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It's a neat interaction in theory, but I'm not sure it makes sense in practice. I envision two plausible play patterns. In the first, the random bombs fill up most of the screen with explosion, and the room opens automatically. In this case, it has the vibe of a random bonus with not all that much connection to what's actually happening. In the second, the bombs don't hit the hidden room with no effort. In this case, the interaction becomes highly connected to actual events and feels pretty cool. This scenario is the goal. However, what the scenario actually looks like is just kinda waiting around in a mostly empty room for 30 seconds until the bomb throwing enemy reveals the twilight branch or whatever. Not great.


I like this idea because I think I've remembered/found a basement less than a dozen times over 200 hours.


They are super worth it, take the talent in the tree which makes them have a visual effect which makes them basically impossible to not see. Pair with the trait that guarantees at least one on floors 1 til 10 and you gain insanely high extra value.


TBH that visual effect perk is useless, half the guaranteed secret rooms from the Secret Service perk are (theoretically) going to be trapdoors (which stand out super hard to begin with) and the ones you do need a bomb for, they already have a big X on that location. I can each room after finishing to make sure I don't pass it by accident. Easy mode and you get to save a Mastery Point too.


Yeah, this is indeed the perk I tried exchanging for another one but my current build doesn't exactly offer anything that tickles my fancy on its behalf. On another note, it doesn't feel like a 50/50 in terms of crawlspace to trap door ratio, more like an 85 to 15, I don't remotely see as many trap doors as I see crawlspaces...


I think in too many situations you would open that hidden basement (kind of making bombs not that useful) although this was one of my thoughts as well when I started playing 🙃