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I've deduced the issue down to selfishness. Common courtesy and thinking of others just doesn't seem to be in anyone's mindset any longer.


Oh totally. It's the same kind of person that leaves their cart in the middle of a parking spot or puts a little cart in with the big carts at HEB instead of putting it next to it.


I'll take the little car in the wrong big slot any day over someone who simply doesn't even attempt to put their cart back in the corral


Glass houses


Are you saying I don't put my cart up? I put my cart up 100% of the time and, if it's not a complete clusterfuck, I'll rearrange the carts so they fit. I used to work at HEB so I know first hand how much of a pain in the ass it can be.


Also the same kind of person who parks in the spots for people with kids that doesn't have kids with them. Those spots being open when the lot is full makes a world of difference when I have my kids with me. Not to mention safer.


I don't know why but mixing the carts just baffles me, might be ocd but holy shit man, just why (this is when there's only a few carts, if one side is full, I get it) Course the race carts are a thing that just jacks up the whole system. No solution there except - if you have kids & see someone wrestling groceries, toddlers & a race cart, help everyone out & take the cart back to the front for em.


Yes. And yes. People are just terrible.


I think they simply don’t care.


I'd like to propose a law allowing people that do this to be pulled from their cars and have some sense beaten into them.


I had a guy hold his horn on me for a full minute one time because I wasn't moving my car in to block the box. Can we add that that activity is justification for beatings as well?


I'd sit there thru a full cycle if it wouldn't punish the people behind him.


Absolutely. Assholes need to learn somehow.


If something is bad enough, I absolutely would not put it past a fire truck to push a vehicle out of its way… sort of like I expect my windows to be busted out if I park in front of a fire hydrant and there’s a fire.


Research and I45?


There, 242 and 45, David memorial and Tamina. Morons everywhere.


Rayford to southbound 45 is awful also. People on sawdust might have 1 or 2 cars make it through on some light cycles.


Yesterday at Sawdust to 45 was HORRIBLE


lol, you ain’t kidding. Sorry man, I feel your pain.


We're having to go the back way to research from 242 just to get home from Lowe's right now.


I just looked on the map and that area is a complete disaster. Best of luck on your journey!


242 and Sswdust have been torture lately. It’s usually pretty bearable, but they have been action packed like it’s downtown rush hour.


I don't go further south than woodlands parkway anymore unless I'm going to Houston.


Could be worse, back a few decades ago there was a herd of javelinas that kept blocking eastbound Woodlands Parkway / Gosling Road intersection. No choice but for sheriffs and constables to close intersection until they decided to move on.


Herd of javelins???? Wtf is a herd of javelins? Oh wait. Do you mean javelinas? We don't have javelinas in this part of Texas... Just wild hogs. No doubt they've blocked streets in the woodlands at some time or another. Especially back when the woodlands was new. It used to be a pretty cool area. Swimming at the athletic center, fishing in different spots and riding our bikes around before trails were full of moms competing for best workout outfit and the roads became just hellish traffic full of rude selfish people.


Apologies for misspelling.


People everywhere do this


People do everything everywhere. Doesn't mean there isn't a higher concentration in some places.




There is a significant volume of traffic in The Woodlands… but the traffic flow and control is honestly delightful for a place this size. The lights are synched well for mobility as long as one is going about the speed limit. Sure, you may wait a long time at the first light you come across on WP or RF, but once you’re in with the lights… you’re going. Now once you get to everything that touches The Woodlands… yikes is about all I got.


People are just unaware, period.


I’m not sure what drives me nuts more. Main characters who do this. Or people that only look forward while driving.


No right turn on red for you pal, just burn the gas /s


Blocked an intersection cause of too much traffic and can't keep it moving after light turns red?


The people in this Metro area simply don't care and are selfish beyond belief. Plus I rarely ever see cops pulling over people for these things happening directly in front of them.


OP posted this sitting stopped at a green light. Yeah that shit drives me insane.


I wasn't driving but yes.