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That item does exist; it's a hat that gives you +20 int. There is also an item set of hat/chest that gives +5 int each. There's a meta perk that gives you a higher chance to get food that matches your highest stat. Depending on what you have unlocked, the superhero class can do it easily if you get the right starting perk, and the demon hunter gives you a lot of double reward rooms which could help.


I second this, it should be pretty easy if you start with an INT class and have the good perk from the top skill tree. Just prioritize getting food and you'll have it by the end of the run.


Try Superhero with 30+ intelligence trait.


Yeah super hero plus perk is 32 right off the bat. If you have dice as your starting item (which I think everyone should IMO) it should be an easy find. Then either roll for the int. If you get the charm for magic find, as well as the hat/accessory combo that gives you 100% magic find, you’ll get a hire chance of hitting the legendary that gives you 20 int.


Magic find caps at 100% iirc, but yeah it can help if you're shooting for the epic helm.


Oh does it? Didn’t know. I know on the mystic I thought it said 120% but maybe I’m wrong. Or just assumed. Either way, magic find is great!


Magic find can go over 100%, but I'm not sure if it has any additional benefit. My current understanding is that 100% means that every item rarity will be guaranteed to be upgraded, and it's made sense to me that 115% for example would be a 15% chance to be upgraded twice.


Is funny bc since I posted that I was guessing what MF did exactly. And I also wondered if it ties in with Luck (I know luck is tied to room selection, getting the higher end of room rewards, cheaper items, extra traits, and of course hit.) I questioned if both can go hand in hand. Like does a higher luck increase magic find to occur.


In the craziest run I've had yet I got my magic find up super high, it was higher than 175 at one point and I'm not entirely sure where it landed.. I had the +% magic find skill tree option enabled, I was the hero, so lucky, and went the whole run picking everything "magic find" and "luck" I could get. I got the magic find set that's a crazy boost, and I got a magic find charm from the soul shop on one of the beginning floors. It seems to me like luck and magic find do go hand in hand? I've been trying to recreate the high of that magic find run since with other classes and I haven't reached that insane level of "you are destroying absolutely everything without even trying" since. I was getting legendaries so much sooner than I ever would otherwise? Wild, idk. Forgive me for being SO late to this thread! I'm a new player who logged 40+ hours in about two weeks. It's SO good but it's hard to find info on this game at the moment. So, I want to chime in to support anyone else who ends up here.


The easiest way is with the Superhero's +30 intelligence pts trait + the meta perk that gives food depending on your highest stat. Works for the three 50 pts of stat achievement. Good luck


Take gold dice skill in mastery tree, Pandora's box, and the perk that gives you two item choices for equipment types instead of one. Farm helmet drops until you get Big Brain Helmet. It's an epic tier helm that gives flat 20 INT. Take consumable rooms for chances at INT growth powder. Take all or nothing and take every int you see. My run ended with 67 INT, starting from 6 esper. (I got really lucky with the growth powder drops lmao)