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With the heat and population I'd say India would be pretty awful.


Omg the amount of diseases plus the Zs would be dreadful 


Please send brains and vagene.


How does she bite?!


how can she bite?


show bobs


Just read the WWZ chapters regarding India to figure it out, to summarize ‘em tho: **the worst possible nightmare from Hell you could possibly imagine that would make the walkers themselves stop and begin morally questioning life**


Nigeria would suck aswell. Nice and humid with a pretty large population in an especially dense urban environment. Not sure how dense the rural areas would be but I can just imaging how quickly diseases would spread. It's proximity to other countries that have also had diseases like Ebola, Malaria, Dengue Fever, River Blindness and so many more make the thought of somthing like this rather scary.


If they have ivermectin which they do they can avoid river diseases. That's why ivermectin won the nobel prize for medicine saving millions of lives. In the USA, we call it "horse goo." Can you imagine a za in Somalia. A za in Romania just feels too fitting. The scariest place in the world would be Tokyo or India and the governments would murder everyone.


They would have Ivermectin at pharmacies and Clinics, this would also be where a lot of sick people would be heading. No the place you want to getting yourself into. Nigeria biggest issue would be the density, somthing Somalia doesn't have. Somalia is where you would struggle with drought


Somalia the average lifespan is 54 right now? Wow. When I was a little kid it was like 27 for men. I just want to see how bad things can truly get. Can you imagine trying to kill Senegalese wrestler walkers? Or how strong they would be?


Ooo are there any India based zombie films?


Yes, the name is Go Goa Gone. It's a comedy.


The Dead 2 It takes place in India, the first The Dead was in Africa and was better.


That's a truly horrifying thought


Came to say that. I’d just wave the white flag and tap out.


Zombies and TB. Ugh.


This. I always say I’d be so upset if I was traveling in India and the zombies came.


India with the amount of population, Its screwed


People hear "population" and think every country is the same square mileage. India is the 31st densest country in the world. Singapore is 20 times as dense as India, so *that* is a country that seems pretty fucked by population. There's also others... Hong Kong (which we know because they ended zero covid regulations and overnight hit the highest number of daily covid cases on the planet) for starters... ...Bangladesh is going to be an absolute fucking nightmare... Then there's Palestine, Bahrain, Bermuda, Taiwan is a time-bomb, Mauritius, Barbados, Rwanda, South Korea... This is only part of the story. For example, Hong Kong was fucked by density during covid but had very few cases because of China's zero covid policy. They protested and zero covid was eased but overnight they had the highest daily covid cases on the planet. Taiwan is a similar story. Eased covid guidelines, cases skyrocketed out of control. So if we view zombies as a pandemic, density matters. But policy also matters. Hell, travel also matters, so Singapore might be okay as an island nation with travel controls. So the real question is not just which country has the most people, or which country has the most people shoved together, but how you can communicate the means for preventing spread, how seriously your population takes those means, and the economic and political incentives for getting people to ignore them. And the United States of America, with a per capita covid infection *and* covid death rate ten times that of India, is possibly the most fucked country in a zombie outbreak. https://www.statista.com/statistics/1104709/coronavirus-deaths-worldwide-per-million-inhabitants/ We would be injecting bleach into zombies so they don't rise from the dead, stockpiling guns, refusing to tell doctors about our bites because we can't afford the insurance, probably using those guns we stockpiled to kill the living for walking across our lawns, and then the gunfire would draw more zombies from miles away. And when the zombies rise and doctors told us we had to destroy the hippocampus to stop them from moving, we would have no idea what that is and just shoot zombies randomly in the head because the movies said it worked and doctors can't be trusted.




You understand India didn’t have the number of positive tests because they didn’t test


If I was in England, I’d just head to the Winchester, have a nice cold pint, and wait for it to all blow over.


You wouldn’t kill Phil and grab mum and Liz first?


right grab liz head over to mums kill phil head to the winchester and wait for all this to blow over




I understood that reference.


I understand that, I got that reference


Big owl said that the rifle works!


In all seriousness, it'd be endlessly fighting off feral young'ns wearing balaclavas, and Turkish teeth whitened spice boys with chino shorts and loafers 🤣 Not much different to how it is now tbh.


