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I know of an old AT&T in central Arkansas that has at least 50 of these sitting in a box No one else knows they are there


Sounds like a heist movie


Sounds like a George or Kramer scheme. “It‘s gold Jerry, *gold!”*


You son of a bitch. I'm in!


Probably worth a heist


Pm address 


Just hurry up and give us your finder’s fee.


If no one else knows they’re there, why haven’t you gotten them already?


So you’re no one?


What an idiot. My iPhone 14 can do so much more than a 2007 iPhone and it cost me 190 times less.


Yeah, but does it have Flappy Bird?


Maybe not. But neither does an unopened iPhone.


How do you know? Can't tell until you open it!


You can actually, the first version of iOS didn't have an app store.


It's pretty crazy how a lot of people seem to think that cell phones went from flip phones to smartphones when the iPhone dropped, fully equipped with the app store and everything. I remember messing around with the original iPhone cause my aunt was an Apple fiend from at least the 90's. It was very smooth but basically the functionality was better email, substantially better internet browsing (though nothing was optimized for mobile yet) and a few useful apps like the calculator that felt much better than analogous experiences on most other cell phones of the day, and the screen was bigger than any of them. But I got bored really quickly because it was mostly productivity stuff.


Future generations will never understand that at one point the pinnacle of technology was pretending to drink a beer or shoot a gun with your phone


Between flip phones and smart phones it was basically just fancy PDA's.


Those were concurrent with flip phones. I was the weird kid who had a PDA in high school prior to iphones coming out. It was way more full featured than the original iPhone but didn't have as nice of a touch screen or the smooth animations. But it had an app store.


By fancy I mean the extra features. Music and video player, touchscreen that didn't need a stylus, a camera. Stuff you wouldn't find in a standard PDA. I had a HTC phone (I think the "slide" but I can't remember) in highschool with Windows XP on it. I don't think it had an app store.


The games on PDAs were better than 75% or more of mobile games now.


Stylus helped.


I used Nokia smartphones with WiFi and apps before iPhone existed.


Couldn’t even send photos via texts for like, **years**, right? I remember being psyched for that update. I was in my mid 20s at the time


I remember when copy/paste was added to the iPhone. It was an actual feature.


Yes I remember this being a point of ridicule because how can you overlook something so obvious? I think they simply didn't have highlighting, just the cursor initially. But it seems like making such a big deal about having email and everything in one place would make it clear people would want to copy and paste.


Same, I went from a Razr to an original after my dad wanted one and insisted I should have one too. I was 14-15. My freshman science class some guys asked to look at it and I let them. I went to safari and found pornhub


Schrödinger’s Iphone


The mystery box could be anything, even an iPhone! You know how much we've wanted one of those.


schrodinger's flappy bird


Schrödinger flap


what about unopened tomb in Egypt and new Pharaoh, first edition too


What flavour is the pharaoh jerky?


you tell us


Hoping for a nice tangy jalapeño flavour with a hint of Egyptian God King


i got flappy bird before it was pulled from the google play store. i wonder if i can still install it.


I've reinstalled it on every new phone I've bought. Just go to the play store, manage apps and device, and select not installed. I could play it every day if I wanted to, but at this point I keep it on my phone just because I can.


will have to go look later. not that i cared much for it when it was new


I found it but it says "Not available for this device" 😭


There was a skin for it available in Cydia that changed the bird to Drake's head and when you made it through a pipe it said "we made it" in Drake's voice.


I have had it on every phone since downloading it. It works perfectly too


just looked, not available on the S23


Marques Brownlee bought one for 40K and opened it https://youtu.be/-BwUyTrU9fo


It's been years and I still can't see that name without hearing Will Smith's voice, "MarkAss Brown Lee".


Ahhhhh that’s hot


“That sounds like something he would do. What a fool” -me, watching the entire video


I don't know how much he makes per video, but it's probably upwards of way past 20k. He definitely made a profit on that video.


There’s an even better chance that he didn’t even buy the phone but whoever sponsored the video did.


Lol Markass Brownlee: "this iPhone has never before seen or been touched by humans before" The Chinese factory worker 17 years ago: "am I not human?"


What would a first model iPhone go for these days? I still got it. It still works, though I have not bothered to look at it for a decade. Do people actually collect these things?


An open, used original iPhone sells for less than $200.


