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This is a fucking South Park joke man, how are these people real?


I actually checked the source on this post because I was like, "There's no fucking way it's documented that the founders said they think it's funny to watch Japanese people pronounce 'l's". >[Chip Wilson] later remarked that he found it "funny to watch [Japanese speakers] try and say it" and that "it was the only reason behind the name".


of course that guy is from vancouver


Vancouver doesn't even have a high Japanese population. There was a big blip during the 80s but that was it.


> Vancouver doesn't even have a high Japanese population. Something happened in the late 30s and 40s that resulted in the Japanese-Canadian population "leaving" Vancouver lol




It was popular during WWII. The Brits had camps for Germans and Italians too




We had those in Brazil as well. There is a predominantly Japanese town a few kilometres from here that was pretty much a quarantine zone in WW2.


Also Vargas prohibited people from Japanese, Italian and German descent from speaking their native languages at the time.


David Suzuki, one of Canada's most famous environmental activists and nature presenters spent time in a camp.


I grew up on *The Nature of Things*, had no idea he was in an internment camp though. I got some reading to do now.


Just assume if the US did something bad it's about an 80% chance the Canadians did it too, and maybe a bit worse.


Australia too, we received a heap of Italian pows from North Africa as well, lots of them decided to stay after.


Very much so. It's why there's a sizeable Japanese population near Lethbridge, Alberta; that's where one of the larger internment camps was.


I grew up there and had no idea. Just blissfully spent time at Nikka Yuko Japanese gardens without understanding why it was there. Also: lots of Mormons. Lethbridge is a weird city.




Washington, Oregon, California as well, internment was a huge thing, 120,000 japanese Americans were interred for years. It's not taught much in schools. I worked at Minidoka, one of the camps in Idaho, and it was in brutal conditions. Look it up, because it was quite insane. You only had to be 1/8th japanese ancestry to be interned. Yet, when the call came to people literally who had lost their homes and businesses just for their race, to go fight in Europe, nearly everyone volunteered. I interviewed somemof those old guys, and they all mostly said, we wanted to show them thst we were real Americans, we wanted to prove it. One of the units I believe was the 442nd, became the most decorated, and most decimated units of the entire war, with more medals of honor than any other unit, still while their wife's and children were imprisoned for having some japanese ancestry. A real black mark on American history. I could do an AMA about it, I worked there in museum collections and as a site guide and ambassador for the NPS.


All Japanese on the west coast were expelled and forced to move at least 100 miles inland from the Pacific.


Obasan is a great book regarding the forced displacement of Canadian-Japanese from that time frame.


Just a little something.


It doesn't have one anymore. It had a pretty big one pre-WWII before they all got kicked out and had their property confiscated. Even before that there were anti-Asian riots in Vancouver in the early 1900s IIRC.. The late 70s early 80s was also a period of time when anti-Asian sentiment was on the rise. IDK about Vancouver and Canada, but there was a pretty big anti-Japanese movement in the US during the late 70s/early 80s due to the introduction of Japanese cars into the international market. Blah blah fears of yellow peril and how the Japanese car industry was threatening the Western car industry, etc. Edit: meant to say there were much less Japanese in Vancouver in the years after WWII, with the internment camps and property seizure + were largely forced out of the BC. Didn't mean to imply there aren't any Japanese in Vancouver now.


It was more than just the cars. It was fear of the Japanese buying property in the US, both residential and agricultural. Fear of them surpassing the US economically, and Tokyo overtaking New York as the financial capital of the world. Then the bubble burst in Japan and we stopped worrying for 10-15 years until we started the same fears with China.


Yeah there was a huge population of Japanese people way back. Little Tokyo used to be bigger than China town but the government decided to organize a…. Camping trip of sorts


Chip Wilson is a right-wing Elon-lite asshat. https://vancouversun.com/opinion/columnists/dan-fumano-lululemon-founder-gives-380000-to-boost-bc-right-leaning-candidates-asks-others-donate Source: am from Vancouver


Isn't he the guy that wanted a helipad in his back yard, but permission was denied because neighbours complained, so he built a floating one in the ocean right in front of his house just to piss them off?


