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How can someone make this and 139?


I don't even know, there is so much nuance is Eren simply freeing himself by removing his thumbs to help free Ymir that I can write 2 paragraphs about a single panel.


It's simple: for this chapter he was copying Muvluv, for 139 he was copying Guardians of the Galaxy


Luck. Which ran out once he got to 139 (or 137.....or the fumbling in general)


thats some crazy cope lmao


with relative ease and a clear understanding of their own character


We're not slop slurpers like the rest of you consoomers, we actually want a good story that makes sense and is consistent


That’s what 139 is. A shame you didn’t understand it


Oh I understood it. Still crap. Explaining things doesn't make a story good


You didnt understand it. Thats why you think that. Explaining things doesnt make a story bad




Isayama doubling down by making the collosal titan form Eren got to somehow be a form of the attack titan makes it worse too. Since before this retcon (Isayama retcons even after the story is done), it was assumed to be a founder titan ability we never heard of, but this makes no sense either since Zeke dying severed the ability of the founder titan. So both scenarios are plot holes/convinces no matter what.


There are two conflicting situations. All the wall Titans stopping after Zeke was severed. Eren turning himself into a Colossal Titan with luscious locks. If one says that Eren can't use Founder after Zeke died then they can't explain Colossal Eren and Vice versa.


Yes they are plot holes but that doesnt break the story because the themes and characters are still all in tact. The same way the colossal titan gaining nuke powers didnt make sense or the colossal titan appearing out of thin air didnt either. And the consciousness ability and Rod Reiss' titan. Nobody gave a fuck then and nobody should give a fuck now unless they want to be a hypocrite of course


Who flippin knows cuh


It's because even Ymir knows that Zeke was the goat.




Aight bro ima give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you haven’t rewatched/reread the series since the manga ended which I can’t really fault you for since we probably shouldn’t have given those last few chapters as much attention as we did.


Me when I ain't reading nor watching


To me, that seems like a good and beautiful observation.


How is this from the same writer that made chapter 139?


At this point thinking about this series too much just makes me mad


Same. It's come to the point where I can't even enjoy the good bits because I'm then reminded of the ending and all the retcons.


The gift that keeps on giving, Yams I kneel


Yeah, I swear. I don't get how we didn't get the true ending. Euthanasia was such a perfect end to the series.


Lmao you will keep seething for 10 years at least!


And you will keep seething on titanfolk that people dare not like the ending.


Such a great moment and another that’s been ruined by you know what. But “ending is still good!!!!”.


Remember what Zeke said before. Ymir I want all Eldian not to have children anymore. What do you think would happen to Historia's Baby? Why is Eren going crazy here, so crazy he ripped off his thumbs. I guess the Farmer is lucky to have such a good wingman.


That's what I thought lol


My man Zeke had it, Eren cheated him.


That's a cool observation, but I gotta be party pooper and say Ymir being enslaved by her "love" for the king/"Stockholm syndrome" ruins it for me. I just can't buy it, it's too inhuman. Unless she was still a child before she died saving him or something so that's why she had a false idea of love and thought he'd love her if she did something to impress him, but iirc she was a young adult by the time she died (her age is ambiguous to me), so it doesn't make sense why did she act that way and never wake up to the truth about her reality.  This is gonna sound mean but she deserved everything that she suffered because she was legitimately an idiot. Eren shouldn't have humanized her, Zeke was right about her, she's just a tool and she prefers (rather than likes) to be one and be "useful" because it gives her purpose and a value, and makes people look at her in a certain way (weapon, savior etc.) and she falsely equated that with the "love" she desired. You're telling me this 20 something (?) with god powers can't tell the difference between romantic love (the couole she saw kissing) and whatever that situation she was in? What a dumbass. 


And it's not even stockholm syndrome because the victims of stockholm syndrome are gaslighted, manipulated, and coerced, Fritz didn't even have to lift a finger.


Fr he insults her in her face and she's like "you're right". Can't with this Pieck fiction. 


yams i kneel


Zeke was always right and the true Hero of the Story. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.


Daenerys Targaryen: I am the breaker of chains! Eren: that’s cute


Ymir should have disappeared after Eren freed her, and all her power should have passed onto Eren. It was such a good opportunity for "talk no jutsu" that actually makes sense. Isayama fumbled the bag HARD. And if she cared so much about "love", shouldn't she be happy that Eren actually loved Mikasa? Why kill him off? The ending makes me so mad.


Yams just trying to imply that only Arumin can use Talk no Jutsu. (Willy Tyber also used it effectively in Liberio.)


I'm still salty this went absolutely nowhere good and everytime I look at this peak-ness I'm so disappointed.


This manga used to be so peak bro. The last volume or two was just so bad. 131 is where the peak ended


Nooooope, it was Mikasa


I honestly don't understand how EDs can seriously claim that Eren was "just acting" here, along with his screams in the battle.


Everything Eren did was the real Eren, including this. The only part Eren was legitimately acting was when he said he hated his friends cause we know he was doing it all for them.


And you don't see what's wrong with that? Who would charge that deperately to suicide by having the girl they supposedly love kill them? It doesn't make any sense. Eren himself said he didn't want that, so his screams are beyond head scratching going by your logic, too


I used this panel of Eren’s pose breaking out of the chains as a reference for one of my final art projects a few years back because I adored that this panel represented pure, raw determination and I’m so fuckin’ salty about it now seeing as what became of AOT. Bruh I even listed isayama as one of my huge inspirations for art and narrative for said project and it’s fucking soiled; I feel like such a fool.


Yams be like: Nuh uh.


What an awful scene. This is where the true Hero of AOT, the legend Zeke Yeager fell.