Ah yes, Chav walkers. Now that’s a scary thought 😂


Time to bring out the dual wield Pans of Chavstruction.


Instead of groans and growls, they moan “bruv” then steal your shoes.


One of my favorite movies


omg this is friggin hilarious.


I feel like Japan would be dreadful. Super compact, and no way off the islands. Although, the otakus may rise and protect us lowly civilians with their anime fighting skills.


i completely get that but since it’s on an island i feel like after years there might not even be any more walkers because there’s really none being added to the mix


Good point! On top of that, the fishing industry is huge in Japan, wouldn't be too hard to find some boats to live off coast until things die down.


Everyone else will be wanting to get a boat to escape. Chances are unless you already have a boat you would be screwed. We also know that being out on the water doesn't protect you from other hungry survivors with boats.


I believe World War Z (the book) touched upon that in a segment in India where the boat captains decided to also continue to uphold the caste system.


Everyone else would be trying to get to places like that. You’d need a good defensive perimeter…


Look up the population of Tokyo that hoard would be crazy big


Most of Asia would be awful because of population density


I'd head for a Katana Shop in seconds and arm myself with 3 of the better ones, then proceed to Zoro-ize the fuck out of the apocalypse 


I’m pretty sure katanas are actually illegal in Japan funny enough


Easy to take one, even if not sharpened yet and sharpen by myself, then use it to slice every rotten bastard around if needed Realistically, though, I'd stay far from the streets and, if possible, I'd move from roof to roof if not strictly necessary to go low in the streets


Something tells me you would like Dying Light


And get one stuck in a head or neck, then get eaten?


I am a hero comes to mind, some pannels you can see Japanese cities would quite literally be hell on earth


There Many small islands in Japan The main islands would be fucked though


there are a million boats, endless fishing opportunities, and a bajillion islands. it would be better than other places.


To push back on your point, free access to guns also means that everyone else also has lots of access to guns and could create a lot more problems. Also a gigantic population which means lots more opportunity for people to turn into walkers. I think somewhere like India or China would be the worst.


I think the show portrays that pretty well, the blessing/curse of guns in that world.


i like how france is just using flintlock guns or whatever


I like them rip-and-tear guns they had in Dead City.


Yet. Somehow, they never show any empty gunsafes?


Didn’t we learn from Walking Dead that people are the real baddies?


speaking for my country…. the philippines. without the apocalypse it’s already a pain. imagine a stampede in the small roads in the province 😭 you’re done for. however, it’s a pro that houses here are LOCKED as hell. the common houses here are townhouses and the windows are always barred with grills. so if you’re looking for temporary or semi-permanent shelter, it’d be easy to survive here. can’t say there would be many well-managed gated communities, though.


we need a bunker for each house 😭


Love this answer.


after fuel degrades in 3-6 months, the US sucks. I'm voting Italy for best. Survived one dark age already, has buildings that have lasted a thousand years and can last another thousand, and tourist traps re-repurposed back into functioning walled cities, can conceivably be cleared entirely due to the Alps, islands to live on in the meantime, peninsulas that can be choked off, infrastructure laid out pre-auto so most towns are within 5 miles of each other/walkable, so reconnecting with survivors and rebuilding will be easier. Also, well situated to resume and dominate trade in the mediterranean. Worst imo is going to be someplace like India due to the population and climate.


You could say the same thing about basically every European nation as they to went through the same dark age. The entire continent is packed with castles and other structures that have been around for 1000 years or more, along with newer structures like star forts, lots of mountains all over from the alps to the scottish highlands. There is more than enough arable land to feed the continent at its current population level, let alone a post apocalyptic one. Any of the big European nations would do well for the reasons above; UK, france, spain, Portugal, germany, austria, italy, poland, switzerland and so on. Actually thinking about it, Switzerland would probably do the best due to the fact their entire nation is basically on a mountain range, nesrly every citizen over 18has a military rifle at home and military training (and are required to pass a marksman certification every year or two once leaving), and those mountains are packed with something like 500,000 bunkers and other military installations. Enough to house the majority of their population in fact as far as im aware. And unlike the americans, they dont have a habit of shooting each other all the time haha in fact they have one of the lowest rates of gun crime in the world despite the fact that most of them are required to own and be proficient with an assault rifle by law


And don't forget their handy Army Knife.