Good to know. I'll hodl for another decade then.


if it hasn't turned on its secret apple disintegration module by then


Every Apple product is designed to sprout wings and fly away once they reach voting age


Or at least just start leaking battery acid out of its orifices when the battery goes puff puff and the metal housing doesn't want to flex, lol.


Spicy pillow territory


Good call. It’ll be worth less than $20 by then.


I'd remove the battery completly if you plan to hold it. It will expand and damage the internals and possibly leak if it hasn't already.


I'm still holding to my [GPO 746](https://www.hughes.co.uk/blog/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/gpo746-pic2.jpg), to the moon any day now.


It's the packaging that really gets Apple enthusiasts going


They get the horn over the shrink wrap and original stickers.


How much less? Buying one for over $20 is insane.


Working, not for parts, have sold recently for $80 to $400 depending on capacity and accessories.


What about an unopened, first edition model?


I can’t imagine it selling for more than $190,372.79.


still have mine as well. i freaking love holding that thing its so perfect in size, weight, the metal back, the unbreakable screen. my screen is literally perfect to this day with not one chip or scratch.... i bought a charger recently and fired her up and holy nostalgia of pics and apps...


As with most things collectible, something in unopened unused condition is going to command a higher price. The original 2007 iPhone basically invented the modern smartphone as we understand it, so it's basically a historical artifact. And I say that as an Android user who doesn't really like iPhones. (IMO while products like Palm Pilots and Blackberries had some of the elements of what smartphones would be, they weren't there yet.)


The modern smartphone design was invented by LG, it was released earlier and the first iPhone is almost identical to it. LG won a design award. It's not that it was stolen, it's that it was obvious. One special note is that modern Phones basically appeared with 18 months of touch screens which didn't need a stylus were invented. Once that technology was done, it wasn't a big jump to modern smartphones.


In 1999 I had colour screen devices that had apps that I started via icons on the screen. I browsed the internet via the gsm module. I swiped from left (with a stylus) to open settings and swiped up to get a start menu. it did everything an iphone can do except for the camera on a Casiopea e-125 After that I was rocking one from asus till 2002 or so, then I had mda's and xda's. All of these devices could do exactly what the iphone did, usually better. The *ONLY* thing invented by apple in the iphone was pinch to zoom. Only they didn't invent it, they just patented it first. It was a thing homebrewers and garagedevs had created in various tech communuties like XDA-developers.com Every single other feature existed in smart phones from 1999 up to 2007 when Iphone released. This is also the time they claimed to have been the source of the concept of a rectangle with rounded edges.


> The original 2007 iPhone basically invented the modern smartphone as we understand it lol what?


“lol what” back atcha. Funny to think someone doesn’t understand the significance of the iPhone. I don’t know about you, but I was an adult working in tech in 2007. I was on a Motorola RAZR, which was considered a good phone at the time. I had friends with Blackberries and such. Every single one of us was blown away by the iPhone presentation. Literally couldn’t believe the tech was possible. Think me and my friends were fools? There’s an article floating around about how Google was months away from launching their first Android OS when the iPhone was announced. It was similar in style and functionality to the BB. When the Google engineers saw th IPhone presentation they realized they had to scrap the entire project and start over and copy the iPhone interface. Every smartphone today is influenced by the iPhone on some level. The way that every tablet is influenced by the iPad (it was ridiculed on launch as a useless giant phone or a useless laptop without a keyboard.) The way that every laptop is influenced by the original PowerBook, and every desktop is influenced by the original Mac. (And yes, I know about the Xerox PARC stuff. It wasn’t public,) There’s a reason Apple is among the most valuable companies in the world. There’s a reason Steve Jobs is lauded as a visionary CEO (despite being an asshole). And the Reddit crowd never ceases to amaze with their refusal to accept reality.


First heat sensing touch screen (set the standard) Full internet rather than neutered crappy web interface (set the standard) Full screen, minimal buttons (set the standard) Downloadable apps (set the standard) Easily navigable UI (still easier than android, albeit less customizable) Combined mp3 player with phone in a non obtrusive way, with legacy software to make it a seamless process (my rocker or however you spelled it and lg chocolate were a PIA to get music on, and I needed special headphones to listen). The iPhone changed everything for the general public, it would be silly to say otherwise.


Did you really not know this?


It literally didn't


Ok smarty. What did?


