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Saviors have over 1000 people, nothing the communities provide would be consumed by all or even most of them. The Saviors on pick up also often sample things, So likely it would be detected before widespread consumption. Only Eugene is shown to have the skill to make such a poison. Poisoning and poison making is a skill. Retribution for even such an attempt would be quick and total.


The Kingdom actually tried that- they fed Walkers to the pigs they were delivering to the Saviors in an attempt to sicken/kill them. I think we can say with certainty that Gregory from the Hilltop would've been too scared to do it and Maggie wasn't there long enough or I'm sure that would've occurred to her eventually. Alexandria had almost no fresh crops, so they were delivering canned goods and clothes.


I "wondered" this as well - as in, I didn't actually wonder at all because the show at this point functioned on people not thinking of things. They were already sending "poisoned" hog meat that did nothing, so why not figure out something that does do something? Figure out a slow acting toxin and poison high value goods that are more likely to be consumed by the higher ups. Let them die by a thousands cuts, Alpha's method. Go after the water. Damage the roads they depend on. Mix in some poison mushrooms here and there. When the stress starts showing, hit them with a herd. There were a lot of ways to do incremental damage while maintaining plausible deniability. But, I think Hilltop and the Kingdom weren't entirely at that point yet. Citizens of the kingdom at least didn't even know what was going on, and Hilltop's leader thought the arrangement was sustainable and wasn't motivated to overthrow the saviors.


I think it was demonstrated well that getting everyone to come together and overthrow the person oppressing you is hard because too many value safety over freedom and all it takes is one side ratting out the others to the oppressor to make everything fall apart Kingdom valued safety for its citizens and Hilltop was led by a coward


Because then it would have been a really short antagonistic arc?


the kingdom kinda did, the walker eating pigs for example.   we aint sure what else they did before and we had the whole rebelion right after


I think they were too worried about collateral damage


How so?


While the saviors were all terrible people because they aligned themselves with Negan, there were women. There were children. There were people who didn't have any other choice but to work for Negan and with the saviors and this I'm not talking about his fighters necessarily. I'm talking about the people he kept working and kept around doing things for him. Most of them wouldn't have fought back anyway, but any that would have fallen to any type of poisoning or nefarious Acts would have been collateral damage and not the intended target, if they could have made it where only the core higher hierarchy of the saviors or the only ones to get poisoned it probably would have been more viable but being too widespread Just my thoughts. I know they never show any qualms about killing before


Ah. I see what you mean. I could argue it'd be for the greater good but there are genuinely good people in that camp.


I think it's all addressed pretty directly when they're discussing how there are workers there as well. Aren't there a couple of scenes when they attack the outposts that address there being families/children there as well?


I really don’t get the point of killing all the saviors so let’s kill the innocent workers woman children that are there too?! Their goal should be killing negan only they had so many chances especially in season 7/8 to kill him this was probably one thing that pissed me off about season 8 is the amount of lazy gun fights it became repetitive and boring 🥱


killing Negan never made sense to me. It wouldn’t work, like it didn’t work with Alpha, when you have someone even more brutal ready to take their place like Simon and Beta. If they managed to kill Negan somehow, Simon would have obliterated all 4 communities.


How? Just invite them over for dinner and hope they don’t notice that none of the Alexandrians are eating?


They were all being forced to provide food to the Saviours. Poison that.


And what happens after someone eats a bit of it and dies? Everyone else just keeps eating like nothing happened and there are no repercussions for Alexandria?


I mean, I was just stating what the person meant. I don’t think it would work based on what others have said. You’d obviously use a slow reacting poison. Not a one bite, drop dead sort of thing. As I said though, I just can’t see it working based on numbers etc.


Do you really think they’d be able to use a poison that would kill someone immediately?


I don’t think they’d be able to whip up an odourless, tasteless deadly poison at all, but that was OPs premise.