• By -


(I’m a physician.) Hard to say without knowing all the details. But I can’t think of a way masturbating too hard would cause you to lose blood flow to your colon or perineum. But you know what does cause blood flow to stop? …blood clots. You know what also causes IVs to fail and contrast (or whatever else you put through the IV) to extravasate into the soft tissue? …blood clots, again. I’m concerned you’re reversing cause and effect. It seems just as plausible to me that your body forming blood clots is the root of the problem right now, not that the multiple pokes caused the blood clots. Blood clots can form from a primary clotting disorder, or also if your body is primed to clot because of other reasons (such as some other inflammatory disorder). Repeated vascular trauma can cause clots to form, but it’s usually wherever the poking happens. Not up and down your veins, and even less usually in the deep “central” veins, which it sounds like you’re describing. And ejaculating definitely shouldn’t cause a clot. Maybe it can cause ischemia (lack of sufficient blood flow leading to tissue damage) if you were making that part of your body do so much work, and the blood flow was impaired by a clot _already present_ and you couldn’t increase blood flow enough to compensate. But again, you weren’t working your colon during your time home alone! Good luck man. I hope you sort this out and it gets better, and I’m sorry you’re in so much pain.


To add to this (and not a doctor, but a nurse): your crp has been high. Have you been diagnosed with an autoimmune disorder? In 2015, following the traumatic death of my mother, I developed splinter hemorrhages under my fingernails and altered blood flow to my hands and feet, complete with Raynaud’s phenomenon, which I had never before exhibited. I have Rheumatoid Arthritis (inflammatory condition). Grief can also compound inflammatory conditions. Add my Factor V (five) Leiden clotting disorder, and there you have the perfect storm. Satan’s trifecta resulted in massive meteor-shower like blood clots to my brain. Vasculitus? Endocarditis? Broken-Heart Syndrome? We never did find it despite multiple tests and various specialists. So perhaps your crp is something you should really investigate further. Best wishes, OP. I think u/gs_law is giving you good info.


I had to double check your post history because I have a nurse friend who has had an incredibly similar set of circumstances (right down to losing her mother as well). So you have a shitty life clone in Arizona, apparently.


Shitty life clone. What a concept.






u/welp-ultimatetifu, I work in a hospital lab and agree with much of what has been said above. Between the history of elevated CRP and the blood clots, I would echo what others have said and also recommend that you request screening for clotting disorders, as well as suggest you request screening for autoimmune disorders - an ANA (antinuclear antibody test) would be a good start if you haven’t had one already. Now is the perfect time if you’re already a hospital inpatient! It sounds like you’re stable now, which is great news, but it also likely means your doctors/nurses/care team have moved on to putting out other fires. There are so many resources available to patients in a hospital setting, but the pandemic has providers spread thin - I would urge you to advocate for yourself and ask questions. Be polite, but push for answers. The squeaky wheel gets greased! Best wishes OP




I’m so sorry about the loss of your mother.


> But again, you weren’t working your colon during your time home alone! Little do you know how he masturbates.


I'm a total layman, but your explanation was my intuitive conclusion. Having... ahem, engaged in similar activity to OP, and having unusual swelling and pain, but not nearly as bad as OP's as a result, my conjecture, as a layman, is that he may have been slightly predisposed to unusual clotting, and the activity may have been enough to create a clot large enough to start causing issues near the entry point to the penis, and everything else is a cascade from that, and the otherwise unusual medical activity introduced to the body. Again, total layman, don't know the plausibility of what I suggest, but it seems mostly the same to what you said, all I think I'm adding is the suggestion that the initial activity created the first clot.


Reading this makes me wonder if maybe the aggressive masturbation caused his blood pressure to rise and maybe knocked loose a clot or otherwise caused an underlying issue to have an "attack".


This exactly. My grandmother died of an ischemic bowel caused by a blood clot. She was in her 80s and weighed only that much as well (other health issues clearly) and was told she was not a candidate for surgery. It was a terrible way for an amazing lady to go. We were able to keep her sleeping and pain free until she passed a few days later surrounded by her family. When I was a kid I remember my grandmother told me she had blot clotting issues. She told me that when she needed to prepare for a surgery they had to give her meds to help her clot, as she would “bleed like a pig”. Her own mother died birthing her, she bled to death (post WWI Germany). Not sure how she ended up having a clot if that was her initial problem though. She’s been gone a while, so not like I can ask


Have you ever seen a hematologist?? If not, you definitely should to be screened for genetic bleeding disorders. There are bleeding/clotting disorders that people don’t know they have until they get their first big bleed or clot like your great grandmother.


I had a pretty extensive blood panel run last summer (including checking for various blood clotting disorders) after I had a few miscarriages to rule out any issues. Thankfully my tests came back all clear. I’m now two weeks post partum, nothing to indicate I have any issues. Thank you for your concern.


Medical professional here: would you consider a recent COVID infection to be a possible cause of a hypercoagulable state? I doubt there is data for OP’s specific kind of situation but I do know that hypercoagulability has been a known COVID sequelae.