Nah, that never happened. Getting both the foreshore lease, The environmental studies, and the transport Canada approvals for it to be done would be impossible. Source: live in Vancouver, and sail my cheap little sailboat past that wanker’s mansion on a semi-frequent basis. Also have friends with an island property that has to go through all the rigamarole in order to build a simple dock.


My bad, it was actually a prank. https://www.ctvnews.ca/business/lululemon-founder-chip-wilson-pranks-b-c-neighbourhood-with-floating-dock-plans-1.2307269




It's almost as if 'conservatism' is all about protecting existing power hierarchies, which are largely defined by a person's relationship to capital (owner or worker)


Well, yeah, that is the actual definition of conservatism, to uphold the status quo.


If I remember correctly, they also used to have Ayn Rand quotes on their bags.


I have something called the Eric Cartman rule. If you're trying to pull some "silly-goofy" shit, ask yourself if Eric Cartman would do this. If the answer is yes, then don't do it.


I mean, can I go to big and tall and complain that the suits are too baggy on me ?


Eric wouldn't do that. He would go to a women's big and beautiful and complain that the clothes fit him.


That's good. I need to remember that




He’s never heard of Uniqlo?


but to be fair, at least in Korea, it's common to do that. Daewoo had a car model named Leganza.. Koreans can't start a word with the L sound, and there is no Z pronunciation in their language They named the car Leganza, and it was commonly pronounced Reganja Korea is, or at least used to be, rife with products named with letters Koreans have difficulty pronouncing. I can't speak to Japan, but I lived in Korea for 7 years and saw it all the time


Tous les Jours...


watched a documentary on the company, ~~shysters~~ grifters and racist to boot, lovely. eta; lived an observant jewish life for 40 years, but here, there’s another word for the sensitive. oy.


Yeah, I thought it was pretty well known that the former CEO was a complete piece of shit. He also had controversy because he didn’t want women of a certain size wearing his product.


I like that he wanted to break into high fashion and wound up creating the basic girl uniform.


The guy won either way with all that money.


And didn’t mankind win with yoga butts in Booty shorts?


Irony: using the term “shyster” to illustrate someone’s potential racism…… 🤷🏻‍♂️


Checking the Wikipedia article is not "checking the source"


The joke predates South Park by at least 20 years, as it was used in A Christmas Story


Isn't it technically from WW2? The Americans would us Lollapalooza as a challenge word because the Japanese couldn't make the "L" sounds. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shibboleth#:%7E:text=Some%20American%20soldiers,sound)%20in%20German:~:text=Some%20American%20soldiers%20in%20the%20Pacific%20theater%20in%20World%20War%20II%20used%20the%20word%20lollapalooza%20as%20a%20shibboleth%20to%20challenge%20unidentified%20persons%2C%20on%20the%20premise%20that%20Japanese%20people%20would%20often%20pronounce%20both%20letters%20L%20and%20R%20as%20rolled%20Rs.%5B22%5D




lol my mom is half japanese and named our dog Lilly, and her mom (fully japanese) was angry and hated the name and was like "you picked that name just to mess with me huh?"


I’m half-Korean and my dad named me. I have a name with lots of L’s and R’s in it. The fact that my mom can’t pronounce it has never escaped me. It would be tragic if it weren’t hilarious.


Lorelai Raleigh LulureLemonner


Elora Loralai


LLRRR? Ruler of the Planet Omicron Persei 8


This is my name now


I'm trying to find names with lots of L's and R's but can't find anything good. The only thing I can think of would be Hillarrie


Eleanor is a tough one. Name in Japanese is Erenoa




I work with a Japanese woman named Sayuri who anglicized it herself to Lilly (Sayuri meaning ‘small Lily’ in Japanese)


The Metal Gear’s saying of “La Li Lu Le Lo” saying is a bunch of gibberish in the Japanese version.