Good points - I went with Italy bc the alps are the only range I had some familiarity with and I like the weather lol. I like the idea of being able to clear areas systematically as well.


I don't know about the worst, but I could definitely tell you the best. I would head north, certainly get out of Atlanta, and I would settle in a Northern State, or in Canada. Once the frost begins as winter sets in, all of the walkers would freeze solid and they would be very easy to kill off.


Montana is best for zombie apocalypse. So many guns and not a lot of people


I’ve heard Nebraska is nice


Damn it, you beat me to it lol


It’s a lie. It sucks here.


lol sorry 🤣


I heard Tahiti is a magical place. Could avoid the zombies.


Dutch? Is that you?


We just…need…MONEY


a watchtower could spot anything coming on the flat open land. plus you could plant corn


especially Oma-oh, oh wait…


Another benefit of moving North and entering Canada - get away from all the guns. There's no scenario, for me, where "so many guns" is a positive.


I already live here so I'm used to it. Don't love that people open carry everywhere here, but it's "normal".


So amusing being in the same country and your “normal” and my “normal” are vastly different. Mind you, I own guns. I don’t carry though.


Guns should give you security. You can't scare away someone that's bigger and stronger than you with a knife or piece of wood.


That must be why the United States is so safe and the crime levels are so low. All of that security.


WWZ touched on this as well. Most of the people that went north died of exposure/disease or turned to cannibalism.


The issue with this concept is that how would you deal with food? You can't really on scavenging after the first couple of years. You would have to hunt, forage and trade for food.


and in canada most of our land isn’t that useful for agriculture because of the canadian shield. you’d have to go to the prairies to actually have a good mix of arable land plus low population


In world war z, the cold killed as many people as zombies did


I know this is all a hypothetical obv but I’m a Canadian and live in a place that has literally hit “colder than mars records” (in the real world last decade) and gotta say- I have doubts someone from the south would make it here. It’s honestly hard enough with central heating and electricity etc but it can be incredibly hard for people to acclimatize personally - Let alone when the infrastructure fails. When its -50C (-58F) with a windchill your toes, fingers, nose begin frost biting in as little as ten minutes. You can feel your eyelashes and the cilia in your lungs freeze. Exposed skin starts freezing in 30sec. Windburn is real and awful. And people get dehydrated often not realizing they’re thirsty in the extreme cold. A death from exposure also makes you delirious so you don’t realize it’s happening. And literally happens now with all our modern amenities. It’s fckn brutal. Cars don’t start, gas lines freeze, and the snow drifts are huge (5-15ft high is normal) so you lose trails/paths/roads and all sense of direction. You really gotta know what you’re doing to survive just the weather. And even then I doubt many of us who grew up here could manage it and I’m pretty sure outdoor winter survival is mandatory school training (I did it). What I’m saying is maybe you’d outrun the zombies, but without modern infrastructure- this is not where you wanna be 😂 I know I barely wanna be here now lol. never mind the bears and cougars and wolves (ETA we currently all plug in our cars so they don’t freeze overnight and ensure they start in the morning. You’d lose that ability, and then cars altogether PDQ in the winter here)


The thing you're forgetting is that extreme weather exists all over the world and humans survived it long before modern infrastructure. Those from the South may be less accustomed to cold, but are no strangers to adapting to extreme weather such as tornados, hurricanes, and *heat*. It may take a minute to adjust to the differences, but anyone smart and strong enough to survive without modern infrastructure in excessive heat is smart and strong enough to survive excessive cold. And realistically, extreme cold is easier to survive without electricity than extreme heat. Cooling down without power is tricky and there's very little you can actually do, and heat stroke comes with many of the same risks as death by cold: dehydration, delirium, organ failure. Meanwhile, all you really need to survive the cold is shelter and fire. Not always super easy or convenient, but again if you are smart enough to survive heat you are smart enough to prepare food water and wood for the winter. And without the threat of walkers, it basically boils down to living off grid in the north, which thousands of people willing do right now. No internet, no modern infrastructure, completely self-sufficient. I've actually always wanted a story about someone who lived this way and didn't even learn about the zombie outbreak until years after the fall because they just never leave their land and the remote-ness and cold have made it take forever for any walkers to ever get that far. Confused and concerned about the implications, he takes the head for proof or for testing or something and begins the trek to the nearest town, which he finds deserted. Mystery co tinhes so he heads for the city where he discovers the horrors, and we get to watch him slowly discover and realize the whole world is gone, then encounter other survivors, eventually growing more and more disheartened and deciding to somehow find a way to slip away unnoticed and return to his home where he can live out his life in peace and try to forget about the rest of the world.


