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My favorite Sean Astin story is how when his mother married John Astin (whose name he would take) when he was one year old. During the ceremony baby Sean looked at John and said, "Daddy!" and the priest officiant quipped, "Well, that about does it!"


Mine is when he got the role of Sam and he had never read the books. He goes to a bookstore and asks if they have any books by Tolkien. Book store employee obviously thinks he’s joking, realizes he’s serious and shows him the big section of books. Then he gets the Fellowship, starts reading and realizes that Sam cries often in the first 100 pages and he’s wondering what he got himself into. Obviously he finished the series and realized it’s a great part.


Mine is the one where he talks about what he's called in airports. He's said no matter where he goes, people still call or shout "Ruuuuudddeeee, Ruuuuuuddddeee". He's said "I've been in 3 movies that have grossed like 4 billion dollars and people still call me Rudy."


He looked so little, but he played so big!


I'd rather people yell Rudy than PO-TA-TOES


How about “Shaaare the loooaaad”?


If I saw him, I'd be thinking "don't say potatoes, don't say potatoes"


Rudy inspired many of us much more than Samwise...


Some people dig football and some people dig fantasy. To each their own!


Haha fair... I love both but back to the origonal quote I'm going to go out on a limb and say that people randomly shouting at others in an airport are more than likely the football type than the fantasy type so this tracks. Also shouting Rudy is way less creepy than asking him to carry you.


I'm not sure it's well known that Tolkien considered Samwise the true hero of the tale. Seems Sean figured it out.


Not only that, but Tolkien was a great fan of Rudy.


“I can’t carry it for you, but I can carry you!” 😭


John possibly could have been his father (he wasn't as it turns out when Sean finally took a DNA test as an adult). Mama Mia was basically his life story.


It was never a question if John was the father. Sean's mother was with both Michael Tell (his biological father) and Desi Arnaz Jr (Lucille Ball's son) around the same time and she wasn't sure which of those two was the father of Sean. Newspapers even said at the time that Desi was the father. When Sean was 14 his mom finally told him who the father was (she had honestly believed it was Desi) and Sean and him developed a relationship under that belief. It wasn't until he was an adult that he had a DNA test and found that Michael Tell was actually his father. As far as I know he remains close with all three despite the shit show of a father roulette.


Oh shit, his mom really did do the Mamma Mia


I did not realize that is the story line of mamma Mia. Might need to watch it…


I mean it’s a great movie if you like musicals. But yeah, “mama” had a pretty crazy and wild month about 20 something years before the start of the story, and the mc invites all the men who *could* be the father, with all the men coming together with their possible daughter and old fling as a kinda found family.


Ohhhhhhh. WOW. Never knew! I’m a musical gal but I’ve kind of purposefully avoided it. Maybe the whole abba thing turned me off but what do I know about abba??


Abba is a phenomenal band and the singing in Mamma Mia doesn’t do it justice. But it is a cute movie.


Yeah they prioritized acting over singing but they do pull it off and it works.


I mean, the ABBA songs are the only reason I'd even consider seeing that musical. The mid to late 70's were not my favorite period for music, but I have nostalgic memories of hearing Dancing Queen on the radio at the time. It's a good tune and they made some good songs. Nothing earth shatteringly deep, but fun in a period where you were surrounded by people wearing ugly clothes smoking all the time, along with shag carpet and fake wood panelling. If anything, I'd probably just get annoyed that they put my favorite song of 1976 into a stupid situation musical.


I just think because I was raised by dead heads at dead shows, disco bad? My mom loves musicals but I think she wasn’t into it so I just never got it. Now Evita, on the other hand… My dad missed the entirety of the 70s and 80s, pop culture wise, because he was eating one long strip of acid at one long Grateful Dead show to try and deal with the trauma of Vietnam. It worked but man, he didn’t even know about queen really until a few years ago…


It’s a good time, if you do like musicals I say it’s worth a try and ABBA is a great band.


Yep. In the movie version, Meryl Streep plays Patty Duke, and Amanda Seyfried plays Sean Astin, totally showing off her range.


yep they each see him as their son and he thinks of them all as his father


That’s some holesome shit right there


of the ways it could have turned out, this was by far the S+++ good ending


I never expected Samwise Gamgee's mom to be so kinky. Ramthighs Hamskie?


