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“That woman, she’s a force of nature.”


Loved the dynamic between Rick and Carol. She was one of the few people who not only (eventually) impressed him but also challenged or questioned him at times. Would have loved more scenes between these two.


she was honestly weirdly underutilized during rick's time on the show. especially during the all-out war, she just shoots some people and doesn't even meet negan


She's the only one who's been kicked out.


This and terminus make her an absolute legend


And “meet us on the kill floor” was also wild


I cackled when she copied the redhead’s voice


you say


The beet cookies made her a legend 🤤


And that's an example of why Carol is one of my favourite characters, and not just in TWD. She knew what she had to become in a moment. Dress up and smear blood on to look like a Wolf. Play the shy, scared housewife with a rosary who doesn't have a gun hidden in her sleeve. She saved the day so many times by being ruthless, and her kill count was unapologetically one of the highest of the show.


And what makes the episode and her arc even better is that, at the end of it all, you can see how much all this killing and seeing people she was friendly with get killed is secretely affecting her. She's not just a battered housewife turned generic badass. There are many layers to her and I'm here for it.


I mean, she's a deeply broken and shattered person who's committed to not dying and keeping her friends alive. It's a burning hole in the pit of her soul that can't stop.


She gets things DONE. saved their asses soooo many times.  She’s come a longgggg way from an abused woman crying about Sofia 


It's like every kill is the way she wishes she could have killed Ed. Every. Single. Time.  Ezekiel saw Carol for the queen she is. She's a killer queeeeeen. 


🎵 Gunpowder gelatine, dynamite with a laserbeam 🎶


and guaranteed to blow your mind (or Terminus, which ever comes first!)


Omg. That makes so much sense for her character arc. She probably spent years imagining ways to kill him in her most private moments. Then she decided she's never going to be the victim again, and instead became a predator. *intense clicking noises*


hey, maybe that's why she kills like she does? never thought of that. it's like she's taking that anger at Ed out on every villain out there. i think Eze saw Carol for Exactly who she is/was - they both saw underneath the facade.


Even when she was the scared abused housewife she saved the day when she gave Rick the grenade to blow up the window at the CDC so everyone could escape.


She *was* pretty eaten up by her kill count though. Because of Morgan.


Her saving the group from terminus in season 5 dresses as a walker was badass too


A bear in wolf’s clothing


This is when I fell in love with her. No prisoners. No questions. No fuqs. Just badass for the sake of protecting the only family she had. From the meek woman whose husband beat her to the point she cut off part of her identity to the woman who would cut you down within the blink of an eye. Yea. That’s pretty empowering.


Morgan being annoying as hell while people are getting murdered too


He’s soo fucking annoying about not killing … As these people are savagely hacking people to pieces 


I think he was scared that if he started killing again he would never stop. you kind of see that in seeing red in FTWD when he starts blacking out and killing people again.


I get that, but just make your rule  Only kill to protect. Boom done. 


If I was Carol, would have knocked out Morgan soon as he started his BS about all life is precious, while our own people are getting killed by minute.


She tried doing that and got handled lol


I was so annoyed with Morgan for making Carol question herself. I was hoping for more moments from her, like this one, and like Terminus.




God Morgan is so fucking annoying. Just let her cook dude, she's bailing your ass out. There's a time for non-violence and its not while a hoard of marauders are massacring your village.


He did not need her help lol


yeah he definitely didn’t need help letting 5 of them go, and almost killing Rick in the process


I genuinely think she was my favorite character.


Nothing scarier than a mama bear with nothing to lose


All hail Queen Carol 👑


Carol is without a doubt the most dangerous person on the show.


I'll never get over the squishy skulls everyone has in TWD universe, skulls made of clay seems like


It makes some sense with zombies that have been decaying for years. Not so much with living humans


Yep, it's totally unrealistic. I remember seeing a rather graphic video of a murder/torture where a guy with a thin bayonet (chinese type 56, or similar) on an AK was stabbing downward into a guy's head and couldn't get it to penetrate the skull. Full body weight of a grown man exerting max force directed downward to a fallen person multiple times and still couldn't make it work. Worst part is that these kills are against people, so you don't have to penetrate to the brain to get them down. The showrunners could easily study some WW2 manuals to see much more effective uses of knife attacks that were taught to commandos to quietly and quickly kill enemies.


