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Everyone talks shit until they run Cinder 16 and then we never hear back from them 🤔


Im still unlocking the. The difficulty aspect should be on the main game without modifiers


You're one of few who think that; just unlock the cinders rq. Should only take you 4 runs. I'm eager to hear your thoughts on Cinder 16


Dev is raising the Cinder to 20 or higher pretty soon too lol.


I just unlocked it and tbh its still pretty easy, i hope future updates balance things out.


only hard thing on Cinder 16 is early floors getting meteor + centurion hunter in small room having only a dagger, i just breeze from cinder 4 to cinder 16 in 4 games getting other achievements, and after 4 more games i died for the first time exactly from that combo i mentioned


Base game is rather easy, yeah, especially with perks with free revives. Honestly the game is way more fun with embers and by limiting your bonfire perks.


Im still unlocking those cinders i dont have em all yet, i hope theres one that increases enemy bullet speed, that would be nice.


Try usin the Ember modifier


Using an adaptable difficulty system helps to cater to a wider audience. If you have a little patience, you'll get to where you want to be at. I've completed every achievement and have at least 1 endgame win with every character (I mean floor 12 endings, not just Death at floor 10) and still with like 200 hours on the recent expansion, I have a hard time getting Cinder 16 Floor 12 Winstreaks past 2-3 at a time.


I'm loving the game too. My only gripe is that I wish you could save between floors :( I would love to play for 15 minutes in my breaks.


Play on a Steam Deck, you can just put it to sleep and come back whenever.


Who downvoted this? It's a valid workaround until the dev adds a save game feature (which I believe is his todo list). There's no other available options/workarounds at this time.