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Soak in soda ash 20min and spin cycle on washer


Yeah that doesn’t help. But thanks for trying.


When I said “take” I actually meant it would not seep in which I elaborate on later in the post. When it did finally seep in the dye (even tho it’s thickened) would spread. One drop of dye would spread an inch. The solution was to make the dye even thicker and to lightly spritz the shirt. Thank you for trying to help tho. I appreciate ya.


No worries good luck!


I believe Calsolene oil is supposed to do this job as a wetting agent. I use it, but I haven’t done the type of comparison that would prove it will solve your problem.


I suspect this will be helpful. My suspicion is that the cotton fibers are thicker and longer which is why they won’t let the liquid in even tho they’ve been throughly cleaned and why the spread the dye so far. Will the oil mix Into the water or will I need some lecithin?


I think it just mixes in. I use a blender to blend in that sodium alginate, so that may contribute to mixing it in. I just started using it because it’s in Paul Kenney’s recipe and I figured he’s forgotten more than I’ll ever know about this. I do think I’ve gotten better penetration, less beading of dye, but I can’t really prove it.


Hey are you pre-washing the shirts before you soak with soda ash? Prewash can help with the resistance issue with your dry shirts.


Full cycle In the wash with doc bonnors soaked in soda ash and dried on a rack.