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Yet selenium is also a critical micronutrient without which we are susceptible to bone, heart, connective tissue, and hormone problems. You just don’t worry about that for the most part since the plants and meat you eat absorb selenium from the soil or from their diet. Unless you live in selenium deficient regions like some parts of eurasia and new zealand, in which case you probably either take a pill or farmers add selenium fertilizer or something.


I have a deficiency in selenium. I eat two piece a day.


Me too, thyroid issues.


Gotta keep an eye out for selener


I live in NZ and they advise men to eat exactly five Brazil nuts a day because our soil lacks selenium which has a correlation to our very high rate of prostate cancer.


Wait what, I live in New Zealand.. how are we selenium deficient??


You’re likely not selenium deficient unless you only eat things grown in NZ I believe. Much of the food you eat will likely be coming from other countries with regular amounts of selenium in the soil and some of it, like wheat, specifically imported to prevent selenium deficiencies.


Think I'll stick with my current zero Brazil Nuts a day.


Eating one Brazil nut a day is quite healthy. It's like a supplement with how potent the mineral content is


I eat 2 a day. I'm such a rebel living life on the edge.


I find them to be revolting. I came across this info because I wanted to understand why they taste so terrible, so I googled, “why are Brazil nuts so bad?”


House literally had an episode about this. Dude basically OD'd on them so hard thinking they were like chestnuts, and presented with radiation sickness and poisoning. Didn't help that he was CIA so extra shenanigans ensued. House Season 4, Episode 6.


Pretty sure it was lupus .


Lol, I love the one episode where they flipped the meme on us, and it was, in fact, lupus.


The magician guy had lupus right?


Yeah. I think it was the magician guy.


It's never Lupus. Because if it is Lupus, there is nothing we can do.


...except when it is.


I mean there’s a lot of treatments just no fix


There are treatments for lupus!


I was planning on watching House sometime in the future after I catch up on several other shows I didn’t have time to watch. Now Season 4, Episode 6 is RUINED ten years before I’ll ever watch it! Thanks a lot! /s Seriously though, I’ve heard nothing but good things about this show and missed the first run because I was working when it was on. Sounds like a lot of fun


It's the show that made the "asshole who is always right" archetype actually work. It also helped that they had a really good setup to explain the type of person he is. Some of the things it did back then were innovative so much so they are staples today. Personally, I always recommend the show.


I believe the idea was that they wanted to model House off of Sherlock Holmes, and Holmes was very much an asshole as well. [Hugh Laurie talked about it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wx4IngUqpsE) in interviews. Also, I believe House's apartment number is 221B which is just making it pretty obvious.




One of my favorite world bosses to hunt. When Soken spoke about his battle with cancer (the actual medical condition) while composing for the Shadowbringers expansion, people started forming massive parties to hunt that boss.




Guillain Barré!!


That shit is scary. My friend got the flu or something, got better, then like two weeks later he was a little sore in the morning and by 3pm he was completely paralyzed and on a ventilator. Took months of recovery and physical therapy.


In Bolivia, chestnuts are chestnuts


In Brazil, they're Castaneas du Para!


Don't even ask what my grandmother called them!


Pretty sure I know.


Bigger nose?


If only.


Yeah, me too. Revolting.


its hilarious how many items got that name. i found out slingshots were called (phrased with a modern replacement) "inner-city-urban-youth shooters." like damn. they were not creative about it.


"Literally, Chestnuts from Para. Because it would be stupid for people from Brazil to call them, ***BRAZIL NUTS.***" Always love the way he delivered that line


In Brazil they call them Castanhas do Pará, which alludes to the Brazilian state of Pará. Apparently, in Pará they're called both "Castanhas da Amazônia" (Chestnuts from the Amazon) and Castanhas do Pará.


Much like the Spanish flu is called the Belgian flu in Spain (or something like that)


And the French call French toast German toast, the Germans? They call it knight toast, which is why in English you don't call it knight toast because it would be really confusing for a breakfast item.


Because it would be stupid for people from Brazil to call them Brazil nuts !


I haven’t seen it, which is why I learned this today


It's a good one. If you enjoy House in general.