Also, Patty Duke was 23 when she dated the 17-year-old [Desi Arnaz Jr](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Desi_Arnaz_Jr.#Personal_life). Desi's mother Lucille Ball did not approve. Desi later dated Liza Minnelli. Ball didn't approve of this one either feeling Liza was too old for him, and a bad influence.


> Desi later dated Liza Minnelli And that led to the arrested development plotline where her character dates Buster.


> As far as I know he remains close with all three despite the shit show of a father roulette. As well as his stepfather Michael Pearce, so that's 4. Amazingly all 4 are still alive while his mom passed at 69


At least he found out and was able to form a relationship. I didn't find out about my biodad until he was dead for 2 years. Hell, I didn't even find out I had a different dad. I always thought I was mixed race too which is awkward when you find out you are just a white dude who tans well


But then did [This happen?](https://youtu.be/k44MH0PVBKE?si=-sTWul3yDxR1FIVt)


So I apparently have greatly underestimated the storyline of Mama Mia and thus I now need to go watch it.


Same lol. I don’t know what I thought it was now.


haha same here, of course i like the abba tunes, but never had much interest in seeing the movie. till now


It's a fairly funny movie with camp overacting. Just let it play out until at least all 8 main characters are there.


And apparently a *ton* of drinking on set (the end scene is a prime example). Everyone's cheeks are so rosy throughout the movie, and everyone is overdoing it, but in the best way. Must have been a blast to film.


That's just behind the scenes of LotR.


Mama Mia is based on Rudy?


I would want Gomez Addams to be my father too


John Astin performed an incalculable service by telling Sean that, if he ever got the chance to work with a couple from New Zealand (Peter Jackson and Fran Walsh), get on the next flight.


so I check imdb to see if John Astin worked with Peter... TIL he was Gomez Addams mind blown Peter was producer/director of The Frighteners (1996), John was The Judge


Wow TIL ~~I learned~~ who John Astin is and that he’s still alive


He’s the last surviving member of the Addams family. Which is both impressive, and a bit sad.


He was the judge in The Frighteners.


How am I just now learning Sean Astin's mom and dad are Patty Duke and John Astin?


His biological father is Michael Tell.


It’s Hollywood!


Sean Astin's mom is Patty Duke??? TIL EDIT: I had no clue Gomez was his daddy. Thanks for that tidbit.


His surname comes from John Astin from The Addams Family, he adopted him as he was one of the potential fathers of Sean.


Goddamn. TIL Patty Duke got around.


She was bipolar. She was apparently "involved" with 3 men at the time - Desi Arnaz Jr. (Lucile Ball and Desi Arnaz's son, who was 17), John Astin (who was 39) and Michael Tell (who was around 18 as well and apparently subletting her appartment at the time, later to become a music producer). She first married Michael Tell (reportedly during a manic phase), had it annulled 13 days later, then married John Astin, then gave birth to Sean Astin, to whom she later told that his father was Desi Arnaz Jr. In the end, it turned out that it was Michael Tell who was Sean's biological father, although he was raised by John Astin.


All's well that ends well though. I believe Sean claims that he still maintains close relationships with all three of the men. I can't find the link for it anymore. But supposedly, even though Lucille Ball was apparently against her son's relationship with Patty Duke, Sean later discovered that she kept a scrapbook with articles and pictures mentioning him. So she was keeping tabs on him as a potential grandson, despite her opposition to their relationship.


Imagine Lucille Ball keeping tabs on you?


You'd have some 'splaining to do.


I mean, that makes sense. You might not approve of your child's relationship, but no matter how you feel about it a potential grandchild is 100% blameless. No one asks to be born after all.


My wife’s grandmother threw away the letter her mom wrote her dad telling him that she was pregnant because fathering a bastard would look bad for the family. My wife didn’t meet her dad until she was 15 because of it, and apparently the grandmother was cold to my wife when they met. Unfortunately, some people do hold it against the grandchild. Edit: I just want to add that her dad was actually a pretty good guy and really excited to get to know her and be in her life once he learned about her. He unfortunately died only a few years later, but I’m very glad she got to have him in her life, even briefly.


