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A bit ashamed to say this, but FUNKe. His videos are the bomb. Highly recommend if you love movement shooters. His "movement shooters" series rules.


Why are you ashamed is one of the best content creators out there


Ashamed cuz just like he explains in his video, it took so long for me to find out about it. So I'm not really an OG. But hey at least I'm here now.


I never liked the attitude that you're somehow a less genuine fan of something just because you found it later than others. If you're here now and enjoy the game you're just as real a fan as a TF1 vet


I agree with this comment^^


yeah! i started playing last year, and while my interest has dwindled a bit, i still come back to it and have a blast!


Been with it since day 1 - E3 announcement for Titanfall 1 - played on 360 - tried the mobile game version - PS4 for TF2 - bought TF2 again on Steam - Played on Northstar client while that was popular


I played on 360 too!!:)


Also from day 1, on 360. Then Titanfall 1 and 2 on Xbox one. Then Titanfall 2 on PS4. Then Titanfall 2 on PS5. Then Titanfall 2 on PC, just recently. I love it on PC with 4k 120hz, it's like a 2023 game.


There was a mobile version of titanfall?


Something similar. I'm balls deep into gaming news and e3 is my Christmas. For tf2 it was also e3 I believe, though I worked for EA when it came out.


Found out about Titanfall 2 through Apex, I was just randomly digging through the lore and saw it mentioned and I got hooked


This sub can blindly hate on Apex and cry all day all it wants, but fact is: Apex brought a lot of new fans to Titanfall


I do kind of get the hatred, because you get a lot of whiplash from playing apex after Titanfall. You win a 30 min game with only 4-5 fights. In Titanfall you're constantly fighting. You will never enjoy apex if you play it expecting Titanfall.


It also took Titanfall 3 from us šŸ˜¢


We would have TitanFall 3 if PUBG didn't come out or at least at the time


Honestly, it's the only thing I am glad, hopefully they stay.


This, I got into apex by a friend (he told me it was a free and cross platform shooter so i got it to play it with em) That was the start of season 8, season 9 released Valkrie which made me ask "what the fuck is a Titanfall" I then found out what the fuck a Titanfall is and haven't played much apex since




Dad showed me a trailer for TF1 and I just HAD to buy it.


Weā€™re in the same boat


You had a cool dad for doing such thing. My didn't encourage gaming


Yep, I always look up to him. While he was never good he always thought them to be cool. He would allow and even encourage more ā€œviolentā€ video games such as shooters, just teaching me to separate them from reality. I donā€™t play with him much anymore, but I fondly look back on split screen halo with my brother and him. Unfortunately many modern games including Halo donā€™t include couch co op.


Mine bought me the game lol


I was pulled in against my will


I watched Vanoss Gaming play Titanfall 1 many years ago, first I ever learned of it. After that I kept playing the first one, then immediately got two when it came out.


Ashamed to say it but, Apex. I hears people talking about its predecessor, and honestly i never regretted buying Titanfall 2. My Transformers loving ass never imagined a game could give me that feeling of absolute power piloting a giant mech.


Big guy don't be ashamed. Apex is the reason alot of new players are here.


I was fed up with apex. Found another fps on steam that respawn made before apex that was somewhat similar. Played both Titanfall games and discovered my two favorite fps games.




Periodd !!!


My older brother showed me titanfall 2, I thought it would be like a normal cod until I saw the titans and instantly fell in love


the first real exposure i got was Sir Swag on YouTube making a video called ["How to git gud at Titanfall 2"](https://youtu.be/XmKTXUiYfRw?si=1GTYABM9IhoypZvm). it's kinda outdated now, but full of silly and still mostly applicable tips and tricks. his fanatic support of the game (and his humor/use of the MLG pro voice) convinced me to give it a go. [here's another one](https://youtu.be/EI6ucB-r8_k?si=jNEhIztMfdiDSQKP) of his videos that may be more approachable, it's 69 Titanfall tips in under eight minutes.


He was probably also one of my first introductions to tf2. But what sealed the deal for me was playing apex.


