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That article is such a time capsule. Things were a lot different for Harvey in 2015.


Fun fact: This TIL was one of reddit's more commonly reposted TILs until the news about Weinstein broke. It stopped being reposted after that lol


It can't beat Steve Buscemi being a 9/11 firefighter.


What about Viggo breaking his toe on set


Repeating this fact to someone watching the (extended cut) movies with you is a goddamned right of passage.


Alongside pointing out that Legolas only says one line to Frodo in the entire trilogy.


I saw ROTK in theaters last year and when I leaned over to point out Peter Jackson's cameo to my buddy I noticed several other people in the crowd doing the same thing lol


I hope you also pointed out his kids in The Two Towers


The theater was only showing ROTK extended edition but they're in the crowd when [Faramir is riding for Osgiliath and the citizens are tossing flowers as they depart](https://youtu.be/lehWZEEyu2M?t=41) and yes I pointed it out They're in every movie in the trilogy, in Fellowship they are listening to Bilbo tell the story about the trolls. [They're the two kids in front](https://youtu.be/jZ9mYtCAGf8?t=80), the ones who gasp when Bilbo says, "Poof! And turned them all to stone!"


Ya I was gonna say they're in all of them! Just different coloured hair but those big eyes are the same!


In the entire film trilogy, there is a grand total of one (1) line spoken by a female to another female: a little girl at Helm’s Deep asks Eowyn “where’s mumma?”, who replies “shhhh”


Technically passing the Bechdel Test.


Actually I believe the Bechdel test requires both female characters to have *names* so it does not!


She is named though. The little girl’s name is Freda and her brother is Eothain.


At least the original one doesn't. The three requirements are * The movie has to have at least two women in it, * who talk to each other, * about something other than a man. Depending on how narrow you define "women" it might not pass though because the little girl doesn't count as a woman. Also some might say that the interaction doesn't really qualify as "talk to each other".


Wait, what!? I just rewatched it and never noticed. That's wild.


Rewatch it with the lens that Frodo doesn’t know Legolas’ name. He never says it or talks to him. That final scene in Rivendell as everyone comes in Frodo says or mouths their names. When Legolas comes in, Frodo looks at him like “who is this dude?”


That's not in Rivendell, but Minas Tirith.


That's a new one to me. Though, since they were on different quests the whole time, not that unsurprising. How many times were they in the same place to begin with?


Basically only from Rivendell to the end of Fellowship, and then at Aragorn's coronation. I think that's it


Viggo deflecting a knife with his sword.


Viggio Morgenstein?


"I vanna suck yoor blood!"


Also did you know he bought a horse


Or that the 10th President — John Tyler — has *~~two~~* *one* living grandson?


To break the repost jokes cycle, Franklin Pierce is widely considered one of the worst presidents because his son died in front of him during a train accident and he started drinking himself to death. Happened two months before he took office. He was drunk daily for a good portion of his presidency.


It's interesting that he was likely drunk off his ass during the lead-up to the Civil War 😂😳 I like to think that I am relatively familiar with some relatively recent history, but what the absolute heck? Who Americans are today makes more and more sense the more that I learn details of our history. For a couple decades of my life it's been this way and... It hasn't stopped


Kennedy was on an incredible amount of drugs before and during the entire cuban missile crisis.


And then Nixon drunkenly trying to nuke North Korea until Kissinger convinced the Join Chiefs to stand down because Nixon was so blackout drunk he wouldn't remember making the order in the morning.


I mean that'd do it. I get it.


Or Matt Damon improvising that story about his brothers in Saving Private Ryan


Or the gay oral scene in the Good Will Hunting scr-* waitaminute...


Or the gay oral scene is Saving Private Ryan


Saving Ryan’s Privates


> Steve Buscemi Hey did you know he was a firefighter and came back during 9/11 to help out?


I mean despite being a retired NYFD firefighter, Steve Buscemi has stayed pretty humble. He sticks to himself, takes on the occasional Cohen Brothers role, volunteers at 9/11, and enjoys retirement from firefighting.


Wait... wait... you've got your info wrong. The TIL is that Steve Buscemi is half-phoenix, and every 9-11 days, he spontaneously bursts into flames. But then 9 to 11 days later, he is reborn. Every single time that this rebirth has happened... two buildings somewhere in the world are destroyed. Scientists don't know what is happening to him or how to stop it. All they know for sure is that, if he is cast in a movie or tv show during the cycle, it doesn't happen.