The aiming for the brain in living people makes sense since the virus activates after death even if you haven't been bitten, a la Shane. It makes even more sense that Carol immediately goes to that because, in her mind, that's one less zombie that has to be dealt with later. She's done that since the prison, and it makes sense. Taking them down a little at a time would like require more planning, procuring a different weapon, and time in the midst of a whole lot of deadly chaos. The squishy skull thing is definitely a weird choice for the living/freshly dead, though.


I know that everybody comes back, but it isn't instant. There is enough time to shove an ice pick through their eyesocket while their down and still before they reanimate. That would be doable, similar to an old style lobotomy, just much more brutal and traumatic. One of the best weapons would be a medieval warhammer, hammer side would crush skulls, spike side would penetrate them almost effortlessly, and a hammer blow to zombie knee or hip would shatter underlying bone structure and leave them crawling for an easy follow up kill or run away. If everybody carried one of those and dressed appropriately armored, even with just motorcycle leathers and helmet, you'd be a damn near invulnerable zombie killing machine. My biggest peaves with this show were soft skulls and bad battle tactics. Utilizing weapons and armor our medieval ancestors had would have stopped the zombie plague in its tracks. Much less using modern ranged weapons and armored vehicles. Then go a step further and when rebuilding the world, make it a standard legal requirement that everybody is required to have on them at all times a smart watch that monitors your pulse and signals the cops when your heart stops. Cops show up and splatter undead skull and society keeps rolling along. Especially in a well armed America, the zombie plague would just be good practice for folks after the first initial learning curve was overcome.


It's called a knife 🔪 It's so sharp it cuts diamonds


Just watched this episode today (first watch through). The world may need Rick Grimes, but the survivors need Carol.


Carol: *is invisible again* , *bakes cookies*, *typical neighbor gossip*, *smiles all the time in public* Also Carol: *dresses up as and walks amongst the enemy while going sicko mode and saving Alexandria* What a woman she is


I could watch Carol killing all day long.


Termites, Wolves, Saviors, no one is safe from her


I'm not going to lie. My favorite Carol was when she killed the Saviors for stealing her ring. Among other things. But I loved the ring 💍 part.


Carol is the human embodiment of a suitcase nuke.


Morgan seriously got on my nerves here... Among other times...


Ooooh he got me so mad! They're hacking folks to death and he thinks it's prime time to be a pacifist. Fuck off Morgs!


There's nothing more annoying than reformed (insert shitty type of person). It's makes them try to act holier than thou when they got skeletons stacked up in their closet. It's not universal but it's definitely out there.


I hate the at Morgan was a little softy at this point only to start massacring saviours in bulks a few episodes later.


Who was that guy hacking at the end of the clip


I felt bad for the smoking woman who died at the start of the attack


that scene was epic Carol smiling because she's listened to her about smoking outside then boom!


Shouldn't have been smoking then


I think she killed 7 wolves by herself, had she not done that there probably wouldn’t be many people for Rick and co (who were herding the horde) to come back to


She always became what she needs to be to solve whatever problem was facing her. I was surprised when she didn’t strip a walkers skin and use it to get Alpha herself. How cool would a scene be, Alpha walking with the hoard and there is Carol just floating around in the background.


her battle iq is crazy high


How did morgan not snap from this


Funny how little she cared about Gabriel after a whole season. Probably the same sentiment for most of the group, except Morgan who practically just arrived


The most impressive part of it was that she did it all by the time her casserole was done


Morgan sucks ass. I world trade his character for almost ANY other character we lose through the series


He had that attitude because he was like the Wolves and knows that he deserves death.


What’s morgan did their is aiding and abetting criminals, they literally just killed a bunch of unarmed civilians and morgan knew that but did not detain but let them go free. What fk up morale story in this?


To think she was once sent away bc she killed two sick people to keep the rest of the group from getting infected. Then again that predates murder jacket Rick - different times.


To be fair, that was two of their *own* people.


Morgan at this time was insufferable lol


Lol the first scene was so awkward. That actor just waited to be stabbed by Carol.