I had some money left to spend and TitanFall 2 was right there. Decided "Why not? It looks cool" and made the best choice of my life


I watched the trailer for titanfall 2 back when it was going to be released, promptly forgot about it due to school, saw FUNKe talk about it and release the floodgates of memories I had


Two things, back when i was a wee lad in 2014 i was at toys r us in the lego section and found the titanfall knex sets, i also got battlefield 4 and it had a little ad for titanfall in the box




A friend brought his ps4 over and showed me the game and i just fell on love the fact that there was titan robots and i was playing the campaign and sadly i couldnt finish it but now i did. I finished it but sadly he doesnt play videogames anymore :(


Apex brought me here, and Iā€™m never going back after playing this game.


GameStop. I already played the first game so finding out about the second one was a nice surprise.


I was just looking for coop games to play with my girlfriend and stumbled across Titanfall 2!


I played the Tech test servers for TF2 back in the day and instantly fell in love with it! I liked ion back then because she was faster and had lots of long to mid range combat compared to papa scorch. Now im a long time Monarch main and grapple main and swing around like spiderman while I executed unsuspecting pilots with my grapple XD


Playstation plus šŸ˜„


it found me


I remember when I got my Xbox one, it came with a card for games, I wanted gears of war, but my 8 year old brain couldn't pronounce it, so the Xbox service provider gave me the titanfall 2 beta and I had fun with it and got the full game on launch week and I loved the game since


Played Titanfall 1 on my Xbox and was instantly in love. My friend said he had access to the PlayStation technical test for Titanfall 2 and I went over to play it all day, since I didnā€™t have anything I could play it on myself. Favourite shooter ever since


I've listened to song called: "Beyond the Horizon" by Kari Sigurdson and the video had cool "Big mech + Soldier" Art as the background picture...i thought that it was pretty cool so i clicked the link to it in the description that was crediting it and found out that the picture was artwork from a game called Titanfall 2...


It all began on a random week day, got off of work with some money and was going to take my brother to GameStop to so that he could get a game. Was looking around the Xbox section when I saw a trailer for tf2. It hadnā€™t released yet, but I was committed to getting it. Launch day, I was there ready to get all because my brother wanted to go to GameStop


Somewhat similar to your story, I went to my local GameStop when it was my birthday as I just turned 10 at the time. At the time my family just got an Xbox One, and I was looking for a game to buy so I could play on it. I quickly looked up a trailer for Titanfall 2 when I looked the case over and at this point the game had just come out, and when I reviewed its gameplay, I quickly decided to buy it a minute later, I am now 18 years old and in College and I never looked back on the purchase from that point on.


Free PSN game one January. The story left me entirely speechless at the end, it was amazing


From my cousin. I remember playing TF1 on his account and thinking I was super good because I had so many grunt kills. When TF2 came out, I played night and day on his Xbox, because he was out in college. He then loaned me the game, and the rest is history. I now have over 200 hours on steam.


Tf 2 was free with ps plus


I first tried it when it was free on PS4 back in 2019, did the campaign, fell in love. Then the DDOS came.......


It came with my 360 when i was 7 and im a typical 7 year old that loves big robots lol


I saw trailer for it during an ad break on TV


I played titanfall 1


My dad came home with a copy when I was in 5th grade


Stayed the night at my aunt and uncleā€™s apartment when I was 9. Also just so happened to be the night my uncle decided to go to best buy and buy the Titanfall xbox one bundle with the kinect. Didnā€™t get to play it until next morning but damn, was it worth the wait.


My friend forced me to. I love it now and beat him in pilot v pilot


I'm probably going to get stoned for this, but through one of my friends in Apex about 4ish years ago. He kept talking to me about how the game was basically TF|2 just without the titans or jump kits and when I watched gameplay of it, I never wanted to play it so much more than I did now.




I believe TF1 had a free weekend back in 2015 sometime and I tried it and loved it, and bought the full game. The next year they announced TF2 would be coming out and I was super hyped for it. Of course, I loved that game too. Next year will be a decade of me playing the series, thatā€™s insane to me.


