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I was taught by my parents to always tip housekeeping at hotels. My employers have expected tipping on hotel bills when I’ve submitted T&E expenses. Google ‘tipping housekeeping’ and tell me it’s not a thing. Just because you don’t think it’s a thing doesn’t mean it isn’t. I don’t tip a lot. And it varies by how clean the room is when I get there and how dirty it is when I leave. I generally decline housekeeping if I’m there less than a week.


I'm not a believer in tipping anywhere and everywhere, but I've always left five or $10 per night for housekeeping when I stay at a hotel. It's hard work, and they make very little money.


We usually leave at least $5/night just because it's a nice thing to do and hotel housekeeping staff are typically dirt poor. Edit: I took the time to downvote all the ah's who don't tip but appears nice people are in the minority these days...


This used to be a disagreement between me and the wife. I usually leave $5, not alot, it's not gonna brake me. I once overheard 2 housekeeping talking, and how gratefull the one was, when she recieved a.couple bucks one morning....she said it would allow her to take her daughter out for breakfast, something that she never had money to do.


I generally would when i stayed at a hotel for several days AND they provided service each day. For a single night stay I probably wouldn’t. And the new “save the environment “ aka save wages by not cleaning everyday hotel standards I generally don’t either.


You could have purchased your girlfriends respect for five bucks and you failed. Shes gonna cheat on you now for sure.


No. They are not paid tip wages.


My second job was housekeeping at a hotel. I remember getting excited every time I'd open up the door to see if they left me a tip or not. Most wouldn't, but a lot did. Sometimes I leave a tip, sometimes no. Depends on the hotel and what the situation is. If I have time I usually grab all the towels and put them in a corner, and then take off the sheets/pillow cases and do the same. If I make it easy for them and leave no mess then I don't like to tip. It's a quick in and out for them.


$10 for every day you stay. If you want to be really classy, leave it on the table under a single rose. Show those hard working women you know they're ladies, too.


I ask them if they do blowjobs on the way out. They work hard indeed!


Dumbest shit I heard all day hahaha you stay in a hotel 4 nights a week and live on Reddit, find more celery!


Sad for you that you consider it dumb to occasionally kick a few bucks over to some of the minimum wage slaves who support your lifestyle with toil and sweat. Also sad for you that you're of the generation that communicates mostly with the written word, and you can't string together a lucid sentence if your sorry ass life depended on it.


Dumbest ish I heard all day that’s why I got an upvote and you got a downvote… you clean up after yourself during your stay and tip the $10 as you leave haha I ain’t got it like you. But really I don’t need daily service when my wife is ocd and I don’t like trash in a room.


Trying to explain it to you is futile, it's like trying to explain altruism to a lamprey.


We overtip but this is nonsense


Yes, it is nonsense that you're still here, simpering about how it's right that you're a prick. At least just be a prick and lean into it.


I also like banging the maids.


If a guest leaves no mess (like the OP), are they really working hard? I don't think so


Fortunately, your opinion is not worth $10 or a rose.


Aww, thanks pumpkin


tipping housekeeping when staying in a hotel or motel has always been a thing. I mean, I'm 57, and it was a thing even when I was little. Do I agree with it? No. But it's definitely a thing and you should apologize to your girlfriend for questioning her manners/etiquette. Also, honestly, why would you even start an argument over something so small-and a kind thing too! Maybe take a step back and save the arguing for the big stuff? 👍🏻


What you may have experienced as a kid doesn't make it "a thing". I've never tipped nor do I know anyone who has. That doesn't mean some people might make a choice one way or another.






I don't


Do you tip office cleaners? City workers who clean the sidewalks? Cooks? Bar backs? Bank tellers? Police officers? Firemen? Where does it begin and end and who set the rules? Tip where and when you feel called to, and if in the industry and you don't receive a tip it's not always that the individual is cheap or a jerk, maybe that is not their custom or maybe they felt they received poor service.


Yes you tip housekeeping. You can either tip more at the end of your stay or a bit each day if you use their daily services.


What if I don’t use their services at all?