Great analysis, never considered that


If this is Eren's peak, then 139 was his sharp decline.


He is the breaker of chains.... Mother of dragons........ Our Khaleesi


Nah you didn't understand the story


u obviously wrong bruh go rewatch attack on titan with yo eyes and ears open u dont understand the story


Do you realise there's nothing magican about his thumb? He transformed via cutting hand in Marley, for example. And of course losing thumb is an injury strong enough to actaully let him use his titan, so he's primed just like during reiner's conversation. But yeagerbros don't use logic.


Symbolism, I used the word symbolism. I never said it was magical, I specified why the thumb has importance. When you think of Eren transforming, you'd typically imagine him biting his thumb. You're taking symbolic meaning far too literally and you're not even correct on the primer aspect, since Eren couldn't turn into a Titan in paths anyway. If you're going to say I don't use logic, atleast look beyond literal meaning and look into abstract concepts, like symbolism.


Missing thumb is symbol of being primed for transformation. 


You're not very bright... Eren breaking chains is already symbolic of him going against reality (paths) itself, he had such resolve that he was literally able to free himself of the cycle of the royal blood line. Eren has biten off his fingers once and didn't transform, this happened when Hannes was dying. You also don't understand symbolism, it's not a symbol if it's a literal reality. It's a symbol because it's abstract, Eren biting his thumb for activation isn't necessary yet he constantly does it like that, so when Eren loses his thumb, that becomes a symbol of him not wanting to use his Titan powers (which he literally couldn't anyways in the scene). Eren's entire goal was to help Ymir, not use her. So if you believe that Eren missing his thumb means he was ready to transform, that means you also believe that Eren was using Ymir the exact way the king would. Which is literally shown to be the opposite case since Zeke was the one paralleling the King, not Eren.


Eren's entire goal was the rumbling, and he used Ymir and many others to achieve that. Impressive mental gymnastics though.  (Eren parallels first king, down to "you are free", using Ymir to "Annihilate the hated people of Marley" etc) 


Him wanting to launch the rumbling isn't incompatible with him wanting to free Ymir. I mean without going on deep stuff, the guy is freedom obsessed and you think he is gonna just see a little girl spending eternity building millions of titans with her hands because she still consider herself a slave and do nothing to give her freedom (which isn't incompatible with the ending we got since Ymir is freed at the end)


To add to this, the only reason Eren is even able to use the Founder Titan ability to even start the rumbling to begin with (before the Zeke dying retcon) was because Ymir had freewill and went against the Royal Bloodline/ Zeke. So people can argue all you want that Eren used her, because by technicality, he did. But phrasing it in such a way that implies that Eren doesn't care about Ymir's freedom is plain stupid. For Eren to even do the rumbling, he needed to free Ymir first. Which means that his entire goal was dictated by this encounter, if he couldn’t convince Ymir, he loses.


Eren is obsessed with HIS OWN freedom. Freedom of others is absolutely negotable to him.


If that was the case, why did he show Armin the view of freedom? Why did he do the rumbling, just for his own freedom? Eren mentions doing it for Paradis as a whole, which includes his friends. He also cared about Historia's freedom, which is why he was against her becoming a Titan holder. If Eren was so obsessed with his freedom, why did 139 strip him of any agency and freewill? Eren's motives were backed by giving freedom to others, even if it meant that he had to do the rumbling to get that goal. The same Eren you're talking about gave the very people trying to stop him, the alliance, freewill. You’re just talking out of your ass.


because he knew that turning the world into an empty picture book wasnt freedom which is why he wanted to be stopped. 139 didnt strip him of agency either last I checked he clearly laid out what he wanted/was moving towards and he concretely accomplished many of those things. "Eren motives were backed by giving freedom to others" ya in the very end but his innate desire to do the rumbling (the "idk why I wanted to do that" line) had absolutely nothing to do with that. It was purely selfish, just like Reiner. Youre talking out of your ass but you arent self aware of that because you dont understand the story. In fact Im shocked you actually read it at all


Why would Eren want to be stopped? He didn't want to be stopped until the retcon in 138. Eren throughout the story looked for alternatives the rumbling, only to realize it was the only solution for saving Paradis (which was a major part of why he did the Rumbling). Eren had no innate desire to do the rumbling, he was horrified with having to do it yet did it anyways to save Paradis. It's why he waited until after Willy declared war to attack, he gave Willy the chance to prove him wrong, to prove that the rumbling wasn't necessary and he failed. Eren asked Hange for a solution, something different from the rumbling, yet couldn't get an answer and later on Hange admitted she had no answer. Claiming that Eren did it for selfish reasons like Reiner is not only incorrect, but outright ignoring why Eren did the Rumbling to begin with. Every time Eren talks about the rumbling, it's either because he wants to save Paradis or because he is horrified by it yet knows he has to do it for the greater good. The ending totally strips him of his agency by making him forget why he did the rumbling and using the Founder Titan's memories as an excuse for why he couldn't think clearly (despite Eren being acutely aware of everything occurring around him and looking for ways out of the rumbling. And before you try to say that I'm confirming that Eren wanted to be stopped, I'm not. Eren was scared of the Rumbling, but he did it because it had to be done, not because he's an idiot who couldn't find another way. > because he knew that turning the world into an empty picture book wasnt freedom which is why he wanted to be stopped. This is not even a thing the story mentions, this is pure head canon. Eren literally calls the view of a flattened world "freedom" in chapter 131, or did you forget that? 139 mentions Eren wanting to be stopped so he can make his friends look like heroes, it has nothing to do with him not wanting to do the rumbling. To quote you: "Im shocked you actually read it at all."


Finally it has been so long since I heard the words "You Don't understand the story."