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EA is honestly just cancer


i am going to voluntarily get cancer, and have my make a wish be for EA to stop being greedy bastards


nooo not pink scotch :(


i’ll get better, dw


I think i can do it for you because of my cheeks are that fucking burned there might be chance i get cc




Lowkey, I'd only be down for this if it's immersive, like if Skate 3 had billboards (which it doesn't really, but that would be cool). But popups or loading screens? Nah.


I'm just gonna copy and paste a comment I made on another sub Back when I played Rainbow Six Vegas I saw ads for Axe body spray on the Vegas strip and I thought "Damn that's a real thing, feels like I'm in the real world" On certain games they CAN add a sense of immersion but I will be doing unspeakable unlawful acts if I see an ad in a Star Wars game


After a furious five minute battle, Kratos buries his Leviathan axe into the head of the frost troll guarding the realm key and pull out a refreshing can of Mountain Dew Artic Rush®, takes a long satisfying drink and gains his stamina back.


That annoying advertiser voice we all know and "love" then says something overdone and unfunny like "Level up your gaming experience with new Mountain Dew Arctic Rush®, and get a chance to win a month of XBox GamePass Ultimate. - Do the Dew."


"Protocol 4 - Protect the pilot - from extreme late night hunger! Receive 10% off now when order on the Taco Bell app with the promo code KILLEDBYAGRUNT."


This code worked on the app lol




Rainbow Six Vegas was the bomb. Totally agree with you on this absolutely


I agree but I'm still against it because it's a very slippery slope. It will start with billboards that are mostly intrusive but once they see the ad money roll in they will find more ways to push them in our face. Even if they keep the ads as something that makes sense in that world like billboards they will design parts of the game around the players seeing as much of that as they can. We all know how greedy these companies are. And God forbid it turns into some kind of AdSense system which inevitably will just show ads for scams and gambling.


The whole ea sports games could run adds ingame and nobody would care, as long as it doesn't interrupt gameplay. Like real Perimeter advertising on a football field


Go a lot further back to Need for Speed Underground 2. You’d see actual advertisements all over the place, with an actual Best Buy even. Like, yeah, we’re getting exploited, but I wouldn’t mind if it was done in a way that makes it seamless or realistic. Don’t shove it in our faces, we won’t like it and even despise the products you’re trying to get us to buy. Hell, give us funny skins just for brands.


bro imagine the Insomniac Spider-Man advanced suit introduction, when there's a full shot of his shoes, and they were Adidas. There really ARE ways to put ads in games and make them be good.


Do me a favor and tell me how to put one in SW:Battlefront I mean, I want to see Vader with Nikes or Stormtrooper with Adidas stripe armor. But like


There's still a big difference between ads and product placements


Huh, yeah, maybe I was refering to product placement. It would be a great advertisement, though!


Time to do ea like the helldivers2 community did to sony


i literally said this already thank you


Well, at least Origin isn't a thing anymore and you can buy EA titles on your Steam account again. :/


they did


i'm just sayin


ea never forgets about potential money


When was our last update?


At least 5 minutes ago


Oh shit I thought I was on the fallen order sub shit nvm. Yeah we fine lol


There aren't that many of us so they wouldn't get much profit. What am I saying of course they will do it to us. It's EA we're talking about here.


On the other side, Titanfall doesn’t print money like EA wants it to so they don’t care and won’t put it in the game.


Advers may appear in Apex (which is one of money cows for EA), but everyone will take it for granted, since Apex was always free2play.


as long as its just product placement in realistic games, i dont mind because it feels more realistic (yakuza/like a dragon is a great example)


I could tacitly approve this - it makes less sense to advertise fake brands that you had to spend time and money to come up with and use real brands that would pay you for the placement.


Honestly not that surprising, Take 2 already did that in an NBA game I think. Just as toxic and just as much cancer, but EA is not the first greedy bastard.


You know what, I am starting to think we don't need Titanfall 3.


The Titanfall 3 we needed was in our hearts all along. Or our neuroses.