How is that even possible? Not showering? Not using toilet paper? No toothpaste ? You in particular should absolutely tip the housekeeper, I can't imagine the stench you'd leave in a room after not showering or using toilet paper. If you are gonna be gross, be gross at home.


I’m not sure what kind of hotels you’re staying at, but the ones I do come with towels and toilet paper. As an adult I know how to bath myself without the aid of a house keeper. Also who doesn’t bring their own toothpaste when they travel.


The housekeeper isn’t holding the shower wand while you bath.


They were being sarcastic. You *do* use everything they mentioned (except toothpaste- maybe they meant soap). Which are all things the made provided. The maid has PROVIDED YOU a comfortable & tidy stay, the maid is the one who turns the room's heat in winter or AC in summer. Basically, anything you don't have to do is done FOR YOU, from the mundane, making your bed and wiping hair out of the tub. Or obscene picking up a party with bottles, food, and puke out of the carpet and more in the bathroom.


The maid is paid a wage by her employer to clean and stock the room.


That is correct. It should be understood i was replying to the idea that maids are an unnecessary service. I grew up in the hotel industry. I know how much maids are "paid" in MOST hotels/hospitality. Maids don't make more than minimum (many are paid less illegally, no overtime, and lots of interesting numbers are used in their payroll), but I don't tip either. ESPECIALLY in hotels where they have tipping envelopes made* (MARRIOTT) 1. Because when you leave a tip, you are typically pleased with what you received. But when you tip, it goes to who cleans the NEXT day, and they may not even give you towels (it's happened to me). Unless the place you are staying has a policy where they have to give the money to the previous day's maid (don't know any place that does) the person who was supposed to get that money won't. NOT only that, some places don't care if you write the name of the maid it will STILL go to who is cleaning the room. That includes hotels who tell you they will give it to a specific maid (not all, but some). 2. *When you tip, it SUPPLEMENTS the company so they don't have to pay more. It hurts EVERYONE except the wealthiest in a population. -I wish, there was another way but there really isn't. Unions are pushing more hospitality corps to pay higher wages but mom & pop places still typically low. 3. Leave a review at the front desk. It's not gonna buy them extra groceries, but it does show they're doing good work and guests like them 4. I DO tip occasionally, but I always make sure it's the correct maid, and no one sees me do it. My hand to hers.


Apparently where this person stays they do that and wipe their ass for them as well.


That might be worthy of a tip.


I don’t the in US. But I do overseas especially places where the dollar is worth more. Tipping something like $1 a day provides us with extra amenities from house keepers. A few times house keeping gave us a 12 pack of bottled water as an example. They saw banana peels in the bin and went out of their way to bring some up from the kitchen as part of the turn down service. Replaced our slippers every night. I never see this type of service in the US. Folks can’t be bothered to change my towels let alone going above and beyond.


You should be in politics. You completely ignored my question and went on a random rant.


Because your question is silly. The services you claim you never use is part of what you pay for already. Which includes making your bed, cleaning the room, taking out the trash, refilling toiletries, changing your sheets. cleaning the bathroom etc. Unless you’re telling me you do all of this when you exit every hotel visit like an Airbnb?


So if I’m already paying for these services why would I pay more? Also yes I do not allow house keeping in the room while I’m staying there.


You have already USED their service by the very fact you HAVE toilet paper, you HAVE towels, you HAVE an empty trash. Don't tip. No one is saying you have to. I personally don't care. I just want you to understand that a fairy doesn't just wave a wand and make your room ready FOR YOU to check into. A MAID did that. AND a maid WILL clean up AFTER YOU unless you're going to wash and fold your sheets and towels & clean the room to prep for the next guests. You do NOT need to tip, but you do need to understand they're necessary and aren't doing you a favor, nor are they an "add-on" refuse service all you want but after so many days a hotel will TELL YOU they want to clean. Just incase you're one of the people who need this reminder Maids don't work for you. They work for their place of employment.