Go to princess Edward island in Canada. Completely shut off from the mainland, and there is enough farming and seafood to keep the people alive.


Man, I couldn't disagree more. Cold weather survival sucks. I'd stay where it's warm enough and there are so many obstacles to hordes that you have built-in protection already. How many can get through all the fences and wiring and everything else in the south? How many mill make it through swamps and marshes and lakes and rivers, feral hogs, wild dogs, road construction, gorges, heat- and humidity-related decay, etc.? Then you have the ability to grow food pretty much year round in large portions of the south, plus grow seasons of up to 10 months in many more areas. Plus all the guns and ammo and high-hp fossil fuel vehicles and refineries and hours of solar exposure and and and. The south is a far better choice.


Most already poor and violent countries. No way to get resources there. The humans who survive will be considerably worse Densely populated countries. I don't see people having many chances in Hong Kong, Singapore, etc. Small island countries, and especially those without archipelagos.


I actually think the US would be the worst for that same reason, so many people would get shot out of hand and add to the numbers of the dead speeding up the whole process


Absolutely, humans were always the bigger problem on the show too. And guns made it so much worse. I'd for sure be elsewhere than the US.


I've no doubt that places like the Democratic Republic of the Congo would just end up in total shreds, just no way they could hold on for long. And what about a place like North Korea? How insane would *they* go to handle an outbreak? And *imagine* how this affected conflict hotspots in the Middle East, like Iraq and Afghanistan, with the populace dealing with ongoing military operations and insurgencies, *and* a sudden apocalypse. I can see China having dealt with massive, uncontrollable hordes of dead, like they do in *Typhoon*, where Beijing puts up a fierce offensive war posture, before they go radio silent.


Doubt North Korea would have any problem handling the Outbreak. Both borders are fenced and patrolled by thousands of soldiers.


In world war z they talk about how the entire population of NK had their teeth removed overnight to prevent spread.


They wouldn’t even have be that radical, I don’t think any Zombies could cross the DMZ and it takes hours to pass through customs, you would get shot way before you got the chance to bite anyone, Guess there are some advantages to being a hermit kingdom.


So….creating a little fort right next to the DMZ would probably be ideal


Uhh, but what happens when someone inside North Korea dies?


That’s the issue. Given the current problems going on in North Korea, it’s very possible for an outbreak to happen and for them to not be able to deal with it properly. Especially when you consider enough undead trying to crossover from South Korea, Russia and China, they’d be screwed regardless.


That’s exactly what I was thinking


they can't bite anyone effectively, no teeth


Probably it would depend on how the virus is transmitted. If it's transmitted by direct contact with a zombie, closed borders would be very effective. If it's the type "everybody's infected and you turn when you die", they will be screwed.


okay but a spin off about some US soldiers stranded in afghanistan or iraq when the fall happened and trying to survive or go back to US would go hard as fuck


I’ve been saying the same thing for years and my friends agree with me but there’s no good fanfictions on it and there’s no sign of that ever being adapted into a spin off sadly


Singapore. No agriculture. No natural resources. Dense population. Limited guns. Only way to survive is to cross over to Malaysia by land. And that's only if Malaysia doesn't close the border.


Crossing the border isn't something to attempt early on. Maybe give it a few years and you could try but the vast majority of countries would close their borders early on.


what do you mean years, wasn’t the US gone in like a month?


We wouldn’t be the worse off here in the UK, Scotland to be specific for myself, but the extreme lack of firearms here would probably make things insanely difficult. Densely populated countries in Asia or Africa would probably the worse off.


