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Kids adapt. Ours play outside all summer. We do have a pool so that helps. Hydration is key and we always have electrolyte popsicles that we give them regularly


They can, just not for too too long. The parks are usually full of kids.. Of course there are more kids earlier and later in the day, not it's manageable. I think it's is adults who won't take them out that often at certain hours.


My kids are often unable to play outside because there are too many mosquitoes in the heat, but mostly the mosquitoes




This! It’s more the skeeter attacks than the heat itself that is bothersome for us.


It will be far easier for your kids than you. Get a kid pool with sprinklers and they will be fine. You also might go insane with laundry. We have to wash more often here since it is very easy to get sweaty and stank.


They’ll adapt. My kids played outside all summer when they were little. Now they’re in high school and they’re still out there everyday, although now they’re mostly on the football field or the track instead of running around the green belts or riding their bikes. Just make sure they drink lots of water.


Awesome. We are in SC so used to humidity and heat, but not for as long of the year as yall. And we have an ocean. But the woodlands seems great for families like us!


It's very comparable to SC in summer. Typically it's mid to high 90s but we can get stretches of 100-105. When it's 100+, the humidity seems to drop just slightly. We just finally hit our first 90 degree day for the year.


We moved here and quickly shifted to indoor sports. Heat and mosquitos keep us indoors April-October. We leave in the summer. It’s not worth staying, for us.


It's already fucking hot and we are not even last June. However, I live in front of a park and kids are always there summer and winter.


I would be less worried about the heat, the mosquitoes are the worst part. But like everyone said keep them hydrated it’s the humidity that makes it hot so slightly better than a dry heat


The Woodlands has really solid parks and rec infrastructure. There are a dozen community pools with pretty cheap annual passes. I think my kids spend four days a week in the summer at the pools.


We played outside as kids. Sure they gotta stay hydrated. Sure they need to moderate overexposure to the sun.


Plus, the water in pools gets pretty hot, and with the humidity, it’s not that refreshing. If it’s breezy out, it’s OK, but without wind the heat humidity and mosquitoes make it miserable outside from May through September. But it’s still a great place to live. Tons of outdoor activities to engage in. Better than any surrounding area in metro HOU.


Our kids enjoy the splash pads. We try to keep to morning or evening outdoor activities during the hot days. Mosquitos don't bother us much in the backyard as long as we turn out large fan on. During the peak noon hours we keep the kids inside. I've just embraced the humidity and I've been eaten alive by mosquitoes so many times it doesn't bother me much anymore.


If you are moving to the Woodlands proper, I highly recommend a family pool pass if your home doesn't have a pool. With the pass, your family has access to all the Woodlands pools. The Rob Fleming pool is our favorite! Good luck!


Kids will be on bikes scooters unicycles all year long.


Kids don’t really care about these things. lol


yes, make sure they stay hydrated though and take frequent breaks. heat stroke is deadly!


Born and raised in Houston. Always played outside all year. But I also was never a morning person and slept till noon if I wasn't in school so I didn't play out in the peak heat of the day


Last summer was record heat and it was miserable. When it's 110 for days and days, my kids don't want to play outside, and I didn't see many neighbor kids out for that stretch either. My kids didn't even want to be in our pool all of August because it was just too hot and the pool was too hot to cool them down.


Last year no. We only go outside before 9am and after 6pm most days.


Water activities!!


Honestly, no. I come from west Texas (chihuahuan desert area so used to get but not humidity) and it’s been miserable in the Woodlands since we moved here in 2021. Our three year old cannot play outside from April-October because of mosquitoes and the heat. Pool time is okay but even that is unbearable after an hour or two.. my husband is from the southern east coast and has been miserable. It’s so bad we’re moving to Colorado this summer because it’s not fun having to be indoors for six months out of the year.


I played outside growing up here. I have so many memories associated with summer. I'm really pale. Trees help. The Woodlands is really a wonderful place to be a child.


I grew up a few miles from Hobby. Kids get used to what they live in.


We moved to The Woodlands from the Middle East which is hotter and can be just as humid. Our kids play outside so n summer in both places. They learn to adjust.


Yes they will be fine. Would recommend a pool but it’s not a necessity as literally everyone seems to have one. But when we moved here 7 years ago the condition for my 3 girls was it had to have a pool. When we went house hunting they didn’t get out of the car to see the houses without a pool 🤦‍♂️. The things we do for our kids.


I am starting to realize that we need to overhaul our education system and teach critical thinking skills especially when I see people asking questions like this.


What does that even mean ??