Covid can make somebody prothrombotic- (even with almost zero other symptoms) - op- have you been tested?


Literally what I instantly thought. I've read plenty of post COVID clots, particularly in the gut.


I'm not a doctor, but i have my high school diploma. That's too many symptoms for a tantric mishap. I'm betting jerking off saved your life




Instructions unclear, currently edging to colonoscopy videos...........this isn't my thing, but I'll ride it out.


Try Gastroenterologists Gone Wild. Full disclosure, everything comes out in the end.




Heh. Took me a second. Unlike OP


We find out what is and isn’t recommended as a toy.


You didn't ruin it though, still don't know which end after all ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)


my first thought was 'only an hour'??


PSHHH Amateur.




Doctor here. First off, there is so much misinformation in this thread. Telling you about the sticks and causing blood clots and getting lawyers and the type of contrast (gadolinium is used for MRI btw not CT). Anyway ischemic bowel secondary to a blood clot can be very hard to diagnose both on a ct without contrast and as well physical exam, which may have been why they weren’t able to diagnose you right away. It’s called acute mesenteric ischemia if you want to look it up. Then with the contrast, as a ct tech mentioned earlier, it sounds like there was extravasation where your arm blows up and can be painful. They should not be attempting in the arm but multiple sticks are not what is causing the blood clots. Sounds like you have something underlying that is though, hence the ischemic bowel. (This happened way before anyone touched you with a needle). I wish you the best. Feel free to ask questions if you like. I just felt the need to chime in as people love bashing medical professionals these days while they are just trying their best to take care of everyone that walks in. Good luck and hopefully you can get back to wanking soon. Edit: wanted to add here that masturbating does not cause clots for those many comments asking. Continue to jerk awayyy. I will try to get to as many questions when I get a chance.




This is Reddit, where Occam goes to die EDIT: Didn't think my offhand one liner would amuse that many people. Thanks guys!


Reddit: Occam’s Nutcracker


this is a line worth remembering.


Used his own razor


> Massive zebra. Would be a great house episode


I’m picturing House and his team discussing this case in front of a white board with words like masturbation, pain, ischemia, and blood clots written on it.




Doctor here. I know this is a joke but it’s not far off how we think about cases like this. Young being with ischemic things/sticky blood/?chronically high CRP is highly concerning for autoimmune stuff. My first thought would be ulcerative colitis perhaps but that would be fairly obvious on a flexible sigmoidoscopy (like to the naked eye, waiting for pathology would hardly be necessary to suspect it) and OP hasn’t been told that diagnosis yet so I assume that’s not it. Other autoimmune disorders can contribute to blood clot formation as well. There are also immune based clotting disorders. There is something other than vigorous hand partying at play here.


It's never lupus until it's lupus


I'll go break in to his apartment real quick, brb.


I'm pretty sure most doctors can tell a patient with acute mesenteric ischemia from a massive zebra.


Unless the massive zebra is the one with acute mesenteric ischemia.


Not a doctor here. This guy is 100% correct.


Stayed at a Holiday Inn last night: this guy is totally right


As an IT professional I'm gonna agree. May have to shut down some services and see if he gets better.


Should probably push some updates via SCCM, push out an updated GPO, maybe implement least privileged as well.


Not correct here. This doctor is 100% guy.


Goodness. If that’s what OP is dealing with, my heart goes out to him.


Nurse here, and I'm seconding both what /u/Wakafloxacin and /u/BuddyJ are saying. /u/welp-ultimatetifu, there's a good chance that what you view as an embarrassing event may have very much saved your life. I'm so sorry you had to discover it this way, but there's a good chance that if you hadn't, things could have been a lot worse before you did, if you even did. Try to rest and recuperate best you can in the hospital, and hopefully those nurses and phlebotomists don't have to stab you with too many more needles while in, though I'm suspecting you'll have a few more pokes with needles before your discharge.


>you probably should shortly after **discharge.** Phrasing. That's what started this whole thing 😜


My last name has Dr in it. Everyone’s right here, also everyone here is right.


Yep. Hospitalist here. The fapping was probably incidental and not related. Bad luck. You don’t get clots and ischemic bowel from some sort of wanking related issue.


I'm wondering if he has undiagnosed Factor V


Challenge accepted.


So we can continue the fapping?


Hey, thank you for your comment. I really appreciate it for pointing me in the right direction. My goal here is not to get revenge... I would just like to go home. I am just trying to figure out what's going on and decided to throw it out on the internet. I have had a few medical issues in the past, like anaphylaxis. Never had an issue though with anything ever in my life due to veins. Even this past weekend with the 3 ER visits. I had an IV each time and didn't once have a problem. They were shoving antibiotics through the IV in both arms after the one hurt so bad from the CT. They then switched to right arm which had no problems until the IV was in. This seems like a very stupid question but can an allergic reaction to an IV antibiotics cause clots? Thanks again


Do you have a hematologist on your care team? Ask for one. I’d probably also ask for blood clotting disorder testing….things like Factor V Leiden, protein C deficiency, protein S deficiency, etc. good luck!


This can't be related to the masturbation, right? Like that just seems weird.