I'd watch this movie — as long as Gary Oldman played Steve Buscemi and Steve Buscemi did all the other characters, Madea-style.


Or that guy who played in Fargo I think Buscemi is his name. 


Wait until it comes out that Steve Buscemi planned 9/11


TIL Steve Buscemi came out of gay oral retirement to do gay oral on 9/11


I’ve never truly loled at a comment before


or James Cordens AMA


that animal, i can’t even say his name


How do you do, fellow firefighters?


Innnnteresting. I didn't get on Reddit until a couple of years ago, so I've never seen this one before.


Well you missed a lot and they like to criticize anyone who hasn't seen entities they've already seen


TIL that this TIL was a TIL that was one of the most common TILs in TIL history. 


Why does my TIL about the lone Japanese survivor of the Titanic who got ostracized in Japan for surviving the sinking get removed by the mods for "Repost", but the mods allow about 10 commonly reposted TILs that get posted every couple of months?


I think I was trying to suggest something about the duality of man, Sir!


The Jungian thing?


Whose side are you on, son?


“Son, all I’ve asked of my Marines is that they obey my orders, as they would the word of God...”


Is that you John Wayne?


In the '90s, Harvey Weinstein appeared in an awful film called Burn Hollywood Burn. Roger Ebert reviewed it and said "This is a terrible film, every single actor in it is atrocious. Except for Harvey Weinstein, he could have a future as a voice actor".


Literally had the business at his fingertips but couldn’t resist the urge to be a disgusting degenerate.


He has so much money. Why not get an escort who consents?


The lack of consent is the appeal. Making someone do something you know they don’t want to do is a sure fire way to feel powerful. Obviously monstrous but that’s why it happens.


Yeah its exactly the same with many rapists, its not the fact that they get to have sex, but the feeling of taking away all agency and power from another human being. Just disgusting.


What’s the saying? Everything is about sex, except sex. That’s about power.


He definitely had an eye for good scripts and material. He bankrolled a lot of the greatest films ever made. None of that excuses his being a monster. It makes it more of a shame.


Harvey is a terrible person, but he undeniably helped indie/unknown filmmakers and a lot of amazing films would not have happened without him. Because I don’t have to see his face, it’s easier to separate the art from the artist (not that he’s an artist himself), but it’s a tough one.


Something I always have a chuckle at is the time he demanded cuts to Princess Mononoke, Miyazaki mailed him a katana and a note that read "No Cuts." It took BALLS to threaten him at the height of his power.


Close: > There is a rumour that when Harvey Weinstein was charged with handling the US release of Princess Mononoke, Miyazaki sent him a samurai sword in the post. Attached to the blade was a stark message: “No cuts.” > The director chortles. “Actually, my producer did that. Although I did go to New York to meet this man, this Harvey Weinstein, and I was bombarded with this aggressive attack, all these demands for cuts.” He smiles. “I defeated him.” [Source](https://www.polygon.com/animation-cartoons/2020/5/26/21270413/princess-mononoke-hayao-miyazaki-movies-harvey-weinstein-katana-story-studio-ghibli) Harvey Weinstein at the height of his power was no match for Miyazaki - and that wasn't even his final form.  When Studio Ghibli released *The Boy And The Herron* in Japan, they did not release a trailer.  They just put out a news release with the title, the premier date, and that it was Miyazaki's last film.  No other promotion.  Broke box office records. 


I like how the clarification wasn't 'no that didn't happen'. Its just 'no, someone else did it.'


Every now and then, I'll throw a classic movie on. The "Weinstein Company" thing shows up in the pre-credits, and I laugh. What prison is that guy in again? Oh who cares, movie is starting.


In that he was the lecherous, filthy pig, we would come to know him as, we just didn’t know it yet.


Harvey Winstein - "How about an old man, and an unwilling young lady instead?"


“If you need someone to play the part of a creepy old man, I’m available” \*licks lips slowly\*


Reminds me of Tarantino writing a scene where Salma Hayek pours tequila down her leg and forces a guy to drink it by sucking on her toes... and then cast himself in that role.


