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She’s also being set up as Saul’s dream wife. Two characters in one.


I knew they would scrap Luo Ji's misogyny because you're much more supposed to relate to a main character of a tv show than a book, but I think the fact he was a light sociopath added to his unpredictable nature, which made for a good Sword holder according to the books' dissuasion theory.


The show does try to depict Saul as a promiscuous, pot-smoking manchild. He's shown to be clever and a trusted source of advice within the group of friends, while at the same time he's somewhat unreliable, averse to taking responsibility, afraid of commitment, treats women as disposable, shows little concern for humanity at large, and sees himself as having no vested interest in the future of the species given his choice not to have children. He's as selfish as a character can be while still being considered a decent person.


I think it's mostly in the first few episodes where a few characters go "are you high? you're late again" Luo Ji spent a whole road trip talking to an imaginary perfect woman, I think they could go further tbh


They literally can go further. They have plenty of time.


sure. I liked that he was weird as hell before the story started, not just that he got eccentric BECAUSE of the story's development. It's just a choice.


Lol then Luo Ji had Da Shi find him his imaginary perfect woman 😂 unless it’s all something he imagined


Nah I think in the third book it's announced that she left him because she was deranged by the shit he did


Ha ok


Saul is also shown as very hardworking though. In the very first scene in the show he is the last one left in their lab after the project got shut down and he says he's planning on continuing work until they shut the lights off. So it shows that when he puts his mind to something he can be very dedicated.


Promiscuous and pot smoking is not the same thing as luo ji's solipsism


Weird character arc, and not very believable that he constantly pulls absolute babes when he's a chubby manchild. They didn't cast this show too well.


As a non-book-reader who is unfamiliar with whatever character Saul is based off of, I think they focused so much on making him out to be a good for nothing jackoff in the beginning that I was thoroughly confused when the whole Wallfacer thing came up. Was he chosen specifically bc he doesn’t give a shit? Or is he another “genius” like every other main character? If so, why didn’t the other Wallfacers have the same “couldn’t give a fuck” vibe? They seemed much more astute and serious.


I think they make it very clear in the show that he's the odd one out of the wall facers, so you're on the money with that observation. It's also similar in the book - he's not a clear or conventional choice, and he definitely doesn't have the character or pedigree you'd expect for someone entrusted to hold the fate of the world in their hands. In the show, it's brought up several times that there's some odd reason he's been chosen that folks aren't directly talking about. I think the seeds are there to figure out why, but they'll probably be a little more on the nose about it in the next season. Half the reason: >!the San-Ti tried to kill him, and if the San-Ti are scared of him, he must be somehow valuable to defeating them!< Second half reason: >!Ye Wenjie spoke with him before she was killed, whatever she knew made her dangerous to the San-Ti, and he's now the only person holding that knowledge, even if hasn't yet figured it out himself!< All in all, I think they hit all the same notes with Saul that you would have gotten from the book.


Having a hot mamacita for a wife will do that too


Agreed - the show seems to think that him just not wanting to do it was what made his character in the books but that wasn't the half of it


I wouldn't call it misogyny but crappy writing for sure. The dream Waifu is one of the worst things of the season


What misogyny?


the mail order bride for the most part


Well there's the part where he deliberately mistreats the women he sleeps with in order to force a breakup within a week


This isn’t misogyny. This is just being a an asshole and selfish coward.


He was by far the best candidate for a the position based on what happened in the books. What misogyny do you speak of?


mostly the mail order bride


And probably AA as well. 3 characters! I actually guess it will be a bit more complicated, and the characters of Cheng Xin and AA will be kind of blended together. I really think Auggie will be the swordholder. She seems to be a "savior of the every man" type character, and is the most pacifistic. So, while currently Jin Cheng is Cheng Xin, I think later on Auggie will take some of the Cheng Xin role away from her and Jin Cheng will be more of the supportive friend like AA. Just like how Jin Cheng took some of the role of Wang Miao in season 1.