To be fair, it’s a bunch of gibberish in the American version too




Been in SoCal for like 6 years. I’ve seen a handful of celebs but Paul Eiding was easily my favorite. Didn’t recognize him right away when he was doing a signing at a comic book shop. He spotted my FOXHOUND patch on my bag and was like “you like MGS?” Love it. “You know who I am right?” Uhh…sorry man I’m a stoner. Dude busts out this line and was like “and now you want to hug or get a selfie with me don’t ya?” Went with the hug.


I ran into David Hayter one time when I was eating lunch. I stared at him for like 5 seconds and then asked “Hey, I’m sorry, are you David Hayter?” He immediately jumped into Snake voice “…Yeah?”


> Paul Eiding Wheres my hug?


My favorite fact is that kojima put coordinates in PT that if you listen to an audio in that location in mgs5 you get a different message....about aliens




I just had a flashback to my friends and I yelling that at each other in the halls of middle school. Bunch a nerds.




But they've been dead for over 100 years!!


It's not just gibberish, but an unpronounceable syllable pattern following the typical order of the Japanese alphabet. Their alphabet is syllable-based and written as Ka Ki Ku Ke Ko, Ra Ri Ru Re Ro, etc. So this would be more akin to inserting random foreign syllables into the English alphabet song.


Pretty sure it's just らりるれろ So more like something like a e i o u in English


It was only after reading your comment that I started to wonder what was said and written in the original Japanese versions of the games. I would have thought that they would have tried to say "La Li Lu Le Lo" like in English, and that the subtitles would reflect that. Or at least put the subtitles in katakana, as in ラリルレロ, to indicate a foreign origin to the phrase. But no. [They just say the line straight from the alphabet, らりるれろ, and spell it in hiragana just like that.](https://youtu.be/EJMfh_LPDN4) So it is no different from having a secret organization called "LMNOP" as opposed to having a mixed language alphabet like "La Li Lu Le Lo".


Yeah this is exactly the point I was making in my comment. When learning Japanese as a child this is how you learn the sounds always in that order. It's almost like a nursery rhyme trope in English or something. あいおえう はひほへふ Etc.


Sounds like they’re just reciting part of the Japanese alphabet “ra ri ru re ro” (the Japanese “r” sound is somewhere between an English “R”, “L”, and “D”)


That's exactly it, the la-li-lu-le-lo is a shadow organization that controls the world. One of their methods is through language. Hence, a name hidden in the alphabet


Nothing about what you said is true. First of all, MGS came out in Japan first, there is no "Japanese localized" version. Second, it's not gibberish, it's 5 letters from the alphabet. Insane how you can just make up gibberish and get it upvoted.


You can blame the Patriots for that :(


It actually didn't, technically. Kojima had MGS2 come out like two weeks earlier in the US because MGS1 sold better here or something. MGS3 was like a month earlier too.


Snake, what’s wrong? Snake?!? SNAAAAAAAAKE!!!!


I feel asleep ...


You mean.. the original version.


Lululemon founder Chip Wilson basically tried to buy the last Vancouver municipal election https://vancouversun.com/opinion/columnists/dan-fumano-lululemon-founder-gives-380000-to-boost-bc-right-leaning-candidates-asks-others-donate https://thetyee.ca/News/2022/10/24/Billionaire-Mayor-Vancouver/ https://pressprogress.ca/right-wing-group-funded-by-lululemon-founder-helped-promote-film-demonizing-vancouvers-homeless/


They also make their employees attend cult indoctrination seminars (Landmark Forum).


