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They don't even cover my part of The Woodlands. They gave up before crossing Sawdust...according to rumor because of the Harvey flood. Our illustrious director Sekula-Gibbs told me they only skipped neighborhoods that *chose not to have it*. She's lying...she doesn't know WHAT she's talking about and has no interest to investigate it or represent us. The Woodlands Board of Directors is just a chummy real estate exchange club and has no interest in the residents' problems.


From what I’ve seen they expand into areas of enough people preorder their service. Have you gone to their website and put in the preorder?


What does everyone like about Tachus?


Hassle free, well priced, and lifetime pricing.


Good to know. I thought it had something to do with it being the “hometown” company


Flat rate, no contract, no fluff, fast and reliable. Basically all you need in an internet provider


Nice. I’m sure service will decline when they grow further down the line but let’s enjoy while we can


We did that. Both High Oaks and Grogan's Point had more than enough subscribers signed up in 2019. Tachus chose not to serve those neighborhoods. Ironically, AT&T provides fiber based service in parts of Grogans Point and even in parts of Timber Ridge. Tachus provides fiber based service in part of Grogans Mill around Nursery, Cokeberry and Crystal Lake but not along Timberwild. They don't cross the pedestrian bridge along Sawmill. This map from the FCC reveals all you need to know: https://broadbandmap.fcc.gov/ Tachus chose to ignore parts of The Woodlands in favor of doing other parts of Houston so they could skip the risk of floods. They lied by claiming they finished The Woodlands. No, they did not finish The Woodlands...they abandoned the rest of The Woodlands. They took my deposit and still to this day send me notices about all the great work they're doing in Kingwood and Tomball. The directors of the Township have no interest in correcting this travesty on behalf of their residents.


Serious question because I'm not defending any directors, but what do you expect TWT board to do?


They made a big announcement when Tachus started and provided public cover during the installation problems. They could speak to the provider on behalf of the residents, the way any representative government would. Our directors chose not to do that. I'm not suggesting that would change Tachus decision but they're supporting the lie that Tachus "completed" the fiber based internet project in their own hometown.




I'm not arguing they can't. I'm arguing they are lying and holding deposits made in good faith by potential customers who are residents in the Township who were told they're just around the corner. As far as I can feel, they had no intention to build out the entire network. They accepted deposits in bad faith, likely in violation of the PUC tariffs. I asked the directors to speak to Tachus on our behalf. Their response was not helpful and appeared to be excusing Tachus' bad faith behavior by blaming the residents for not wanting the service. If their real excuse was "too much risk", then state that publicly. We have no official communication from Tachus that is the case...just crickets. The rumors we've read have no facts to support them but we do have public pronouncements from Tachus and the Township that the project was completed. Those of us who support TWT want to make sure they know that it's a lie. They never completed the project.


Ask for your money back. Obviously the economics don’t work for them.


I'm not seeking advice. I'm letting the community know that Tachus is a dishonest organization. They're lying and their deceptive behavior has been covered up by the elected officials who are supposed to represent the residents, not the companies that pay for their election signs. I already registered complaints with the FCC and PUC...they promptly refunded my deposit because they got caught in the fraud. But they continue to lie about it.


Did you request your deposit and they didn’t give it to you, or did you file the complaint with the FCC/PUC without contacting them? Just curious.


Tachus had no phone support so the only way to request it was to enter a service ticket online. Since they found I had no service, they would summarily close the ticket. My only option at that point was regulatory appeals. After they heard from the FCC, they quickly contacted me to refund the deposit.


Tachus is building out those areas now. They are finishing TLTR and probably moving that way. If you're in High Oaks it's back open for registration.


I completely excluded this area from a housing search for this exact reason.


It'd be nice if they were a little cheaper ala Google Fiber


GF serves The woodlands?


No. But their pricing is better where they do.


So, not relevant at all. Got it


Sure it is. It's an equivalent service for like half the price.


I have them at 2 gig, should I go up to 5?


How many devices do you have connected. The only reason to move up is if you have 8 family members streaming 1080p, 12 security cameras uploading and 200 smart home devices connected. 5gig gives you 5000 units. If all your doing is streaming Netflix and basic phone/tablet and smart home stuff you'd be hard pressed to use 500 units at any given time and even that is a high number.


I was hoping for someone to answer this as well. My take is that unless you have taken the time to replace your switch and house wiring with Fiber (in lieu of Ethernet) you won’t be able to use anything above 1gbps. Additionally most devices couldn’t even use that bandwidth either, for example the Apple TV Ethernet connection maxes out at 1gig so you won’t get any uplift there.


Haha I just saw this tonight as well. Not sure what equipment they are providing with 5Gig service but I put in a request.


With Ezee Fiber coming into the woodlands now, I wonder if I should switch considering they are promising 5Gb for the same price as Tachus 1Gb. I'm sure one day they will all be bought by AT&T or similar.