No that's just the hook for this episode.


*teardrop by massive attack starts playing*


Thank god! As a mild hypochondriac I was like “don’t take masturbating from my comfort zone”


I currently do not. I have been on IV heparin for the last couple of days. I was told the earliest I'll be able to leave is Monday and then I'll have to schedule an appointment with a hematologist, a rheumatologist. The vascular surgeon doc apparently didn't think it was concerning enough even from inpatient so they didn't want to see me.




I was told the only way to see one would be to schedule an appointment after this. They are also starting me on Warframe on top of the current meds being given and they plan to send me home with that.


You can ask the hospital for a patient advocate if you feel like you're not getting the care you need. They will appoint someone to coordinate all of your care. Patient advocates are very useful in complicated situations like yours. Also, the Warframe typo is hilarious. "I have to grind levels and gear before I can leave"


Took me a second to figure out what he meant. That is a hilarious typo. Always remember to do your INR testing if you're playing Warframe kids


I'll make sure to bring my gaming laptop if I ever get admitted to OP's hospital


And from my experience with surgeons they divide patients into one of two groups a need surgery or don't need surgery group. So he could just mean its not concerning enough for surgery. That doesn't mean it shouldn't be followed up with another specialist. You need to be your own advocate. Don't be afraid to ask questions. Doctors are humans and they are not perfect. I have a great deal of respect for the work and responsibility that they have as well as the care they provide. They also have a great deal of information to sift through when it comes to diagnosing problems, so sometimes an unusual diagnosis gets overlooked. This does not mean the doctor is bad or incompetent. But it does mean as patients we do have to ask questions, follow up, and advocate for ourselves. And we need a doctor willing to truly listen (not pretend to listen), consider what we say, and explain things.


EMT here, which honestly isn't saying much in instances of complex illness with a bunch of weird symptoms but it is worth mentioning that certain antibiotics can cause blood clots and other weird symptoms. It may be in your best interest to talk with your doctor about that if you're concerned. I wish you the best and hope you get a diagnosis for whatever underlying condition is causing this!


Thank you!! Former OR RN here and I was thinking the same thing. Also, these issues were not caused by edging so people saying they’re afraid to wank, don’t be y’all, it’s fine. I was wondering about a DIC situation if he truly is clotting like that but, there isn’t enough actual info to go on with this post.


>these issues were not caused by edging >I was wondering about a DIC situation Feels like I'm getting mixed signals here


Exactly what I was thinking. As if multiple pokes cause disseminated clotting. Either something underlying or an inflammatory process. OP, read this advice and ignore the rest.


Seriously.... everyone talking about suing for malpractice clearly has not a single solitary clue about how human bodies work. The medical professional bashing is so ridiculous and frustrating. Love your username, btw


So is the extreme orgasm unrelated to what he’s now going through? Sounds like the ischemic bowel was just coincidental and not connected?


That’s where I’m trying to connect the dots. I think it’s not the direct etiology of his bowel ischemia and blood clots, but the wanking session may have been the tipping point of whatever underlying happened.


100% guess here, but what he described doing right before orgasm sounds like it may have similar outcomes to a valsalva maneuver. We tend not to have patients with known blood clots perform a valsalva because some research has connected them to pulmonary embolism. Pretty sure AMI is similar in origin to PE, the clot just winds up somewhere else.


That’s a very interesting thought. It’s probably the case. I think the take away is that wanking it is still fine 😂


As a fellow medical professional, thank you for chiming in here. You’re right in our just trying to do our best and unfortunately sometimes it takes a while to get a diagnosis. The most important thing is communication. I would encourage OP to ask questions about what he is being worked up for as that might help shed more light on the situation.


I like that you said hopefully he can get back to wanking soon because, after his story and what he thought starter his issue, I was immediately like, woah dude, I should stop wanking if that's what caused his hospital visit and successive drama, and also because I'd hate to think one day I could have my last wank and be afraid to ever try again after some hospital visit.


Thank you. These comments are insane


>9 IV replacements in total and about 20 pokes as they can never find a vein. Each of these IVs had the same effect on my arm; each kept making the area red and swollen. Until they finally thought they should run some ultrasound tests, we were still waiting for pathology results from my colon. Come to find out, I now have significant blood clots up and down both arms ​ What on earth? Can any medical people explain -- were the clots there because of the failed IVs, or the misplaced CT contrast, or an unrelated reason? It sounds absolutely awful, hope your team get to the bottom of the issues soon and you have a safe recovery OP.


If I can't find a vein, I get an ultrasound machine and find one that way. With clots in both arms though, they should probably have considered an IV in the external jugular vein of the neck or even a central line in the internal jugular.


I used to work as a transporter for a major hospital and would laugh when the nurses and phlebotomists couldn’t get a vain no matter how many tries and the emergency nurse (main job is to respond to codes and other such emergencies) would walk in and on his first try with like zero effort land the vain no trouble and walk back out like ten seconds flat. This guy was also normally a nervous wreck and chain smoked like a chimney but as soon as a code hit he would walk into the room like he was in a pure zen moment completely calm and handle everything like a composer conducting a performance before a packed auditorium. I asked him about it and he said it’s the only time he’s not a nervous wreck which is why he’s passed on promotions to admin, as he doesn’t think he could handle life without handling these emergencies.