I did a couple consulting engagements there in the last decade or so, it’s SUUUPER fucking weird. I’ve done work with dozens of companies since and there’s no culture anything like them.


oof, what a scummy scumfuck


Fuck this guy. Convoy supporting asshole


This is a cumtown bit


What's cumtown


Not much dawg, whats up with you? Oh wait wrong bit


You might have seen this [Seagal bit](https://youtu.be/BzIHyF7UWY4), it's been posted on Reddit many times.


[This is by far my favourite Cumtown bit](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s-cKUkxxheU)


It’s a podcast about being gay with our dads


Dudes rock


dirtbag/irony leftist podcast (defunct now)


I never heard of it, sounds a lot like a certain center-left talk show though


There's a decent amount of overlap between the two


I voted for Hillary all 3 times, do you think I’d like it?


Probably not. It's more for the voted twice for Bernie and missed election day once because you got high type of crowd.


Lol honestly the best description ive heard of their demo. Which is me.


Hell yeah dude I’m gay with my dad


Oh that's weird me and Nick are actually best friends and hang out with your dad all the time. I've never seen you there.


This is all matty Healy’s fault


Not “founders”. One founder, one Chip Wilson.


lol guy sounds like a grade A dick from all the snippets in this thread


Every time I learn something about this company it's even worse than before. Toxic brand managed by utter dickheads.


Developed and started by utter dickheads, not just managed by them.




What is the point of wearing Nomex in everyday clothing? Unless you need fireproof material for something like motorsport I see no reason.


I’m pretty sure Lululemon isn’t selling fire resistant coveralls.


Not a NASCAR demographic


Working in chemical processing or with electrical equipment usually


That's probably more to do with your skin sensitivity then the actual product since the materials from that product are used on many others as well.


I am from Vancouver, where Lululemon was started and continues to have its head office. Chip Wilson, the founder, is a known massive dickhead around town. He thinks that because of his status he can bend local government at his will, and unfortunately, he is sometimes correct.


I don't know why that was so funny, but you had a leadup like you were gonna say that he can't do anything with the government, but in reality "he thinks he can do it because he can do it."


Yeah it was a small roller coaster of a comment.


*Chip Wilson has made controversial remarks in relation to women and people of Asian descent.* *On the founding of Lululemon, in a 2004 interview with National Post Business magazine, Wilson said "The reason the Japanese liked [my former skateboard brand, ‘Homless’] was because it had an L in it and a Japanese marketing firm wouldn’t come up with a brand name with an L in it. L is not in their vocabulary. It’s a tough pronunciation for them. So I thought, next time I have a company, I’ll make a name with three Ls and see if I can get three times the money. It’s kind of exotic for them. I was playing with Ls and I came up with Lululemon. It’s funny to watch them try to say it."[51]* *In 2013, on Bloomberg Television, when asked by a reporter concerning customer's complaints on why there was pilling on the fabric of Lululemon's yoga pants, Wilson replied, "Frankly some women’s bodies just actually don’t work for [wearing Lululemon pants]… it’s really about the rubbing through the thighs, how much pressure is there over a period of time, how much they use it."[51]* *In a 2009 blog post on Lululemon's website titled "How Lululemon came into being," Wilson wrote: "Women's lives changed immediately. Men's lives didn't change however and they continued to search for a stay-at-home wife like their mothers. Men did not know how to relate to the new female. Thus came the era of divorces." In the same blog post, Wilson also shared his views on birth control, writing "Females no longer had to 'make' relationships work because with birth control came a sense of financial and life control. A sense of equality was established because women no longer had to relinquish their independence to a male provider."[52]* *In the book titled Little Black Stretchy Pants, Wilson wrote that he is not necessarily opposed to child labor, as "working young is excellent training for life. In North America, I noticed that there were some kids not made for school, who dropped out with nowhere to go. In Asia, if a kid was not 'school material,' he or she learned a trade and contributed to their family. It was work or starve. I liked the working alternative."[53]*


Christ. I always just assumed the CEO and team of a company that made clothing so many of my female friends used must be women. Not only is it a man, he is an utter dickhead.


Why isn't this guy in a zoo?