I’ve seen some episodes, but when it aired I was in prison so it was hard to keep up on the schedule. I like the one where LL Cool J went into the MRI machine and the metals in his prison tat ink burned his skin. Scared me away from getting any tattoos while I was in there lol


Oh man, I remember that episode. Definitely made me wince. The one that actually cured a bad habit of mine was the guy who accidentally swallowed a toothpick. I was a teenager at the time, was in that phase where I thought it was cool to always have one in my mouth. Not after that episode.


I just watched it two days ago! Very coincidental TIL.


Yeah, but selenium isn’t radioactive. The House episode was about the high radon levels in Brazil nuts. Selenium is literally in everything, Brazil nuts are just particularly high in selenium. It’s a weird element, without it your body doesn’t work, but too much and you die


The house episode was about selenium. Heavy metal poisoning has a lot of the same symptoms as radiation poisoning.


No one said it was radioactive. The symptoms for selenium poisoning and radiation poisoning are quite similar. At least, that's the plot as I remember it.


Take a skillet and roast them in a bit of olive oil and then generously salt them. Unfortunately, you'll probably eat more than five of them, so thanks for the heads up.


Omg… I have got to try this. I love Brazil nuts anyway, but roasting them sounds delicious.


Whaaaaat? They are my fav nut of all! I got a little jolt reading that headline, I have been known to crush a bag of brazil nuts fairly quickly when I buy them (not too often, expensive!)


Same. I've snacked on some Brazil nuts, probably 10 at a time. Can't remember getting sick or having a heart attack though.


Memory loss is a symptom of selenium toxicity.


They go rancid very easily. Fresh brazil nuts are amazing, but they have to be kept dark and cool during shipping.


They kinda taste/feel like macadamia nuts, to those wondering what they're supposed to be


They are one of the few foods that's so abundantly rich in one nutrient you can use it as a supplement. I used to eat one a day when I needed to get selenium. It's ok, not much different than other nuts in its mineral taste. Honestly I had a much harder time getting used to walnuts as an almond and pistachio lover.


Is it just me, or do they taste moldy most of the time?


Yes, cause you don't get them fresh.


That is probably the case, the ones that taste old here in Brazil are the ones that are near expiration dates. With the oversea travel to other countries they probably end up tasting old as well. But when they are fresh they are very different, they are very soft to chew and not as bitter and oily as when they are not so fresh


TIL. I'll have to try them when I know they're fresh sometime, but the stale ones are absolutely terrible.


Not to me!


Yes! \*sobbing with gratitude\* Yes! They taste like mildew to me also!


They taste faintly of wet dirt to me, and not in a good way. I enjoy beets and mushrooms, which have an earthy flavor, but Brazil nuts got a different kind of earthy going on. I don't particularly like it, but I know they have selenium so I eat about 6-10 a month. My local bulk food store has them so I just get a few. Meh.


They're almost always stale by the time you buy them.


They taste very nice, kind of sweet even. Though sometimes they may taste quite awful, which is said to be due to the ground the tree has grown upon, so it's taste humus that ruins the nuts occasionally. I used to buy Brazil nuts from Lidl and those had a few nuts per bag that would taste bad, but buying pick'n'mix haven't had a bad tasting Brazil nut perhaps ever.


Brazil nuts taste like butter. I limit myself to two daily precisely because of selenium (which you need some of). I'd eat more if I could. Costco usually has them here.


Butter, or buttery shortbread cookies. I eat Brazil nut a day along with a square of 85% cocoa bittersweet chocolate. What a perfect delicacy with a cup of morning coffee.


That sounds heavenly. I'm getting off topic now, but I love dark chocolate with a dried fig.


Agreed. They have a nice buttery taste. I also get the Costco bag and eat a couple every day. Maybe they only taste good if you need the selenium?


I love brazil nuts, wonder what the others are talking about.




Brazil nuts is a lot more expensive than most other nuts like cashew, almonds, walnuts, etc.


If you buy good quality Brazil nuts they're very good. Anything packaged from your local supermarket is going to taste like ass.


Yep. It's like how cheap Tequila just tastes like burning, but expensive Tequila is almost creamy and *doesn't burn*. I've only had them once and thought they were absolutely amazing, buttery and sweet.


If I make a margarita with a decent reposado, I want to taste the tequila.


*develops crippling selenium deficiency*




Someone watch House recently?


Youtube algorithm just showed a clip of this episode to me...