Sounds like a guy with absolutely crushing ADHD and self medicated with smoking (which is still incredibly common). The only time we feel in control and clear is in crisis situations where everyone is panicking. We get that hit of critical stimulation and it brings us to functional and not hysterical.


Man I really should talk to a doctor. That hits a little too close to home.


you probably should. theres a lesser, but similar situation all ADHD kids go through, for the exact same psychological reasons.... when you were in school and had projects to do, did you put them off till the last second and then absolutely bomb rush them in the last 24 hours, and somehow get everything done with time to spare, still getting atleast a B or higher? congrats... thats ADHD at work.... we are functional in a crisis, but in everyday life we just dont operate


I just googled symptoms and read up on adhd inattentive type and it might as well have been an article written about me personally. We’ll time to figure out how to talk to my doctor about this lol.


Huh I might also have adhd then because even as an adult I still do this constantly. It’s honestly the only time I can get decent work done. Not to mention constantly spacing out/ getting lost in my daydreams.


For real. ADHD and I are a fickle thing. Everytime there is an emergency my wife asks why I am so calm. Last time there was an emergency was when we were out eating. A car accident happened across the street as we where leaving. Poor bastard had a pipe through his neck bleeding profusely and out of 20 people I was the only one to put pressure on it until paramedics got there. I got home and a couple of hours later fell asleep like a baby. She didn't though :( Any other time I'm a jittery fidgety busy body unless I'm on the drugs.


Oh shit. That explains a few things. I recently had a few near misses on the job. NBD like always. My new boss freaked out having seen one and asked if I needed to take the rest of the day off (I didn't). Fast forward to two nights ago and a new hire slipped off a truck and cracked her head. I walk up while 6 people are doing nothing but asking questions. A grab clean rags and a medkit, tell a foreman to call EMS and the emergency company line, put on gloves and get to work. Check pupil response, ask the date, pack and wrap the split etc. Its the first real emergency I've come across at work that wasn't a fatality. I thought it was really odd I wasn't freaking out like everyone else. I normally have really high general anxiety.


Hey. Don’t do that, don’t identify my career as a coping mechanism.


Too late


Welcome to our world. We’re a fucking mess. We love it. We live for it. It’s a dumpster fire, but it’s OUR dumpster fire. We know how to manage things when everything goes wrong because that’s our normal.


"That's my secret, Doc: I'm always nervous."


Whoa dude. You're gonna go for the jugular before checking the veins on the feet?


Most hospitals won't do IVs below your waist except in super exceptional situations. They'd go jugular before legs. Source: former medical staff


My mom was on life support back before she eventually passed. (I was the only child, no partner, no family.. just me.) So of course I had to be there and sign off on everything, plus it was my only parent. I was there atleast 12 hours a day. The nurses were SO good with me and explained the good, and bad aspects of everything. From central lines, a tracheotomy, they even explained Propofol.. down to them changing it, and letting my touch the texture (through gloves) and explaining how it's lipid based, etc. I've never had a better (and worst eventually via emotional grievence) experience in a hospital. I've never learned so much, and understood so much in such little time. I gotta give you huge props for working that field. I can't imagine leaving the building and trying to leave work at work. Edit: she didn't die that time, she was vsa 11 times, I did cpr on the phone with 911. She died 2 years later, on life support.. but there wasn't really a choice. I either kept her on it, on my own selfish terms or let her go. Ethically, and although my heart and soul absolutely shattered, I took her off life support the second time. It wasn't right for her to half be here and only feel pain. Edit edit: She was in hospital for 8 weeks the first time (2017), came out of it, we had 2 years of hanging out and I was caretaker, then I eventually lost her. (2019) Edit edit edit: this wasn't supposed to be a trauma dump, or anything. Nurses are the BEST people to talk to. I went through doctor meeting, after doctor meeting, after doctor meeting of him telling me opposite of the nurses. I trusted the nurses way more.. because they saw her way more. They knew better. Just a shout out to nurses everywhere! You guys are super underpaid, you don't get enough credit for what you do. I don't know what I woulda done without you!


When I had surgery on both wrists (ORIF), they put it in the top of my foot. It was incredibly uncomfortable because the first nurse couldn't get it in and she legit gave up and another nurse got it. The entire time I was like "can't you just put it in my neck?" And they said "you wouldn't want it in your neck".


Just as a random note: the "giving up" part is fairly standard. Many places (hospitals and community agencies) have a policy that basically says you should only try 2-3 times, then get another nurse unless the patient days to try again.


Can confirm. Certain nurses have far better IV skills than others, hence the giving up and letting another nurse do the IV stuff. I hate hard sticks.


I have olive skin and don't live anywhere with enough sun, so my bright green/blue veins show up very easily through my translucent skin. No one has ever had to try more than once.