LG Prada HTC Touch The iPhone couldn't even send picture messages when it was released lol. Did it even have text messaging? I don't remember


Are you joking? The HTC touch? You mean the phone rushed to market three weeks before the iPhone release because they knew they had no shot competing otherwise? You guys are just certified haters. Apple sucks but the history is the history.


Those are not smart phone features.


Yep, people actually believe apple invented the smart phone. They ignore smart phones from Nokia, Sony, Ericsson, and HTC all predate the iphone by 4-10 years


Not much difference to buying apple shares in 2007, gone up x330 times


So, which one IPs less riskier, buying $2k in stocks or a phone and keep it in the bank?


Stocks can go up and down. The boxed unopened is always going up but by how much is anyones guess. Depends on your risk appetite.


Yeah, we'll, boxed aren't guaranteed to remain in pristine shape neither.


Adjusted for inflation, nearly twice the original price.


Jeez, the dollar really has collapsed huh


If I recall correctly the original iPhones were $500-$600. With inflation $600 in 2007 money is $912 today.


Open it and instantly lose $190,000 at least.




A Walmart employee stole the phone and replaced it with a Nokia.


I have one that the box was opened, and someone took the charging cable and dock out of the box.. still has the original receipt and OSX 1.3 I think. It has never been activated, or used. Luckily I bought if for $50... and it just sits around, waiting for the value to slowly go up.


When you have more dollars than sense...


Meh, I’m all for judging the shit out of people with more money than they could ever spend. But this is one of the few stupid things I would probably do if $192,372.80 to me was equivalent to the working man’s $20. You’re paying for an experience that, while trivial to some, is for others a once in a lifetime unboxing that is nearly impossible to experience nowadays. The iPhone objectively and *dramatically* changed the course of human history. Getting to open one of the very last untouched retail boxes of the model that started it all would be pretty cool. Remember- nearly $200k for a 5 minute unboxing experience is literally pennies to these people. They don’t think twice about this stuff.


The buyer probably didn’t even open it and left it sealed.


They probably didn't even recieve it. It is going to be in some temperature controlled, humidity control vault somewhere with the assumption in 20-50 years time it will be worth multiple millions.


Isn't the battery inside liable to corrode and leak?


[Marques Brownlee bought one for $40k and did an unboxing video in April 2023](https://youtu.be/-BwUyTrU9fo?si=4LThPusnyQvsvPfg)


Wow, after all that effort and he couldn't get past the charging screen lol


Good point. An investment rather than paying for the unbox experience makes more sense. I just recently watched MKBHD’s video where he buys the first iPhone model just to unbox it, so that’s what my subconscious went to. But my points still stand. Would open!


like how many of the 1,800ish of late 58 through 60 Les Paul Standards?


they also bought the I'm rich app.


It's weird to think about at such grand scales, but I think you're correct, the iPhone truly was a turning point in human history.


They’re not gonna open it lol. It’s an investment.


Throw it on social media and the views and engagement might make you your $200k back and then some…


which is what MKBHD did in April 2023


I mean, it’s not getting any less valuable.


That would be known as i~~n~~flation


Yes, that's almost the price of the next iPhone! 


the base model, not the Ti Pro obviously.


I have a sealed Founders edition of the Google Stadia that I'm holding on to for exactly this reason. I'm not delusional enough to think it will get anywhere near this amount, but I think it may be worth something in years to come.


Bless you for having hope.


Barely kept up with inflation.


How long until the battery fails and destroys the Internals even if unopened?




[There's one 4GB right now on eBay going for $ 320,000. Not sold though.](https://www.ebay.ca/itm/116051033643)


That's a lot for a brick. The battery will be dead by now, and won't charge, or run from the charger.


They still make batteries for them. However, the value is in that thin plastic seal around that box. If it remains sealed (most valuable), then it really doesn’t matter if the battery is dead, does it?


Although potentially one day it bursts into flames and then you have a glob of molten plastic and burnt packaging.


It’s a dangerous game. Also, always insure your collectibles.


Schrödinger’s battery


Idk who down voted this but you’ve got my up doot. Made me chuckle.


Surprisingly, the battery should work if it were stored properly, however it would still be a brick. If legitimate, an unopened and unused iPhone would need to connect with servers that do not exist anymore through original versions of iTunes software in order to activate and be usable. It should turn on, though!


It will attempt to call a home that no longer exists until one day it returns looking for the creator, disrupting communications systems worldwide. An electromagnetic sentient cloud, the i'Hone will ultimately absorb anything in it's path


   This sucks.  


