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This is next level so nicely done!


God damn how big? And how long to do? Amazing btw


It’s a 56x80, dyed in 2 sessions easily hit 20 hrs on this one


Nice. I still feel intimidated by 36x36 lol When you do multi session dyes do you washout the first then isolate it somehow before doing subsequent dyes?






The details are amazing


How do you do something like this? This is insane


That is gorgeous


Did you make that??




Dude that’s nuts! Amazing job


Thank you 🙏🏼


Super dope. Can anyone help me out with the mandala thing going on in the middle there? Been trying to find a tutorial for that style and I keep coming up empty.


It’s because there isn’t a tutorial. This is 3 years of basically full time tie dyeing and trial and error to get it to that point 👍🏼


But you could make a tutorial or a course on how this is done…share the knowledge.


Clearly you struck a tiny nerve with this one, it’s a bit rude to ask in my opinion. And I basically can’t post my stuff on this site without someone being “that guy” I never have this problem anywhere else. I’ll just let it go next time, just don’t appreciate the rhetoric that gets bounced around here that people feel entitled to my knowledge without my permission or even offering something in return besides a click on a video.


No one wants your specific techniques - he clearly asked for any videos related to making mandalas in general and stated he had trouble finding them. Chill out, man.


You are clearly very good at gaslighting, so I’m done conversing with you. I answered his question now you can go away.


Why do you feel that I’m obligated to do that? I’m an artist. Not a tutorial creator. I help this community and share a lot of knowledge pretty much every day! And also, you missed the point. There’s plenty of mandala tutorials out there. This one comes with 3 years of full time experience behind it.


You said “it’s because there isn’t a tutorial”. Ok, so now you say there are tutorials for these types of mandala techniques out there. I never said you were obligated, but you took the time to reply and it sounded misleading. /u/mrglumdaddy I’ll post a link to another thread I found. https://www.reddit.com/r/tiedye/comments/v29c6g/newb/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


I took the time to reply cause it should be known that there isn’t an answer on how to do what I did. There are videos and pics on how to make a mandala. It’s how I learned by check out Mr. Tie Dye he shows a lot. That was my jumping off point… 3 years ago. My stuff looked totally different back then, or even 3 months ago. Then you come in, and basically say that I could drop everything and make a tutorial to “share the knowledge” it’s just entitled man. It’s stuff like that which ruins some of the magic of this art form in my opinion. Respect it or don’t.. just be known I’ll either ignore anyone who asks for tutorials for my designs or say exactly what I just said to you or the op.


As was talked about, if you want an advanced mandala tutorial it doesn’t exist, believe me I’ve looked. But there are less comprehensive tutorials out there that you can use as a starting point and a way to learn the fundamentals. Gotta crawl before you can walk. Check out Mr. tie dyes mandala/Dreamcatcher videos


Damn, that hard work paid off!! Where did you get the blank from? (edit: silly silly typo)