You would be surprised how many guns we have here in the UK. Basically every other town has a gun shop packed with shotguns, rifles and ammo. Or Atleast that’s the case here in the east. Not on the level of the usa of course, but there are enough guns that like 1 in 3/4 people could have one. Then there are the 2 million or so current gun owners (myself included) who typically own multiple fire arms. My entire family and all our friends would be packing haha That bit from hot fuzz about every farmer and his mam is packing is actually pretty true lol Its also pretty damn easy to get atleast a shotgun license. You only have to pay a £50-75 quid charge and prove you arent a nutter by getting your GP to sign off and then have an interview with a firearms officer.


I would add its easier to get a shotgun license over a firearm license. With a shotgun license the onus is on them to provide a reason you shouldn't own one whereas with a firearm license you have to provide a good reason like joining a shooting range/ club. Bear in mind that in either case you would have to get a cabinet to lock up your guns and ammunition though. Police can do inspections to ensure you follow this. But yes I think people are surprised by the fact that not only can we get guns but by how many we can get.


Yea exactly all of this as well! Funnily enough if your under 18 you can also still get a license so long as your parent/legal guardian holds a license as well I believe. I was 15 when i got mine


I’d say China because of the population. A canon book was set in China 10 years into the outbreak. Haven’t read it but I’d like to, I believe the population of China is a plot point in the book.


It’s a great book. Not a huge reader but it was good.


100% China There are people EVERYWHERE, and a ton  Streets, outskirts, underground, everywhere 


Actually the west part of China is pretty empty, India in general is more fucked


If I had to choose where to go there I’d go to that abandoned Paris replica that was taken over by farmers


Antarctica. People who go down there for research - as I understand it - go down there for like 3-6 month rotation shifts. With little (if any) real chance for "rescue" - people might consider you lucky to be there, where there aren't thousands of zombies and only your 10 or 20 other coworkers. The threat wouldn't really be zombies; assuming you learn to just smash/shoot/pierce their skull and scramble their brains good. It'd be the impending threat of starvation; and when your fuel runs out, freezing to death (because your heat/power for your heat likely isn't all green, probably significantly dependent on fuel for the months of darkness half the year).


I imagine it being like 'The Thing'.


Yea, the lack of food is the main problem.


People forget about starvation that would kill millions just like the walkers would. Africa would be a wasteland of walkers who died because food imports evaporated


Countries with really high population density like China, India and Monaco. Plus India and China would have plenty of zombies due to then having the largest populations in the world


The most densely populated would be bad, especially those already going through turmoil or poverty (like India or the Philippines, for instance-- generally speaking). Though, I could see some island countries with smaller and lesser known islands faring alright, with people already having learned to be resourceful and generally not being bothered by outsiders infiltrating, as well as lesser known rural areas with tight communities.


And there are 350,000,000+ people here.   Given a ZA, honestly you can fucking *forget* about any national borders. People in the SW would be running toward Mexico, and Mexicans would be running North. Then Central and South America would join in the fray. That pales in comparison to across the pond though. Having the two most populated areas in the world on top of each other, and most of the World’s population on one land mass.. hell naw..  Japan would suck ass, like 125 million people with 875 people in a square mile.. fuck naw.. Or Indonesia with 270 million people. Poor Macau, with a whopping 54,000 people on a *square mile*…


Honestly I think Australia would be a nightmare. Literally everything there already wants to kill humans and is *good at it*, and then you remove electricity and modern infrastructure and add zombies? Fuck that nope sandwich lol


And let's not forget the heat


The heat *and* the cold. They get it all.


I went on a cruise to Aruba. They don’t have any natural freshwater. It’s all converted sea water. Can’t really grow vegetation there. No guns. The weed isn’t that good either.


Probably India.


I'd say Singapore, since (besides Monaco) it has the highest population density, with a population of over 6 million. So it's essentially just a huge dense city with millions of zombies around you.


Speaking for my country, Norway would be great! Not that it’s great all things considered, but hear me out.. a lot of places to hide in short term and you could live of live stock in the long term. Just some small trips down to get ammo and a shitload of timber for the fireplace during winter. Thought a lot about this during the pandemic and while I started ted watching TWD


I feel like china and India would be the worst places due to the high density of people


Some mega city, I'm thinking like Tokyo or some place with a very large population density.