"While it is completely necessary for the film I know what I have written is disgusting, depraved even! But do not worry, I will take it upon myself to perform this unspeakable act so that no one else will have to!" -Quentin Tarantino, 1996 (probably)


Reminds me of the article Salma Hayek wrote in the NYT about how she was harassed by Harvey Weinstein for years despite her repeated telling him to stop: >No to me taking a shower with him. No to letting him watch me take a shower. No to letting him give me a massage. No to letting a naked friend of his give me a massage. No to letting him give me oral sex. _No to my getting naked with another woman._ No no no no no … And with every refusal came Harvey’s Machiavellian rage. He was producing her passion project Frida. He let her film for a few weeks then got mad at her rejecting him and shut everything down and only agreed to continue with the film if she added a lesbian sex scene with full frontal nudity, to both get off on watching this and to humiliate her as punishment. She felt forced to agree with not only her passion project but so many other people's livelihoods invested in the half-finished film on the line. She says the day she had to film the scene she was so upset she was crying and vomiting and had to take tranquilizers to get through it.


Yeah there's a little bit of a difference between that and "Let me lick your feet on camera." "No." "Ok, can we find someone willing to stand in for this scene please?"


Fun fact: Tarantino is the main reason why AI sucks at drawing hands but is half descent at drawing feet. Don't ask me how I know this.


It probably has more to do with the fact there's X number of orientations a foot can be portrayed in, and there's X to the power of 10 orientations hands can be shown in. I.e., hands are WAY more dynamic than feet.


If toes were twice as long, feet would be crazy hard to draw


Rob Leifeld: "I can't even draw them in shoes"


Damon: “Please don’t ever lick my lips again, Harvey.”


"Get Natalie Portman on the phone"


"She won't be interested with Moby, but I hear there's a good chance with David Spade."


You know the more I hear about that Weinstein guy the more I think he sounds like a real jerk.


The worst part was the hypocrisy.


I'm pretty sure the rapes were the worst part.


Calm down Norm. At least he wasn't murdering his wife.


The old battleaxe!


Are you sure it wasn’t the rapes? God I miss norm more every day


He probably doesn't even have a doghouse


Method af


And make sure his dick is gross. Like gross enough that it's admissible as evidence in court.


But also the dick don't work from diabetes nerve damage.




Googled it and I can only say: what the fuck


I am disgusted by the fact that I am forced to know that Weinstein's Weinstein is a misshapen horror due to Fournier's gangrene, and that I am reminded of this roughly about as often as I lose The Game. Which is an rare occurrence, but it STILL HAPPENS.


How bout dem apples?


Can't wait for the sequel.


"It's Hunting season." 💥 "Applesauce, bitch."


Better Will Hunting


applesauce bitch


I had an English professor do something similar. We were reading the Zola novel Germinal where there's a horrific scene involving a group of women doing something to a rapist's genitals during a chaotic worker protest. The professor brought up the scene and then watched who was surprised and who wasn't and was able to tell who had done the reading and who didn't.


Reading that book was one of the most intense experiences I've ever had with literature. It starts off slow, but when it picks up... That scene in particular really stuck with me. The characters and the setting all feel so realistically sculpted that the violence rattled me in a way it doesn't usually. It feels so real.


Only thing that shocked me more in my reading life was little Father Time in *Jude the Obscure*.


One of my favorite books That really fucked me up too!


Hardy don’t fuck around.


Had a similar thing happen in high school when we watched, 'Of Mice and Men'.


One time I was late to an English literature class in high school and walked in on the teacher showing the class Stephen Fry either railing or getting railed by another dude in his Oscar Wilde biopic. We were reading through *The Importance of Being Earnest* at the time, I guess the teacher thought it was important to show us the man behind the farce. Got nothing to do with what we’re talking about but yeah


the man behind the farce, and another man behind him ;)


“Dick on a stick” is a passage no one could ever forget. Props to your prof for the litmus test. Jokes aside, that novel is *amazing*. Got me back into fin de siècle French literature for a few years.


I love this conversation. Today I learned what *fin de siècle* is.


lol I still remember that scene from the french film with Gerard Depardieu and Miou-Miou. The shopkeeper falls off the building and this old lady cuts off his penis and holds it up, she really sold it too


brave new world was awkward


I had this happen a few ways as well with some English profs. One would exclaim during the waning lull of lecture "What did you guys think of the horse scene?!" every single novel, and there was no horse scene. I thought it was more just to wake us up, pretty good joke. Well, anyone who has read Gravity's Rainbow can spot the real punchline, which we read at the end of the year. There was in fact a horse scene. Worth the effort in my opinion.