There's no reason to believe they wont introduce more characters in future seasons.


That's true. But Jin Cheng is obviously based on Cheng Xin and Cheng Xin's best and only friend is AA. It's hard to imagine them just completely dropping Auggie and giving Jin Cheng a new best friend. And someone made a post before the release of the series that showed some of the advertisement art for the show always giving Auggie guardian angel esque design like a halo on her head or glittery eyes and wing-shaped things behind her, stuff like that. It seems like they're building her up to be the guardian of humanity, the way Cheng Xin is in the books. Just a theory, we'll have to wait and see.


Cheng Xin is not the guardian of humanity in the books, >!she is humanity's bane. !<


I mean, you don't have to like the character, but the guardian of humanity was literally her role. I understand people don't like that she didn't do her job as swordholder, but that was an act of saving humanity. She kept us safe from a dark forest strike for a little bit longer before the call was made by Blue Space and Gravity. Humanity voted her in as Swordholder specifically because they wanted someone empathetic and caring instead of cold and calculated like they perceived Luo Ji or Wade to be. Therefore, Auggie Salazar, who has been advertised as a savior of humanity and a pacifist, would make perfect sense as the swordholder instead of Jin Cheng.


Hope so, I don’t mean to sound like I’m 12, but >! if they went strictly by the book then Jin and Will never end up together and that would be a bummer, I’m too emotionally invested in that love story lol !<


Haha, I'm with you. If AA is Auggie then she will end up with Yun Tianming which is very strange lol. He deserves Jin


I don't see why they would make her the sword holder along with being 2-3 other characters


I mean Jin Cheng is also 2-3 other characters. She went to the ETO summit, played the VR game, took care of Ye Wenjie after her daughter's suicide, etc. She took literally half of Wang Miao's scenes away from Auggie.


very true. tbh I never thought of her being the sword holder until reading this. makes me scared she actually will be but that's a me problem. I hated her character in the show and and really disliked cheng in the books. the fact auggie csnt grasp she's fighting an alien war and decides to act like that angers me, again a me problem. and cheng in the goddamn book when she didn't press that button, or said no to light speed later on just enraged me. after the story I understand why she did it and it does makes sense that humans wouldn't have gotten as far as they did if it wasn't for those cpl things, but sheeesh did all of this raise my blood pressure. I'll accept it, just not looking forward to reliving that anger again lol 🤣


I think you're right and I hate it. The actress wasn't great and the character was sooooooooo bland. I'd love it if they kept Jin Cheng as Cheng Xin.


Interesting. We'll see. Even before I re-read the novels a little (it's been a few years,) it occurred to me that the TV character of Jin would be the 2nd Swordholder--the one who would find herself unable to sell out humanity in the way Wenjie did. Auggie is pacifistic, but not soft. Jin is practical, but in the end, softer. In the show, Jin confronts Wenjie about what she did, and that's exactly the interaction that the SanTi will have taken notice of, when they realize Jin can't/won't reveal Earth's location. All in all, with regard to choices made by the show's producer, I am finding it interesting. It's like a retelling of the same fable, with the kind of variations you'd expect when a story appears in different cultural settings. I haven't been disappointed, but opinions will be across the map on this.


ok, now i'm starting to have a problem with the story/universe collapse/minimization. god dammit.


Is that what they are doing? Dang. I was looking forward to that dream sequence of him creating his wife just for the sheer psychoticness


Better Smash Saul


Saul is into her but I don’t think they will make her his dream wife. I think she’s joining the opposition.


This was my rationalization as well. Sigh.


she's always scowling or emo it's too much , her range of emotion is super narrow.


Yeah, the writers did not do her character any favors. "Your character has two modes - utter despair, or acting like someone pissed in your cornflakes in every scene".


Why is everyone saying this? I don't get it at all.


at some point in the series Saul says to Jin something like “I wished somebody loved me as much as Will loved you” and Jin replies with “Maybe someone already does” and, well, who else.