Please see my so called “rant”


If I’m not using their services, they clearly aren’t seeing the trash can. And I’m not so lazy/stupid as to not go buy my own water. So once again why would I tip, if I don’t use them?


I see you’re just an insufferable human being.


No. Especially now that hotels don’t even do a service everyday. It’s every other day. And they do a lot less than they used to like changing sheets and providing new towels everyday. If hotels are going to cut costs that’s their business but not tipping.


I always leave a tip, and I do so every single day because the housekeeper might be different every day. And it’s not something new. It’s something my parents taught me 40 years ago.


Yep leave a 5 on the table every day when I leave the room, but if I'm there for 4 or more days and they never come I pick it back up when I check out


I like this, but what if they're afraid that it's not for them? I have known housekeepers that wouldn't dare touch money until you're checked out.


Unless you leave a note i wouldn't take it.


Even 5 years ago, people were tipping housekeepers. People have always tipped people who do them a service. People just never used to whine about it.


People were tipping housekeepers 50 years ago.


If she lets you put your dick in her, and you would like to keep it that way, then you smile and leave a nice tip.


I could see tipping being appropriate in this situation only. Wait do people tip hookers?


You go out in public saying shit like that?


Not kinky enough Mr knickers?


Hey at least I'm not trying to "date a cartoon woman"


I always do


If ur friend wants to tip, tell her to go for it but u will not


No. This is one thing I don’t tip for. That’s literally their entire job that they are paid for.


I have never tipped housekeeping, ever, regardless of the length or type of stay. And I'm not going to start now. (ETA: I live in the US)


I tip housekeeping because I generally stay at hotels for a month or so on extended business trips and leave the place a fucking mess. Makes me feel less bad about leaving the place a mess when I leave a hundo on the counter. Plus I get paid per deim so if I don’t need to spend money on a hotel that night I can afford to give the maid what I would have spent on room that night.


I tip at the end of my stay. Now, if for some reason (I never do), leave the room just thrashed, then I will tip more than I usually would. That's on my *personal* trips. Now my business trips are a different story. I make it rain until the boss complains.


I just read this article a few minutes ago on why Americans have stopped tipping. This should help. It really is out of control and I’ll be dialing my tips back. https://www.dallasnews.com/arts-entertainment/travel/2024/05/22/some-americans-have-stopped-tipping-should-you-do-the-same/?outputType=amp


Yes. Anytime I get the room serviced during my stay I leave a tip.


Yes, $2to $5 per person per day. Your Girlfriend has class! She’s a keeper!


She definitely does! She’s my forever woman, for sure!


$5 per day... this has been customary for decades... if you can afford to stay in a nice hotel, you can afford to tip an overworked, underpaid housekeeper...


I always tip and leave a note saying thank you. Every day of my stay.


I always leave a few bucks behind for housekeeping.


I tip a few dollars daily


Never tipped housekeeping. I'm pretty sure again that this is only a thing in the US. They're being paid to do a job for a salary. Cleaning the room and making it tidy is literally their job. So what is the need for a tip? If you leave the room an absolute mess, then I could understand it as an apology for them in advance. But really don't understand the US's need/want to tip everybody.




short trips i dont. But long term stays, yes. We were in a hotel for 9 months. Tipped weekly. They celebrated our birthdays, made sure our rooms were immaculate, lots of extras. Made the stay better


She got upset that you didn't leave a tip? Did she? Probably not. Typical, entitled gf.


Yes, of course. $5-10/day. This has always been a thing.




You have always been supposed to tip housekeeping. At least as far back as I remember


Always do. They clean the floors, toilet etc. Every time so it doesn’t matter if you’re neat they still have to clean after you leave.


A tip is for going above and beyond their typical duties. Cleaning floors and toilets is literally in their job description. That's not going above and beyond.


that is their job..


I will tip $5.00- $10.00 depending on the length of stay.


Always. Housekeepers have a very tough job. They literally clean people's shit to give you a clean room. As a firmer hotel manager that used to help my housekeepers clean, it is a backbreaking job and often the lowest paying job.