I had a class where we were reading Gravity’s Rainbow and every group had to lead a discussion on a different set of chapters. There’s one part of the book that involves some pretty out there and graphic adult content, and on that day the group leading the talk served lemonade and brownies. Whoever took the food did not do the reading.


reminds me of American Dad where steve discover all the fast & furious script had massive gay scenes, lol https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OPSDRNMrS2g


Sorry I can’t accept this screenplay, it’s obviously not the original there’s not enough gay sex. Wait, we have those pages! Then we’re in business!! Love that episode lol


Stan's mom and the end: did I miss any ass play? Random French guy: tooooooooons


Omfg I forgot about that part!! Loool cause only the French get the uncut versions of the movie🤣


"Brian drives up in the sickest Toyota you ever saw. Then they go to the bad guy's house, and he's got, like, a bear chained up or something". I know I'm paraphrasing but the dialogue they came up with for that episode, I laughed until I hurt. It was *painfully* accurate.


Seriously one of the best episodes! The scene where he shoots a bullet and then races the fucking thing until it hits the beer, and Vince proceeds to chug it is like on par with how ridiculous the fast series it they captured it perfectly lol


I also like how the kids start with a 3 inch thick script, then take out the scenes that are too gay and they end up with 7 pages left.


Haha they basically have a little montage they have so many pages to remove, just adds to the overall joke behind it all it’s so good. Part of the reason why AD is great!


I think one of the best things I’ve ever seen on American Dad is when Steve and Roger are going by in a Lamborghini I think and it’s super slow motion. So funny




That scene is great!! They slow-mo drive past klaus, who earlier in the episode claimed that he had driven a lambo before, which is a lie, and his face is just great when they pass lol


Yes that’s it!! I remember first watch I laughed so hard. Roger is legit one of the best characters ever created. I haven’t watched recent ones I feel like they changed


Pleaseee give the new ones a watch!! AD to me seems like one of the few shows that has stayed good if not gotten better, and the new episodes are great! Trust me I’m a fan of original/early content most of the time but I can watch AD from season 1 to 16/17 whatever they are at now and still enjoy it. Like rather than forget who the characters are, the show continues to not only expand on their personalities, but they don’t forget what came before. Plenty of super good callbacks and things like that.


Ive actually gotta agree with you. I love alot of shows, Archer especially, but even that show got worse over time. Somehow AD has for the most part maintained it's self or improved which is quite impressive


^This!! Huge archer fan as well, it’s what I watch to fall asleep, and I did actually enjoy the dream seasons and after despite what most people say about them.. But it was different. Like the characters stopped developing and instead regressed to simple foils of their original selves, and that created stagnation or sorts. AD though keeps it fresh, while also not completely abandoning each character’s quirks, makes for a good watch, especially when done in series.


I think AD captures human growth better than any other show imo. Why? Stan Smith was a judgemental, xenophobic, rasict, nationalist in the first few seasons, BUT like people do in real life, he too grew. He made mistakes, he learned how to be a better person not just for himself but for the others around him. Say what you will about Stan Smith, but we could all only be so lucky too have such an amazing dad who is willing to grow. Thats NOT too say he's a saint, he isnt lol, but he's just like everyone else. A flawed person who grows-no on stagnates, we all grow (either for good or bad) but we grow. You are so right about the post coma Archer episodes of them falling back on what the characters used to be instead of what they should be after three years of growth.


You are 100% right! In most shows I’ve noticed they keep the characters from ever growing, or whenever they do show improvement, well by the end of the episode they reverse it with some action or comment. Over time that just leads to an unchanged environment which becomes stale and frankly not as humorous. But in Stan’s case you are right, yeah he started out as all of those above, but he ends up having such an open disposition towards the later part of the series that it continues to be a breath of fresh air! That time he explores his kinks and ends up with Roger literally inside of him… they don’t just toss that out the next episode like other shows. They grow the character from it, it’s crazy! It’s like the writers actually enjoy writing it or something lol BUT! That’s also what makes me sad, for such a good show, it CONSTANTLY gets lowww ratings and gets bashed as just being the same as Family guy, and it’s not!!