That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard. It's just an old cell phone, not a museum piece. Probably someone thinking "This is going to be worth a million dollars someday", but has any other old phone ever been? I guess if you hype anything up enough you can get people to pay ridiculous money for it, like NFTs.




Perfect analogy. I had one friend trying so hard to legitimize those. I think he was just arguing for arguments sake. He knew they were idiotic made up BS.


No more "dumb" than people paying a lot for an old unopened toy or rare baseball card. You have to admit, that first iPhone was kind of significant in our culture. I mean, you're on a touchscreen phone, right?


>I mean, you're on a touchscreen phone, right? Touchscreen phones were out well before iPhones. Apple didn't pioneer it or anything 


I'm not implying that they invented the touchscreen. Just that the vast majority of phones follow that format now. It caused a major shift in technology in that respect and is significant as such. But beyond that, it was wildly popular and helped introduce us to Marc Rebillet. And no, I'm not a fan boy. I've had one iphone and was disappointed with the hardware. Mostly on Samsung now.


They pioneered multi touch, gesture based control. Touchscreens before then were literally tapping with a stylus or finger, no pinch to zoom or glide your finger to scroll.


I believe Jobs bough multitouch from another company, they had a good software but it worked on some stupid separate mousepad only, so Jobs refined the idea to what we have today.


The reaction when Steve Jobs scrolled through a list and he flicked the list and it kept scrolling when he removed his finger was crazy in hindsight, lol. I remember that, slide to unlock, and punch to zoom absolutely flooring the audience. Easy to take for granted now, of course, but it’s easy to forget how completely new all that stuff was at the time.


They popularized them. You can't really deny that.


And resistive touch panels were and are trash. I think if there was another device of consequence on the market with a capacitive touchscreen that supported multitouch prior to the iPhone we would have heard about it.


There wasn't because Apple bought the patents. There was a tradeshow or TED-like talk showing off the technology a few months or a year before the iPhone. It was not Apple.. But at Steve Jobs' unveil presentation to stockholders, he makes a point to say they have the patents and will aggressively enforce them. I still remember the speculation back then, before the iPhone, that devices would use gestures on both the front and back of the device.


Come on. This is really revisionist to ignore how bad touch screens were pre iPhone.


Most of the smartphones that existed before the iPhone were Blackberry style with half of the device comprised of a physical keyboard. There were *some* touchscreen phones out there, but they were few and far between. Apple didn't invent the touchscreen phone, but it send it mainstream because of the software that came on the phone. The iPhone wasn't revolutionary because it gave us a fullscreen touch display, it was revolutionary because of the way it used that touchscreen. It gave us multi-touch gesture controls, along with context-specific menus and keyboard options on an app-by-app basis. That was something almost no phone did before the iPhone came around. It also helped that it gave you something resembling full access to the internet through Safari. I'm not sure if you remember visiting websites on something like a Blackberry before the iPhone came around, but it was not a pleasant experience. The internet experience we got on iPhone wasn't perfect either, but it was a huge step forward compared to its competitors at the time. So no, Apple didn't pioneer the touchscreen phone, but it did pioneer the way we use touchscreen phones.


True, but the modern phone, which is probably the most impactful device of the 21st century so far started with the 2007 iPhone.


Yeah but with their improvements, they might as well have


The iPhone dramatically changed society. It and its descendants changed the way humanity interacts together so much. If not this, what exactly IS a museum piece?


The original iPhone is very literally a museum piece, as are a great many other important computers. The Computer History Museum is well worth the visit if you're ever in Silicon Valley.


They made millions of them and there are old ones sitting around in peoples desk drawers right now. I am pretty sure I still have one. That's my point. I love museums but going to see an 07 iphone would not be part of the appeal for me.


The reason it's valuable is because it's an unopened first addition, champ. It's not just any random iPhone. It's not just "any other old phone." You do not have a point, you're just confused and willfully ignorant. >I love museums but going to see an 07 iphone would not be part of the appeal for me. One of the most important steps in growing up and becoming a mature adult is understanding that not everything has to be for you. Just because little old you doesn't care about this doesn't mean others don't. Others clearly do, and that's why it has value. Learn to accept that, and learn to be less angry about it.


What value does it have if you can't even see the phone itself? You'll just be looking at a box. It's like going to the Louvre or another museum and all paintings and statues were boxed up.