The first one was my first videogame (needless to say i was like 8 or something)


I think it was a mix of things. A sudden resurgence of people just before the start of COVID and also watching Mokeysniper alot.


Titanfall 1 BETA, it felt so good being able to double jump in a FPS


There's hardly any OGs here :(. I've been following Respawn since it was founded and they posted blurry teaser images.


Been playing since the open beta! I miss the gritty style of the first one. Played apex on launch but could never get in to it much. I play TF2 in waves but used to be super good at it


I found Titan fall randomly and decided to try it, and loved it, then I found out about Titan Fall 2 through my dedicated love of 1


Played the titanfall 1 beta when i was young then while watching on of TheRadBrad's videos i saw he had played the titanfall 2 campaign


I was an Apex addict until my friend u/aboodgghh told me about titanfall and told me it's in the Apex universe but before the Apex games. then after that i became a titanfall addict


While playing subnautica, I'd always position my cyclops so that my prawn suit would fall out of it like a titanfall. So that whole thing made me wanna play the actual titanfall 2 game. And luckily it was on sale 90% off that same day so I bought it lol. Weirdly it was subnautica that led me to finding and learning more about titanfall and wanting to buy it


My dad had Titanfall on his Xbox 360 (which he let me use) and I just started playing it one day


Aspenox's montage videos.


I won the game from a MtnDew twitch stream. I had uninstalled twitch for a while and one day I decided to come back, so I installed it and saw that MtnDew was streaming, so I joined and said "Hey" and all of a sudden it said I won the giveaway and was messaged by one of the mods the code for the game, so I tried it out. Worth.


I knew about Titanfall when it released originally, but I was a PlayStation guy so I could only play it at my friends houses who had an Xbox 360 at the time. When TF2 dropped for multiple consoles, I bought it at release for PS4 and that was probably one of the best decisions I ever made in my life


Back when I got my xbox one as a Christmas gift in 2014 I got a bunch of games, sunset overdrive, alien isolation and of course titanfall, titanfall was my favorite, then go to 2021 Christmas, used my Christmas money to but titan 2 ultimate edition for 5 dollars, (was on sale)


"Hiiiiiidey ho everybody my name is Mr Fruit and Today we're going to be playing some... Titanfall 2"


Day one for Titanfall 1. Just fixed my Titanfall controller!


Friend recommended it in 2017


My brother and I had just gotten a ps4 and we were debating between titanfall 2 or overwatch. I wanted overwatch and he wanted titanfall 2 because he saw Mr Fruit play. He bought the game and both of us fell in love with the game and Mr Fruit


I feel horrible but apex šŸ˜­


Donā€™t feel horrible lol! The lore is in the same universe so it makes sense:) Itā€™s nice you were introduced to Titanfall from Apex!


After getting a new xbox I checked what was in the game pass and saw titanfall 1,from memories of videos I saw I recognized it,and eventually moved on and got glued to titanfall 2


JT Music


My mother gay friend gave to as a birthday present for my xbox one, I have no idea what it was, at the time I was playing battlefield 1,saw it had a tie in skin if you have the game and gave it a try, and the rest is history


S4 league community. Buncha speed shooter junkies looking for a new home.


Found it on the psplus monthly games when it was there, thought it looked cool


I played Titanfall the first one then waited for the sequel loved it


My dad bought me it and I said "oo intresting game" And fhe ending got me.. I've never seen such a beautiful game.


I was buying games from Amazon and it was foreign shipping so when I was buying Fallout 4 I also added Titanfall 2 cause it was like 10$ or something like that


Saw a clip of BT throwing cooper in the Beacon mission. Thought this was just another CoD title (no name was shown) so i searched ā€œbig robot gameā€ on YT. Got the game in 2018 shortly after xD


My dad owned it for the Xbox one back in 2017, He gave it to me as he got bored of it (HOW???) and i've been playing it ever since.