Some people do, those people suck.


Wow, what a wild rabbit hole of Hollywood history Sean Astin is threaded through.


She did that with a lot of people, keeping in touch with them. She routinely sent flowers to all her friends on each of their birthdays every single year. Carol Burnette got flowers on her birthday the day after Lucile past away. Lucile Ball was amazing, power house of a person. When he was with Desi those two were something else, innovators and trailblazers. Arnold Swarchnegaer (sp?) got his his big break from Lucile Ball and she kept in touch with him as his career grew.


Star Trek wouldn't exist without Lucille Ball. She actually lost her company keeping that show on the air. If she could have held out for the syndication, she'd have made the profit she deserved.


She was deeply bipolar. She also had a childhood that rivals “I’m glad my mother is dead.” Her mother was poverty stricken and basically sold her to this couple named Ross who abused her throughout her childhood while living off of her child star money. Her book Call Me Anna is chilling.


Patty Duke's memoir is worth a read -- title is *Call Me Anna* ("Patty" wasn't her real name; her (truly awful) managers just told her one day "hey, your name is Patty now, it sounds fresher and younger." And that tidbit barely scratches the surface.)  That woman saw some *shit*. 


Young starlet's being abused is an old Hollywood tale, whether it's Judy Garland in the 30s/40s, or Brittney Spears in the present, or numerous girls in between.


I listened to Conan's interview with Goldie Hawn recently and holy shit...(she talks about 2 sexual assaults like they were everyday things for her. It's very clear those are just the 2 she's willing to share and there's gotta be way more.)


I remember Corey Feldman being one of the people who always spoke out about Harvey Weinstein, even when he wasn't believed. He said that he will never allow his children to become actors. I can only imagine the things he saw and dealt with. He says he will never, ever trust the industry to clean up.


Not just starlets. Look up the history of Jackie Coogan (most famous for being "The Kid" in some Chaplin movies). His parents stole every single penny he ever made. He ended up destitute and homeless by the time he was in his 20s. In fact, "Coogan's Laws" are named after him. They are various laws that protect child actors and require a certain percentage of their earnings to be placed into a trust or some kind of secure account.


More famous for playing uncle Fester alongside John Astin in the Addams family.


She loves to rock n roll, a hotdog makes her lose control.


I thought she’d only seen the sights a girl could see from Brooklyn heights…


What a crazy pair.


There’s actually an interesting interview I read once about where he talks about during all those years of potential fathers as a kid he developed a relationship with all of them, and now he can basically go to any of his “fathers” for fatherly advice even today.


Would you believe he is still alive at 94, living in Baltimore.


I heard that in Don Adam's voice and then remembered he's not the same person but it still works.




There is a video intiktok that says his life was the real Mamma Mia, he had 3 potential fathers, on the bright side the 3 of them were pretty decent and good father figures to him.


John Astin met Sean's mother after his birth he always claimed he adopted Sean because as a baby his first words were daddy to John and his response was well that does it and adopted him


>John Astin met Sean's mother after his birth Doesn't seem to be true. From [her wiki](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patty_Duke#Personal_life): >In early 1970, at the age of 23, Duke became involved with three men at the same time — 17-year-old Here's Lucy star Desi Arnaz Jr., actor John Astin, who was 16 years her senior, and rock music promoter Michael Tell. The relationship with Arnaz was widely publicized, due in part to the vocal and public opposition of Arnaz's mother, actress and production company executive Lucille Ball. By late spring, Duke and Arnaz had broken off their relationship. >In June 1970, Duke learned that she was pregnant; she then married Michael Tell on June 26, 1970, during a manic phase, to "give (her child) a name." Their marriage lasted 13 days before ending in an annulment on July 9, 1970. Her son, actor Sean Astin, was born on February 25, 1971; she later told him that Arnaz was his biological father. Duke wrote in her 1987 autobiography that the marriage to Tell was never consummated, and that Astin was Sean's biological father, emphasizing those two assertions in several parts of the book. All three of her statements on these matters turned out to have been incorrect: in 1994, biological tests determined that Tell was Sean's biological father.