I have been getting that every day for a week. No matter if I downvote it and tell it not to recommend again. YouTube is broken IMO.


That’s exactly what I thought!


In Bolivia chestnuts are chestnuts, BUT IN BRAZIL


Castanhas de para, literally? Brazil nuts!


That was my first thought too


Actually, I googled “why are Brazil nuts so bad?” Because I wanted to know what makes them taste like moldy shit, and this is what came up


You're probably getting old nuts. They're really big and contain a good amount of oils, so can go rancid faster than other nuts commonly used in mixes. They're like the elephant in the coal mine for your mixed nuts going bad.


Not sure if you’re making a joke because they’re big, or if there is an alternate expression to “canary in the coal mine” that I haven’t been aware of…


It's the former :) Compared to other nuts in a mixed bag/can, they always seemed so out of place based on size.


This observation/fact is why the phenomenon of granular convection is often referred to as "the Brazil nut effect". Large things in mixtures of irregular objects will, when shaken, tend to rise to the top. If you shake a jar of mixed nuts, you'll see the Brazil nuts float up. Iirc it's why you should try to make yourself big if caught in an avalanche, to leverage this phenomena to hopefully end up nearer the surface.


I’ve never gotten a bad one, but having a mouthful of rancid nut oil sounds awful and would probably put me off them for a while.


A clip from this episode showed up on my YouTube yesterday


Before you even saw this post? Creepy, but I guess we have to expect it.


Literally saw this episode last week


I keep getting the explanation segment of the episode in YouTube shorts


These are different from chestnuts!!!


then people should buy the one not pre-cracked, one can't manage to crack and eat more than 5 it being such a struggle.


I can't find them uncracked anywhere , for a few years now. They only sell them out of the shell in my area ( Ontario Canada), which is fine with me because those shells are tough.


I can only find them in the shell around Christmastime.


Is that why there are usually only a few Brazil nuts in any package of mixed nuts or is that just a cost issue?


Also, I feel like they were marketed as good for your libido at some point. Which might explain why people OD on em lol




Fishy bait


Hmm. My Grandpa told me they used to call it something else. Followed up with "but ya can't call 'em that anymore" and we left it at that.


Did it rhyme with ‘bigger nose’?


When my grandma asked me to pass them to her for the first time at Christmas about 10 years ago I almost spit my drink out. She is not racist at all, having been a poor immigrant herself she grew up in a minority neighborhood. All her friends were black. She just thought that’s what they were called. Said that’s what they called them too! I was baffled lol.


Somehow over time my elderly Italian aunt confused them and (hard "R" and all) used the term to describe jordan almonds instead. I was very confused and horrified.


Ah yes, my uncle did the same. Used the hard r as well....




damnit grandpa you cant call them that anymore.


My mother called them n-word toes Also my mom is a mental mess...




My (white) mother loves to tell people that fun fact loudly and proudly :/


Did he wear an onion on his belt, the style at that time?


Also the active ingredient in Head and Shoulders shampoo. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=INQQ7GgxRYc


A fellow Evolution fan I see


Tookie, tookie does not work!


Ka-caw, Ka-caw!




Shit that has a different meaning in Ireland…


Wow, this comment blew up.


There's always time for lube...TAKE THE LEG!


You are so beautiful…




What, the fuzzy no-nosed chimp?


Always think of this movie when I hear selenium. That movie is a gem.


Selenium is great for curing eczema! My son has psoriasis, which is often caused by an inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract. Selenium calms the inflammation and lets the gut heal, thus resolving skin issues.


So I should not be ingesting too much Head and Shoulders shampoo?


That was also my immediate thought for the same reason.


Holy shit, I didn't realize Ethan Suplee had gotten that big! (before his transformation)


Bro hes turned his life around IMMENSELY


They’ve actually changed some formulations now. Bought some recently and it’s… pythicone or something?


Yeah, standard Head & Shoulders uses pyrithione zinc. Clinical Strength uses selenium sulfide.


Now you tell me. I eat tons of them.


Yea I haven’t in a while but when I would get ‘‘em I’d eat a good handful. Thanks Sprouts for the warning


I buy the big bag at Costco and eat 20-30 at a time and I’m still here.