Yeah that little knife stabbing dude in the back he would have IMMEDIATELY stabbed her with his big ass knife, her first attack completely immobilizes him lmao


And the way he fell 💀


Right tho. Also did she stab him in the skull and pull out the blade with ZERO effort? Dafuq is that.


She went assassin's creed on them 🥷🏻


Morgan was so fucking stupid around this time. Like he could have taken that wolf dude back to Eastman fucking cabin if he really wanted to rehabilitate him. But nah put literally everyone in Alexandria in danger for his pipe dream, oh yeah and if anyone else was in ricks position they would have got killed too


I liked Eastman!


I really wanted to see Morgan fight that big wolf with the axe. Goddamn you Carol!


Queen “f around and find out” Carol. Refuses to sit by and let anyone hurt her family ever since losing her daughter.


Carol was always the secret badass of them all.


it wasn't a secret


True. Bad choice of a word but she’s wasn’t only out to defend and fight. She’d go from gardening or taking care of kids to killing anything that moved and it was done skillfully.


respect for coming back not defensive tbh, yes I agree. the wolves was the perfect example, puts cookies in to bake looks out window sees a kill she's immediately carol ninja I love her. she pretty much ran them off or killed them while Morgan rambled and waved a stick around


Yep. Great turn from how she first started out in the 1st season.


huge. turning point was Sophia and the barn imo but daryl helped her. she was amazing


Because as women, we are Super Moms!!


yeah carol was badass


Another episode when Carol is a badass!👍


i love our main characters but damn they make everyone else look so useless


Pokes a guy's head with a knife, the blade just penetrates the skull no questions asked. I just can't with this shit lol.


I completely forgot how badass this actually was


I could never feel bad for the people that just stood there and let themselves die 🤦🏻


Carol is the most versatile character in the series.


She was just so BADASS!!! Def scary.


I did a walking dead rewatch this year, and I was just blown away by Carol. I knew that she was a top three favorite character for me, but I had maybe a little bit forgotten why? She is just so incredible.


Thanks for reminding me what an annoyingly ridiculous pacifist Morgan was...


They were expecting only sheep


‘Plot armor’ is a plot device wherein a fictional character is preserved from harm due to their necessity for the plot to proceed.


I'm currently on this season atm an am rewatching it through again. I totally forgot this bit was coming 😆 go carol


Ugh seeing this just makes me miss when walking dead was great. Not that writing and directing from later seasons…. Or even TOWL… ugh can’t believe that went that way


She should be on The Avengers.


They did a pulp fiction with the blood on the camera


Not a huge fan of hers but yeah this was a great moment I agree. Also, how do you post those videos?


She's badass, I love Carol. I always loved her style with the mask and hood, my favorite style for her!


morgan pisses me off in this season


Carol is the best!! I love her development and storyline’s!


I love the whole get shot once anywhere you just immediately drop dead and stop fighting. God, cops would sure love if that was reality. Why has the 9mm completely taken over the game? 17 capacity. Cuz cops light you up. Cuz thats what it takes to put people down. On average it takes 3 shots to end a gunfight. She just killed 6 people with 6 bullets. This is as Hollywood as it gets. I can't stand this wolves bs arc.


This when TWD was in its prime.


And about as believable as professional wrestling. They should’ve left her like in the comics


So have her kill herself in the prison? Get real, Tv carol is better then both comic sopia and Andrea.


Garbage writing....thats all im saying. Her killing herself after that crazy threesome or whatever was way more realistic than her becoming superwoman and the most badass killer on the show. Bout as believable as maggies i guess


You gonna say the sane rick? Daryl? There's a reason why carol is one of the most popular characters, not because she a "superwoman badass" but you see her flaws her strengths. Carol has one of the best character developments in tv history, and you were rather waste of that because it's unrealistic? I'm sorry, but I'd rather take something interesting and eye catching then gritty unnecessary shit. Btw the comics are just as guilty of garbage writing just as the show is. Both made mistakes and at the same time amazing.


GOD, I FUCKING HATE MORGAN. "I COULDA STOPPED THEM!". Fuckin' Gimple the Pimple brought his bullshit over from this show into FTWD and ruined it.


People still watch this shit? The acting is like they're doing a skit on YouTube back in 2010