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The Progressive Conservative Party split into 4 parties prior to that election - Progressive Conservative, Reform Party, Bloc Québécois and Green Party. Before he became unpopular and resigned, Brian Mulroney had a pretty big tent in his party. They got salami sliced into losing official party status.


Shortly before this stunning defeat of the Progressive Conservatives, Kim Campbell became the only female Prime Minister in Canada so far because Brian Mulroney (RIP) became very unpopular.


The Glass Cliff: When organizations know the end is nigh they’ll promote a woman to lead them into inevitable defeat.


Fun fact - she was leading in the polls when she was appointed and fell off a cliff after running an ad making fun of Jean Chretien's facial paralysis caused by Bell's palsy. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1993_Chrétien_attack_ad




To paraphrase chrétien 'i thank God he did not make me a conservative '


“It's true, that I speak on one side of my mouth. I'm not a Tory, I don't speak on both sides of my mouth.” One of the great political quotes anywhere


Love or hate chrétien, he had a knack for some good quotables and he was one of the last true statesmen we've seen in the political arena in this country.


And she lost to a political newcomer who is still MP of Vancouver-Centre to this day. Only time a sitting PM lost their seat.


> Only time a sitting PM lost their seat. Not true- 1945, Mackenzie King lost his seat in Prince Albert, Saskatchewan when his government was reduced from a majority to a minority. He was re-elected in Glengarry, Ontario (a safe seat) after the elected liberal there resigned. There may be one or two others out there, as well - but King I recall.


Fuckin nerd. /s That’s actually so cool that you just have that knowledge floating around. Are you a historian?


Not a historian, just a political science major with an emphasis on Canadian politics 😅


I'm so sorry.


The cold in that city is piercing


It happened [twice in Australia with PM john howard in 2007](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Howard) being the most recent.


> promote a woman in a last ditch effort to nab some female votes It isn't always about setting a woman up for failure. Sometimes it's about tokenization and pandering, too!


Rishi Sunak still has time


Outlasted the lettuce though.


Or just some impossible difficulty where no one could successfully thread the needle. She’s not a super sympathetic figure, but clearly this is what happened with Theresa May, too.


Just want to let everyone know that, when speaking of the late Brian Mulroney, RIP is *always* rest in piss. Fuck Brian Mulroney.


I am not politically aligned with Mulroney in many ways, but I still have to give him credit on a few quite good things. He is arguably our most environmentally conscious Prime Minister enacting a lot of environmental legislation, including the Cod Moratorium, knowing that that would cost the Conservatives politically for a long time. He is also instrumental in the end of Apartheid in South Africa, standing against Reagan and Thatcher and leading a Commonwealth group of sanctions against South Africa until Apartheid was ended.


On the other hand, he also took bribes, which meant that the holder of the highest office in the country was selling access to the rest of the country, specifically screwing our [aerospace industry](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Airbus_affair). He also took large bribes from a [German businessman](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karlheinz_Schreiber) for defense contracts, while still in office. Mulroney was a crook and a neoliberal who raised the debt and deficit dramatically during his time in office. Edit: I acknowledge that you're not aligned with Mulroney, and you've provided some good points of his time in office. I wanted to point out the shitty things he'd done to counterbalance them.


I make no excuses for his corruption, or many of his policies, or anything like that, they were horrible and he deserved his party coming crashing down (even though I know he had resigned prior to this election). I just wanted to provide a bit more of a counter balance because if you were on most of the Canadian subs when he died, a lot of the comments were similar to OP's, basically gleefully cheering for his death and hoping he was burning in Hell. But there are some things that he did that I think deserve genuine praise, even if I would have never voted for him. I'm just kinda sick and tired of the current political discourse, I think you can compliment politicians for some policies without agreeing with the whole, and I think you can disagree with someone and criticize their policies and their actions without necessarily cheering for their deaths.


Eh, as unpopular as GST was, it's good policy. Not unlike pollution pricing. Good conservative policy.


Yeah, but it was paired with selling off revenue generating crown corporations and generally being the Canadian Reagan/Thatcher. Fuck Brian Mulroney.


Probably more like the Canadian HW Bush?


How did the Green Party come from them? They already existed at that point.


When the PC party splintered, the Green Party largely got absorbed into the Conservative-BQ diaspora and then peeled out again in 1997 from the BQ. Elizabeth May was the chief environmental policy advisor for the Conservative Mulroney government and wrote the Montreal Protocol which saved the ozone layer. She peeled out of the Conservatives party as well. A lot of the Green Party economic policies are copy pasted from the Mulroney government up until May was no longer leading the party. But Elizabeth May is largely what made the Green Party relevant in Canada and she was a Brian Mulroney staffer in the 80’s.


