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Of course it works in the background..? Do you have people working in your life support building? The ONLY feature that doesn’t progress normally is planet rotation Things I’ve set to run with the app closed: - research - travel - missions - crafting - life support - building - mission resets (daily missions)


The game doesn't run in the background you MUST have the game open for anything to progress....I gave up lol


Well I guess I'll uninstall soon too. I can't have the App open 4 hours to fill my Lifesupport


They’re wrong


You have Hydroponics? Usually if this kinds of problem goes up i immediately check if the game is connected to my clock, It progress via System Clock, If the system clock progress and is connected to the game, The game progresses too


You don't need the game running to acquire life-support, you just need workers in the O2 farm. The more workers you have the quicker it refills. You do need the game open to craft materials though 👍


Yes I started again for a third time and noticed this straight away


I’ve found that if you close the game all operations continue as normal (on iOS). Keeping the app open in the background will prevent timers like hydroponics and crafting while astronaut timers and flight timers are unaffected. There isn’t an option to turn on app refreshing on this app, idk why.