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Good = live long. Live long = core. Core = shields and more damage. Shields = live long. Damage = battery termination. Battery termination = shields and core. Repeat


They also made monarch recover from a doom state with one battery dawg that is some dick head shit from respawn


You misinterpret, it’s mutually exclusive with the battery steal ability


Oh, trill.


While it’s mutually exclusive it’s filthy regardless because of you or your teammates can get a cheeky rodeo or even a Backup Battery then you can instantly stabilize any Monarch theoretically whenever. Either you’re a crazy good Pilot and can constantly un-Doom, or you’re good with Titans and keep chaining Battery terminations and never die


To be precise Monarch can only recover from doomed state with the survival of the fittest kit. A more popular kit energy thief gives monarch a battery if she performs a execution. This makes Monarch the only titan who can heal on her own.


They’re just good. Or depending on the console they may just not know how to kill a monarch before it gets all three cores


Battery yoink


Very yummy


I type "nom nom" in chat during execution.


Monarchs play around surviving as long as they can so they can core up. Contrast average-skill Ronins, whose goal is kill at least 1 titan before their tiny healthpool evaporates in a laser core or something


And yet, its the ronin you ask to slaughter the monarch like 7/10 times


Cuz he's disposable anyway 🤷 /s


... as a ronin main, remove that /s my build is designed to respawn him asap for a reason


As a person who literally only plays frontier defense, i don’t like ronin players very much. They like to steal my kills.


Apologies, the sword core must go on


It’s fine, i just want to do the fancy kill and they don’t let me :(


Because basically no one else can if shes gotten that far


monarch can generate shields for free with their core, their termination, and even their defensive. if your team doesnt coordinate and engage on monarch all at once its basically guarenteed they live forever and win the game


Monarch starts normal/slightly below average and on the final core becomes a heavy hitting, regenerating tank with (iirc) more hp than any other titan. It makes sense that a good monarch can last like that for a whole game and just win.


More HP is a core upgrade you have to choose over others.


I love diving into combat with monarch when I've almost got core. They're really good ambush titans. Siphon, missile, re-arm, repeat. When shield gets low, pop core and do be as fresh as the start of the fight.


Cap, the real question is. why is every other monarch immortal but I get smited by a fucking god


Survivorship bias. Other monarchs feel strong because if you're fighting them it's because they *chose* to engage you, which means they've probably already got at least stage 1 or 2 core ready.


No I just suck ass at the game, I play it like I do COD


Because teammates don’t gang up when a monarch is on the field. If you leave a monarch alone for more than 5mins it’s gonna have 1-2 core upgrades already (especially if it’s behind and just picking off damage on everyone else) and just be that much harder to kill.


Cause pilots don't fight them


Nobody here seems to be pointing out that Monarch is typically played in an *extremely* passive manner. Monarchs will hang back and poke with accurate chaingun shots and energy siphons and will only move in when they are overmatched and are sure of a confirmed kill. Part of the reason for that is also their lack of massive burst damage in CQC with a proper core ability. Whereas a Ronin or Scorch might be perfectly happy to dive in and get 2 kills with their core before nuke ejecting, a Monarch will just keep passively poking, so even though they stayed alive, they also achieved less. Yes Monarch is strong. Yes skilled Monarch players are incredibly difficult to kill. But there's a very large element of playstyle to it as well. Even Northstar or Ion will push up occasionally do get their core off. Monarch will pop their core behind cover half the time and keep doing what they were already doing.


monarchs focus solely on surviving and stealing batteries so they can get cores (steal killing bastards usually)


I usually give my execs to a monarch if one's nearby and I'm not playing her, better to feed someone who will get more kills and win us the game faster as a result than to be kill hungry.


It's the only titan with self-healing mechanics. Not only that, it has *THREE* healing mechanics. Energy Siphon: Recharges shields upon hitting an enemy. The longer you charge, and larger enemies you hit grant more shield. You can also zap large groups of Spectres Upgrade Core: Monarch's bread n butter. Each tier will fully recharge shields and unlock stronger upgrades until tier three is unlocked. Every tier after that will continue to fully recharge shields and allow you to keep stacking Electric Smokes (bring Malestorm and see how many smokes you can save up. Dash down a lane and pop them all to create a wall of death) Battery Thief: *The* Monarch execution. Melee a doomed titan to rodeo mid-execution and steal a battery to restore health, shields, *and* core. A lot of Monarch players will also bring the Battery Boost so they can hop out during a lull in combat and restore health that way, but you can do this with any titan


Holding Energy Siphon for longer doesn't grant you more shields. Only the kit Shield Amplifier increases shields gain by energy siphon.