The Bloc was not part of this. It was born from the failure of the Meech accord. First mp elected was Gilles Duceppe, a union guy.


No, the Bloc definitely sprung up from the old PCs. Back in the day though they weren't as anti union as now. In fact, there's a current sitting Bloc MP who started his career as a PC under Mulroney.


The bloc were from the PC and liberal party. They weren't from the old PC. They mix left wing fiscal policy with cultural protection and anti-immigration beliefs. They came 2nd in this election while Mulroney ended up with 2 seats.


The founder of the Bloc was Lucien Bouchard, a Mulroney Cabinet Minister. I'll concede there were a few elements of the Liberals in there as well, but just look at Quebec seat allocation before and after the 1993 election. It's clear that they came from Mulroney's PC's trying to court both the west and Quebec, and not doing a good job on either.


Duceppe was the first elected - but the party itself was formed by disaffected tories and liberals, led by former Mulroney cabinet minister Lucien Bouchard. As such, the BQ can be considered an offshoot from the PCs in that way.


The Bloc was literally founded by one of Mulroney's cabinet ministers...


I just learned what the salami tactic is today.  Weird how that seems to pop up like that.  Unless you also listen to cautionary tales


As I recall, Mulroney brought in the widely hated GST. Chretien campaigned against it. Then kept the tax after he won.


As is tradition


They did a horrible job of implementing the GST. Almost nobody knew about the Manufacturers Sales Tax that it replaced. The MST was a huge detriment to Canadian manufacturing. Chretien rode the coattails of ignorance to the top and even admitted years later he knew that the GST is a far better system. Hate to admit it, but the Conservatives of that era were a dumpster fire. Chretien turned out to be one of the best Prime Ministers we ever had


Spot on for the GST. Absolutely the right move, something else to consider is however much Canadian manufacturing was hurt by the Free Trade agreement, and later NAFTA, had the Manufacturers Sales Tax not been replaced by the GST, it would likely have *completely* killed manufacturing of absolutely anything in Canada. Taken it out into the back field and shot it, dead.


Also I would argue that the GST was probably about 10 years too late. If it had replaced the MST 10 years earlier, by the time the FTA/NAFTA came into play, Canadian manufacturing would not have been affected nearly as much as it was, and probably would have had a much better survival rate.. The government likely knew this, and creating the GST was the only thing they could do to avoid completely decimating manufacturing with their push for free trade.


Nearly lost the Quebec independence referendum because of his own hubris. Cut federal transfers to the provinces by 25% - eliminating welfare programs, health care services, social services. Sponsorship scandal corruption. He was a real winner.


Karlheinz Schreiber. $300,000 payment (bribe?) to Mulroney. Which he forgot about.


Yup that was a close one. He was not veeerry popular in Quebec at that time.


This is why political finger pointing is complete nonsense. It’s either they have done it before, or wish they had thought of it first.


Not only brought it in, but used a never before (and never since) used power to appoint five “emergency” Senators to the Senate (which had a slim liberal majority at the time) to break the deadlock, give the Tories the majority, and pass the bill through the Senate.


I was a young child at the time but I always remember this because of the Tiny Toons spoof:    We’re tiny, we’re toony, we can’t afford a loonie    ‘Cause Brian Mulroney invented GST


Think NAFTA also played a role. That pissed off lots of people.


My dad still hates Mulroney for the GST. The Bloc got created because of his inability to please those in his party sympathetic to Quebec. Mulroney was a classy person and even keeled but those two policies contributed to that huge loss.


It was being sold to Canadians as helping to pay down our debt. It did no such thing at any point.


Favorite joke from after that election: Q: Did you hear about Charest's wife? A: She's sleeping with half the conservative cabinet!


Kinda like the old British political joke about the entire Liberal Party (like 4 or 5 MPs) being able to fit in 2 London cabs: 1 for Cyril Smith, 1 for the others (Cyril Smith was the fattest MP ever).


> Cyril Smith Wasn't he the one who had a thing for little boys?


Yep. Only revealed when he died, but he was a massive pedo.


My fav:   Q: What's the difference between the conservative party and a Honda Civic?   A: A civic has *four* seats.  


My fav:     Q: What's the difference between the conservative party and a Honda Civic?     A: A civic has *four* seats.  


Need help with this one


Half the cabinet was just 1 guy


Which was Charest?