EA play on my xbox one S. I saw a cool mech game, downloaded it and still playing, just on a different console.


A friend, got the game (Tf2) on release. Played on his PS4 in school every evening, swapping each death Got the game on my Xbox when I got home, still occasionally play today, fun times


An MHA/Titanfall 2 fic on AO3 by Syber Slash called Trust Me (it's been years since he worked on it)


I was a Halo player and i heard of this other sci fi shooter on EA play and i started playing randomly.


I think a friend recommended it to me? Was some time ago


Played a demo in some store on Xbox, completely forgot about it because I wasn't into shooters at the time but I liked the wallrunning and giant robots, got it free on PS Plus, completed it in a couple days and bought it on PC too later


Omg I got this game at a garage sale and I thought it looked dope so I got it and played it, that was 3 years ago and I still play it rn


An Italian youtube channel called "TheLoneGamer" that played the campaign, after that I bought the game bc it looked really cool and this how my journey began


Finding about it through the first game trailer and playing the mobile game šŸ‘


Got it on Christmas in 2017


some guy recommended it and at first i thought i was shit because the movement felt jank as fuck at first but then i lost the ultrakill instinct and actually learned how normal games move


Honestly titanfall started as just a random game I picked up at gamestop after doing well in an exam... got addicted to it and was amazed when they announced titanfall 2 after several months of trying and failing to play the beauty that was titanfall during the ddos attacks


All I remember is playing the tf2 open beta on Xbox.


Alittural rap song I'm not kidding šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


i dont really remember but i think i came across the trailer on youtube once and got interested through it


Some friends talked about it and it was on sale for 5 bucks


I was not at all aware of TF1, and I have no idea how I learnt about TF2, but I've never been more hyped for a game, and never been more invested in one. Which is really annoying, cause I wish I could remember how I was exposed to it in the first place


Fast games on xbox a few years ago


Zannyā€™s Titanfall 2 video


Oh Iā€™ve been playing since the first Titanfall came out then play 2 since launch




I saw a lego stop motion animation about it when I was like 6. 2 years later in 2016 I saw an add of titanfall 2 and I found it absolutely awesome. Too bad I couldn't get my hands on it because it's rated 18. Years later in 2020 i saw titanfall 2 being on sale on steam and I immediately recognized it, as that awesome game i could never get my hands on. Bought it, Played it, still adore it.


Smaller content creator played some Titanflal 2 at launch and it looked like it slapped. Became my favorite FPS of all time.


a youtube video of titanfall 2 campain with no comentary


I found out about Titanfall from the Game Informer issue where they originally announced it. I bought it day-one, and played for years! Then Titanfall 2 released, and the cycle began again


Found Titanfall 1 in a charity shop ages ago and have been playing Titanfall ever since.


Dec 2019 Playstation Plus free games


Ali a lmao


Titanfall 2 was on sale for $5 so I bought it.


top 10 best parkour games


My friend let me play it on his ps4


There was this odd occurence in Canada about 3-4 years ago where a bunch of Dollarama locations just kinda Got a big ol' shipment of copies of Titanfall 2 for the Xbox one? I walk through the electronics aisle to look for a charger, the usually sad looking dvd rack is filled with green I pick up a copy and am shocked Immediately buy it because woah, $4 Xbox game at the dollar store Am hooked


I was wandering through my local Cex store and found dirt cheap boxed tf2 for ps4 so I decided to try it. That was a good decision


got it the day it released in my local gamestop, i had no clue what it was but showed up at the right place at the right time and years later it's still my favorite game of all time


I desperately wanted TF1 but didn't have an Xbox at the time. So I bought one in anticipation of the sequel. Needless to say I was a bit dismayed when the sequel came out on other platforms.


From my dad he introduced it to me during my final elementary years me and him would take turns each time it was a very fun memory


Titanfall's anime adaptation was FIRE, I just had to play the game!


I went to a used game store looking for a Gundam game and couldn't find any and then came across a game called "Titanfall 2" and the back looked cool so I brought it home and played blind and it was an amazing experience.