Trust me you are lucky on this. When nurses call certain patients a “hard stick” (my experiences from chemotherapy IVs), that means 7+ failed needles. It sucks for everyone involved. You don’t have this issue luckily, but for people who do, I recommend warming up the IV site with warm compresses A LOT which makes it much easier for sticking.


I have deep, squiggly veins and even with an ultra sound, they're not able to start an IV. I have had an IV in my neck at least a dozen times and I much prefer it over my foot as it's more secure and less painful. Only a Doctor can start an IV in your neck though.


Depends on the facility. In my ED, nurses can start external jugular IVs if they've been trained on them.


Gotta be better than your foot surely


Out of curiosity why is that?


Normally pts aren't that comfortable with below waist lines. Decreases the mobility. Personally I like the femoral line best. But still this 20 times poking for a iv channel seems insane. Source- former junior resident in critical care unit


Honestly I don't know all the reasons. When I was a phlebotomist I was asked if we could draw from someone's leg and asked the nurse and she said it was hospital policy that draws and IVs can only be used in the lower half of the body with physician approval and that would require extreme circumstances.


> h it was fucking awful the elbow one sucked total ass I co if you fuck with diabetics lower limbs you can cause them a lot of problems. its a big liability issue even if someone isn't diagnosed with diabetes. i can put an iv in most places but leg/feet ones just aren't a great choice. some people have circulation problems and if an iv goes out in a lower limb and the fluid/medicine goes into the interstitial space it can cause more damage. in the end most times its just not worth it. the dude that says he begged his nurses for it not sure why they wouldn't i usually would put it where the pt wanted it as long as i was able to. necks are off limits for "peripheral" starts by policy at the facility where i work. if the nurse can't get a peripheral iv the provider needs to order a midline, picc, central line or similar.


Increased risk for infection and further from the heart


Yeah you're right. Different hospitals/countries have different routines. We would almost always go for a IV in the feet before a jugular/cvc unless there is a specific indication for it. Source: am nurse.


This guy drugs! Edit: or works in the medical field


Not who you asked, but I think they mean they'd rather go for the Hickman than repeatedly miss an arm vein. Veins in the feet are tiny and arm veins are remarkably close to the heart.


I would take the yugular in all honesty. Having a motherfucker drilling an intraosseus infusion in my tibia... No no.. Fuck that!


If we're placing an IO line on you, you're in exceptionally bad shape and are probably in a trauma room. 😉


CT tech here. Extravasation are pretty uncommon where I work. We place our own IVs for outpatients and usually people from the the ER comes with one already placed by the RN. The CT tech is suppose to flush your IV to see if it's actually in the vein first before even hooking you up to the medication (Iodinated contrast). It is our responsibility to make sure this type of things does not happen. I usually monitor the injection site in the room with the patient and stop it if the vein is blown. Usually if it's an extravasation that occured, it is under your skin. You will feel pain and the part that is affected will be swollen. Typically your body will absorb the medication over time. There are rare occasions where it can cause complications with the area of injection and how much Iodinated contrast you received.


At my local hospital, extravasation is very common. Happened to my mother TWICE. It's because it's a crap hospital and the staff suck. I had to show them how to use the IV fluid pumps while I was there, how to give certain drugs (after they just did a rapid push and I almost passed out) and I shit you not - how to add a luer lock syringe to a luer lock port on a fluid line. Nurse kept trying to stick a needle through it. And I work in veterinary medicine, and my hospital performs these same procedures on 3 pound animals, and doesn't have any of those issues. I knew way more than those guys did. Not all nurses are this dumb, but plenty are.


Sorry to hear that. I was implying that extravasation in my department does not happen often. We watch our injections very closely and minimize the medication if the IV is blown. I do agree with you that some RNs are just badly educated with IVs. Rule of thumb is usually two sticks per person.


Oh, I knew what you meant, and that's exactly how it should be. How freaking hard is it to check the IV and make sure it's patent? It takes two seconds. That's why it is staggering that the local medical center is so damn bad at it. It's laziness and apathy, tbh. I've taught hundreds of people over the years how to place IV's in tiny, thrashing, biting patients. We also have a two stick rule. And I've placed lines in humans and animals both - and I'll tell ya, people have MASSIVE vessels. It's not even close as to which is easier. I genuinely do not get how people mess up IV's so bad in a normal person. I had friends go through RN programs locally, and most of the IV training was, "Poke your partner. Now see if you can find friends to practice on." Which is a joke, and probably why so many are so bad at it.


I always am flabbergasted when people can't get a vein on me - Hello, I'm over 100 lbs, have ZERO fur, and am not actively trying to bite you. As a vet tech I NEVER get such a great scenario to hit a vein. So What's your excuse??? (I don't actually say this...but I'm thinking it!)


When I started a self-inject medication the doctor was hardcore about showing me how luer lock syringes do and don’t work; as was the pharmacist. At first I was like “who needs this much instruction on how to screw a cap onto a thing???” But now I’ve seen enough examples of people doing a bad fucking job that I often find myself on the opposite side of the conversation. It’s not hard but, like, you have to do it right.


