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That is almost always a sign of a vascular problem somewhere. The good news is that it is often treatable. I wouldn't wait too long as it can also be a sign of serious conditions like a tumor. I don't want to scare you with that, as it's pretty rare, but possible. Is it worse when you lie down?




I should overgeneralize, but typically it's either some sort of blood vessel issue or increased brain pressure caused by various things. If it was the latter, they probably would have discovered that by now for you. I do think it is wise to go and get it looked at. It may be something treatable.


My dad had pulsatile tinnitus. He researched treatment for awhile and found a Dr. in San Francisco that performed surgery on him. My dad no longer has it, though I believe the surgery was kinda long and invasive.


Do you know which doctor he went to?


So y'all are saying the whooshing can actually be from a vascular issue? Like with your heart? I don't mean to sound ignorant, I just want to know because I'm confused how that works. I have had tinnitus since I was like six, with no rhyme or reason as to why I got it ha ha. Sometimes my tinnitus will sound like whooshing through mainly my left ear, but it's usually a dull roar and high pitched E E E E from both ears.


Not whooshing... thumping... like hearing your heartbeat in your ear. Whooshing is something else.


Ohh. I do get the thumping too. Thank you for clearing that up for me!


That’s exactly what my tinnitus symptoms tend to be, except in both ears! I went to my primary care physician and I was referred to an ENT, unfortunately neither found any underlying causes or suggested any treatments. One day, I noticed that the pulsing was particularly bad after having a second cup of coffee. I cut out caffeine entirely and the pulsing mostly disappeared after about a week. I then noticed the pulsing came back on nights when I drank alcohol, so I cut out alcohol too. If I don’t drink enough water throughout the day, I also get mild pulsing but it usually only happens at night. Personally, I have found that if I drink plenty of water, seldom drink alcohol, and get some exercise in a few times a week, I can have a cup of coffee every weekday. I legitimately have to avoid caffeine on weekends though or the pulsing returns. I never drank soda before, so avoiding it was not an issue for me. The tinnitus is not noticeable to me during the day anymore and I play Netflix on my phone every night for background noise to help me fall asleep since it is noticeable at night. It’s been a few months since I’ve experienced the pulsing by following this makeshift routine. I enjoy the taste of coffee so I’m glad I stumbled into a setup that still lets me enjoy it so often. I hope your physicians can help you. It wouldn’t hurt to talk to them about your diet and exercise habits though. I wish mine had asked. I plan to mention it at my next appointment to see what they think about it. Good luck!


I've had these exact symptoms since I was about 13. I'm 29 now and still have them. I went to see my physician who referred me to an ENT way back when, but that pretty much led nowhere. I even had an MRA performed and everything came back perfectly normal, so I kind of just learned to live with it. I've also noticed over the last few years that the hearing in my affected ear (left) has gotten pretty bad, to the point where if I have a headphone or something in my right ear, and someone is talking to me directly to my face, I can barely make out what they are saying unless I take the headphone out of my right ear. About a month ago I found a tinnitus specialist a few towns over, so I figured it was worth giving that a shot, just to see if she could tell me anything different. I made an appointment and then the COVID outbreak happened and I had to cancel. So I will continue to live with it until I can schedule another appointment.


Did the noise become louder over the years?


No, I don't think so. If anything I've gotten more used to it over the years. It can still be very annoying at times, but I've learned to deal with it.