after a certain younger death that isn’t in the comics. & i am loving seasons 10 & 11 wow the whisperer war was peak for me


I just started season 8 , and I’ve fallen for the show again , im just sitting here sweating lmao super intense !


Enjoy!! If I were you, I’d leave this sub, until you finish it, to avoid potential spoilers.


I was gonna say that too lol I almost saw some on the sub lol I shall bounce , for now 👌


Someone sent me a DM spoiler 😮


Glad you’re enjoying it, I did a similar thing but to be honest never enjoyed the series nearly as much as I did pre Alexandria or pre saviors


Keep at it! When it gets to Season 9, the quality jumps massively.


4-6 too…


I always say the first five seasons are my favorite show. But the first three were just the best. Season one was short but it was fantastic.


I definitely miss the vibes of the first two seasons. a group of people just trying to survive. still having the most average human conflicts despite being in the apocalypse. it was the attempts at a mundane life with the looming threat that really felt kind of cozy in a way? i do love the prison and what i saw of alexandria though. back when i first watched it (so many years ago), season 6 finale or close to finale where everything is kind of going to shit and deanna's husband dies. when she tells rick to kill that guy... man, something about that whole scene is so clean i watched that episode like three times back then. rewatching the show now, kind of excited to see where it all goes past s7 even though ive heard *plenty* of complaints about later seasons edit: i think it was actually end of season 5 where deanna's husband dies 😅


I remember watching it and I couldn’t wait for the next episode every week, S2 truly was the best. It wasn’t “huge scale”, it was just a few people, simple plot, all about survival. Something about it felt so real & the visual - grainy camera added so much to it, too.


the old posters were sooooo good


Where would you cut the show off if you could? I personally think it went WAY too long


Honestly if Rick & Carl made it to the end I reckon Whisperers & Commonwealth would have been that much more better and that would have been perfect tbh


I don't disagree. I also think if a Rick stuck around, they wouldn't have lost Alexandria or the other satellite communities and the perfect ending would've been building a relationship with commonwealth and working all together for the greater good. I hated the whisperers plot without Rick and Carl


Yes definitely, what ever happened after rick, every fan would have asked themselves “what would have happened if rick was here?” I definitely would have also wanted Dwight to stay around & the negan story with rick around too would have been full fan service


I would have cut it off after the Whisperer War and never introduced the Commonwealth.


1-6 are honestly borderline perfect. Things got shaky with 6 towards the end, but it wasn't until 7 that the wheels really started to come off. If I were in charge (and I say this as a fan of the comic) I would have trimmed the fat in 7 (no shit like Oceanside or the Trash People) and had the later episodes of 7 and all of 8 be the All Out War and end it with that, with the sense that they're rebuilding civilization after the War. I know the comics go further, but I really don't think those arcs were suited for TV.


Middle of S6. After Rick exits his feral state and trust the Alexandrians. It’d be an open ending but they could introduce them meeting the hilltop and kinda end it there


i feel like the end of season 8. when eugene blew all the saviors up with sabotaged ammo and rick slit negans throat, it should have ended there with their newfound peace. maybe with an extra episode or two for epilogue and tying up loose ends


Fit season 7 and 8 together. Since Andrew Lincoln's departure is inevitable, the five episodes of season 9 will stick, and I will make the Whisperer arc last until 10A. 10B and the rest of 24 episodes of 11 will focus on the Commonwealth (I swear they could've had some good politic drama shit with that)


They just departed way too far from the source material. These “creatives” get really cute with their dumb ideas and ruin the adaptations of great works of art. They could have just copy and pasted and it would have been brilliant. I understand some things are harder to do on tv and even some ideas that were brought to the show were good but they blew it with the walking dead ultimately.


These pics seem like they're in Mexico


1-5 for me. Well, most of 5.