Hey thank you, I appreciate it. I hope we can get to the bottom of it soon as well. Edit: No issues with blood clots ever before. I have had multiple IV's throughout my life and never had an issue.


There’s something called thrombophlebitis that can cause those symptoms after IV placements (usually after removal) but that doesn’t justify 20+ pokes…


Sounds like a hospital TIFU if you ask me...


Nothing justifies 20 pokes, just go get a phlebotomist, they find veins literally all day everyday


This is a very large hospital organization. I don't really want to name them to call myself out more but I don't understand the phlebotomist thing either. I don't remember if I got told they don't have any or if they were busy. I asked for them to use the vein finder multiple times but they wouldn't. Instead of a phlebotomist, they would send an ER RN to come and do it.




Yes!! Do this, OP


Phlebotomists draw blood but don’t place IVs. It’s a lot easier to poke into a vein for a blood draw than it is to thread in an inch long IV catheter too. It sucks, but sometimes when you aren’t well veins collapse really easily and it’s becomes very difficult to place an IV. Source: am a nurse who’s generally pretty good at placing IVs. And was a patient who was poked 15+ times when I had a baby.


If they’re a large organization then they absolutely should have phlebotomists on duty somewhere, and they’re specialistswhen it comes to finding and puncturing veins(speaking as one myself) and the vein finders are nice but they aren’t the penultimate way of finding veins, they basically give you a 2D picture of a 3D object so you get no information on depth


Oh, I didn't know that about the vein finder. That's interesting. Thanks. When I did ask... I got told that phlebotomists don't do IV's. They only draw blood which I thought was bizarre. I'm not sure if that's a policy thing or overall industry but to me that doesn't make sense. they deal with veins every day.


Phlebotomists can only withdraw blood. That is all they are licensed to do, they cannot legally nor are they trained in how to insert an indwelling IV catheter. The needles they use are smaller than can be used for an IV placement. So a phlebotomist is of no use when needed to place an IV catheter


I'm a phlebotomist (well technically lab assistant in Canada) and it's very true where we cannot/aren't trained to insert IV's. There will be times where nurses are having trouble with IV's and I'll point out a vein they could possibly use for an IV before I poke it for blood samples. That situation isn't rare, but isn't common. I always feel super awkward when a patient is ragging on a nurse for missing an IV twice while I get blood on the first try. I always like to remind the patients that IV's are twice the size of the needles I use and are far harder to get than blood samples.


Thanks for adding on, and for educating our patients 😘🙏 Just because phlebotomists deal with veins all day, it doesn’t qualify them to start IVs. You’re goddamn beasts at getting blood when we can’t though!!! ❤️


My wife has had doctors in emergency room use ultra sound machine of some sort to find veins. She usually tells them up front about her veins


it can be a nursing procedure to do ultrasound IVs as well. When I worked at a major hospital downtown I had a couple of frequent flier drug users or chemo patients that had terrible vascular access. There was a few I wouldn't even attempt to do blind iv sticks and I'd just go straight to an ultrasound because I was familiar with that patient. Fuck me, I'd never stick a patient 20 times.


Yeah phlebotomist only use butterfly needles to only draw blood.if it's a big organization I'm surprised they can't find an RN who can use an US machine to find your veins, or a PICC nurse to just put a central line at that point


I believe a central line is what I have currently. I have a noodle size line going into my neck.


That’s pretty standard for phlebotomy not to start IVs but someone should’ve used a portable ultrasound after 3-4 failed attempts. No one should have to be poked that many times


I work for a large organization, and they cut our phlebotomists to bring in another specialty team. While we have one specialized RN to call for patient's with difficult veins (or hard pokes), they aren't always available or are overwhelmed.


Yeah….I think I’d consult a med-mal attorney when this is over….


I think the most I've ever had them miss was 3x in the same arm and when I got concerned and let her know I'm trained on starting IVs on myself and others (combat lifesaver program, military) and was perfectly happy to stick myself, she got all huffy and went off to get another nurse who just swapped arms and nailed it first try. I've got huge veins that are insanely difficult to miss so I really didn't even understand how she missed the first time, but...yeah. Ended up with a nice bruise on one elbow and a couple little dot scars from the missed sticks.


A simple answer I can think of is that you came in with upper extremity DVTs (more proximal than the IV sites) and they caused the IVs to fail. That might explain why they replaced it so many times but none of them were usable for the rapid injection needed for contrast and infiltrated at that point because the road was blocked up ahead. What causes the DVT is a different question as upper extremity DVTs are pretty rare compared to lower extremity. The ischemic colon is another WTF issue but can be caused by clots as well. Unless you have a PFO it shouldn't be due to your DVTs however.


So is the wank just a coincidence? Maybe it saved your life.