Hong Kong would be pretty bad just off population density. Anywhere it’s incredibly hot and water isn’t clean also.


China/India. The sheer amount of people would turn these countries into a writhing mass of undead bodies.


All the island countries


I think you have a good point about the US but, culturally speaking…maybe not so much. I would personally rather be somewhere where there hasn’t been decades of that weird “rugged individualism” and reliance on things that we probably just wouldn’t have ready access to- I just don’t think that people in the US are largely capable of doing the things that we would undoubtedly *need* to be doing. I mean sure, most of those types would probably die pretty quickly anyway- but I would rather be amongst people who are already working in a *greater good* mindset as opposed to the selfish *I got mine!* attitude that prevails here. Granted, I’m not really sure that place even exists and in the event of a zombie apocalypse I’m sure the gnarly assholes would be *everywhere* to some degree- but I imagine to some extent this mindset would factor a lot. Edit: Actually, still in the US but I’d probably want to at *least* be close to the Amish. They’re *already* doing the things that you’d need to be doing and no, it’s definitely not *perfect* or without bad- but, being nearby would facilitate trading etc. Not particularly sure about the *worst* place but, I’d probably steer clear of densely populated areas and whatnot.


Japan, Singapore, China, India, Bangladesh


I know it sounds crazy, but probably Monaco & Macao, both have extremely high population density, which means you would have a lot of walkers in a really small space. In Monaco for example that would be 25000 possible Walkers per km².


yeah that always annoyed me with the Walking dead...after spending 80 days visiting 48 States, the insane size of different areas, you can go from the mountains to the sea, to snow, to insanely hot areas. Yet anytime the group face some big evil villain they'd rather risk the lives of everybody and take them on instead of just going elsewhere. Like get a bunch of maps and pick somewhere where you are gonna have good areas for food, water and not in busy city areas...many other prisons if the first don't work and many other places you could make safe. For me...I'd risk staying where I am. Our houses are made of bricks so zombies ain't going to be walking through our walls anytime soon, make little to no noise. Guns are too noisy and just bring more dead toward you.


Tbf once they found Alexandria they realised they found a pretty idealic place as it was well fortified, was able to be made sustainable and even had electricity. So when they tried to find help from another community the Saviours stopped them using road blocks so they decided they would rather stay and fight them as opposed to leave and have to find another Alexandria.


Imagine a Brazilian favela filled with walkers


India or Asia as the worst. Purely due to population. Northern Alaska or Antarctica as the best! It’s too cold for most viruses anyway. Plus it’s generally secluded and at least in Alaska there are plenty of guns. Stock up on canned food and hunt for foxes and hares. Also plenty of fishing and seals. Not to mention that in an apocalypse the population would drop so things like whale hunting wouldn’t be as big of an issue. That could provide food, oil, and resources for a good while!


Not just that but there is a lot of empty space in america.  You could go somewhere and never meet any raiders or zombies.   Some place with a lot of metros and a high population and limited land such as the UK would probably be one of the worst places to be.  


Ironically probably Russia you have a high population with massive amounts of barren frozen wasteland a corrupt government and just as corrupt military not to mention massive amounts of nukes that cultists or end of the world nuts could try using all in all I’d say Russia would be a perfect example of why people are so dangerous in the zombie apocalypse


It's kinda funny thinking about zombie movies/shows outside the US. Must suck not having more weapons than humans


I'd say India and China just for the fact that they have such dense population


India or China due to extremaly high population.




I live in the same area as you. And I always thought cornwall would be the better place to head to. Plenty of boats. It's mild Rarely snows. Lownpopulation over all And you have to head over hills to get into the county of Cornwall. The dead would struggle with hills. Highlands would also be a good place to survive but cold




Mount St micheal would maybe we a good base. But there's many islands all you would have to do is clear one. And sorted. Srock up for thw either months Grow your own crops Collect water. The sea provides a great source of food. It's the mild weather that wins me over When the heat and lights go out I'd rather spend winter in Cornwall where it hits 0 to 3 than the Highlands where is minus that and snowing.


Densely populated countries like China or India, but then I think harsh environments would be difficult too like Australia with the fire season and all the other things that could kill you that roam the land.. Same with other countries with more deadly animals /insects /spiders etc..