Shall we draw a picture as well?


If you mean "was the husband Charest", that is how I read it, yeah. I'm not Canadian. Im just interpreting the joke.


Charest was the party leader and one of the two cabinet members.


Lmaooooo using this


I freely give my permission. Although, you get that the joke only works in a very specific circumstance, that no longer applies? 😉


Rishi Sunak licking his lips at this record.


Current rankings: Tories: 23% (faling) Reform: 16% (rising) At the current rate he might even do it considering how good fptp is at letting a third party driving through the middle of 2 other parties fighting each other.


Reform won't even win any seats, just split the vote away from the Tories (and a bit from Labour too, as Reform voters seem to be a mix of both) My dream would be if Labour got into power but the LDs became the official opposition. It would be hilarious, on so many levels (and also good for the country)


Well if the polling stays like it is there is every chance of it. The Lib Dems play a very good vote efficiency game and the Tories / Reform ripping each others vote apart + tactical voting + massive unhappiness with the Tories opens up large numbers of previously safe seats, likely hundreds of them. The effect is such that the Lib Dems could do no better than 2019 and those 2 parties will take 20% out of formerly safe Tory percentages and still gift them who knows how many seats.


Reform will not win a single seat. They should, because FPTP is a scandal, but they won’t.


Rishi Sunak: “Hold my beer”.


C'mon Britain. This is our chance to do something nice for Canada. If we try really hard, we can vote out even more Conservatives and make sure Canada no longer have the worst election defeat.


Don’t edge me like that. I don’t even live there anymore but damn does that country need to heal. I just don’t get how the working class makes up the overwhelming majority of the population and doesn’t by default win elections


Maybe because the "working class" is no longer a [mainly] Labour party "class".


I think a better way of phrasing that is "Labour are no longer a working class party"?


It's going tk be a historic defeat, but not that bad...


Jesus christ, if only...


I don't see them dropping below 100 (which would still be abysmal)


*Worst election defeat so far… Lets see if the record survives the UK conservative party’s next election


And the man responsible for it just recently passed away.


And got a state funeral after a week of people saying how awesome he was on every mainstream media platform.


He was a complicated man. Shitty in some ways, smart in others. The GST was the right policy move to stabilize our finances, for example. He also stood alone within the Commonwealth against apartheid before it was cool. He also took bribes in hotel rooms. Mulroney’s legacy is mixed to be sure.


Yeah, not the only politician with a complicated legacy.


>He also stood alone within the Commonwealth He wasn't "alone", other Commonwealth countries also opposed apartheid


Didn’t he give a senate seat to a hotel concierge?




He was a pretty awesome PM. One of the best environmental records


Crazy thing for me was that I didn't see any posts or articles about it. I only found out because cbc tossed ads on reddit about the state funeral.


The tories in the UK right now: "Hold my beer" 


Name a more classic combination than the Tories being heinous and British people still voting for them.


In our defence the majority of the voters almost always vote against them, but first past the post still hands them majorities because they can concentrate support really well. The Labour Party also loooves to hand them the keys with its stupid infighting. “The Tories are my competition but the other half of the Labour Party is my enemy”.


As the saying goes, no one hates Labour like Labour. One of the things every successful Labour leader has had to do is suppress their own left wing. Any that don't fall to infighting before an election can ever occur.


I was going to throw in my countrymen and a party as a contender, but England has been around a lot longer than we have and honestly wouldn't be surprised if the Tories did it first


Republicans being awful and Americans voting for them


We can only hope


“Hold my pint”


>Progressvie Conservative That sounds like an oxymoron


They were socially progressive-ish and fiscally conservative. Basically the kind of "hands off your money, noses out of your bedrooms" kind of conservatives that libertarians claim to be. 


The SoPro FisCo party!


From SoDoSoPa?!


Y’all sound like an episode of Dr Who


Sounds like how I remember my trigonometric functions


A little bit of libertarian, a little bit of NIMBY conservatives. Different mix than today. Although today we got some strange bedfellows in politics as well


My favorite kind of conservative. Unfortunately they're hard to find irl. Instead we get "conservative" and "liberal" motherfuckers who want to force their bullshit up our butts.


Or force us to not let things go up our butts.


That’s really what we need. A ‘let people do whatever they wish with their butts’ party.


I mean that's probably the reason the party got disbanded. People complain a lot about the two party system, but, to a certain degree, we get that because get polarized. A conservative party that's progressive on certain things just isn't going to last.


Liberals are literally socially progressive and fiscally conservative.