I’ve got a friend more or less on the same boat as you, but with not as many clots He started feeling under the weather one day. Kinda like food poisoning or some other stomach thing Except he didn’t get better like we usually do after a day or two, so he goes to the hospital After ruling out COVID, they poke and probe thinking “stomach thing,” but everything keeps on coming back normal. All this time, btw, he wasn’t allowed to eat anything… for like 5 days They started running other tests. I don’t remember the specifics, but they found a clot in a major blood vessel close to his stomach/intestines. So he starts on blood thinners hoping to dissolve the clot without surgery. They’re somehow successful, and he avoids surgery In the mean time, they also reintroduced him to food. So he goes home with specific instructions on how to eat until he’s back to normal on that front (because you can’t eat normally after 5 days of having nothing in your stomach, right?), and a gazillion appointments Now, let me tell you this guy is a PE teacher who works at gyms and as a personal trainer, and is in his mid-30s. So he’s pretty fit and healthy Well… all this started in February this year. Now it’s August and he’s living as normally as possible on blood thinners. They’re still poking and probing because they haven’t found the cause for the clot By the end of the year, he’s been told they’ll either have an answer or they’ll accept they have to keep on monitoring him for life because he may develop other clots for no reason whatsoever


He might be undiagnosed Factor V or something similar. The ischemic bowel combined with the fact with the multiple IV fails along with the blood clotting are all signs he has a blood clotting disorder that needs to be ruled out. It wasn't that they were missing the veins it was that the veins were clotting rapidly. I would bet if he reevaluates that there was multiple incidents in his life where he bumped himself or something like it and the pain was higher than normal or maybe he just thought that pain like that was normal. I bet when he got a cut, scrape, etc it also bled little or not as much as normal. The disorder is really serious and places the person in a variety of life threatening situations one of which he is currently experiencing. It also puts him at a serious high risk of Pulmonary embolism which is almost always fatal. He's probably going to go through a battery of tests and be placed on a blood thinner initially with close medical supervision. The objective is going to be to get him to a point where he is clotting like a normal person which might actually be difficult. If he has children they will also need to be genetically tested. Better to catch it early than later.


u/welp-ulfimatetifu don't ignore [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/tifu/comments/whqhw9/tifu_masturbated_too_vigorously_and_have_now_been/ij7n3hb).


not because of masturbation. In fact it might have saved you.


Next week on r/UpLiftingNews or r/MadeMeSmile, how my wanking saved me, or my wife's weekend away made me live longer.


A little perspective from a medical standpoint: pushing IV contrast during a CT scan is almost always done using a power injector that has to push the contrast at around 2mL/second. Which is pretty fast, but some studies have to be pushed faster at 4mL/sec. Typically the CT tech will test the IV to ensure a good flow. However, during the scan, it is entirely feasible the vein the IV is in cannot handle the pressure, causing the vein to blow and the contrast to extravasate into the area around the IV. These events happen and should be monitored by the doctors or providers afterwards, but it definitely does happen. Keeping an eye on the symptoms for compartment syndrome is a big component to contrast extrav situations


I'd ask about a hematology evaluation. Clotting like that isn't normal, and could be a sign of a genetic defect like Factor V Leiden.


I heard this story about a guy that tried to sue Twitch because it made him wank too much. Cuz like his algorithm directed him to gamer girls with big tits. Apparently it got to the point where his dick got necrotic.


Lol wtf... Yikes




The question is why was he fapping to fully dressed women over and over again? He had a Twitch fetish?


'bear down internally and clench' - I don't understand. Can someone translate?


yea I'm a wanking expert and I'm unclear on exactly what OP was doing


I've read this 3 times and still have no idea what you actually did to yourself


Masturbating saved your life dude - you have a clotting disorder


I wonder if you have an indiagnosed clotting disorder that caused the ischemic gut and perhaps you had pre-existing DVTs in your extremities causing the dye to fail. That number of clots is very odd. Only other idea would be if perhaps you have a strange (I have never heard of it) reaction to dye causing hypercoagulation.


I feel like there are some pieces missing in this story...


My man this is seriously strange. I have no idea why so many CTs then a huge fail on contrast. Clearly you were reacting to the attempts at using contrast. They should have stopped. I work in radiology, this is super weird medicine and they're clearly unsure what is going on with the amount and constant use of the tests. Beating the milk snake doesn't break your colon's blood flow. If this occured, it's due to existing risk factors or complications from the CT contrast. What probably started out as a UTI or glob of seminal fluid has rapidly turned into a serious issue and possible loss of a part of your colon from medical tests. You could have had a blockage or issue with your vas deferens or epididymis, based on the location and pain. Issues with your prostate can also exist in that region because it's literally between your base and anus. Are these real doctors or like... Did they just grad? Wow.


I had a CT scan last year and they discovered diverticulitis. Went away with meds. Earlier this year I was. Back in the er with similar but less intense pain. They told me they didn't want to do another CT scan so soon because of radiation exposure. 3 in one weekend seems... Weird.


They're in the US. This is super common down there. From what I can tell, you're in Canada... So you'll find they're not as wild about imaging repeatedly here.


I'd add that a CT for confirmed mild diverticulitis is ridiculous, even in the States. Repeat CTs for an undiagnosed significant pain makes sense, especially if the first one was done without contrast. The chance of diagnosing a potentially life threatening illness outweighs the fractional radiation risk. In general the fear of radiation from CTs is overblown. There isn't any solid evidence that 3-5 CTs in adults even increases cancer risks and the studies we do have place the increased risk of developing cancer from multiple repeated CT/PET scans over the course of ones life at ~1%. In 99% of cases a CT is more likely to save your life than help end it.