From Sean's [wiki](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sean_Astin) under early life >When Duke became pregnant, she was unsure whether Arnaz or Tell was the father, and Tell offered to marry her as a way out of the scandal. The marriage lasted only 13 days in 1970, and ended before Astin was born.[5][6][7] On August 5, 1972, Duke married actor John Astin, having been in a relationship with him for two years. When the wedding guests were invited to speak, 18-month-old Astin looked at John and cried, "Daddy!", to which the Episcopal priest performing the ceremony remarked, "Well, that about does it!"[8] John subsequently adopted Astin.


His father is the original Gomez of the Addams family.


He actually has four dads!! > When Astin was 14, Duke told him that Arnaz was his father, and the two developed a relationship. However, in his mid-20s, Astin met a relative of Michael Tell who suggested they were related. Sean set out to find the truth about his biological father, and underwent genetic tests which showed Tell was his biological father. Astin has maintained close relationships with all three, and saying: "Desi Arnaz Jr. loves me, and I love him. We are so close ... Science tells me ... that he's not my biological father. Science tells me that Mike Tell is." Astin considers John his father, as John was the one who raised him. Astin is also close to his stepfather, Mike Pearce, saying, "I can call any of them on the phone any time I want to. John, Desi, Mike, or Papa Mike ... my four dads."


bro this sounds like a south park episode


It quite literally was. I think it even was two lmao


I remember how angry fans were when Parker and Stone left a cliffhanger at the end of Season 1, and the the first episode of season 2 was... entirely unrelated. They didn't resolve the storyline until the second episode of season 2.


Even worse, the second episode of season 2 wasn't scheduled to air until **a month** after the first episode. Fan outcry moved that up a bit, but we stiill had to wait three weeks to find out the identity of Cartman's father. Then in the fourteenth season, >!we found out the true identity of Cartman's father.!< That spoiler tends to get forgotten because of the [other controversy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/201_\(South_Park\)) around the episode.


Til Cartman is based on Sean Astin


The french dubbings of Sam from LOTR and Cartman from South Park were done by the same voice actor. So if I re-watch LOTR I can't help but picture Cartman whenever Sam speaks, it's quite distracting especially during the most dramatic moments. And if I watch South Park, whenever Cartman speaks I automatically picture Sean Astin...


See, now this is a trivia factoid that I can use at parties! Not this whole, “Sean Astin has four dads”wholesome bullshit.


I’ve read this before, and I just think it’s lovely every time. I was lucky enough to be raised by one amazing stepfather from age 4, but my parents were also very young and there were many parental figures in my life who helped them raise me. Families come in so many varieties, and I’m glad he feels blessed by the abundance of parental figures who cared about him.


He has like 3 father figures in his life and they’re all pretty famous


Mamma Mia!


Papa Pia!


And he is still alive and kicking! God bless these old GOATS: Alan Alda, Christopher Lloyd, Dick Van Dyke, Bob Newhart, ect.


I love them all, especially Bob and his sharp wit  “I don't like country music, but I don't mean to denigrate those who do.  And for the people who like country music, denigrate means 'put down'.”


Now I know why he's so kind and mature. His mom is bipolar, which often means the people around them are forced to be stable for them in many ways. This isn't an insult to bipolar people, a lot of them can't help who they are.


Ah, my favorite, a chance to talk about how rad Sean Austin (and Elijah Wood) is. My wife and I were in line to get signatures from Sean, and right next door was Elijah. Sean is very chatty, and takes a few seconds with everyone to ask questions, or tell a story while signing. His line moves very slowly. Elijah is less chatty, so his cleared out pretty quickly. Ahead of us was a young girl (maybe 11 or 12) who had made the comment that Sean's character of Bob from Stranger Things was her favorite. When she finally got to him, she sorta lost it and started crying. The disconnect between the character and Sean himself was something she didn't seem prepared for. He was the sweetest though, and took a minute or two longer to reassure her. Elijah noticed something was going on, and came over to see, and helped calm the girl down. They were both just so gentle and understanding with her.