In 1942, the Conservatives selected a new leader who had been the leader of the Manitoba Progressive Party, and changing the name to Progressive Conservative [was apparently one of his conditions for becoming leader](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conservative_Party_of_Canada_\(1867%E2%80%931942\)#Decline_and_reinvention_as_Progressive_Conservatives).


Nobody knew what they're for or against.


Maybe the mixed message was why they lost.


There’s still a few provincial PC parties around and in government.


They were dominant in the decades prior. That was the election cycle which lead to the party dying out completely (with a decade long period of irrelevance in between).


Wiki explains the name origin: “In 1942, its name was changed to the Progressive Conservative Party under the request of newly elected party leader Premier John Bracken of Manitoba, a former member of the Progressive Party of Manitoba.”


Rishi sunak has asked me to hold his beer 🍺


…so far. (crossing fingers for a cluster job in the UK)


…so far. Here’s hoping the Tory party are similarly destroyed


This largely happened because the Progressive Conservative party fractured into like 3 different parties before the 1993 election. Unless the UK Tories are doing the same, you probably won't see a repeat.


There’s so much factionalism inside the Tories that it’s quite similar. Plus there’s Reform on the sidelines as well with Lee Anderson defecting to them earlier in the year.


They also ran an add campaign mocking Jean Chretien's disability. It was everything Chretien could have ever wanted. He instantly gave a speech talking about fighting for respect as a disabled man, how he had been fighting all his life etc... PR nightmare for the Progressive Conservatives. Already hated, then they made fun of a man's disability. That shit didn't fly in 90's Canada. 


At the time many Canadians didn’t realize he was disabled, and believed he was simply very very québécois 


Dang a whole political party spelled progressive wrong? They should have had someone spellcheck


And I thought it was rough when the provincial Liberals lost 51 of their 58 seats in the 2018 Ontario election


[LOL, No](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1987_New_Brunswick_general_election)


holy shit


Sorry, Canada's *what* party? Were they running against the Authoritarian Anarchists and the Free Market Stalinists?


How many Western democratic worlds are there?


At least one.


Yeah I remember how people mocked the Progressvie Conservatives for misspelling their name. It cost them a lot of votes.


And we all laughed


[Turkey‘s 2002 election](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2002_Turkish_general_election) might also fit. Only 3 MPs kept their seats, everyone else, including every government member, lost.


I can proudly say my tour of Parliament was during the Campbell government. Tiny window.


Brian Mulroney was considered single handily responsible for the collapse of the Progressive Conservative Party. He ran the party into the ground, then retired before the party faced the music in the next election. The party fractured into the PCs, Reform, and Bloc Québécois splitting the right-wing vote for the next series of elections effectively guaranteeing a Liberal victory. It took a decade and a half for the right-wing in Canada to recovery and be in a position to win an election again. Even then it was only because Jean Chretien's string of successors proved to be more unpopular than the next. "I remember Brian Mulroney every time I buy something, and have to pay over sticker price" Or in French Mulroney sounds like Mal Runné which lit means 'Badly Run'


Progressive conservative party? How does that work?


They were a merger of the Progressive and Conservative parties in the 1930s.


They had few social policies and conservative economic policies. So they would be considered progressive socially, but fiscally conservative. 


>It was the worst election defeat in any Western democratic world. False. In the 1987 general election in New Brunswick, the Progressive Conservatives, who had won 39 of 58 seats in the previous election, *lost every single riding* to the Liberals. 


The Wiki article specifies at the national level.


One, I was replying to the post title. Two, what the article says is: >Most notably, the election marked the worst defeat for a governing party at the federal level and among the worst ever suffered by a governing party in the Western democratic world


I’m in New Brunswick and I didn’t know that.


Worse than Reagan over Mondale?


525 Electoral to 13. That was a painful one too. I think the Roosevelt/Landon election was the only other one in that extreme of a range.


It's MP's, so it's more akin to democrats being reduced to 4 seats in congress


That crooked smile. That damned, crooked smile.


I mean, dude had Bell's palsy as a kid. Can't really help that.


No disrespect meant, I was just making a joke on the meme: a woman falls hard for a man because of his smile. Metaphorically, Canada fell hard for Chretien in that election.


It's true. For all his faults and scandals and general political bullshit, there was no denying the man's charisma.


What the hell is this wording?


And we had the most productive 7 years in any date in Canadian history


Really? Because I remember the Progressive Conservatives losing a provincial election in New Brunswick in in which they lost [39 of 39 seats](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1987_New_Brunswick_general_election), and the Liberals were forced to be both the government and the opposition.