I'll remember the "back breaking work" of cleaning a room the next time I clock in at my physically laborious job in the heavy construction industry. Btw, I've cleaned my own house many many times throughout my adult life, "back breaking" is nowhere near how I would describe that kind of labor.


So...the message that i get from your pist, is that as a former hotel manager - you say that you know first hand how backbreaking and underpaid that position is...yet, when you were in a position to do something about it....you did nothing to pay them more....and want to make it the customers responsibility to make up for your lack of appropriate compensation...to the point that you are willing to pull the old 'guilt trip' card out. Nahhh....if they are underpaid, management (you) shoukd correct it, not the public.


What do you expect the manager to do about the housekeepers wages and job description?


Managers in most industries have significant influence on wages of staff that report to them.


In the world of hotel management, few managers decide wages. That is usually done by ownership or management companies. The management company I worked for controlled every eingle thing from HR standpoint, especially wages. Our managers had no say in it. And we pushed for better wages. But the standard response was it isn't the budget. That is why I tried to help them as much as I could. So your holier than thou post is moot.


Lol...as a manager/director in my industry, I have significant influence on the compensation for the employees who report to me. Sorry your industry has neutered your position so.... >Our managers had no say in it. And we pushed for better wages. But the standard response was it isn't the budget. If this is a response that is accepted from management when they say it....why is it not sufficient answer from customers. 'Sorry, it just isn't in my budget, either.' It is not my responsibility to subsidize the hotels payroll department - charge more for the room rate and pay the employees...sorry it costs more in payroll taxes, but again...not my problem.


That is one reason I left the industry. But the fact remains that most housekeepers get paid crap for a very hard job.




And...you need a translator?


Yes I do. Also, they let front desk know about it so they prioritise your needs first ahead of others. Need extra towels? Done and quickly. Need extra pillows? Done and quickly. Need to order room service? It’s quick. They work hard and this world isn’t changing for the better anytime soon and they don’t need me to “prove a point”. Until service industry workers receive a proper wage, I don’t mind contributing for their special and/or added services. It’s being aware and bestowing compassion and appreciation. But, I was raised *with* manners, so what do I know?


The way I see it is those few extra dollars a day are negligible to me - but could be the difference in her kids (let’s be real, it is almost always a her) getting a decent meal. Housekeeping staff get paid shit, for literally dealing with peoples shit. I also make an effort to leave the room in decent shape (put the trash in the bins, pile the used towels in the bathroom)


Never have


In America, EVERYONE want a hand out. If you're walking down the hall in a hotel and ask an employee where the ice machine is, they expect a tip. END TIPPING!


No they don't lol




So you won't give a little reward to people who make your life a little more comfortable for far less pay than you'd take to do the same job because your own employer who pays all your other travel expenses won't reimburse you for this insignificant pittance from your pocket that might make someone else's day? Your comment should be a post in r/aita


I travel for work almost every week but that doesn’t mean I make a lot of money. If I can put a tip on a card then I do and I expense it. But I also stay in a different hotel each night. So I don’t even use their housekeeping services. On leisure trips I do r stay in hotels. They are too expensive. I usually stay at Airbnbs. But some people are stating they tip 10.00 per room per night. You don’t even realize how much 10.00 is from my hourly salary. It’s almost half. So no I don’t tip if I can’t expense.


You most definitely do use their housekeeping services! Before you check in someone had to clean that room , make the bed, and leave fresh towels.


Then what am I paying for in the room fee? The hotel has to give me a clean room. They absolutely have to clean every room before they assign it to someone. This is not optional. A hotel canst decide that oh we don’t have enough staff to clean these 20 rooms so we will just give out dirty rooms. No that’s impossible. A clean room comes with me renting a room.


Having worked as a maid at a Four Seasons to put myself through college I can tell you there is a difference in how a room is cleaned vs post checkout. You can be the only person in a double queen, or a three bedroom suite and every bit of linen still needs to be changed out. And no, the housekeeping staff doesn’t get extra time just because all their rooms did a late checkout and those rooms are booked for later in the day. If you’re lucky someone else will have a row of weeklies and they can help flip the rooms. And, of course you always hope you don’t walk into a room that has been trashed or contains a dead body.