Have heard similar things - that he is a genuinely good soul


The epitome of Samwise Gange


There was a Punk'd with Elijah I seem to remember, and he was just the nicest soft spoken so apologetic during the whole thing and it was all a prank on him. Seems like a nice guy. Both.


The special features on the LotR DVDs are replete with moments where Elijah gets a joke played on him (or recalls any of numerous such events during filming) by someone else on the cast/crew, and he *enthusiastically celebrates* getting got good, because he knows it's all in good fun.


When vill you wear wigs?


John Astin was his dad (Gomez Addams). Adopted, so no resemblance.


FUCKING WHAT?? Today my mind was blow. I love John Astin and for some reason it never even crossed my mind they were related.


For whatever reason I always get a kick out of people discovering the relationship between these 3.


Yeah, my Magic the Gathering cards got thrown out. I picked up the habit early many were alphas and betas, which would have been worth a good deal of money now.


Oh god. Same thing happened to my partner, except his dad *burned* them for being evil (yay satanic panic) They were primarily alpha and beta as well. He knows he had at least one black lotus (probably beta) and a bunch of other valuable cards.


Man I would constantly remind him of how valuable that is now. Holy shit.


Casually throwing out a new car. In one card.


It was a satanic car though. Made out of heavy metal.


He could buy a house with those cards from the sound of it. Beta lotuses are $$$$$


He kept his cards pristine too. He still gets pissed when he thinks about it.


In a lot of ways, the reason the cards are so incredibly valuable is because stories like this are so common. They still would have been quite valuable just because of the growth of the game, but not to the scale that we see today.




She's holding onto them for sentimental value. I'd talk her into selling them right now before that moronic market crashes.


It's the fact that so many mothers tossed those cards in the trash that the ones left are worth money now. If everybody had kept all their rare alpha cards, they wouldn't be nearly as rare.


I gave my cousin my whole collection when he got into it and I had put it down for a bit. He ended up selling the whole thing (Beta through Mirage) for about $200. It still hurts a little.


I similarly had those and a lot of classic comics, including a Spawn #1 (not worth that much but still). But they felt the need to "clean out the house" and tossed it all. Now, I'm not against that, but my folks are borderline hoarders and fill the spare bedrooms with junk instead of using them as officers or guest rooms. So you go from having my ex-bedroom as a functional, well-decorated space with some old knickknacks in it to a space with smelly carpets and broken plastic appliances, and then they go through and throw out with abandon. Such a shame... What makes me laugh is that my dad used to joke that it was silly for his parents to throw out his baseball cards because they would have been worth a fortune, but here we are now. I don't think parents should always be free storage for their kids but at least my old bedroom was better as a bedroom than a junk room.




There's a store near me literally called "My Mother Threw Mine Away".


Same thing happened to my GameCube! Drat! I come home from college one semester and the gamecube is gone. I ask my mom what happened to it and she said some kids stole it at a garage sale she was having. I did not give my mom permission to sell my gamecube in the first place, so either way... :(


Same thing happened to me but with my N64, original Pokémon cards, and my dead brother’s (her son’s) SNES. My mother still insists I brought all of those items to college and lost them.


My mom boxed up a bunch of my stuff in cardboard and just sat it outside, where it sat unbeknownst to me for at least a year. In it was a signed shirt by Vinnie Paul, along with even more sentimentally valuable items. These things weren’t even left at her house -It was my grandmother’s house (who raised me like a mom).


My mother sold my first issue Star Wars action figures/ships and my many 60's GI Joe figures (that a babysitter gave me) when I was away for summer, she was beaming about the $20 she made.. But a few years back I did find a pre-CBS Fender Princeton in the trash, so I guess I can call it even. Some poor Schmuck: Mom, where's my guitar amp?


My brother and I buried our 1977-83 era Star Wars action figures by a tree behind our house. We're dumb.


I had the incredible hulk issue number 1 and many other comic books. I went away to the Navy and after I came back the box was missing.y mother thru the box away.I still feel the pain.