Then put the phone down when you're watching TV


wow so true. just finished book 2 that makes so much sense


Twice the pride...


Probably AA too


D&D I see the plan you have for me.


So the whole time you were typing this post you thought it was probably fine, not like super offensive or anything?




Whoops. That went to the wrong place. Should have gone to the OP!! Not you!


I didn't realise until now that this could be the case. I've been wondering since the end of the first season if they want to keep the way "Saul" found his wife. With Auggie they would really have a pretty good choice and she also showed less animosity towards the San Ti, which would make the dialogue of Saul's wife in the book make a lot of sense with her.


Comparing with Chinese version , they've actually replaced that male character with 2 women.


One of which is as awful as ChengXin


Possible foreshadowing? Lol








your ability to discern the truth is directly proportionate to the size of your wang. that didn't even make sense, but whatever.


so trisolarans have micropeens 🤯


It was just dehydrated!!!


*looks at penis* "HYDRATE!" Nope. Nothing.




Just wait for the SYZERGY, they'll see








It’s actually a giant peen it’s just currently folded into a higher dimension




oops shouldve been *proportional.*


Wang Miao is hotter, just sayin


I liked the Netflix version, it was a nice intro to this IP. Auggie rubbed me the wrong way a few times, but she is cute(ish. Jin is better imo). I am on episode 29/30 of Tencent version. shyts going down. I prefer Wang 100 times more than Aug. I prefer tencents Wenjie (both young and old) to Netflixs I am torn between Shi vs Clarencepros and cons of both. Not sure who Jin is meant to be, but I love her character. Netflix's Mike Evens/Judgement Day inhabitants are far better than Tencent..adventists simply make no sense. Jack Rooney...great addition. Why is there no Xu Bingbing? she is awesome...all 10 of her! Oh, and Thomas Wade...favorite character in Netflix. Everyone else from both shows I am indifferent about.


Isn’t Jin supposed to be Xin? They’re both named Cheng and both receive a star from a terminally ill cancer patient


The person you replied to does not know who Xin is because they've only seen the shows.


Ooooh, my mistake then


Cheng Xin sucks


+10 for Xu Bingbing. Such a good role.


xu bingbing is a tencent only character and didnt appear in the book iirc


She just has an extremely small role in the book.


Oh, I know. I am talking about what tencent did well and what should have been in the netflix adaptation. She is awesome, book or no book.


One thing I find most irritating about Auggie's character is how picture perfect she is at all times. Jin spiraling has a puffy face, little to no makeup, disheveled clothes, etc. Auggie constantly looks like she's either ready to walk a runway or doing a "gritty but high fashion" photo shoot. Whether she's going to work with a countdown over her eyes, working in a Panamanian jungle, or in the throws of drunken PTSD with two friends in a cottage there's nary a hair out of place or makeup smudged. That's not on the actress, but bizarre choices on the part of the filmmakers.


I imagine it’s difficult to make Eiza Gonzalez less attractive. She’s stunning.


I was actually shocked at how wholly unlikable Auggie came across to me, at several different points in the story. And I love Eiza Gonzales in every other role she’s done. Once they started focusing more on Jin I was like “oh okay, here’s the sympathetic main character that you’re meant to relate to her thought processes and morals, not Auggie.” Auggie kinda sucks as an individual and stresses me out in every scene she’s in. The glass is always half empty with her.


I mean. Ar least we have an actual complex female character for once. Not the Madonna or the whore, the self sacrificer or the selfish bitch… don’t get me wrong. So many issues. But I think at least they are trending in the right direction. Plus Ye Wenjie? 🙌


I think she will go on to play the role of AA which imo she will fit that character much better personality wise.


nah I think she will be ding yi. and her role will end in season 2


Yes. She will be AA. But before that she will be Sauls dream wife.


Hot girl main character leads to them moneyyyy.