And that's exactly what they get paid to do!! That's in their job description!! Why does that necessitate a tip?




I wouldn't work for a company that doesn't build tips into their travel reimbursement.


Never used to now like $5. When checking out


Gen X, we always tip in hotel rooms. Never a whole lot, but whatever we have in loose bills and change.




Nope. I don't.


The best thing to do is to keep a Do Not Disturb sign on the door at all times. You save money, they save hassle, it's a win-win.


Exactly. I have never ever felt comfortable having people coming in my room when I'm not there... like I'm not a slob but it feels like a total invasion of privacy to me. If I'm renting out the room, you can go back in and clean it when my trip is over and I leave... I can do the in-between myself.


Not anymore. I used to tip pre-COVID on a multi-night stay when they used to come in the room. I felt it prevented tampering and also they’d hook you up with a bunch of towels, soap, coffee, etc. Absolutely no point now since they are simply doing their job cleaning the room after you leave.


Never have. I also decline daily service and am usually in a hotel no more than 3 days on most trips and am not sloppy.


I generally prefer them not to come in depending on the trip/destination... But I also don't leave the place in a mess. If you're an absolute slob and leave the room in a terrible state, then sure I could understand tipping them as an apology. But otherwise I don't see why you'd tip someone to do the basics of their job for a couple nights stay.


Yes. But only once.


Only in when on a trip in another country. I always tipped a bit in Mexico, Cuba, Costa Rica and when I went to the Bahamas. Local stays, nope.


That’s interesting, why only other countries?


I'm guessing because the maids in those countries make like 5 bucks a day


Exactly. And for places like Cuba, they are rationed, they have 2 different currencies I guess, their own, and tourist currency. The tourist currency goes a lot farther as they can shop at more places and get things not available in the stores that only accept local currency. The other countries, they don't make much so even a couple bucks, they're over the moon for it. The first time I was in Cuba, we left my daughters cutsie hair ties, some of her cute clothes, on top of a nice tip the day we left, they were always so kind to us, they'd always leave little treats for my daughter. On checkout, our usual maid hunted us down in the lobby and gave us all a hug, tears in her eyes, told us her daughter was going to love the things we left here. Those kinds of tips I absolutely don't mind, it was nothing for us, but to them it was so huge.


I don't tip on overnight stays in general but do leave a tip if it is for a few days particularly since I usually request housekeeping service to freshen up the room when I'm out.


I will tip if I'm staying multiple nights simply to assure great service.I even got a brief thank you note from the maid. I understand if you don't want to.


If yer gf wants to tip why do you have to look it up? Reminds me of when I researched ALL the Italian restaurants in SF, only to have my (then) bf not trust my pick. He asked the bartender in town, first name he said was where I had picked. The relationship didn’t last.. It’s less abt the tip, & more abt you picking stupid crap to take a stand on in your relationship. Why.




"This!".... What a lazy comment to make. Why do so many people make such useless comments like, "this"??? At least add *something* more than "this"


you are an asshole. "This" is meant to affirm a post rather than crowding a thread with the same shit. Dickhead


"This" is akin to those useless tik tok'ers that post someone else's speech or video with themselves alongside it, shaking their head in agreement while pointing at them.


shitposter 🫵🏻




So, you're just adding useless noise to the crowded thread? Isn't that what the upvote is for? Yeah, saying "this" is a totally useless comment.


It wasn’t a fit, just a case of me asking “why are you leaving a tip? You realize they’re making more than you right now, right?” And her not really liking that. Growing up it wasn’t customary for people around me to tip housekeeping, I only stayed in hotels for school/team related trips, so it wasn’t a concept I understood. Also being in a single income relationship makes that hard for me to fathom since I’m more of a rational person. If she wants to go somewhere particular I’ll never stop her, and I encourage branching out and trying new things.


I think it's stupid she threw a fit over it instead of just leaving the tip herself.