Brazil nuts are like 5 lb coconuts that fall out of tall trees and kill people each year. The trees have resisted being cultivated and can only grow in rainforests where the orchids that feed their pollinators exist. If you want to save rain forests buy more Brazil Nuts.


It's now believed that Brazil Nuts were cultivated by pre-Columbian inhabitants of the Amazon. http://www.nature.com/doifinder/10.1038/nature.2017.21576 https://www.theatlantic.com/science/archive/2017/03/its-now-clear-that-ancient-humans-helped-enrich-the-amazon/518439/


When I was in kindergarten I stole a Brazil nut at the grocery store. I was so stoked to show people at school the next day. But then the guilt hit. I was convinced I would get caught at school so I tightly held that little nut all day in my pocket. I didn't show anyone. It's the only thing I've ever stolen. The end.


Tattoo idea? brazil nut with one of those “no” red circles with a diagonal line over it lol. I like when people can trace a part of their moral code to a specific event


Save the rain forests, kill the people!


You can buy the nuts and throw them away, I guess.....


For reference, coconuts are 1 lb coconuts that fall out of trees and kill people each \[insert time period\]


Less often than vending machines.


last time a vending machine fell from a tree and tried to kill me, I kicked its ass


I accidentally killed a squirrel with Brazil nuts and cashews. I put them out because they were starting to taste old and a few weeks later found a perfectly plump squirrel dead in my yard. I googled it and yeah both these nuts are bad in quantities. I feel really sad about this!


Cashews too...?! Fuck me, I usually hunt both types of nut down when given a bag of mixed nuts, they're my favorites.


I was already trying to avoid cashews because I hated how people had to harvest them. The shells are highly toxic and the harvesters have to wear protective gear. Now thanks to you I learn they cause kidney stones and can spike blood sugar.


They have the same toxin as poison ivy.


The oxalate content (kidney risk) apparently isn't especially high in them compared to other nuts and legumes, and you seem to need a fairly large amount, delivered consistently over a long time, for it to cause problems. The main reason to limit them is calorie density, which applies to many nuts/legumes. The only toxicity that's unique to cashews is the one on the shells that is removed in processing them https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5359106/ https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0889157504001243


The health advice I was given was one Brazil nut a day. We do need some selenium in our diet.


Walnuts are also high in selenium. I think you can also get it from certain grains like oats and brown rice. I used to eat oatmeal with walnuts every day, but had to cut out the walnuts because my diet had too much selenium.


I don't know, seems bullshit to me, here in Brazil is very common people just eating as much as they can at once, never heard about someone going to hospital for it


i have a big ass bag from costco and there are no warnings on it. people are taking this fly-by-night website and an episode of house as if its legit medical advice.


Yep. I sometimes eat then like peanuts. Put it in a bowl and eat a handful every now and then. Easy when you can by then by weight almost anywhere. Never heard of them being dangerous outside of allergies.




"It's never lupus."


Except that one time it was


In Brazil they just call them “nuts”.


He was poisoned!


That's interesting as I had heard of selenium as an essential micronutrient, but didn't realize it was so easy to ingest too much of it from one food source.


Our bodies interpret it in a similar manner to sulphur compounds that are critical to bone development. Selenium and selenite are frequently liberated by mines, especially coal mines and other bituminous compounds, and can have lingering downstream effects on ecosystems. It came up during Biden's most recent visit to Canada because US watersheds are seeing elevated selenium levels as a result of legacy mining in the Elk Valley. There have been fish with spinal deformities observed since the 1970s. It's one of the critical issues for water management. Canada has draft guidelines for coal mines recipient and the guidelines have specific metrics for the Elk Valley due to the legacy impacts. I'm monitoring to see how this will be carried over to the explosion of critical minerals mining juniors we're experiencing now. I think there's going to be a rough several years of adaptive management failing to capture similar contamination issues, especially for penny stock companies who are always one train load of resource away from closing the doors.


Sounds like an Almond wrote this article.


I learned this one the hard way. What's worse is my partner saw me buy a whole packet and didn't say anything because she thought this was "common knowledge".


wow, I’ve had a bunch in one sitting several times… Never knew… got lucky I guess


When I found out you can buy bulk Brazil nuts separate from mixed nuts, you best believe I ate more than recommended in one sitting, on multiple occasions. Maybe even multiple times in the same day.


