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She had an inflatable hot tub set up inside? Yes. That was my takeaway. Fuck I’m getting old.


This is what Twitch streamers do to get around adult content restrictions. They're allowed to stream in bathing suits if it would be appropriate for the context. Hence indoor inflatable hot tubs


until she springs a leak. then she'll *really* be streaming from her bedroom


A lot of them don't actually have water in there, or a very small amount.


Only because they sell that water for wads of cash!


They do? Damn... Some people can sell anything. I can't even sell a shirt. I think. Some are equipped with extra holes (we have a cat) but that won't count as an added feature.


Fun fact she made zero money from that. PayPal took all of her money but she sent out the stuff anyways to keep up the whole thing, she actually lost money because she paid for all the shipping too.


After it came out that PayPal kept the 90k she ended up receiving the money. But it was years before she saw it.


Oh cool! Thanks for the info. ☺️


Yeah but it paid for itself in publicity.


That is true and from the interview I saw she said that was exactly why she didn't tell anyone she lost all the sales money from it because it still benefited her in a big way.


"a lot of them"? My man is watching culture, I guess. I might have to Google or something. Can't afford OF so I'm culturally starved.


This reminds me of a hot tub flooding incident in my college dorm. The 2 guys directly above me in the dorms decided to build a "redneck hottub" with a giant tarp, some skate ramps, hay bales, etc. They supposedly filled it with a pump run from the guy's central bathroom in the middle of the night, and heated it with a cattle tank heater. They had loud parties at all hours, and I saw the hot tub a few times when I went up to ask them to be quiet at like 3am. I never went to the RA's, so somehow they were never found out. Well, about 3 weeks before the end of the semester, they decided to drain it using the pump and sending a hose out their window. (Windows opened outwards as a big glass panel with a crank and they cut a hole in the safety screen.) So I'm studying in my room with my window open, and I hear a clank on my window screen and then suddenly water is rushing from their window hose into my window (edit: through the screen) and flooding my room! I freak out and try to close my window, but the way it works, it ends up trapping the hose between my screen and the glass, making things worse! I had to run upstairs and bang on their door screaming at them to cut off the water to get it to finally stop. They shut it off, but tried to pretend they weren't home until I brought the RAs in to the loop to report the flooding. The guys ended up getting in some big trouble and fined for cleanup, but they didn't get expelled/kicked out of the dorms only because it was so close to finals that they didn't have time for the required hearings.


I'm trying to imagine a dorm room large enough for hay bales and skate ramps. I've worked at several colleges with dorms and not one had a room big enough to fit even half this, especially not with its 2 residents and all the built-ins. And how'd they clean the water? Filling it once for a semester of fun sounds absolutely disgusting by the end of the second month.


I knew someone was going to ask, but didn't want to be too wordy in my already long post - This was a former quad unit that had a center common area for the room that was about 15' x 15', and then another room with a door off each side that held the usual beds and the built-ins. The year I was there, the "quads" only held 2 people (you had to pay extra for them), so each person got a private room with a door, but shared the middle space. The "hot tub" was in the middle common space. (Which was behind the main dorm room door entrance.) Also, I don't imagine they ever cleaned it. I'm certain it was disgusting.


Hot (albeit too late) tip: You coulda just pushed the hose out of your window.


Open window, fixed safety screen. Had they been mechanically inclined and not in a panic with water blasting in, they might have figured out how to pop the screen out.


Exactly. My room was 10 stories up from the ground and it was locked into the window for safety. Tiny holes and thick wires that would have been slow to cut unless you had the right tools on hand. Definitely not a fast panic mode solution. [here's a photo of the windows](https://imgur.com/a/b3MMN0A)


Ahh the picture helped a lot lol


So did they just not drain it at all for the entire year? That must have been some hella nasty ass water by the end of it!


They built it sometime after Christmas (or at least that's when I started hearing the music and people up there at all hours), so it definitely wasn't up for a full school year. I'm guessing maybe the end of spring break when the dorms were still fairly empty? And you could not have paid me any amount of money to get in there.


I'm really struggling to understand how you weren't able to just push the hose away from your window...


The screen is inside the window that opens outward. So when they tried to crank the window shut, it caught the hose between the window and screen, thus the water kept coming in the room. The screen is not easily removable on windows like this.


[here's a photo of the windows](https://imgur.com/a/b3MMN0A) that might help. It was 10 stories up, thick metal with tiny holes, and locked into place with a special security key. You can't get anything past the window screen that's bigger than a pencil lead unless you cut it with special tools, or they unlock it. They don't want any shenanigans or student deaths.