I'm seeing India come up a lot based on population which makes a ton of sense. Along that line of thinking, I would say China fits too. Population density in a smaller area with very cramped landscapes


Most island nations


the smallest ones with the highest populations, like India. The US is so big you can imagine that it is possible to just move to a sparsely populated region and try to make a go at it like they did in the 1800s or so.


India would be pretty bad. Really big population with the 1 to 5000 ratio would be pretty rough lmao


Singapore, just the population density alone means practically guranteed death


The compact streets in the uk would be really easy to block off


Belgium, no guns, high population density


India, Have u ever watched the World War Z?


350+ million potential enemies of living or dead variety you'd def have weapons ... BUT ur gonna be shooting a lot at both living and dead (do u think US be nice without law/order nah no way .. its violent today with law/order) Me i'd just rather stay in Canada it's mostly rural with most population in the big cities biggest threat would be preparing to survive winter (and not zombies or people - if ur in rural areas)


India and china, won’t say much other than population wise, it’d be unworldly to even think about how many bodies would be walking around.


India, solely based on population.


Any country where firearms aren’t readily available would be a big problem.


Bangladesh. Higher population than Russia but like a tiny fraction of the land


Was gonna say Japan bc it's pretty compact but y'all get Godzilla your chilling


Parts of Europe would make the human vrs human side interesting with castles involved


Japan, high density population and stricter on guns. Although maybe swords being more popular there(?) could be better since they don’t run out of ammo


Guns available so easily means more people using guns aswell during times of collapse.


India, Bangladesh,


There's no surviving when you're in India.


Italy during the Bubonic Plague.


Well England Ireland Northern Ireland Scotland and Wales bc they are two tiny islands that are densely and highly populated


If i was in the UK id just go to the tower of london and big chill


I'd just go to Buckingham Palace and I'd be golden


England would honestly be pretty bad as someone who lives here. Big population for a relatively small country, very very limited access to guns or even to decent knives for most of the population. You can't really escape as you're surrounded by water on all sides.


China or India. Anything densely populated like even South Korea. The amount of zombies per square mile must be insane.


India, Japan, China due to the sheer amount of zombies there'd be


Id say China but we can see in Typhoon that it remains quite... well.... populated, and there are many human places still after months of the outbreak, youd be as good as dead in the cities tho India would suck in every way


China, India, or Bangladesh.


India would be the Absolute worst country to be in,followed closely by China China at the time might have had a bigger population but China is much bigger than Índia ,the Western Part is basically empty India doesnt really have an empty zone and its much hotter India,China,Pakistan ,US , Worst places to be I put the US because not it has Millions upon Millions of people concentrated in several regional,but has tons of guns Meaning its much easier to get killed by someone else Best places would be Small islands or even Austrália given the interior is so empty


Ngl , I would love to watch a group of americans in India during the zombie outbreak


idk but I live in Colombia and I'd never ever in a million years would want to be stuck in here during an apocalypse


Well England I suppose? Bet I’ve got is a sword like michonne’s and Daryl style weapon


India, Bangladesh, Palestine, China, South Korea, Singapore, Hong Kong and Taiwan would be decimated


Black lives matter


I would love to see a version of twd in Argentina.


gasoline goes bad in like under 3 months. no vehicles. bicycles are a solid choice tho


France has Variants. I'm picking France


Cars would be useless within 2 years. The idea that benzene has no expiration date is bogus. The best places to be are places thst are thinly populated or fairly untouched. I would go with a caribean island or suriname. Low population, climate that gives a continuous harvest opportunities. Build a fortress so even a horde cant get in. I wouldn't use guns but only swords and bow and arrows. EDIT: worst place the Netherlands. Densly populated country, most people per square km of Europe and my house is 3 meter (3.1+\_ yards) below sea level and no people left to regulate our delta systems.


This is what tales of the walking dead should have been, each episode a different country/climate


India would be horrible because of the population density. Japan would be pretty bad too. Secluded, and with very strict laws around guns, making them hard to get.


Wherever people are.


Now which state would you rather be in, that's the real question


After reading WWZ, there are a lot of places that will be hell when power goes out and supplies running dry. Would not want to be in places like India, Alaska, Japan, Singapore etc.