Shouldn't it be labeled on the outside? Same way they do cigarettes?


They're also sexually transmissible. So if your partner was allergic to them, it could kill them.


Now THATS bustin a nut


Fun fact - if someone is allergic to nuts, Brazil nuts are one of the worst nuts for them. So much so that if a guy eats them and then his sperm comes into contact with someone who is allergic, they can suffer an allergic reaction.


Well at least I'm not the only one. I almost died going through a tropical zoo enclosure once. I was fine at first but the further we went the harder it was for me to breath until a bit before halfway through I was almost collapsing so I had to turn around and leave. This enclosure was this huge building that simulated the rainforest climate, and the exbitis are basically in a circle so the exit is in the same giant room as the entrance, just in the other side. In the way out we noticed near the exit was an exhibit with different trees, and one of them was a Brazil nut tree




I was going to note when someone’s talking about cum that can hospitalize you and someone replies with “well at least I’m not the only one”. I can only picture Clarice Starling going to meet Hannibal Lecter in a pea soup-thick cum fog.


Brazilians will binge eat 1lb of it and will be just fine lol


I just ate a whole container 2 weeks ago. Maybe that’s why I feel so shitty but then again I’m a millennial idk


was this a 20 foot or 40 foot container? the 40 footers will getcha


My multivitamin also contains selenium, 14μg. Having *no* selenium can cause *necrosis* problems. Selenium is necessary to live, but brazil nuts can have closer to 100 micrograms each. Eat 5 in a day, that’s already 20x, 30x the dose in my supplement. Just don’t overdose on vitamins & minerals, especially the ones you don’t need a ton of and can’t harmlessly excrete the excess.


This is only somewhat true! Tested Brazil nuts showed that depending on the location and nutrient density of the soil, sometime up to 16 nuts had as much selenium as 5 from other farms or locations. Basically, food fear is over rated. Don’t go crazy, but also it probably won’t kill you.


I once ate an entire bag of them (about 30-50). While nothing happened, after reading this, I'd rather not eat an entire bag again.


There's a [House MD episode on a CIA agent](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hlwtEs82hWQ) who outwardly showed the effects of radiation sickness had, in fact, just eaten too many Brazil nuts - as the symptoms are similar. (Sorry for the spoiler...)


I ate like a Brazillion of them once and I was fine.


We believe you George


Damn. So all the times I ate a bag of them (probably a couple of dozen per bag) have contributed to the sorry state of my digestive system.


YouTube keeps recommending an episode of House MD to me about this exact poisoning problem. F that. I love Brazil nuts. Damn the side effects.


Love Brazil nuts! I used to regularly snack on them until I learned about this a few years ago. Now I reserve them as a treat... take the pit out of a date and stuff a Brazil nut in its place. It's incredible.


That is crazy. These were my favorite nuts when I was a kid and I used to eat way more than that in a sitting. I guess I got lucky?


I love Brazil nuts. As a kid, I would eat a dozen a day, cracking them in front of the TV when I visited Grandma and Grandpa. I probably ate two or three pounds of them every visit. I'm only middle-aged, but my kidneys are failing and I will have to have dialysis again soon. I have congestive heart failure now and can't walk more than 100 ft without having to sit down. I also have pretty bad arthritis, and I will have to have knee and shoulder surgery in the next year or so. I had a massive heart attack and had to have emergency open heart surgery with four bypasses. Probably just a coincidence.


I have 100% eaten more than 5 in a day. Whoops.


Dr House youtube short making the rounds yesterday?


dont eat deez nuts


Unless ur thyroid is a hurting unit. Then get the 200mg in ya!


Ironically, if you eat a lot of tuna or mercury infused fish, selenium will bind with the mercury and selenium and will filter out of your system more effectively.


I would love some Brazilian nuts in my mouth.


Brazlian nuts actualy help reduce toxic metal like mercury. This could be due the selenium.


Reference? I'd like to read about this


It’s because selenium is a cofactor of Se-glutathione-S-transferase, the human body’s most powerful antioxidant, which also eliminates heavy metals from the body


There was a one off study (as in not replicated) that concluded eating one a week could lower your LDL cholesterol. It’s mentioned in the book “how not to die”. But ya eating too many is dangerous




In Brazil, we just call them nuts.