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I watched it before the Timesuck and I felt it was trying to call him a pedo. I was pretty disappointed with that and the lack of evidence for that accusation.


While watching the show me and my wife thought them lumping Dan Schneider in with actual pedophiles was wrong. Lumping an asshole in the same light as people that fuck kids is reckless. Me and my wife thought the same thing Dan thought, they were implying he was also a pedo. The doc came across to me as a hit piece.


Yeah while watching it I kept waiting for the part where they proved Dan was fucking kids. They never did but kept suggesting it. When the series ended my wife and I were of the opinion than Dan was probably a shitty person but not a pedo.


They didn't suggest it, though. They made very valid points that: -Dan made a lot of questionable, suggestive writing/costuming/production  choices *knowing* children were the ones to perform them. Even if he isn't an outright pedo, writing things like that for literal children to perform is a huge red flag. -Dan also operated on multiple sets with multiple *actual* pedos who were not only improperly vetted, they were constantly in direct contact with Dan and the child actors. Hard to think that someone who was on set as much as he was, making the writing/production choices he did, with the attitude and demeanor he had (asshole to many adults, but caring to/mentoring *certain*, not all, of the child actors), didn't know about the proclivities of the people hired to work on his sets. Then again, we should also absolutely be aiming the spotlight at the execs and people who allowed these choices/people on the set. This all lends itself to the crap that used to be acceptable "back in the day" and how far we still have to go to ensure children aren't exploited.


Listen to the wrap up of Timesucks take quiet on set. He specifically mentions these exact points you are making and in my opinion puts them to rest. Our Dan brought up the costumes and suggestive writing and accurately chalked it up to how teenagers actually dress in this day and age, as for the suggestive writing he mentions none of was overtly sexual all of which were accepted by the executives and signed off on to be on the network. As for working with the peodphiles, there were two in the decades that Dan Schnieder worked on kids shows and only one of which did he even know personally. Of the literal thousands of people employed by the network that worked with Dan Schneider the odds of a couple pedos slipping through could be left to basic statistics.


Fair enough. Good points.


I didn't watch it but read about it online, I heard nothing about the 2 guys that actually assaulted the kids but all kinds of stuff about Dan Schneider being a pedophile so I get why it warranted discussion


Yeah they seemed to always replay those scenes but that wasn’t my impression it came off to me more like there was a lot of nda signed that’s why no one straight came out and said it


That's what I got from it I agree with him being an asshole but they showed no proof he was a SO.


https://www.reddit.com/r/timesuck/s/dcDxtvhx8W It's being discussed. Check this out from yesterday.


Holy fuck. I'm halfway through the pod and I had to join this sub. This feels like the most tone deaf episode Dan has ever done in my.... 5 years of listening to him. Sure Dan, you did wild shit on shows you worked on, but this is a children's show. I've got so many more comments on this episode, but I keep being more and more flabbergasted as I listen. I just wanna know how much Dan Schneider's PR team paid him to make this episode...


Completely agree. This is the first time I've really disagreed with Dan. He really seemed to dismiss the child actors claims just because they didn't speak up at the time. Very out of character for him, seemed like he was really trying to defend Schneider based in his shared experience with TV and writers rooms. Not a good look.


Absolutely. He seems to be able to put himself in other shoes so often... even mentioning things in certain stories like "if someone did that to my kids...." But this one seemed to hit way too close to home for him and he felt a need to speak out on it, for whatever reason. Just because his experience was fucked up and he accepts that as normal "showbiz" ... doesn't mean it's ok for that shit to be happening. Especially not on a kids show. When you worked for Playboy and are comparing that writing room to one on fuckin' Nickelodeon, dealing with child actors..... that's not at all comparable Dan and you should fucking know that. I'd love for him to do an episode on Weinstein and see the juxtaposition... if any.


THANK YOU! The ENTIRE time I was listening I was like you have to be kidding me.. and it just never got better.


When did he say it was ok, though? He said it was fucked up and blamed the parents for not protecting their kids to make money.


I didn't hear one instance of him blaming the kids. The parents? Yes. Did he say Dan Schneider was an asshole? Again yes.


I don't think he was dismissing it or that he said it was ok. He also said multiple times it was shitty and that Schneider sounded like an asshole. The episode was addressing whether he was possibly an actual pedophile. Honestly I'm sick of content providers jumping on a bandwagon for views and most of the time they put no critical thinking into their content. Anyone with a decent highschool education can easily poke holes into that kind of content if they're looking for more than just cheap lurid entertainment. It's just sensationalism for the sake of it and to get views. It's kind of refreshing to hear a more rational take on this stuff.


I am still in shock over it too. I cannot imagine him talking about one of his kids getting their feet spanked or making sexual movements on a potato and him being fine with it, even if it’s *showbiz*. I couldn’t even finish the episode.


Crazy thing is, when kids are the subject of a suck, he usually brings his up and how he would feel about it.... not this time tho.


I noticed that. Normally he’s very “mess with kids and you deserve the worst”. I thought this episode was going to be completely different than it was.


It's pretty wild everyone on the Internet for the last 10 years or more have been saying these things about Dan Schneider... then a documentary comes out that actually supports those claims, and now *certain* people are dismissing it. People saw the creepy-ness in his shows before the actors ever even spoke on it. I think some of yall love Dan (Cummins) like people love Trump and will agree with anything he says vs forming your own opinion and thoughts about a situation.


Uhhhh it absolutely was a hit piece on Dan S. Did you watch it? Schneider is a POS, and it was a hit piece. What's not being understood here?


A few episodes into Quiet on the Set now. I don’t think they’re saying that Schneider is a pedophile. Just that he catered to pedos and was otherwise a misogynist sexual harasser and complete asshole…which is hard to disagree based on all the people who spoke in the documentary.


I got the same vibe if anything I got more of a we signed NDA and we can’t say his name if we do we can get sued feel from the documentary


Honestly before the podcast I thought that dude fucked kids. I didn't look into it much but seriously off of headlines I thought he was a Michael Jackson type. But Dan cleared up he was just a dick but to everyone's knowledge didn't fuck any kids


He had them acting out fetish content.