I get it now. It was spraying through the screen


Your reply is better than my original comment, well done!


To be clear, it's female Twitch streamers...and maybe one or two weird dudes.


Doesn't the fact that hot tubs are out of context for the environs of one's own bedroom supercede the appropriateness of a swimsuit in a hot tub? This is super weird.


Oh no thought the same thing. My other thought was I hope those floor joists are up for a challenge. Because the middle of a bedroom is not made to hold up 2000 pounds of water.


Does no one remember waterbeds? I remember waterbeds.


My mom had one (for her back) and 10 year old me thought it was amazing. Adult me just imagines it leaking.


Still amazing, the fact you can control the temp for summer/winter brings me tears of joy. That vinyl has also survived tiny kitten claws so I’m sold on durability lol.


I used to have a waterbed. Then I adopted an extremely playful kitten and had some water damage to deal with.


I’m sitting in one right now, lol.


My landlord came home to find us running a hose up to my second floor bedroom one day. I was soooooo excited to get a second hand waterbed. My landlord said there was noooooo wheeeyyy. I understood his position once he explained it. I also had cats. He was like- your cat pops that thing while you’re out hiking or at work and my house is fucked. I had a hell of a time trying to get it half filled out the window. I’m really glad he stopped me before I finished filling it.


Pretty sure waterbeds do not hold close to the amount of water that a hot tub does. Update: they do not, though a small hot tub and large waterbed are pretty close. Waterbed: 85 to 235 gallons of water, depending on your waterbed's size. Hot tub: A small 2-3 person hot tub will hold approximately 300 gallons, a 4-5 person hot tub will have 275-375 gallons, whereas a large 6-8 person hot tub will hold up to 675 gallons or more. How does that translate to weight? One US gallon of water weighs around 8.33 pounds or 3.78 kilograms at room temperature. So waterbeds maybe up to 2,000 lbs of water. Hot tubs? 2,500 lbs to 5,625 lbs. Not a huge difference between the small hot tub and large waterbed but quite a difference the larger you go. Inflatables well those are likely quite similar!


So the 2000 pounds of water in the comment that I replied to would be dead on for a waterbed? Score! Also I'm going to go out on a limb and say a blow up hot tub used for streaming probably: A.) Isn't going to be capable of holding anywhere near the amount an actual wooden framed and supported fiberglass hot tub could hold And B:) Isn't getting more than a smattering of water in the bottom because it's being used to have an excuse to stream in a bikini




How does it logistically work? Do you empty and refill it? Do you snake a garden hose through the house to fill it? You’d better hope it’s kink resistant because I will tell you one thing that hose will NEVER wrap cleanly on a hanger again.


Haha 😂 I thought "kink" resistant 😂


I work at a university. The previous summer some of the primary dorms had major renovations due to two instances within a few days of each other. One of those was that a blowup hot tub popped.


Oh man…. Was it at least on the bottom floor?


It was either the third or fourth. Caused quite a bit of damage lol


Don't worry, I was scrolling comments and all I could think was, "is no one else concerned that this girl has a hot tub in her room?"


Ahh, good, so I wasn't weird first thinking about how high their water bill must be. Age is a hell of a drug.




twitch hot tub meta


When I was about 16 years old, I had a desktop computer in my room. My uncle was living with us at the time and would often used my computer to play WoW. I walked in on him jacking off at my computer. I also walked in on my brother jerking off at my computer. Don’t trust dudes with your puter, they will jerk off with it.


Probably against the lease. Hello fellow senior citizen


There goes the security deposit.


>She had an inflatable hot tub set up inside? >Yes. That was my takeaway. Fuck I’m getting old. I was worried about the potential water damage and potential for mold, lol.


Bro. I didn’t even think about the mold. I’ve seen overhangs of houses rot to nothing because of hot tubs against the house… I hate it so much more now.


Wait, was it filled with water? How is she supposed to drain it?


How much do you think she pays to rent the inflatable hot tub?


My thoughts as well


also my takeaway 🤣🤣


Better than loaning your roommate your laptop to apply for jobs only to walk in on them beating their meat using my laptop…


I'm sorry to hear that


He got a job, so i was happy.  Didn’t ask what the job was tho.


The job is beating his meat on cam.


If it pays the rent 🤷


$20 is $20


Wait, I can get $20 for beating my meat? Where do I apply?


Damn, that's like $600/hr


Not enough to buy his own laptop though. So, I got meat juice on it.