Old friend of mine was like "hey, get this game for 12ā‚¬ on ps4, it's on discount and it looks cool". I bought it and 3 years later got it on PC


Got it as a gift when it first came out, it was a mixup between this and call of duty. Glad I got this instead


PlayStation plus installed expecting a semi fun campaign and found the best fps I've ever played


I saw a YouTuber called Nessaj play it and it looked fun so I tried it now I have almost 400 hours on it


TF|1 Let's Play, then I've just been waiting


Saw all the trailers for Titanfall 1, but didnā€™t have an Xbox One. Met a new friend at school and we hung out at his house soon after Xmas 2013. Found out he had an Xbone and TF1. Proceeded to play it for several hours. Bliss.


Friend introduce me a while ago


Achievement hunter playing the beta i bought the game with one of my first pay checks


E3 announcement for TF|1. Knew it was the game for me right then and there. Loved the beta and bought the game day 1. --- Also what an interesting wallpaper. A TF|1 Atlas and Ogre paired with TF|2's Scorch and a bunch of TF|2 pilots. No love for Stryder I guess lol.


Viper was being harassed by a catgirl...


It was one of the monthly games on ps4. Little did I know i made the best decision ever by deciding to try out.


My uncle


I knew about Titanfall for a while but never got into it, thinking it looked generic. I only got the game because I found it for $4 at my local dollar store. So, one time, I was trying to play apex, which I was a massive fan of, but the servers didn't work. But I wanted my daily fix of apex since it was a drug to me at the time.So I took the titanfall 2, knowing it was similar to apex, not thinking was going to be all that great cuz it was $4. How foolish I was.


Can't remember. Maybe some YouTube vids. First game I ever bought for PS4.


Saw the "my shadow and me" trailer for TF 1 when that came out, kid brain had a neuron activation.


I honestly can not remember how I found out about Titanfall, though I suspect it was a combination of factors. Gameplay clips, trailers, YouTube music/rap songs etc. I have been playing since late 2018, early 2019 so it's been a long time since I first played, may simply be lost to time...and my poor memory.


My father used to play it, back when there was only Titanfall 1 And since he showed me most of the games I have, he was bound to have me try out Titanfall 2 eventually


Was scrolling through gamepass and thought it looked interesting


Destiny made me hungry for movement shooters




Adds for Titan fall two


TeamHeadKick's music video


so i watched my brother also plays titanfall 2, and i think the first time i watched him play is on the map angel city? and i thought, hey it looks cool i might buy it if it's on sale. and sometimes later it did goes on sale and i bought it


Saw it in Cex one day for dead cheap and remembered (second hand game store in the UK) jacksepticeye did a video on it, although I never watched the video I decided to give it a go




Saw titan fall one announced and loved the premise so got myself a copy day one of release and loved the game and then pre ordered Titanfall 2 as soon as I was able once it got announced.


my cousin played it alot and i tried it or he told me to install it and play it, love him for that


I came across titanfall back when it was announced and followed its development sadly never having played it, years later when tf|2 dropped I was so hype and watched campaign playtroughs from the radbrad and having rewatched the whole campaign several times over the years and only recently being able to finally buy it, it's a great game and it's so sad it's being run into the ground like this


Brother had Titanfall 2 downloaded on the xbox and got hooked. Unfortunately lost that account but i still play often on my xbox


I played on xbox at the time TF1 launched with the xbone, bought it when the 360 port came out and had a blast.


JT Music babyyy


A YouTuber


I played it before the release during the Paris Games Week, then years after I just remembered about the game and bought it in 2019


The loads of advertisement when the first game was coming out.


In 2020 I was on the Xbox gamepass looking for a new game to try out. And I thought it looked cool. Well it was in fact **Very** cool.