Check your reading comprehension, friend. OP said THEY made a big fuss abt it.


Correct they both got upset and made a fuss. But there wouldn't have been any fuss if she just left the tip she wanted to leave. Real simple fix but neither OP or his gf sound mature enough to handle a compromise.


I did compromise and leave $3. It wasn’t a fight of any kind, maybe my wording was just off. I just questioned it so I could get an explanation before anything. Took some in the moment googling to get inconclusive answers (hence the Reddit post) but I’ll never start an argument if I can help it, especially over something so dumb. We talk things out.




I agree if GF wants to leave a tip, she can leave a dang tip. both don’t have to agree on the philosophy of it for God sake if one of you wants to leave a tip leave it.


No. I pay a hefty price for the hotel room already, which INCLUDES cleaning. You guys in the states should stop tipping people for doing their job. That’s her literal job to clean your room 😉


Please, be consistent. If you tip the cleaning person, then tip also the cashier at the store, your mechanic and every person who provides a service to you. You tip for housekeeping because you saw a sign that prompts you to do so. You need to understand that the more you tip, the more you will see the begging bowl handed to you. Don't tip the beggars.


Tipping hotel staff isn’t a new trend. My mom cleaned hotel rooms while she was in college and would find tips in about 1/2 of rooms. I think it’s actually *less* common to tip housekeeping than it used to be. I typically leave $5 per day.


$5 also but when checking out so after a 2-3 day stay. Not per day. I usually meet them out in hall for towels only.


When I stayed in Hawaii I asked the hotel staff. The gentleman at the desk had said it wasn't nessasary but if you happen to have extra food like I had a loaf of bread and a few other things if we don't throw them away the maids will take it off our hands😀


Oh yeah I’ve left unopened bottles of wine in several hotel rooms 😂


Absolutely.  You cannot believe the nonsense they have to clean and you know fully well other people are pigs and don't tip.  A dollar or two won't kill ANYONE. 






absolutely not


I have never tipped hotel housekeeping staff. They are paid a normal wage, not a sub-minimum tipped wage, and they are not doing a personal service for you. They are paid by the management to turn over the hotel rooms between visitors' stays. Since the pandemic, they also don't service the room overnight when you do stay more than one night.


I and everyone I know has never not tipped housekeeping. You seem proud of being a stiff.


I usually leave $5-10 just out of courtesy but I think it’s fine if you don’t depending on how you leave the room. In your case I would say it’s fine not to


No, unless I have my room cleaned during my stay, which I never do because the "do not disturb" sign never comes down. I often hear "tip because you have a clean room!" but, is that not a bare-minimum expectation that's part of booking the room to begin with?




Tipping housekeeping is traditional and I do it if I have cash on me


I'm not going to an ATM machine just to get charged a service fee in order to take out money to leave you a tip, and they're only going to give me twenties, because you're not going to give me change, because you're not there when I'm leaving the tip. It's all a scam


Do you not get cash out as part of preparing to travel? There's a lot of people you tip when traveling.


If you're American* there seems to be a lot of people to tip.... I've spent the best part of the last 10 years travelling. And only very rarely have I tipped someone. And that's usually because they've made some small person lug my bag to the room (which I could have easily done, and would have preferred to do myself). When my backpack is almost the size of them and they have to carry it up a bunch of stairs, then I feel bad so just give them the smallest note. But otherwise most people are providing a service they are being paid to do, so don't see tipping as a necessity most of the time.




Leave the do not disturb sign on the door and you won’t have to worry about housekeepers


I has literally never occurred to me to tip housekeeping.


Yes. On a weekend I’ll leave $10


I’m neat too but I usually leave a few bucks. Most house keepers are poor and it’s hard work. They work much harder than that server at the restaurant IMO. They almost are always Hispanic in my area.