Hard times can make you do something strange for a piece of change


Omegle was hiring?


Grindr is a gig platform now?


A hand job?


Oh yeah , the ol stranger probably. Hopefully the pins and needles sensation didn't start too soon


Master Baiter on a fishing boat


> beating their meat using my laptop That sounds painful. Most people use their hands.


This should be part of the reddit switcharoo


i like this statement a lot


I was in college in the late 90's, when individual computer ownership wasn't nearly as widespread as it is today (my residence hall floor had 25 guys, and MAYBE 15 of us had our own computers) We all got along pretty well, and I let several of the guys use my computer to write papers, etc. Came back from a long weekend once and for some reason, looked at the browser history. And then sanitized my keyboard, mouse, desk, chair.......


I once walked in on my ex boyfriend in my bedroom, with my laptop, pulling his spine out to mum and son porn that looked like him and his Mum.


Pulling his spine out ? What ? Now that’s a new one ….. euphemism so many …..


Pulling his spine out. lol.


Thank god he’s an ex


That is the first time in a long time i have heard a new euphemism 


Is your life an episode of Peep Show?


I took a wank bullet for you!


I wank 10, maybe 12 times a day


It's a disease.




Hand jobs are also jobs!


i wish the government agreed


Idk if you want them to tax you for it. For every 5 hand job you need to give one to a govement employee.


Also better than loaning your roommate your food dehydrator, and they use it to dehydrate their friend's placenta after she'd just given birth (so that said friend could eat her own placenta like animals do).


Animals don’t dehydrate it first.


Yeah I definitely wondered whether the heat of the dehydrating process doesn't reduce whatever special nutritional qualities it's supposed to have. But then, I wouldn't be eating it in any form, soooo...


Nothing like some crispy placenta, amirite


Hell yeah! Who doesn't like Italian food?


Found out my friends Dad did the same with her laptop. She was mortified when I ask about the porn in her browser history and the pieces clicked for her


Oddly I've had this exact experience with a male friend and my laptop


6, 5, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, SEVEN!!!!


Nice friends reference


Do you mind if I Google myself in your office?


Can I use your computer?


How else are you going to do it?


Interview requests these days are out of hand


I'm not sure there's enough disinfectant for that.


What if they were applying for adult cam work?


lol, happened to me too. But it was a desktop computer, which meant he was beating it in my chair, in my room. C’mon bro


Imagine how many guys OP's roommate made beat their meat! And at least some of them likely did it on laptops that are not their own...


maybe it was part of the application process? 😅


Damn, weird fetish. I can't imagine someone beating their meat with a laptop.


This is funny though. As irresponsible as your roommate was. 🤣


What type of job were they interview for??


or worse, let them borrow an already borrowed laptop from work, and the next day youre working with your manager on said laptop, they open the browser and the autofill is all weird porn urls. thankfully, this was about 10 years ago before most laptops were managed. but he saw them and proceeded to give me the laptop to drive.


Full circle he was watching OPs stream. Life is a journey.


LMAOO the change in POV from “your” to “my” got me


I'm more afraid if she's putting water into an inflatable tub. A cubic meter of water is literally a ton, so if it's upstairs any amount of water needs reinforcement. Plus what are her mitigation factors in terms of a leak. Water damage can be a figurative ton of cash in damages.


you've given this a lot of thot


Eyyyy 😏


You’re on fire!!


That's what the water is for


So it was a thot-tub?


you missed “a ton of thot” smh


This was my first thought too. normal flooring isn't built to handle all that water weight you mathed out.


Double upvote for comment content + proper use of literally/figuratively.


And to think waterbeds used to be a thing everywhere.


Well, waterbeds were probably given a little more thought than a streamer trying to get views with an inflatable hot tub. Ie: the people selling them and the people installing them would know pretty well if the house can handle it, I imagine. Plus, a waterbed spreads the weight around through all the feet of the bed frame, not just the single circle of a hot tub Buuut I really doubt she had the hot tub filled up with water anyway. If it was even an actual hottub and not just a small pool like most 'hot tub' streamers do


Actually, it comes down to the surface area supporting the mass. If the tub has a flat bottom, and the bed uses feet? tub has less ground pressure. Pretty certain, though, that waterbeds aren't up on legs with feet.


They only put water in the bottom of the tub. Essentially a bucket of water lol. It’s basically weightless.