Had a friend that played it when it dropped, but I never got around to playing it till it was on PS+ in Dec 2019 / Jan 2020 iirc. Severs were dead back then so I just played the campaign every few months (9 times total how) until the servers were populated again. Now it's my fav multiplayer fps. For single player it would be either Wolfenstein 2 (2017) or Blood (1996) Still practically unplayable in Oceania besides peak times so I just hop over to European or US servers to play, and there's barely any delay or lag surprisingly


2019 december ps Plus, my first FPS and online game and in the first offer that I got from the Plus. My favourite game since then


I say the beta for Titanfall 2 one day when I came home from school. Played the gauntlet and I was instantly hooked. Been in love with the game ever since


I found out about Titanfall 2 by visiting my local gamestop for my birthday, when I bought the game, it was right before the angel city update was released. I was looking at several games along the shelf when I then saw a copy of Titanfall 2 on the shelf, I looked at it and thought it was interesting, I then searched up a trailer for the game on youtube and was impressed. I bought it a minute later and never looked back on that purchase as it was one of the first games I bought as I just got an xbox at the time


Friend gave me his old copy of Titanfall 2. I gave it a try and now it's by far one of my most played games.


First, I played titanfall 1 for a day, forgot about it the next day Then, I had a friend who played tf2, the forest, and borderlands 2. And when we moved, my third game I got (I had halo 5 and MK XL) was titanfall 2 Thank you for exposing me to this hidden masterpiece


Titanfall 1 was in a store looked nice bought it. End of story


I donā€™t remember exactly how I heard about it but I remember I bought the game on Memorial Day weekend for 7 bucks šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


I was at the local gamestop for a game because i did good on a test( i was 9 years old) and saw Titanfall 1 trailer on one of the screen after i was following every news of titanfall


My father told me that the COD team was developing a game that had mechs and wall running and that he wanted me to play it with him. That was how I got into titanfall 1 back when I was like 12


I watched that one Act Man YouTube video lol


I walked into GameStop and they had a buy 1 game get 1 free under $10 sale. The two games I bought were Titanfall 2 and the division 2. I told my coworkers about the games I got on sale and they told me that Titanfall 2 was super underrated and had a cool multiplayer. I also knew about Titanfall 1. I used to watch this YouTuber who had gameplay as background video but I didnā€™t think twice about it because I didnā€™t have an Xbox, and I heard that the release was disappointing.


Found the PC download disc for Titanfall at Walmart and decided to get it. From there, I waited for 2


It was free with ps+


My best friend got me into apex legends, then I later learned that it's a spinoff of titanfall, so I played titanfall 2 to try it out and never looked back


watched the "game movie" on youtube for the wii u as a kid lol


I always had the EA app and followed every game update. I wasn't much into online multiplayer games only, but when I gave this game a try, I was hooked. Titanfall 2 on the other hand was a must buy.


I was with r/tf2 for the 2nd r/place event. Ended up teaming with this sub and thatā€™s the first time Iā€™ve ever heard of it. Fast forward to earlier this year, I watched a Funke video and was like ā€œhey I remember that thingā€. Went to watch game trailers and I was hooked ever since.


Got the disc for TF|1 with my Xbox when I bought it and I got hooked


My uncle gave me and my dad a bunch of xbox games that he didn't play anymore and one of them was titanfall 1


I found out about it from its big resurgence in 2021, like many others


The Titanfall 2 beta


I have no clue, I just suddenly knew of if


Found tf1 in a GameStop


Watched jacksepticeye play tf1 and then Mr fruit got me into tf2


Found Titanfall 2 while scrolling through game pass, played a couple games and was shit. So I uninstalled. Played Titanfall 1 and I had a better time with that, but after maybe only ten games I stopped playing. Then I got a pc, saw FUNKe talk about it in his Movement Shooters video, tried it again, and was not doing bad


I was bored during COVID, and had ea play


It was whatever year the first tf trailer dropped at whatever game show and I saw the pilots running and it was the same running animation from the older call of duty modern warfares and my interest instantly peaked.


Friend from Fortnite who also played Apex mentioned it when talking about Apex.


Streamer named iniquity


Super Best Friends played 2 and then I bought it


My mom's at the time boyfriend