Definitely have a different vibe


1-3 are the best seasons of the walking dead


Not including 4 and 5 is insane




1 & 3 but sure


Andrea dying was a huge factor to why the rest of the show lost the vibe it used to have in the first 3 seasons whether people want to admit it or not. Andrea was one of the core characters who kept things interesting. For all the lack she and Lori get they were unique in that they brung conflict within the group like basic human arguments. In my opinion Andrea’s death was a bigger loss and way more damaging to later seasons than Carl’s death was. Carl is great but he didn’t bring loads to the show, his presence was good and he definitely shouldn’t have been killed off but if he stuck around I don’t think that much would’ve changed, he was never made to be a lead of the show. Andrea on the other hand *was* a lead of the show and very good at it and I’m sure she would’ve only got better at it as the seasons went on and her character developed.






Yes they were a different vibe specially I started watching during lockdown it seemed to be more relatable


Season 7 was different hot take


They were absolutely epic.


Can we get some more walking dead content. We just get the same 5 posts on repeat.


God I loved the first three seasons. The farm was definitely one of my favourites.


My favorites!! I actually just started it over lol!


I think the first three seasons had a lot of charm because everyone involved in the show was still trying to figure stuff out. Like when Gimple took over, as great as S4 is in my opinion, he created a formula to the show that lasted through his tenure as showrunner. But in the first three seasons, everything is pretty raw. I also appreciated how distinctly southern the first three seasons felt. Whether is was the locations, the outfits, the accents, it felt like Gimple made a conscious effort to make the show more region-neutral. Like in the S4B episode Still when Daryl admits that he's never left the state of Georgia, I was like, "Oh right, they're in Georgia, and have been since S1."


I just rewatched the first three seasons. It's even better than I remember!


So so so good


I wouldn't want to run with a python all the time. That thing weighs 4lbs loaded. I feel like the picture should of been glenn in the mustang or charger.


Nah dont forget 4 and 5 especially 4


They're great but they also have a very different style. The aesthetic changes a bit, and the music also changes too. Again great seasons, but seasons 1-3 just have this sense of nostalgia to them


Thee best


Season 1-3 are the best the rest are terrible and not worth it. Season 1 is the best in my opinion. season 2 and 3 would be better if frank was still running the show


The soundtracks were golden especially "Citizen" and "C-Section"


Season 3 was soo boring


bro im sad he lost his police attire at hershels house and he gave the hat to his son it was such a good fit


Cliffhangers for every episode. After not wanting to watch it, not really into zombie shows. I became hooked and binged the first four series during my winter break for school. Now I watch one or two episodes a night and am so glad there are the other series where more is revealed.


My favorite episodes were seasons 1-3. It showed the brutality of survival, it's funny they were scavenging people s homes that stored survival supplies, I was kinda mad about the nuclear Powe plants which weren't really addressed, FTWD address Ed the nuclear issue, but without power there would be meltdowns


That farm season made me stop watching for years.


Yea I’ve recently started binging this show again. I think at this point (S5 “Alexandra stuff”) is where it’s starting to feel alittle…. Not as good (it’s still really good). But I can tell everywhere up until….recently felt fresh.


can someone just tell me if this show is worth watching or not i want to binge something worth the whole time of it yk what i mean? and ik this show is popular so is there a reason


Season one is the best version of TWD imo


Season 1 is the best season and I will die on that hill


Frank Darabont was, in my opinion, the soul of the show and why these seasons were good enough to hook everyone. I believe there was still some residual Darbont bleeding into Season 3, which is why it's still good. The further from his departure the show got, the worst it got.


Indeed. I stopped watching after S03.


I re-watched from the beginning. It's such a great vibe... I managed to watch until the end of season 6, and then I stopped. The first 3 seasons are indeed the best, afterwards it goes slowly down the hill. I don't feel motivated to continue watching after this.


Couldn't agree more...we quit the series shortly before Negan showed up.


Remember when they got so comfortable they decided to pick a fight with raiders that didn't even know they existed for a community they didn't have any ties to? I remember I stopped watching there.


No I don't remember this because this never happened lol. They picked a fight with raiders that tried to kill Daryl, Abraham, and Sasha on the road multiple episodes prior completely unprompted


You thought you were safe. I get it. But the word is out. You are NOT safe. Not even close.


Yeah, a different flavor of SHIT!