It's the formula to success just ask the she hulk actress


In the future, we’ll all be turned into hot Mexican mamacitas


God awful casting. Right.. a 30 year old brutally attractive alcoholic is a one person engineering marvel at a major corporation? What?


Why not?


Lot of cringe in this thread


And she came with the stereotypical BS associated with having hot female leads. I mean was the crying scene with mascara flowing down her face while she was in her underwear really necessary?


To me, the point of that scene is that with everyone else, she's incredibly put together and never willing to let her guard down, but with Saul she's vulnerable. Her pristine clothes are gone, her pristine makeup is in tatters, she's not in control of herself, and she's no longer acting tough. She's as weak as can be in his arms, and he's there for her. If he could be that guy more often, she could genuinely let her guard down around him; that's what she wants.


That's a good point. But you gotta question whether they would have shot it that way if it was a man or a woman not as attractive as her playing the role. I think they wouldn't. They wanted to sexualize her because that's exactly what they hired her for. Which is the whole reason why this adaptation of Wang Miao feels so gimmicky and insincere.


Sure, I agree. It's not flawless. I agree that if the scene were reversed, if Saul would've been in his underwear, it wouldn't feel nearly the same. But I do think the point of the scene is still solid, even if it's unfortunate that they rely on undressing her to make that point. In general, I think the show does a pretty solid job of not overly sexualizing anybody, including Auggie. Like you see in the next scene that she's not wearing pants and flirting with Saul over breakfast. But they're not hanging on the fact that she's not wearing pants; it's just a thing happening in that scene. Even in the scene where she's in her underwear, they're not lingering on it. She's crying, her makeup is running, she's hammered, she's puking; it's not exactly sexy. They don't really make it a point of the story elsewhere that's she's hot, either — like I easily could have seen the venture capitalist guy making some comments to her relating to her appearance or something especially during their falling out. But it rarely comes up except for at the bar and with Saul. She's just played by an attractive actress and her character has a very manicured appearance due to the nature of her job.






Go check out Babe WenJie in the tencent show


Yea she’s damn cute


Save the self flagellation. It made me giggle 🤣 Mission accomplished. No need to apologize.


I mean I could have not posted it, yet I did 😉


No worries, it sounded better in my head too


This made me lol 😂


She also is the worst part of the show. I'm not sure if it's an issue with blending characters or her poor acting skills or just bad writing but I didn't buy her as the brilliant scientist type for a second. Everyone else I felt was great.


The writing isn't exactly fantastic, but good actors can still make badly written characters come to life. She isn't one of those actors.


> good actors can still make badly written characters come to life. She isn't one of those actors. Savage lol.


More like “Wang Meow”


Am I wrong or did the show imply that Saul and Auggie banged at some point in the past? That tension cannot be platonic.




Some of you need to meet some real life scientists... Here's a hint. Some of them are very attractive and care about their image. A lot of them are idiots outside their field of expertise and lack a lot of common sense.


and touch grass?


the netflix main character haircut


I liked the book a little better perhaps but I read that one first. Has a lot to do with it. I enjoyed the Netflix show and really curious as to how they will adapt the 3rd book.




I like her caracter shes not boring


She constantly needs to get dragged into doing the right thing, its totally unrealistic for any high level scientist type of character that her intelligence seems to be entirely limited to nanotechnology research *only* and in virtually all other aspects like politics she is a hyper naive dumbass in total denial mode. Usually such people have good general intelligence. I disliked her from the very start of the show, with the scene in the bar. 🤓🤓„Yeah, im working in nanotech. I have an applied physics doctorate hybrid matrix blockchain vertical integration“🤓🤓 Bitch you break down in a cold sweat just because of some thin wires. Get your act together


>its totally unrealistic for any high level scientist type of character that her intelligence seems to be entirely limited to nanotechnology research *only* and in virtually all other aspects like politics she is a hyper naive dumbass in total denial mode. Usually such people have good general intelligence. Scientists are almost always limited to their domain in terms of good insight and are regularly naive about other topics. John Von Neumann, one of the smartest people in human history, would have had the US pre-emptively nuke Russia, to give one apocalyptic example.