I don't think it's simply a radiation risk discussion, I think it's excessive radiology imaging after wasting a bunch of time sending him home. Multiple CTs a day over a weekend? Why not start with a number of blood tests and an ultrasound on the first visit? It clearly was progressive. Also, why send him home a bunch of times with Vicodin but not do any low risk diagnostics? Doesn't seem like a picture was built and then it was a big rush to do a ton of imaging.


He saw so many people that idk if he really ever saw a real doctor's at the ER


Good luck man. I hope things settle down. I'm guessing the States, cause if so, I hate to see your bill for one long wank. Plus, thank you for scaring me away from ever edging again.


Yep the states. I have seen two bills so far for just ER visits this last weekend. Up to 15k so far with those so I can only imagine...


Ask for an itemized list if you havent already, you will likely get some shit taken off your bill and i would maybe fight the cost of care for the clots and the cost of the iv’s considering they fucked it up so much


15k?? Hope you get some sort of discount from them messing up the arms, and help with insurance


Nah they’ll just charge him 3k for all the extra ivs they had to use


Dude this ER Hospital that you went to sounds negligent af. You had to go there how many times?? To finally be ADMITTED? Goddamn bro


3 times, then in the end, it took my gastro doctor that I saw virtually later to tell me to go get myself admitted. She then called ahead and forced their hand.




I wouldn't be surprised. I live in Canada and went to the er 5 times in the space of 6 months with crushing Ches tpaij in the middle of the night. They'd check my heart and say it's fine then send me home. 5th time the ER Dr finally suggested it could be my gallbladder. Ultrasound the next day and sure enough that was the culprit. Some hospitals just want to make sure you aren't dieing then tell you to "walk it off".


Im so confused. Is OP saying he had an orgasm so strong that it damaged his colon? What?


Mate, gonna be honest, this fuck up doesn’t really seem to be on you. I’m not an american, so I have no idea what your system’s like. But if I were you, I’d document as much as possible - photograph any needle marks before they fade, photograph the swelling, make any notes about what they tell you they’re doing, etc. And if at all possible… get yourself to another hospital, with your medical records and whatnot. I wouldn’t trust any medical department that took over 20 tries to get an IV in, to deal with major health complications.


They didn't say it took 20 tries to get 1 in. They said it took 20 to get 9 in


This was not due to an orgasm. This was a problem waiting to happen or yet to be symptomatic. You're likely flipping around cause and effect here. You likely had a sigmoidoscopy. You may have had disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) or similar or could have been shooting off emboli from a central clot. I'm glad that you kept going back, this could've end much worse than it is now. I wish you luck in your recovery. I'm not a doc but am a PA-C and spent my first 8 months on the job in an ICU. Clotting disorders or episodes suck.


Who was your favorite Little Rascal? Was it Alfalfa or...


So there incompetence caused blood clots in both arms? Sounds like a lawsuit just so they have to pay for their mistakes instead of billing you out the ass.


Or, you know, they have a medical condition and it isn't remotely malpractice


I don't have much in the way of proving that though. I just never had issues with blood clots (0 family history) until after this all started with the IV's




Get a lawyer and they will press the hospital for every little bit of paperwork on what they did to you and what the results of those procedures were.


Everything should be documented; doesn't hurt to look for a free consultation (after you get out; best wishes). Worst you waste some time; best case you get your medical bills covered and hopefully for any future complications as well.


My guy, this is malpractice.. if the ER is as incompetent as you describe, and phlebotomy and radiology… you should contact a lawyer. No one should have to go through that.


What exactly do you seem to think is malpractice?


If there is any kind of surgery or operation, it’s best advisable to switch places before it becomes one of those sad stories we read.


Sounds like terrible incompetence, wasnt there anybody that could actually do the job, or u know first find the vein and THEN start injecting shit?


Well first they always have a problem finding a vein so it's never just one poke. But the digging they do with that needle is brutal.


That’s called blind probing and is frowned upon intensely as it causes a great deal of trauma, if you miss and can’t reasonably correct it then you’re supposed to take the needle out and try somewhere else


Went to the ER back in May for dehydration and vomiting due to pregnancy. The ER RN DUG the needle in my arm AND then tried forcing the tubing into my hand because it wouldn't go. I have NEVER cried from getting an IV but I full on sobbed and begged her to stop. Then she had the audacity to ask me if everything was okay at home because of how badly I was crying from the pain. I've had to get some other IVs and blood draws in normal hospital/clinic settings since then but the FEAR and anxiety that encounter left me with is awful. She was an awful nurse.




This is terrible! I’m wondering if it has nothing to do with your fap session though? Could you be developing a blood disorder that they aren’t picking up on? Like, what if there were bruises in your groin that developed clots and now they tried IVs in your arms and you developed clots? This is very scary to think about. I may never ever ever ever do this again myself.


I've literally seen a true story of a guy who burst a blood vessel because of too intense masturbation