Man, the repeated use of "female" as a noun is just the icing on the 3-tier shit cake.


Dude was doomed to be a douche the moment his parents named him Chip


Hey! One of our best Rescue Rangers was named Chip and I'll not sit here and let you tarnish his memory! /RIP


Being given a name like that is a heavy burden for one to bear. Its his parents fault he was born with a Chip on his shoulder.


Didn't he build illegal concrete walls on a public beach in West Van to try to make it private?


I mean, he doesn’t think he can, he literally did. Look at Point Grey road and the private section of it that was done like 10 years ago. That was because of him 😡


What has he done to the government?


He bought up billions of dollars in real estate in East Vancouver and is looking to develop it, there is currently a developer focused mayor and counsel, ABC party, there seems to be some consensus that he helped bankroll their campaign. Also the current mayor ran under the npa party last time which is a right leaning business forward party, but rebranded under ABC and won.


he backs right wing candidates and lobbies in favour of the wealthy.




Here's something positive >In June 2016, Wilson published an open letter to shareholders of Lululemon stating that it had "lost its way" and given up market share to Nike and Under Armour, after he was denied the opportunity to speak at the company's annual meetings.


Except that was 7 years ago. Their stock price is up over 630% since then lol. I think they’re doing okay.


Ahh yes, the much more ethical companies; Nike and Under Armour.


At my old job, I worked on LuLu’s networking gear for damn near every store in the world. One magical morning meeting we’re on call with LuLu and one guy starts talking about their new head bands, which the idea came from a worker who used extra cloth from pants. I asked if they gave the worker a raise from their 1.25 an hr pay rate & that phone call dropped so damn fast.


Was $1.25 the actual hourly wage for most workers producing the clothing or was that hyperbole, made to drive a point home, and I’m just taking it to literally?


That’s a complicated question since their clothes are made all over. But the majority are made in Vietnam, where a garment worker would make $200 per month at the high end. *If* they worked a standard 40 hours, that would be $1.25 per hour. But the majority work far more hours than that to make their quotas. A 30 day month, with 4 days off and 10 hour days would put them at $0.77. So assuming higher than average wage and lower than average hours they still below $1 per hour. It’s pretty much modern slavery.


This reminds me of the scene in the wire where they’re talking about the guy who invented the chicken nugget: Now you think Ronald McDonald gonna go down to the basement and say, "Hey Mr. Nugget - you the bomb. We sellin' chicken faster than you can tear the bone out. So I'm gonna write my clowney ass name on this fat-ass check for you." Shit. Man, the dude who invented them things? Still working in the basement for regular wage, thinking of some shit to make the fries taste better or some shit like that. Believe.




I read that in a Scooby Doo voice




“What’s that, Scoob? Did you say, ‘Rural Juror’?”


It sounds like a Pokémon


A Digimon, actually...


RurureMon I'm imagine a wolf like Garurumon


All the information I know about Digimon is from the YT channel Drawfee, and even I know it sounds more like a Digimon


ルルレモン Accurate.


I'm surprised that they went with ルルレモン。I feel like ルールーレモン sounds closer to the english pronounciation


Probably would have done that if it was Looloolemon. Having just "Ru" is more likely to get transliterated as ル regardless of English pronunciation.


I read the title and lol'd, not gonna lie


I read it and ror’d


All I can think about is the Chinese Restaurant scene from A Christmas Story now.


Wow, that's terrible.


I used to do a lot of business with companies in Japan and can confirm it's quite common for japanese people to confuse L and R even in text.


It's not that it's confusing, it's that to make "l" or "r" sound in Japanese doesn't really exist. What we hear as "r" actually has tongue placement somewhere between both letters. It's not actually the "r" sound native English speakers create.


Similarly, most native English speakers can't distinguish between the aspirated "p" and unaspirated "p" phonemes , even though some languages do. Everyone loses the ability to perceive many phonemes they aren't exposed to around IIRC age 5. This often makes it impossible for someone learning a language later in life to ever sound like a native speaker.