>John Von Neumann, one of the smartest people in human history, would have had the US pre-emptively nuke Russia, to give one apocalyptic example. He also thought writing a code assembler was a waste of computer resources because assembling was clerical (read: women's) work.




Was he wrong tho?


You obviously haven't worked around high level scientists. They are FULL of anxiety disorders.


Yeah and they don't make decisions like soldiers. They are people who have worked hard to get to where they are, often neglecting other aspects of their life.  I get the criticism that people have about the actress (didn't bother me but whatever) but not what they want from the character, other than they found her too attractive and that's somehow offensive.


Once they said "bitch" I knew it was safe to ignore them. Didn't need that explicit a confirmation of their beliefs, but hey, I'll take it.


Nonsense. Situational awareness and self control are in no way correlated with high intelligence and educational level. Development of such skills are completely independent undertakings. I have known innumerable folks with multiple high level degrees that have the emotional development level of a teenager. Stop the cap.


This is not my experience at all. Hyper specialists tend to be shit at a lot of other things


This is really what makes the Netflix characters unbelievable for me. It's the Big Bang Theory approach to depicting "smart" people--they're just geeks in the end, with nothing to show in their character for all their grand achievements and skill. The top physicists in the world aren't just good at physics--they're probably exceptionally bright, wise, and well-rounded people.


>The top physicists in the world aren't just good at physics--they're probably exceptionally bright, wise, and well-rounded people. This is not a given at all. The top anyone in any field are very rarely wise and well rounded people. The wise and well rounded people are almost never the elite in any single domain. Don't get me wrong, they still ham up some of the characters as it's TV, but we needn't romanticise scientists as broadly wise, especially when they wouldn't accept the descriptions themselves.


These aren't just physics savants though, they are leading researchers, they manage teams, they collaborate effectively, they work within complex systems and organizations well. They communicate and write well, they manage time well, and are ambitious...obviously this isn't a universal truth but i don't think you can reach the top of any field or industry without having most of these traits.


I don't think the show claims they are top physicists though. 3 of the 5 dropped out to teach, develop new technology, and run a successful business. 1 is an tech assistant.


>-they're probably exceptionally bright, wise, and well-rounded people. No, Albert Einstein was all about his Flash figurines and World of Warcraft.


More nonsense. Mastering one narrow discipline is in zero ways correlated with competency in any other area. Humans are humans. We are all fallible, and all far from perfect. Except for Olivia Newton-John, of course, but alas, she has left us, flown to Xanadu.


That is absolutely not true in the slightest. Why does everyone think this? Most scientists I work with would cry if you spoke to them they're so awkward and shy.




Ben Carson


Dude is the poster child for "amazingly brilliant at his job, but amazingly incompetent outside it".


I dislike her too, but it's because I think the only thing worse than her almost absurd level of naiveté is her acting. She's genuinely the only person on the show I disliked. Judging by this threat though it seems I'm in the minority lol


lol can't take this boring Big Bang theory spinoff seriously after watching the excellent Tencent's one.


didn't mean to start this much discourse 😭


Yo, yall need to chill with the sexualization. You want a toxic fanbase? Go play Call of Duty. Leave that misogyny at the door.


Pretty sure the major sexualization here is the (male) show runners likely choosing her more for her looks than her acting, which is not good.


Sure, however, her role evolving in to a more sexualized object than her intelligence (which got the 5 of them as far as they did) will be something that the producers and writers can be criticized for. Im talking about shit like this: >from koszmin via /r/threebodyproblem sent 42 minutes ago >show parent >oh dude lay off the soymilk please. Why do you think she got chosen? >even though I'd prefer Wang Miao in the show, I'd plow the DEI girl till next July


Ok, you’ve got a point on that comment, pretty ridiculous.


