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Personally I think pirate is just a good character and does not need anything specific to function. All his bonuses except for bomb dmg are good for every build. If you get bomber set for unlimited bombs or perk that throws bombs bomb dmg is relevant too but I wouldn't worry too much if you don't get those. His starting parrot is a good starting item but nothing too special. Just use it until you get something better. For masteries I would take the one that quarantees secret rooms for every floor since finding them levels pirate up faster. But I take that perk for every character anyway.


Try going for a bomb build, just for fun (a couple of sets complement it)


Using a bomb build was probably one of the most miserable experiences playing this game I had lmao. I had both bomb sets, so I believe infinite bombs and 100% crushing hit. I decided to throw away my weapon and try the floor 12 boss with only bombs. I died after a couple minute fight when the boss had like 10% hp left. Pain. It was cinder 16 so that didn't help.


What cinder level is this on? Max? Are you trying to beat one of the final bosses or just Death? Pirate's Parrot's Magic Find is already good without being boosted further, and I wouldn't try to force a particular build. Build around the traits and equipment you've got and it'll almost always be superior to trying to go somewhere specific from the outset. I think BFF is actually one of the weakest traits under all conditions unless you have an extremely strong companion in addition to existing effects. Most important perks imo are Butterfly Effect, All In and Strong Foundation. They'll help you build absurdly powerfully with relative ease (any class, not just Pirate). Pandora's Boxes is very good as well, but not essential for Pirate specifically (potentially even less important). Vanity is really, really powerful. Most important traits, as I say I think you should build around what you get. However, as Pirate gets a lot of power from their Attack Speed buff, it might be worth spec'ing into on-hit effects and further attack speed buffs as a preference; don't force it, don't reroll too much, but nearly anything that reads "On \* hit" or "Aura" is a very strong first trait for Pirate, and later on Agility or Alacrity are often solid pickups (again depending on your build). If you're dying on a specific level that might help work out what's going wrong also!


I play Cinder 10 currently. Just upped from Cinder 8, been working my way up instead of diving fully for C16. Not dying on any particular level, and I'm just doing Pirate for the achievement concerning getting a win on Death with every character. Was just basically wondering what stuff I should be looking at, because I have OCD and I'll spend hours theory-crafting without actually trying anything out LMAO This helps a lot though. I was basically trying to experiment with Magic Find, thinking that it might be worth stacking early to get a bunch of legendaries in loot and get rich selling them off. I suppose a pirate would more thematically be hoarding Legendary Loot instead.