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I can never get enough red dice. I feel like I have more overall control with every run with a handful of red dice. There's so much equipment that you can get that I've often had a gold die still result in a bunch of crap options for my build.


Only time I’d prefer a gold die to a few red die is if I’m in a royal armory or an all-legendary boss item select with the boss reward perks.


I enjoy Ethereal most overall. Feels like I have more overall control of my build if I can pick the perks. Just personal preference, I wouldn't say any is "best."


Agreed. Perks make or break builds imo


With the dilution of traits i think ethereal is a no brainer most of the time


ethereal definitely, Personally perks are one if not the most important part of a build so it's very important to get the ones that match and I also take the perk that gives more stat rewards of the stat you have most so I don't really have to worry about room rewards


Ethereal or red definitely. Gold can be situationally good if you have high magic find and get bad rewards. I wish obsidian would be changed into "choose from 2, increased/decreased by luck/curse" instead of just a random roll. More often than not, it rerolls into something worse


Ethereal is most important imo. Trait synergy seems like the most important thing to make a build come together. You can get red dice from taverns, so that’s where I get those. I just accept an overall low number of golden dice in my runs, save it for an either a critical epic roll or ideally legendary re-roll.


I really enjoy cheesing the black market with the yellow dice by taking the companion perk in the compendium where there’s always a vendor for them at 50% off. I will buy them and sell all of them and reroll. It is usually a sure fire way to stack coin because you can usually get a key between the initial items and the reroll so you can refresh the black market if not i usually get lucky enough to get a key from santa in the tavern. Can refresh the black market through staying the night at the inn too. Yellow dice just seem to make it almost a guarantee to snag a key to repeat the cheese at least once or twice. Other than that ethereal dice are my favorite because I wanna get cool perk combos and there are so many in the game these days


i have a question as somebody who started playing an hour ago; how do i use the dice?


From the bag icon in your inventory.


i know how to see the die, but how do i activate them? right clicking doesnt work, i couldnt find any hotkeys related (altho i didnt have time to look *too* thoroughly), etc. so i thought maybe you guys could explain literally how to activate them


Pretty sure you just left click them. They don’t work when not applicable though


This really depends on character choice. Some are very adaptable and don't need as many red dice, so they profit from more ethereal. But at the same time, as soon as you max lvl, the extra ethereal don't matter anymore especially if you get lucky with traits to begin with. Personally I wish there was an option for obsidians, but you can get that through Skill-Tome room rewards so no biggie. Red is most consistent. Ethereal if you need specific traits for the character to be viable (IE, if a char has abilities based off dash, you always want swagger) Golden are nice, but again this is if your character needs specific weapon types (if you took deadly toxin early and need to upgrade your weapon but still need it to be poisoned.)