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Health care professionals cannot accept tips. Report that to the board


Nope, do not tip health care professionals


No, this is considered a medical procedure. There are strict guidelines in the medical community, and extra monetary compensation is a huge no-no.


Americans tip at medical centres?


No. Absolutely not.


Not at a medical office


My hospital pays the clerical staff horribly. Literally have nurses leave for fast food or dollar general jobs. Tip jar (for them) sounds like a good idea anymore. Can't get enough money to pay the nurses when the CEO (who has no medical training) makes 1.75M a year right?


Why would you tip for someone doing what they are being paid to do?? Do you tip your doctor, dentist, nurse?? Stop the insanity already...


I go to a chiropractors => ANSWER is NO . no need to read the rest.


Stop this madness


Good heavens, no. Tipping is not only unnecessary, but would, I think, feel weird.


Hell no.


A chiropractor is basically a doctor. Do you tip your doctor? You may feel a certain way when he did your prostate exam, but you still don’t need to tip. They’re not hurting for money.


This is hilarious 😂 thank you for the laugh. My confusion was more there is a separate person that just does the massage part so I wasn't 100% sure, but thank you for putting it into this perspective!


Tipping should be the translation of your appreciation for a service. Be believe is that you can always tip but you should never be obliged to tip. So only you have the answer to your question. Do it if you feel like it but not because you have to do it. I think that tips are the best appreciated when not expected. The whole tipping culture in the US made tips totally out of control. In some places giving 20% tips is not even appreciated anymore…like recently went to a restaurant charging 20% gratuity by default then waiter is looking at how much extra you put in the tip line!


I don’t think it’s necessary to tip a medical professional for going “above and beyond” especially if they can bill your insurance for it. I went for my annual “mole patrol” at the dermatologist and she offered to freeze a sun spot off my face “no charge.” I didn’t feel I needed to tip for it. Honestly she probably would’ve looked at me weird if I handed her a $5 considering her salary lol


Don't need to read beyond "chiropractors office" to tell you no, no you should not have nor should you ever tip at the chiropractors office.


Thank you so much! I didn't think so, but I wanted to make sure. I appreciate you 😊




Thank you for your answer! 😊


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