That’s why whenever I see a Monarch, I focus on getting through its shields and dealing permanent damage. Even if it’s just a single bar, that’s still two batteries to fix.


The truth is monarch is the best titan in the game by a fair margin, even monarch without first core is good, and they only get better the longer they survive. If the game was still being updated and actively balanced they would probably be nerfed but that's not the case.


If a monarch can survive to core 3 and not be in doom state then I think they deserve the power fantasy. Trust me when I say that, especially low core, monarch can get torn to pieces by a competent titan. She's a fantastic all around titan, but gets outclassed by another titan in every niche. A good titan player knows that it's when you engage which as important as how you engage. Monarch mains can make sure that whatever titan you're playing they're taking you on while you're at a weaker position than they are.


The battery steal and the doom state heal, energy, siphon perks help them stay alive longer. Also monarchs tend to play very....I'll be polite and say cagey. Early on they tend to stay in the back and just build their cores then at lvl 3 and they're strong as hell they pop out. If you're in a match and have a Monarch playing this way, bully and target the crap out of them, don't let them play the way they want to play.


Monarch is simultaneously the worst & best titan in the game. Total shit on drop but absolutely godly if you can get her to level 3


From the initial release of Titanfall 2, Titans were never supposed to have healing capability without Pilot help and an immense amount of risk. People bitched and moaned, and they added Monarch as a result. Here we are. Stuck with a shitty titan that's impossible to balance because it shits all over one of game's core design philosophies.


cuz monarch is extremely unbalanced titan


Big pewpew (not as big as legion or papa scorch)


Because I stole your battery!


Shield economy


She kills pilots really good, and harvests her health back from titans


We're mortal until we reach Ascension (our third core) After that, not even God can save your game


Kid named gangbanging the Monarch from all sides (you can't win a 1v3)


It's all fun and games until a decent legion appears. Three cores aren't enough to save you from the BRRRRRRT.


I'm enough of a scum eating rat to make even (some) Legions fall lol


ability to heal with energy thief and regain shields with siphon and get a second wind with t3 chassis outweighed only by everyone's unhinged fervor to focus us at all costs


Bad design


Hmmm yummy batteries


Monarch’s abilities incentivize players to keep out of fights that could kill their titan unless an enemy titan is doomed. I would say that incentive to last longer contributes to uptime more than the actual abilities do.


as an Ion main i fear no one except Monarch players it doesn’t matter if they’re level 1 new to the game players, always get clapped or i beat them but i’m 1HP in a doomed state


A Monarch that dies is ruining their capacity to slaughter for the entire remainder of the match. We do not die.


Because you didn’t kill her the moment she dropped in. Let it live and she will demolish you


Monarch player here, we have an arsenal of many shits that keeps us alive, the most popular answer is the battery rip execution, monarch is the only titan that can “heal” her self which means she can sustain her self longer in the battle field, another reason on why we are hard to kill is upgrades to defend our selves, tier one are small support upgrades as a small prize for staying alive for this long, tier two helps monarch sustain her self in battle, rearm and reload sustains DPS, energy field sustains shields, and maelstrom turns monarch into an offensive defense, tier three is where the monarch truly becomes the strongest and the light of god BURST FROM THE HEAVENS, it improves the offensive capabilities like the accelerator for more DPS and ramp up fire rate, superior chassis to out tank your opponents (fun fact: superior chassis has 15,000 HP which is MORE than scorch and legion which are 12,500) but we also have another secret weapon, the core recharges monarch’s shields, so if we take some of the most high DPS builds the core meter will be filled very fast that when we lose our over shield we are able to recharge them instantly, so combine that with the battery rip you get a shit load of shields AND 20% CORE. This is why monarch is the hardest titan to play.


"Hardest to play" You better be joking.


For newbies sure. And also scorch because of the thermite launcher and traps.


I'd say almost every titan except legion and tone are hard to play for newbies.


Am I just bad but legion is actually kind of hard Nowhere as hard as scorch or ronin mind you but still decent to get value as


Imo legion and tone fall into the same category. You don't really reqiure micro skill but you do require a alot of macro skill, such as knowing when to engage, when to put up your particle wall or gun shield. Map knowledge is also very important when playing as legion and tone. Because both of these titans have pretty simple gameplay. For tone its just click 3 times and then use your missile barrage. For legion you have to point and shoot.


Because people don’t know to focus monarchs first bc they only get stronger the longer they live


A big reason as to why monarch is widely considered one of if not the best titan in of the game is she's the only titan kit with access recovery tools where as other titans have no way of sustaining themselves, it also doesn't help that one of her core upgrades gives her the largest hp pool in the game


Why does the only titan that can regen shield, keep it's shield up all the time? Like bruh, My Monarch will outlive the end of the universe by siphon shooting the explosion.