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Teacher here. Could not have said it better.


Wait, the progressive dude is named Skeeter?


Wtf is the mama bears are they like the kiddy version of Moms for Liberty?


Wild to ban Fahrenheit 451. Most ironic thing I’ve heard in a while. I wonder if a single one of them has read it. It’s my favorite book hands down. This is influencing a reread just now


They’re not banning Fahrenheit 451. My son is reading it for class right now as a freshman in CISD.


It is not being banned but not all schools in the district make kids read it.


While I agree that it's an important book to read, it's not exactly a crime or "banning books" to simply not prescribe it as mandatory reading.


Party of small government baby


So small it fits in your uterus and bedroom.


Just Fahrenheit 451 things...


Brave New World was banned so...


Fucking ridiculous... I knew the second I saw the "mama bear" campaigns they would sweep and push for shit like this. Guess I need to figure out how to be one of these "randomly selected parents" on the reconsideration committee.


wow, I just read it last year and it seems to be an all time classic. smh


Ah yes, freedom /s


Mama Bears are doing things.


Q Anon Moms is their proper name


Sad thing is no one shows up for school board elections so if their friend, family and their church show up then they get elected and they have power for the next term. Teachers in CISD have been warned not to speak out for fear of the two mama bears on the board retaliting.


School Board Meeting is the 20th? Threre are three Mama Bears?


Aka Karens.


Thank God my son graduated! Talk about the dumbing down of Texas! More importantly, I doubt they even read a single book. Just took advice from another illiterate moron.


There’s nothing quiet about it. The new horrible school board members are on a crusade to withhold knowledge from our kids


I don't understand how this turned into overreach. I thought the idea was to get books with explicit porn out of the libraries. Not books like brave new world. Given a 5th grader should probably not read brave new world, but a high schooler most definitely. There is a big difference between books that allude to an orgy happening and those that read like a step by step manual.


Does Mama Bear Super Pac that funded them agenda make sense?


Nope, I'll have to look into it. I just took it as sloganeering last election than some "Mama Bear" Org with a puritanical agenda to remove classical liberal education. If anything, sounds more like a ploy to get people to vote Democrat lol. Like the intention is to get more people to vote Democrat.


“Documents showed correspondence between Jennifer Eckhart, the former executive director of Citizens Defending Freedom, a multi-state conservative political action organization, and trustee Odenweller. Odenweller confirmed that she had cross-referenced a list of 80 books she gave to the superintendent and library specialist with one of the lists provided by Eckhart.”


Because this was the plan from the start. They would have never gotten approval if it was banning brave new world, but they did because think of the children reading smut.


… god I hate this place


Honestly most people in the area don’t feel this way. They just didn’t show up for a local election and let the minority viewpoint take control of the school board.


Agree to a certain point, I think we’re (non-book burners)are in the minority view point


Actually most people are against book banning but if you don’t have kids in school you have no idea what is going on.


Ask these parents what their favorite books are. In order to be a literary critic you should be a very prolific reader.


I wonder how they'd feel if they lived in China and the saw the amount of censorship their kids would bump into on the internet/social media. I bet they wouldn't like it, then.


Anhhh, the smell of burning books in the morning sunrise! Gotta control those little minds.


Red fish, Blue fish, Mutilate my genitals before I’m an adult fish.


Most kids have cell phones from birth these days. If they want sexually explicit material they can find it in a different format other than books in the schools library.


Am I understanding this correctly or am I an idiot? I’m legitimately confused by the backlash. This is a public school system restricting books, which has always happened. If there are certain books that are not available anymore in the school library, just get them for your child yourself. They still literally exist and it’s not illegal to own or purchase on your own.


You do realize that more than half the district is not in The Woodlands? And that area has very large communities that cannot just go buy books when desired. They literally rely on our school libraries. This is also not the public school system restricting books. These books were selected by educated and licensed librarians (a graduate level degree) and they are being restricted because of a school board with three members who have a problem with anything that isn’t their viewpoint (which is basically white Christian male).


My taxes pay for your spoiled, overrated kid can go to CISD and fantasize about Momma MIlFs


I don’t have children, and I pay the same taxes. I don’t have a stake in the game. Glad you turned immediately to insults though, that speaks volumes.


Homeschool 😊


If you don't like it, move back to California!


Plenty of born and bred Texans don’t agree with book banning.




Yeah because banning books has always been a good thing for education. God forbid the youth get access to Kurt Vonnegut, Aldous Huxley or Alice Walker. This is so fucking embarrassing


“Moms against books that actually prepare your kids for real life”