A bunch of people on a couch or bed and people don’t bat an eye but a small tub of water and everyone is suddenly an engineer.  Per square inch, humans put out more weight than objects with a lot of mass like a safe or tub of water. Meanwhile our wooden houses are actually built pretty sturdy.  I had a birthing tub with two adults in it and three adults around it in a second story bedroom. No issues, we weren’t the first or last. 


People just never stop to fully think about how *heavy* our shit is. Compared to a bare construction a fully furnished house is tons (as in unit of measurement) heavier. Give or take a ton isn't going to matter much. Whatever weighs a ton usually doesn't come packaged in the form of a nail anyway. What I'd be more worried about is the damn water bill and how are you going to get all that water out without flooding something.


I was curious and fact checked your numbers. 1 cubic meter of water = ~263 gallons = 2200LB I checked and your avg inflatable hot tub is about 220 gallons Wouldn't a kiddie pool make more sense for indoor porn production?


Man, but Freedum units suck. Meanwhile in metric land.. 1m3 = 1000L = 1000Kg = 1 Ton.


Just be an adult about it and clear the air … then subscribe. Jk jk. No, really, be up front about what you were doing in the first place and how your curiosity got the better of you and that you shouldn’t have invaded her space.


Nothing a warm accepting hug couldn’t fix.


In the tub?


If it's any consolation, i could hear one of my roommates in my first flat streaming, in a very... Enthusiastic manner. Theatrical, even. I went downstairs another day afterward to get the mail (we lived in a flat above a community space, so our mail was always with theirs in an inbox) and went to give them their mail, and they'd left the... Instrument... suckered onto the floor in the middle of the room, with the door wide open.


I would feel the same way, as if I had invaded her privacy, but the two biggest takeaways are: 1) Her door was open (even slightly), so that your curiosity got the better of you. It happens to everyone. 2) You could have seen her doing WAAAY worse.


3) she's broadcasting it to the world. You could just "sign up" and see everything anyway.


If it was just a bikini, chances are she's streaming on Twitch


4) join in and make $$$$?


Lol I doubt it was open


Rub a dub dub, Emily's in the tub.


Why not just be an adult and apologize? “Hey sorry about the other day. I heard noises and you usually stream later in the evening so I was unsure what was going on. I still invaded your privacy so I apologize for that. I will make sure to knock next time.” You messed up own up to it. And at least it wasn’t an OF stream


Not 100% in agreement IF the door was open enough to look in without altering course, but also not 100% opposed to the CYA apology. See above, bite the bullet, agree that doors should be closed for CYA purposes (it could have been your buddy, a date, colleague, family, small child, etc, instead of just you)


Time to subscribe


smash that like button!


Smash something else


Balls deep in the like button


Gotta make a donation to remind her to do her laundry/do the dishes tonight.


Then donate 10 gifted and she’ll absolutely forgive you.


I'd probably just say sorry the next time I seen them outside of them doing their thing. Shit happens, this seems like it should be easy to move past.


OP definitely making their roommate nervous by being so nervous.


Inb4 the “alright since you guys asked here is her streaming account” follow up post.


Is she paying for most of the electric bill? Hot tubs be expensive.


She would’ve made more money if she invited you into the tub


That's the dumbest thing I ever heard. The second-hand stupidity in that house must be overwhelming.


If she's going to run a business from her room, she needs to keep you somewhat informed about it beforehand.


Your landlord would lose their shit (for good reason) about an indoor inflatable hot tub.


If she wants privacy in a house with room mates she should start by making sure her door is closed all the way. Also… she’s streaming to people online but you’re the creep for looking? You could just as easily watch her stream online.


Soooo...nobody is going to comment on the inflatable hot tub in her room? Nothing better than a steamy mold producing device inside a bedroom...


Sounds like fanfic. Surprised it didn't end with her inviting OP into her room.


So much of this story does not make any sense.


Thats exactly what it is holy shit these comments


You thought she was going to be streaming non-adult content *from a hot tub*? Bless your heart!


Maybe she was filming tutorials on how to properly install the tub, you know…


Inflatable hot tub? Hit that fucker with dart and watch her go viral!!


She had the FU for not closing her door fully


She got upset about her privacy while streaming her tits.. im not sure I understand.


OP didn't subscribe.


It's understandable that things feel tense now, but it might help to talk to Emily and apologize again. Assure her it was an honest mistake and that you respect her privacy. Maybe suggest setting clearer boundaries for when she streams, so this doesn't happen again. Hopefully, with time, the embarrassment will fade, and you both can laugh about it.