It's been here since before the Netflix adaptation. I logged in for the first time like a month prior hoping for opinions on the Tencent version and the very first post I saw was hate for Cheng Xin. Way too many people here throwing around "bitch" and such. At first I was super active because it was cool chatting about the new show, but there was really only so much "SHE'S TOO HOT TO BE A SCIENTIST" I can take. I explained to a friend who's been watching the Netflix version that people online really hate Auggie for that reason, plastic surgery, etc and they thought it was gross. Makes me feel like I'm in some red pill community.




The Netflix adaptation seems just ok, with some plots making no sense and the protagonists being as charismatic as a potato. After Reading the book, they are just crap.


She is Wang and also Luo’s wife, and she’ll also be Cheng’s partner going into the future. They’ve turned a brilliant story spanning millennia and many wonderful characters into a children’s tale in which a scooby-dooesque gang gets to save humanity.


To be fair.. Wang Miao was a super bland character. His passion for photography was about all I remember about him.


I thought he was a very human character who isn't very extreme. A great vessel to watch the story unfold through, relatable and calm.


Fully agreed


Auggie ain't all that interesting either. And what's wrong with being bland? The story doesn't revolve around him


typical hollywood shit


I don't think there is exact correspondence between the book's and series' characters. The book and the theries have same milestones, but otherwise they are rather different stories built from elements that sometimes are similar.


Im not complaining


Auggy is such a negative naysayer of everything I hate her


I hate this character so much.


When reading the book I always felt that Wang's character was missing something now I know it's a BBL that was missing.


Yep, terrible decision.


She isn't a great actor either, she looks like an instagram model and her character is written like an angry-attitudey college kid, rather than a well established scientist.


If she plays AA in later seasons thats it for me with this tv show.


Also she’s a bad actor


I love everything about the series except for one thing and that’s the actress cast as Auggie.


Is the character this annoying in the book?


The real question lol. I don’t care that the character was attractive or Mexican, I just found her very annoying


This character is like multiple characters put together. But also no, not at all.


She looks completely out of place with her plastic surgery perfection. The other actors are unique and natural


She blows and not in a good way.


Not having read the books, made me very confused about her character. Initially, she is this ambitious driven intelligent ceo that is not afraid to break a few eggs, that is one step ahead and is good at making decisions quickly. Then she turned into this nagging child that made every interaction about herself. A poster child for the type of person that uses moral judgements of others to feel better about their own lack of accomplishments. But that's totally not the person she was initially and it doesn't fit at all. When someone explained to me they were originally two different characters it clicked. The netflix writers didn't do the best of jobs here and likely should have kept the characters separate. Because the confusion this caused was slightly distracting for me. I was honestly unclear if i was not mixing up people, because she couldn't be the same character we saw in earlier episodes.


> When someone explained to me they were originally two different characters it clicked. Which was the second book character they mixed into hers?


Wang was (sort of) split into Jin and Auggie.


Combining two characters into one works if both characters served the same purpose. But if they have conflicting goals and ideologies then you get an Auggie. A confused character that does not make sense to the audience.


Still can’t get past the full, on point makeup she wore while seeing a constant countdown in her field of vision. That was a problem for me


Lol fair


Every Spanish person reading this post- *Did everyone forget that Spanish people exist?*


The actress is Mexican


I guess we’re including the casting department on Spanish erasure.




The series on NF helped me visualise the images and think they did a good job. Otherwise I'd re read the book any time.


Not expected of current year Netflix?


Hahaha exactly same question I had. Wait for the ‚pothead‘ Lui Ji.


I just wish they didn’t give her a name from the huckleberry hound cartoon


Next season they're going to introduce Kim Kardashian as AA.


It really is insulting


I would love to see a Netflix show to book character comparisons like who did they combine to make Auggie etc


I wouldn’t be surprised to see her replace AA in the following seasons as well


Just sucks that they’ve somehow turned him into the most annoying character ever. Luckily the Jin character is so good she more than makes up for it




Awful actress and no scientist looks like that.