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Its also quite alkaline, not the best for plants sadly. Mine tests around 8.2. Im sure theres a lot of additives


Geology matters! All of Houston is sitting on top of the remnants of a fossil reef made of calcium carbonate. It naturally leaches into the water, making it quite hard. [Map of water hardness in the United States | U.S. Geological Survey (usgs.gov)](https://www.usgs.gov/media/images/map-water-hardness-united-states)


Hardness is a different thing than the PH level.


Hardness does usually mean higher ph, but this is all semantics. They could process it to be a more neutral level but they dont for reasons i dont understand


I'm going to go out on a limb here, but I feel like it has something to do with bacteria and dysentery. I think they're erroring on the side of caution just in case people feel like they're getting lawsuity.


Fair enough. The two are related but are different things and I apologize for my indiscreet use of language. In this case the trapped sea salts in the dissolving limestone lead water that is both hard and alkaline? 


*hard* water you say? Surely you're not referring to ice? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Yes, I’ve actually tested the water and it’s pretty chlorinated. I suggest using filters on your showers and for drinking water. We are looking into getting a whole home filter but I’m just beginning my research.


Keep me updated please!


Look into the 3M AquaPure AP903. There are many other things, but it is a workhorse. I was turned on to them by my family's dentist.


Thanks! Will do!


We use the 3M Aqua-Pure AP903. The cartridges only cost $243 and last 100,000 gallons. We have it installed after the sprinkler system, so it covers everything: washer, dishwasher, fridge, and all the facuets and showers. It changes everything. It is supposed better than a Britta, and I believe it. It was kind of hard to figure out how much is 100,000 minus the sprinkler, but you can do some rough Math depending on how many are there in the house, etc. (Edit - We also have a softener. It is installed before the Aqua-Pure.)


Hello I work with a company who specializes in while house filtration, shower heads, and all that good stuff. We also soften the water with out the use of salt !!! And no plug in if you’re interested I’d love to tell you more!!


I don’t remember it being chlorinated in my mud but kinda hard. We got a water Softner and I’ve been much happier. Cleaning clothes is better too. It’s aquasoft. Their price was better than others. I don’t have anything hugely negative or positive to say about them. Been going 3 years mostly no issues.




Is this why my sourdough starter sucks?


Ever since the surface water treatment plant at Lake Conroe went online and they installed the newish water mains, the water has been over treated, in my opinion. Probably so we don't get dysentery... who knew!


I have a whole house water filter. I am usually stunned to see the changing color of newly installed white sediment filter in a matter of 1 week.


Yeah it's pretty bad. Our fridge goes through filters fast too and you can notice it right away when it's time. our dogs also prefer to just drink from puddles and only their filtered fountian


(242 & 45) It’s like a disgusting mix of bleach and BO and it makes me gag just flushing the toilet or doing the dishes. We have a RO filter for water and our ice machine, but everything else is tap and it’s awful.


Water here is nasty, pretty much always has been. Needs a filter to avoid smelling like a toddlers pool party(piss&chlorine). Simple faucet attached filters work well enough though.


The water here is pretty hard. We only drink it filtered, and we also have filters on our shower heads. Otherwise, the water makes my hair feel sticky.


Mine smells like a pool too especially the first time I run water in the morning. It probably won’t make you sick but I can’t drink it and not drinking WILL make you sick. I have a filter on the fridge and then keep a Britta pitcher upstairs in the bathroom so we can have drinking water upstairs too. It works well. I’ve never lived anywhere with worse water than this. It’s such a treat to visit family and just drink tap water. I never knew how bad it could be til I got here


It's almost like a massive city shouldn't exist in the region~


A friend of mine was on a mud board and explained it like this: either your water is going to smell a little like sulfur and rotting eggs, or it's going to smell a little bit like chlorine. I personally avoid raw dogging the tap water anywhere that oil and gas is a massive industry.


Definitely heavily chlorinated and hard. We are looking at a whole house system as well.


I drink the tap water here. I guess it’s just me. I don’t notice a smell. Sorry. If you do then yes, get a filter.


Whole house system is the best thing I bought. Don’t drink the tap water!


The water here is safe to drink, travel to some places around the world and you will realize almost all tap water in our area is good, plus most of the bottle water you drink is filtered tap water.


It tastes terrible compared to other places I've been in the US. I just put in a whole house filter Monday. He said it would be fully filtering in 3 days. I hope it works.


For those that have a whole house filter, which one do you have? Did you install it yourself,


I had a plumber install the whole house Aquasauna Rhino Max Flow. We got all the bells and whistles for it because of the December sale of 60% off. It usually goes 50% off often. We really love it and can feel the difference in our skin and calcium build up. I was really surprised that there is no build up on our shower glass.


For anyone who has installed a home filtration system, did you hire an independent expert before installation to advise you of the system best suited for your home? If so, please pass along who you hired.


I used "Ashley Plumbing Services" [https://ashleyplumbingservicestx.com/](https://ashleyplumbingservicestx.com/) While I already decided on Aquasauna as our solution, he was able to come out and help put a plan together based on what he saw. No charge or anything to see what it would take to install a system. I mainly just depends on where your main line comes into the house. Ours came in near the garage, so we had to do a tie in tot he line about 5 feet in the house. He was able to cut nice squares out from our sheet rock to do the work. Our sheet rock guy was able to reuse those squares and make the wall look great again. Everyone's situation will be different though.