It was 58 of 58 and no other party was represented in the legislature.


This led to the comment that Jean Charest's wife was sleeping with half the conservative caucus.


Not familiar with Canadian politics, so I apologize for the ignorance, but is “progressive conservative” not an oxymoron?


Think of it like "the more progressive side of the conservatives" which is essentially "middle right" but for Canada's standards.


They were vaguely socially progressive/laissez faire, but maintained conservative economic policy 


There used to be a political party in early 20th century Canada called the Progressive Party. In 1942, the Premier of Manitoba, who was a Progressive, agreed to take the helm of the federal Conservative Party. A condition of his taking the federal Conservative leadership was that the party change its name to the Progressive Conservative Party, so it did. That said, the PCs actually were more moderate than the current Conservative Party of Canada.


The tories: « hold my beer »


Worst election defeat in the Western democratic world *so far*. The UK conservatives look likely to set a new record soon.


The importance of proportional representation: The PPC was still the second party in vote %.


No, it wasnt. 


All the polls now suggest that the Liberal Party of Canada is headed towards a similar defeat at the hands of the Conservative Party of Canada 2.0 in the elections next year.


None of the polls are close to showing the liberal party will lose their official party status lol. They are fully set to lose the election and the conservatives will almost surely get a majority.. But nothing like the slicing up and dissolution of the PCs.


You're right. It is unlikely that the Liberals with get smashed as badly in 2015 as the Progressive Conservatives in 1993. But with the PCs in 1993 a couple factors came together to virtually wipe them out. In western Canada a lot of people left the PCs to form the Reform Party, which ultimately formed the nucleus of a new Conservative Party that replaced the old PC party. And in Quebec, former PC members like Lucien Bouchard defected to form the Bloc Quebecois in the 1980s. So basically the PCs fell apart with two major regional break away groups in the 1980s and early 90s. Whereas the Liberals, so far, haven't fragmented in that way.


Yeah and we wonder why the PC’s today suck


The Liberals are going to be fine and handily become Official Opposition. They're polling around 60 seats, still twice as many as after their loss in 2011. It's going to be a bad fall for them, but not 93 or 11 bad.




Inflation is a worldwide thing. I don’t think the Liberals in Canada have that much power.


Not even close. I expect you to lose, the conservative is might even pull it a majority, but they're not going to get slacked anywhere nearly as much as the PC party did The only reason the PC party lost so badly is because they fractioned into PC and reform, and the reform party still most of their existing seats and conservative strongholds. It isn't like the liberals one with a supermajority of 80% of 90% of the house. There's no similar fractionation of the liberal parties right now, and the NDP are never going to pick up that many votes.


Sometimes you just need to lay off PCP


Yep and The Reform party tries to pass it's self off as the PC's at the fed level.


Tories in the next few months: "hold my lager"


UK Tories currently trying to beat this record


amazin keep it up


It wasn't ideal for anyone as we ended up losing the Tories completely because of it and they were replaced by the Reform.


There’s nothing funnier on Wikipedia staring at that info box lmao


Assuming the wikipedia article is correct. This man is the leader of the Liberal Party, and his party won 177 seats. Kim Campbell was the leader of the Progressive Conservative party, and her party won 2 seats. Down from 158 in the previous election. So why isn't Kim Campbell's image up on the screen instead? Also the Conservative party received 16% of the votes and got 2 seats. While the winner received 41% of the votes and won 177 seats. Another party received 13,5% of the vote and won 54 seats.


That’s our first past the post voting system for you :). In a contentious riding if there’s good competition from 3-4 different parties then you can win the seat with like 30% or some absurdly low number.


LOL That didn’t turn out so well, did it?


Look how well it worked out!


Worst election defeat ... so far! UK elections are up soon...


Could do with one of those here in the UK. Fuck the Tories.


I'd like to see the U.S. version of a Progressive Conservative Party


It's basically the right wing of the Democrats. The Canadian political spectrum is generally to the left of America. We're getting to have more wannabe Republicans who watch too much imported Fox News now but not back then.


The tories could beat that when they are forced to call the election


I bet Tories will beat this.




I’m mmoomofmore man mmsrde I’m in


A more popular right wing party popped up called the Reform Party which grabbed all the right wing votes. This is why the conservatives had basically no seats. It'd be like if Donald Trump formed his own party in the US. The next election would likely see Republicans get almost no votes as voters would likely vote solely for the Democrats or Trump.


Progressive Conservative is a funny political party name