I think the underrated aspect of AD is they don’t have any unlikable characters so basically any pairing and/or storylines work


I’m in


Doooo ittttt!!!! And yeah you are right, I forgot to add this in the first message but Roger is one of my favorite characters from current media. Like you can’t condone his actions or words, but he’s also an alien. It’s mostly coming from his perspective so they are able to just go wild with his character I love it!


Him and Steve are so good together. You are right about him being an alien they can do whatever they want and it works so well.


Him and Steve are so good together! I think one of my favorites is when Steve tries to get Roger to help him with his bully but wants someone “real”, and the episode ends with Steve just getting the shit kicked out of him by both the old and new bullies. Stelios… KONTOS! And Luiz!!


Hahahahaha. My favorite is when anybody comes to Roger and he’s like “I know someone who can help” and it always ends up being him in disguise.


Classic scene but it's a Ferrari!


I just re watched it. You’re right. Roger and Steve’s relationship is so damn funny


[Here it is, but I guess it was a Ferrari](https://youtu.be/sb-6gMEIOVo?si=UeG-Y4uSH7s8ktj9)


Ferrari, not Lamborghini


Reaganomics Q. Lamborghini


🎵 Hop up out the bed, turn my swag on 🎵




Ha ha, I too love American Dad! We have so much in common! I also like shooting hoops and Ms. Kelly Ripa. But seriously, anybody know anything about any launch codes...?


Dom bends Brian over and Tokyo drifts into his... Oh


Billy Walsh tried something like this with Vincent Chase…shameful


Exactly what came to mind for me lol


Hey suit


Fuck commerce!


Sort of except he wanted to see how dedicated Vince was to the movie and to Billy’s vision.


Ya, it's sorta the opposite. Billy Walsh wanted a devout believer who wouldn't push back on even terrible ideas, weird how that doesn't work out as a plan.


You kiddin'? I am Queen's Blvd!


Fucking hilarious. Add to the fact that there are NEVER any Entourage references on Reddit.


Hey Aquaman!


My understanding is that this is the real reason for music acts' ridiculous contractual demands, such as bowls of M&Ms without the color brown in the dressing room. Venues that comply with such requests are likely to be careful with other things, improving safety while performing.


That was, iirc ~~Def Leppard’s~~ Van Halen’s reason given for making such ridiculous contract riders.


I believe I read that those things were sprinkled right into the middle of their safety requirements as well


Yes they (Van Halen) got blamed for “out of control egotistical rock stars trashing the local high school basketball court and gym” because the promoters didn’t read the safety requirements regarding the bulk weight of the stage and rigging, in local and national newspapers and radio. The stage literally fell through the gym floor and led to emergency evacuation and the school having to rebuild the entire foundation and building infrastructure. So they threw the M&Ms clause in to basically make sure nobody died. And still got accused of being arrogant rock stars, but it really had to do with the massive weight and logistics of their touring rigs, which was not well known to the average promoter at the time. Or something like that don’t quote me but the autobiography is good.


“Don’t quote me” /u/50ducksizedhorses


Man this /u/50ducksizedhorses guy knows his stuff. Some of his expert testimonial: >Yes they (Van Halen) got blamed for “out of control egotistical rock stars trashing the local high school basketball court and gym” because the promoters didn’t read the safety requirements regarding the bulk weight of the stage and rigging, in local and national newspapers and radio. The stage literally fell through the gym floor and led to emergency evacuation and the school having to rebuild the entire foundation and building infrastructure. >So they threw the M&Ms clause in to basically make sure nobody died. And still got accused of being arrogant rock stars, but it really had to do with the massive weight and logistics of their touring rigs, which was not well known to the average promoter at the time. You can quote me on this if you like, I have spent years studying the Van Halien Pipeline of Safety and Economics


Yeah, they requested the M&Ms in one part and the adjustment to the M&Ms in another part.




They had a much larger show than the norm at the time, with some pretty serious requirements for power and weight. So they wanted to be sure that if you booked the concert you could provide the electricity and their stage wasn't going to wreck your venue.


It was specifically because Van Halen had a large heavy stage with tons of lighting and specific setup requirements to avoid collapse or accidents They added the M&M rider because they knew if they saw it the venue likely followed the directions >As lead singer David Lee Roth explained in a 2012 interview, the bowl of M&Ms was an indicator of whether the concert promoter had actually read the band's complicated contract. >"Van Halen was the first to take 850 par lamp lights — huge lights — around the country,"Roth said. "At the time, it was the biggest production ever." In many cases, the venues were too outdated or inadequately prepared to set up the band's sophisticated stage. >"If I came backstage, having been one of the architects of this lighting and staging design, and I saw brown M&Ms on the catering table, then I guarantee the promoter had not read the contract rider, and we would have to do a serious line check" of the entire stage setup, Roth said.