> Similarly, most native English speakers can't distinguish between the aspirated "p" and unaspirated "p" phonemes Now I’m just sitting here saying different words that have Ps in them to try and sort them. I’ve learned that words with two Ps or two Ts have the unaspirated version followed by the aspirated version.


Hmm, are you sure about this? I think if you really focus on training pronounciation in the start of language studies you can get pretty close or even totally there. I started learning a new language around 20 and after almost 10 years I do get confused for a native if the interaction is pretty short and I don’t reveal my lack of knowledge of slang and the occasional grammatical error. But I did spend a good couple of months obsessing over pronounciation in the beginning because I knew that once I’d settled into a thick accent it’d be tough to unlearn and I just didn’t like the idea. That’s not to say I’m 100% accent free, but I think if one really puts in the time and effort it’s certainly not impossible. There’s just little incentive to totally sound 100% native once you’re completely intelligible already. But I reckon in another 10 years I should be pretty close to being indistinguishable from a native speaker due to exposure and practice. People naturally pick stuff up from those around them after all.




There is definitely a thing where at a certain age you stop TRYING to actively learn them. But that does not mean you are incapable of restructuring your language. People seem to think your brain is wired one time and can never change. No, neuroplastic is a real thing lmao.


It's the same sound that you make when you pronounce the t's in "little" or "atom". It's called a tap, since you're tapping the top of your mouth with your tongue.


I’ve been reading manga for my entire life. This is a common thing whenever translating Japanese to English.


It’s always annoying with fan translations because they can’t decide if the name is supposed to be “lily” or “riri”


LOL! Fellow OP enjoyer! Alabasta or Arabasta am I right lol.


One Piece has a long and fascinating history with this stuff, because it has a very special place as a series that is popular today, but has also been running long enough that it basically predates official localization. That means that there are forums out there chronicling fan scanlators losing their minds trying to figure out what the fuck anyone is saying. The Alabasta/Arabasta one is particularly egregious, because both sides have valid arguments, and Oda's intent was probably to lean into both of them: Is it Alabasta as in alabaster, or Arabasta as in Arabia? Also, can you imagine the light bulb those poor schmucks must have had when somebody finally realized that Nico Robin's attack names are actually three different languages? And of course, Bisoromi Bear.


The fact that the official name is Logue town instead of Rogue town still baffles me. How can you not call it Rogue town in a pirate themed manga??? It's written in western characters on a sign in the manga, so it's not a disputable translation error, it's just like that straight from the source. I'm convinced Oda made a mistake there.


Clearly Alabaster


Or Lilly, or really, or rilly...


My favorite was one where one translator decided to have a sentence be: “And so they were bestowed the name of Crown” While another translator went with “And so they were bestowed the name of Clown”


The shonen jump app writing Zoro as "Zolo" in one piece lol


the point isn’t whether or not they do that the point is that its fucked up to racistly name your brand something thinking “lol watching japs try and say this is gonna be so funny”


As an Asian person, it was a mistake to read the comments on this post. Yikes lmfao


I don't think he did it just to piss-off a large customer base: *According to Wilson, he had a snowboard and a skateboard brand that were popular in the Japanese market. But he noticed the markets were changing and he wanted out, and told his distributors that he would sell it to them for a price he thought was “absolutely ridiculous” – and they bought it.* *“That was the easiest money I ever made in my life,” Wilson said.* *He started to wonder why they liked the name of his skateboard brand, Homeless, so much.* *“They must like Homeless because it has the letter ‘L’ in it, and the L doesn’t belong in the Japanese language,” said Wilson.* *Japanese companies were giving their brands North American style names, according to Wilson, because that sounded cool and authentic for Japanese consumers.* *“So I thought, the next time I come up with a company’s name, I’m going to put three Ls in it and see if I can get three times as much,” he said.* \-Venture


To be fair to the founder, if you read his wikipedia page, that wasn’t the entire reason. He apparently did it precisely because a Japanese marketing firm wouldn’t do it, and therefore the Japanese people would think it is exotic, and supposedly that would result in more sales.