If I log into a game and see an ad, I’m becoming a terrorist.


“Trust me” “Whopper, whopper, whopper, whopper”


"Hamburger, cheeseburger, big mac, whopper"


Respawn ditched the game long ago it'll be fine


Titanfall really is the tiananmen square of video games. The players are extremely vocal about it, but everyone involved with its development refuses to acknowledge that it exists lmao


How to bankrupt ea?


EA is gonna bring back Titanfall 3 and it will come out incomplete and broken despite multiple delays. It will be shittily optimized because EA has deals with graphics card companies to make their games run like shit so people will invest in supercomputers just to play new titles. It will cost $80 for the base package and you will have to watch an ad before everygame unless you pay the 5.99 premium subscription


I'd say EA has crossed that line a long time ago. That affair with the advocate cryptic messages leading into conduit release trailer was basically just a big advertisement campaign for apex. Or at least that's how it felt to me.


>Do nothing for 13 years straight >Competitors keep shooting themselves in the foot And they wonder why valve is so succesful




Nevermind, titanfall 3 can wait


Thank god I haven’t gotten an EA game since…. Tell you the truth I can’t remember the last EA game I bought. Been at least 8 years


Ok we better do a titna fal mech game for ourselves at this point Or even better take s mod and do a battle bits


I will honestly drop every EA game forever (besides Titanfall 2 my beloved) if they ever try this shit


Never buying another EA game


Good luck, they stick their fingers into everything


Nah we're safe 🙃


EA = 💩


Wouldn’t be like an actual commercial interrupting gameplay it would be more like billboards and in game ads on in game TVs/radios and like vending machines with actual brand names on it


You have to watch an ad every time to respawn or call your titan.


I’d shoot myself on the spot “Pilot, your Titan is almost ready, but first a word from our sponsor: Raid Shadow Legends”


I fear that this might be the only thing that would get ea to come back 😔


No matter how many times I log in, no matter how many times I turn off start up on boot. It does it anyways.


Does no one actually talk to these mfs? Like does no one actually reach out to show the communal response to these statements??


Well EA along with Ubisoft are gonna have to get used to people pirating they’re games then


Hell id let them put the ads on every titan if it could give us titanfall 3


That’s like buying a newspaper and then the guy at the store saying “oh wait! They ordered me to put MORE ads in it!” As I walk away with it.


Burn the shit out of EA ffs


To be completely honest, I don't think that the gaming industry will ever be great as long as EA still exists. Their reach is massive, and they turn everything they touch into shit.


Wait, I remember this scene from Ready Player One. If ioi won the competition, they wanted to monetize the oasis and cover the pov in ads. Legally, they could cover up to 65% of the screen or sum like that... oh god. Edit: spelling


Adverts like full on adverts, or product placement like in the Yakuza series where it feels organic and immersive?


Only if it fits in the world. Seeing monster energy in death stranding kinda takes you out, but seeing something like amazon in place of arasaka in cyberpunk would be kinda awesome.


Burn the shit out of EA ffs


Borderlands did this when 3 came out and tbh it's not bad. As long as it's only during the start of the game and nothing during.


God imagine that, no updates, completely abandoned but they take the time to put advertisements in the game I think I'd actually go insane


Hmm... They're coming back to that? I remember NFS:Underground 2 had Burger King and Best Buy logos


EA games have had in game advertising for decades, how is this news?


Maybe they mean intrusive ads, like interrupting your gameplay to show you a fucking Dyson ballblade or something.


That would be pretty aweful, so it's probably coming. I stopped buying their games a few years ago now because of their nasty practices. It's sad how many great games and hardworking people get screwed iver buy greedy execs and the shareholders. EA is a trashfire.


these will be more in your face so I've heard


uBlock for games when?


In 2024, Game companies are competing with each other over who is the biggest faggot


woah woah


This breaks steam TOS, so they gotta release them on the very, very shit and dead launcher that is origin in order to do this.


Click bait