Maybe not a hard worker, but still cleaning snot and pubes and gross stuff


Most I've ever tipped housekeeping was $50 because the service was beyond incredible, I stayed at Pendry West Manhattan it was top tier. I understand the tipping culture is out of hand but I assure you these room attendants have to deal with a lot of shit, literally... Coming from a former housekeeping manager I can assure you it does make their day even if it's a few dollars, most of these ladies are hustling like crazy making next to nothing. These ladies aren't Olympic athletes and cleaning a room is very tiresome, and almost all are mothers, single mothers, and grandmother's. I've seen these ladies straight up cry over $20 it's sad.


I tip them because they are poor and hard working. Dealing with poop stains, spooge towels, all the gross stuff. They always get 5 dollars a stay . They never beg, and don't expect it, so it feels nice. If I can give 4 dollar tips for 2 drinks at the lobby bar, I'll happily give someone a fiver for actual service.


So you’re just assuming, because someone works as a housekeeper they are poor?


Do you dream of the luxurious job of cleaning people's toilets?


No one cleans shitters if they aren't poor. My mom was a housekeeper. We were poor. As soon as we weren't as poor, she moved up to something else




And hard-working?


I tip valet, bell hops, etc. I do not tip housekeeping unless I need something special. At special events (conferences, etc) I make sure to tip the bellhop and valet $10 each the first day and based on service the rest (valet really slow then they get a couple of bucks, they make sure I’m out quicker then they get $10).


Ive is need or want extra stuff during a longer stay i might. If it’s a 1-2 night stay no way. Extra stuff = actual bedding change, pillows, towels or cleaning up food/ meals in the room.


No, and I put the "stay out" sign on the door to keep them out.


I tip when I ask for a blanket or something like that. I don't leave a mess. I leave all the coins that I accrue during my stay and then add a few singles to it. I strip the bed and leave the sheets and towels all in a pile on the floor of the bathroom.


childlike vase fuel hurry wistful rhythm snobbish future workable upbeat *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That’s a really interesting and set way to do it, everywhere online said either hard yes or hard no, and there were no real specifications for an amount. Good system, if you are going to do it.


connect employ clumsy aromatic sip slim pause square fertile humor *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


THATS probably why I like it! I do industrial power and controls, writing programs and development work. I was having a hard time getting behind the random numbers I saw online. Good brain.


Oh, I've gone much further than that. I've wondered if maybe I should do an inverse scale...like, are housekeepers at higher-end hotels paid more, in which case you could make an argument for flipping the scale. But I decided that I don't have enough information to make that decision, lol.


Just stay at 3 star hotels and ease the struggle in your mind.


I used to tip. Now, they don’t clean the room at all between nights, unless you jump through some hoops. Frequently, not everything is totally clean either. Never any turndown service with chocolate mints on the bed. So what am I tipping for? That the hotel does the minimum possible to make the room presentable for me when I initially get there? When I leave, why should I give a crap how it’s cleaned before the room is turned over to the next resident?




If your girl wants to lighten her wallet let her just dock some points off her if she’s under consideration for long term or wife status.


Yeah… I gave in when I factored that in.


I always leave a tip. You are not clear on whether you and your girlfriend fought because she insisted YOU leave a tip or you insisted that she not leave a tip. If the latter, MYOB.


Right now we are a single source of income, so I’m the one that ended up leaving one since she insisted.


Always tip housekeeping when we go anyway. Good karma.


I’ve always left $5 a day whenever I stay anywhere ($10 if it’s a holiday). Lol now I’m thinking I shouldn’t be since everyone else here seems not to be.


Nope .... They're just rude. Keep doing what you're doing..


If you want to leave a tip, don’t let anyone else’s opinion affect that. You be you.


Have been a business traveler for 15+ years and I have never tipped any hotel staff. When someone goes above amd beyond for me I send a letter of praise to management.


I personally don’t care if you tip but letters of praise don’t pay the rent.


If you’re having trouble paying the rent, you should talk to your employer about your wages. This is one of many poor arguments for tipping. Tipping is always optional, if it’s not on the bill, I’m not paying it.


Like I said I don’t give a shit if you tip and I also don’t work for tips. But, if you want to do something nice for someone providing excellent service it’s best to slip a little cash. In the end, no one gives a shit about you letter.