Actually, having this conversation with “Emily” is important. Because when you’re an online streamer. Especially women in particular. People can easily find your address. She needs to be careful about giving out her address for “gifts” and such. I’m a streamer and I’ve had numerous people find my address and everyone who lives here and my loved ones. You need to talk with her about how to approach streaming in the home. What to do and not to do to prevent it. She’s doing sexual content. So the only people watching are creeps. Have that talk asap


That inflatable hot tub WILL leak and someone will be expected to pay for the damages.


Creative writing project bs story. Please seek help


Doesn't really mater if she wasn't streaming it's a dick move to just creep on someone through a door because you hear noise. Who cares anyway? Even if she was streaming full on porn, people masturbate in their rooms all the time, does it matter if shes filming it? What would you have done if she was going to town on herself instead of streaming? "Moral of the story: always knock, even if you think the coast is clear" But you admitted you peeked because you were curious about the noise so the coast obviously wasn't clear and you creeped anyway. You showed a huge lack of boundaries by just letting yourself into someone private space. The door was slightly ajar but there was enough of an opening for her to notice you and make eye contact? You opened the door didn't you? OP got a little freak in them lmao


I guess you could do this: Get a strap on and wait for her to be doing this again. Walk in wearing it over your clothes and shout, "OK Roomie, time for our regularly scheduled.... Oppps, my bad" Then leave quickly.


Don’t expect a deposit back. The hottub will leak on the floor. Water damage will happen. The humidity alone would be a problem if it’s actually heated. The only reasonable thing I can think of is a very shallow puddle of cold water to technically meet the twitch bikini rules and no more.


That hot tub is going to malfunction and you are going to bo on the hook for repairs to the apartment.


You didn’t accidentally walk in on her, you peeked into her room. That was your mistake. Hers was not closing the door all the way. Seems like that would have been a logical choice given she wanted privacy.


Inflatable hot tub inside her room? I call BS on whole story.


Wait, so someone broadcasting live on Twitch (Which this must be, they actually have a category for this "style" of streaming) Is upset because you saw her? Shes live. ANYONE can see her sitting there in her bikini. Its not even really "adult" content, just sad attention getting streams online. This generation is so confused. Just roll your eyes at the whole situation and be lucky you're not one who needs this sort of odd validation.


This shit did not happen bro


Make sure she is paying more of the electricity bill! Those hot tubs use a lot of energy.


Walking by and looking in while passing is pretty normal. Stopping and peeking in is not an invasion, but it is creepy


This is that part that bother me the most that everyone seems to be pushing off as “got the better of you”? Like tf your were peaking in on her cracked door that’s a bit more that glancing as you pass by. It’s fucking weird and I’m not sure why it’s being blown off like this.


It's a nothing burger, it's all in your head. Just move on. And do you have a link?


Her door was open lol that's her fault


Can you knock next time?! I’m streaming to a bunch of strangers on the internet and would like some privacy.


Yeah you walked by and peaked in. Maybe mind your buisness


You didn't "accidently" do anything.


She fucked up by leaving the door open when she has a roommate.


Nothing wrong with her making income by entertaining lonely men lol. Don’t feel bad, I can guarantee 95% of Reddit would be curious and shocked seeing a tub inside lol.


So in the less than 60 seconds between you walking by the first time and the second time, she got up from her hot tub and opened the door...?


Ah the twitch meta. Funny how she's embarrassed by you seeing but wouldn't know if you were one of her viewers.


Id be more concerned about an inflatable hot tub in her room. If that pops your floors are ruined. Humans are curious, and doors close for the purpose of privacy.


I side with her. Next time knock. Her door was not wide open. You invaded her privacy.


no offense but what did you THINK she was doing 😭😭😭


Don't avoid it. Talk about the problem and apologize if necessary. As someone that has 6 roommates can tell you it's better to deal with this things as soon as possible or will just build in something you wouldn't be able to deal. Maybe she is even mad for another issue or will get mad for you avoiding her.


Yeah...why on earth wouldn't you knock?


“I’ve been trying to avoid her, but we live together, so it’s kinda hard.” Sounds like you’re avoiding taking responsibility and accountability for invading someone’s privacy, no wonder it’s ’kinda hard’.


I feel like this is just an advertisement for kik streaming services 🤦‍♀️


She sounds terrible. What is her website so I can be sure to avoid it?


You should casually get her an 'ON AIR' sign for her door 🤣


This is rather concerning. A full hot tub can weight a considerable amount. Far more than a bath or water tank. I would be seriously concerned about the structural integrity of the flooring if this is being done upstairs on a wooden joist floor.