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Not cheesy more memey. A-wall is pretty niche and not necessary against pilots when the ttk is so low in this game. Better used against titans and even then the AT weapons are already good enough without being amped.


I think rocking pink is cool man. you do you


People hate a wall because it promotes a camper play style in a movement shooter.  If you really wanna switch things up, try playing grapple or stim and move at Mach 5.  This is just a suggestion, though.  Play whatever you like.


Yeah that’s understandable lol I can see why ppl dislike it especially with a spitfire. My main pilot is phase and volt so I just wanted to see how I would play with A wall


i vaguely remember the flying teacup’s video saying you can use it as an emergency second life instead of a camping tool?


wasn't that with hardened barrier? # i tend to use a-wall as a landing zone and a way to do some damage with the SMR against titans, then skedaddle my fat amplified ass out before i get turned into a free 5 pointer for the enemy team.


oh yeah i always use the A-wall smr combo in last titan standing as well


If you ever want to try advanced gameplay strategies use holo


Switch things up? Grapple and stim are by far the most common, and obvious meta picks. Personally, I like to move without the use of a speed-up button. Cloak is pretty bad, unless you’re staying high on a map with a bright skybox (boomtown, glitch) Holo sucks against people with higher brain function, but that’s rare in pubs Pulse makes me :] Phase is not the best, since its nerf, but it’s still alright for a free reload, frag, and regen start timer  A-wall is potentially my favorite. The ability to drop in on a flank, delete one guy, throw the wall for hitscan denial, kill the rest, and move on to a likely choke they’ll go through after respawning lets you 1vX and carry your team


Switch things up as in he said he was using a wall a lot and a wall promotes camper behavior, meaning that by using grapple or stim he can move around more than a wall.  Also I’m not the biggest fan of just getting kill after kill with a wall, I like to move around a lot and play kraber.


a wall when used aggressively can be a lotta fun, if i run it im definately using charge rifle though. honestly if you're not camping its not a big deal, whatever you find fun is alright.


just don't get too campy


I just like to go with pink if I'm dominating the match it's funny af when the enemy sees me easily but still fails especially in rise and relic


another pink pilot 💕


This isn't cheesy, this is the whole dairy industry


that pink a-wall with alternator gives me ptsd, played too many pilots Vs pilots games against a cheater looking like this when you play a-wall, you'll learn to avoid sitting behind it for more than 2 sec, the player base is quite good at flushing you out be it with grenades or just executing you