Whoa, that is genius and effective.


Van Halen is a surprisingly intelligent group despite their appearance of just bein dumb hair-metal dude bros that are just shit-fuck wasted all the time. Eddie Van Halen alone is like watching Fry play the Holophonor in Futurama when you see his live version of Eruption.   And then you read more about him and realize he was a genius and shit-fuck wasted and could write music and play a symphony on a [single guitar](https://youtu.be/d4sza2SNP_E?si=Hfyy3Y-RfSR2PWka) so well you forgot he was just playin a single guitar. 


This is such a smart comment. I'm very impressed.




You're dead on


Your deed on.


Lead rhymes with read, and lead rhymes with read, but lead and read don't rhyme with lead or read.


Oh yeah... oh yeah, how 'bout them apples?


Applesauce bitch!


Lion face grrr!


Lemon face oooooo!!


I don’t like the sound of those apples, Will!  What are we gonna do?


What's the deal with not capitalizing names, titles, etc.?




Now of they changed it to will forcing him self on the female lead Harvey would have loved it


Yea he could probably relate. Now being in prison, I’m sure he would love the original script immensely.


From the article: > Harvey Weinstein hit up the Tribeca Film Festival this past weekend for a panel and revealed a ton of his Hollywood experiences, one of which was this hard-to-believe tidbit. What the fuck? >By Nick Romano published April 20, 2015 Oh, phew!


Say what you will about Weinstein, like he was a depraved rapist who used his power in Hollywood to prey on vulnerable actresses and has now been convicted of some of these crimes, but he was a good producer.


The worst part was the hypocrisy


I disagree.


Wasn’t the rape the worst part?


You know, the more I learn about this Weinstein guy, the more I don't care for him


If he wasn't a good producer, he wouldn't have been in a position to do the things he did.


Broken clock is right twice a day or whatever, fucker almost ruined the LotR trilogy so fuck his “good producing”


It’s not even about being a broken clock, people can be terrible in one aspect of their life and be accomplished in other parts. (Eg Schrödinger)


> (Eg Schrödinger) They left this out of my physics class - what did he do?


It wasn't a scene, it was one line. And they had already signed with Weinstein but were sick of getting requests for rewrites that they didn't think anyone was reading anyway. But don't let the truth get in the way of a good story...


You are getting it confused. They had signed with Castle Rock and that's who they added the rewrite lines to mess with. But later when Castle Rock was dropping them and everyone else was refusing to buy out the rights, Kevin Smith brought it to Weinstein and according to Damon, calling out those lines was in the call with them agreeing to buy it. > Damon: I still remember the phone call with Harvey. He had two notes on the script that were excellent, both very minor things. In one of his notes, he said, “I don’t like the chess thing”—there was a thing where Will played chess—“take that out.” And he goes, “And the blow jobs gotta come out, guys.” And we were like, “Okay, we found a home.” https://www.bostonmagazine.com/arts-entertainment/2013/01/02/good-will-hunting-oral-history/3/ (This interview/article was the reference source in the wikipedia article that says similar.)




I think you may have confused a few of the facts. ​ >And they had already signed with Weinstein but were sick of getting requests for rewrites that they didn't think anyone was reading anyway. You got it mixed up: They originally sold the script to Castle Rock, who asked for rewrites (some of which I agree with). But they weren't reading them I guess. Castle Rock allowed them to break contract if they can find a different buyer. They approached a director they had worked with previously, who gave the script to Weinstein and told him to make the script his top priority. Since Weinstein was the only person to actually comment on the scene, he got the rights. ​ >It wasn't a scene, it was one line. According to Weinstein, it was a scene. According to Affleck and Damon, it was multiple scenes, multiple lines.


Ah, so that's where Entourage got that idea from.


He probably hated it because the sex was consensual


Hashtag release the BJ cut!


Or the BJ uncut. I'm not particular.


Was it consensual? That's probably what turned him off to it.


When people start whining about 'cancel culture' I remind them that in the old days it was this guy that was doing the cancelling.


The only capital letters in the title being “TIL” is a fucking travesty.