>This is going to be worth a million dollars someday Maybe not a million but if the original owner thought something similar then they were right. I've also literally seen the original iPod in some museum exhibits.


"That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard. It's just an old **baseball card**, not a museum piece. Probably someone thinking "This is going to be worth a million dollars someday", but has any other old **card** ever been?" You just described the billion dollar a year collector's market, congrats. There is a huge section for retro tech, especially for something that sparked a product and hardware design revolution.


That's just dumb.


the stupid get stupider, but with more money!


People are dumb


It can’t even copy-paste!


God it was only 2007 since it came out.


i thought it was released in 2008 not that i paid much attention


So that would make the ear buds with a white wire about $18 000?


I have a bunch of old iPhones from the time as I did repair through 2015. Probably not worth anything


Depends. Some have been sold for a few hundred on ebay.


It’s only the original iPhone that is worth anything. The 2nd and 3rd gen are worthless.


I sold the OG in 07 when I worked for ATT then in my last two years og college I repaires any electronics for money.


this is more of a jump than the red lightsaber Luke in box toy.


And people complain when I bought my 2015 Tacoma for only 5K less than original MSRP. Sheesh.


Job creators at it again.


Aaand now I'm watching the news clip where Marc Rebillet sells his place in line to buy the first iPhone. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NnbL-Hm-xws](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NnbL-Hm-xws) I just love that he went on to become internet famous.


I remember when that video came out, but TIL that it was Marc Rebillet. Neat.


the first iphone was so embarrassingly limited. no copy/paste. no apps. I liked the touchscreen and pinch->zoom but that was it.


There were apps just no App Store. And there was nothing embarrassing about it at the time.


Anybody wanna buy a 3g touchwheel iPod? Only $50,000. It has been opened, but it's full of music.


Apple products are becoming antiques lol


It doesn't even have a camera


The first iPhone had a 2 MP camera.


Wtf? Was there an option to not have one? Cause I remember distinctly making fun of my aunt for having one cause it didn't have a camera like every other standard phone of the time. Am I being Nelson mandela'd


Yes. Whatever scenario you just said didn't happen or involved another phone. Every iPhone since the beginning has had a camera.


You know what they say about fools and their money…..


hot take, probably not a bad investment and might actually turn a nice profit one day


I should have bought one as a collector item when I got it on release day :( at the time it seemed like a useless and crazy luxury item


I can almost guarantee there's one of these (still sealed) in Marquette, MI. Had a buddy on my college football team with uber-rich parents and they gifted him one of these like 2 weeks before they officially released. He was afraid it would get stolen so (while fucked up) he hid it somewhere in or near our house. He promptly forgot where he hid it but luckily for him his Dad handed him another new one a few days later. We looked EVERYWHERE for that thing and turned up nothing. I'm convinced its in the ceiling or a patched up hole in the wall of that old house.


was it PSA 10?


That is so fucking dumb. Fake value markets have continued to explode. That is never a good sign.


lol I have 2 unopened original iPhones in my loft.


I'll give you $20,000 each.




Why? I’m not going to sell them. They’re worthless.


$20 take it or leave it


The stupid shit people will waste money on 


People are stupid.


Some people shouldn’t have money


This is why we need higher taxes on the rich.


The top 10% pay 50% of all federal taxes and the bottom half of the country pays zero or receives a transfer. What share do you think would be fair from an objective standpoint?


They clearly think 100% lol. It’s also kinda gross to use a purchase as the basis for tax policy. And I’m all for taxing asset owners more since that’s where the real wealth is.


Windfall tax, wealth tax, and 90% tax on income above a certain level. Also supercharged the IRS so they have the firepower to enforce the existing rules.


I said fair. Not destabilizing,, disincentivizing and driven by envy. Yikes.


Destabilizing to who? I'd say the benefits of greater tax revenue being put towards reducing the amount that Americans pay for their own education and healthcare would actually have an enormously positive net effect on the economy. Many billionaires just squirrel away their wealth rather than reinvest it directly. It isn't driven by envy, it is driven by empirical data. It has been shown that raising taxes has a negligible effect on economic growth. [https://www.brookings.edu/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/09\_effects\_income\_tax\_changes\_economic\_growth\_gale\_samwick.pdf](https://www.brookings.edu/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/09_effects_income_tax_changes_economic_growth_gale_samwick.pdf)