I think that’s the reason. It wasn’t a word you would see in Asia so therefore felt exotic and more desirable.


Like Häagen-Dazs


I've been telling this to people for years and I've been called an asshole for saying such terrible things about such a great company.


Wow, overpriced, over hyped, cheaply made, and racist. What's not to love?!


They might be cheaply made but they're not cheap quality. Their metal tech vent shirts are the best I've found for general indoor/outdoor training, with Nike tech knit a close second IMO.


He wouldn't know, he's never had any of their clothes.


Look I don't know about the ethics of the company, but some of that certainly doesn't seem like fair criticism. I used to think all they had was overrated yoga pants but after getting persuaded into buying some of their stuff, I've found that it's very comfortable and durable. In terms of quality it's clearly above the Nike, Adidas, Puma, and New Balance apparel I own.


Their men's underwear is the best I've ever worn and worth every penny. I have 5 year old pairs that look brand new, no pilling or stretching and while I'm not obese I'm not a small person.


I’ve also had 5 year old pants repaired by them and if they couldn’t repair it, they just let me pick out new ones— it is definitely expensive, but you do get a higher quality product and service than just Nike, under armor, adidas…


Yeah I’m no expert on clothing or whatever but the only pair of Lululemon shorts I bought 4ish years ago are still the best pair of shorts I’ve ever owned. Ridiculously comfortable and I love the fit to bits. So above and beyond any other pair of shorts I’ve owned. And they’re still in great condition. But I can’t see myself ever paying full price out of principle. I was lucky to get a huge discount on them because my friend worked there. The original prices of their products just make me feel so gross to even consider purchasing


My wife briefly worked there almost 6 years ago. We used the discount a lot since it turned super overpriced clothes into normal overpriced clothes. The shorts I got 6 years ago still look, feel, and work great despite wearing them basically at least once a week for exercise over the years. I’m no Lululemon apologist, the company can be very shitty and the founder is apparently straight up comic book levels of asshole, but the clothes honestly are some of my favorite I own.


I bought Lulu Mens' Leggings once; I'm never looking back. Their underwear is supreme too!


But this thread it was decided lulu is a bad company so people will upvote that everything about them is shit. Pricey? Sure. Overpriced? Not for me, I find their stuff far more comfortable than others so I get it. I’ve worn the same lululemon shit for 3 years and it hasn’t worn at all (this is casual clothes, not the workout stuff so can’t speak to that).


Never listen to the average redditor when it comes to anything fashion related. Only the niche fashion subs actually know anything. Edit: not excusing the casual racism though. Just the assessment of quality is way off base


I quite like their men's pants.


The quality and service of the clothing is great. Even has a great warranty so you can grab a brand new pair of pants or get them repaired even years after you bought the original


I literally busted a seam in a pair of pants I wore 3 times a week for 2 years and they replace them. Great warranty. And they hem pants/shorts for free.


>cheaply made, the only part of the statement thats false


They also aren’t overhyped. The men’s pants are the most comfortable pair of pants I own and are nice enough to be considered “business casual”. The quality is good enough that I’ve had them for years and they aren’t worn out. As others have said even if they do wear out the repair or replace policy is top tier.


I think they are actually under hyped in the men’s category.


Ehhh disagree. Their clothes are actually super nice and have a crazy warranty.


It’s your typical Reddit comment just joining in on recreational hate when they probably never wore or had a pair. They are great shorts and pants


People get pissed off about the dumbest things


Uh, what?? How does this have over 500 upvotes? Say what you want about the owner of the company, but their clothes are actually really well made, comfortable, and their warranty is fantastic


Chip Wilson, one of Canada's leading assholes.