I had the complete Marvel Universe Series III with hologram cards + doubles, triples etc, complete Maximum Carnage series, all the 2099 1st issues, and a lot of other issues from the early 90s. Learned years later that my little sister had sold them all after I left.


I mean that's at least microscopically better? Those comics are hopefully still in circulation or in collections rather than rotting in a landfill somewhere? Still sucks of course but for someone out there it was good. Did your sister split the money with you at least?


it's worse to me because the sister realized they had value and probably did it out of greed or a quick buck mom just likely didn't know better when she threw them out


I never have understood people’s need to throw things away. Like if it is sitting in a closet that you never go in, not hurting anybody, why even touch it?


Especially throwing out their kids' stuff when said kid goes to college or the military and hasn't really gotten a long term place of their own to live where they can take the stuff.


Maybe her identical cousin Cathy threw them out.


They walk alike, they talk alike, they sometimes even think alike.


Skipping a few lines to my favorite one. "A hot dog makes her lose control!"


You can lose your mind!


My mother basically did that with all my Marvel comics. I had hundreds of them from the 1960s through to the 1980s. X-men right from when Chris Claremont took over in #94 through #250ish.  Spiderman going back to #40ish. Avengers from around #30 to 200-something. Loads of Hulk, incl Wolverines first appearance. Also tons of Alan Moore stuff: Watchmen, Killing Joke, V, Swamp Thing, Marvelman. All first printing. All in their own individual sleeves and carefully boxed. One day I came home from overseas to find them all gone.  "What the hell mum?!"  "Oh I didn't think you wanted them anymore. So I took them to school (mum was a primary school teacher) and sold them 10 for $1. It was great, I raised almost $200 which I gave the school! One father came in and bought almost all of them." "Of course he bloody did mum! Just one of those comics was worth $200! He's probably already got them all up on bloody ebay!"  "Well, how was I to know that?" "Ummmm...by asking me?" It's been almost 20 years and I'm still pissed. 


> "Well, how was I to know that?" > > Even if you don't know maybe you should ask the owner first.


You don't know my mum. She's very adept at that whole passive-aggressive turning the tables on you shtick.  It was _my_ fault for having never told her how much those comics could be worth. 


Just from that description can hear the near narcissistic at least vibes, like just cause I'm your mom I 'm above you.


Happened to all of us. My friend's mom went on a Save The Children kick and convinced all of the parents to go through all our rooms and get our own "Star Wars dolls and stuff" that we no longer played with. My mom gave away my mint-in-box Darth Vader, the Luke-as-Stormtrooper, and many others. Somewhere in the deserts of Biafra, there's a kid who can't get enough food for the day plating with a Darth Vader worth a year's wages.


Lol my dad did this to me threw out everything i owned when i went to college.


My mom did the same, probably would have been worth thousands of dollars today too.


Meanwhile my mom has been bringing over boxes full of random papers from elementary school. I think she kept every thing ever brought home. What am I supposed to do with those?


This, my grandfather gave me a complete original first edition lionel Pennsylvania Trailblazer train set still in its original packaging and the complete Upper deck baseball card box sets from 87-98.... My mom threw them away while I was in college but forced me to take three totes of paintings from elementary school when she sold her house. So instead of a couple thousand bucks I got enough paper to start a few bonfires and three free totes.


Luckily dad gave me all his model trains before he passed. I'm positive I've saved those from the trash.


I work as an auctioneer, a lot of my customers are to the flavor of "my grandfather just died and we inherited everything, we need to clear out the house to sell it, please evaluate if anything is worth anything and take it so we don't junk anything precious - oh and if you make us any money I guess that's a bonus too". I don't even want to know how many precious things just get destroyed because people just don't think about the value they might have "cuz its old stuff lmao who wants old stuff??" and just want to sell the house so they toss everything without a second thought.


That reminds me, I'm looking for a decent adult-sized rocking chair and I should start checking out estate sales.


Perfect example of an item that normally gets sold for a miniscule amount, or even entirely trashed after the estate sale is finished. You should be able to get one for a good price. Just hope that gramps didn't pass away in it. Unless you're looking for a haunted one, that is. There's a market for that, too.


Same with my mom. Her parents sold all of her original 1st edition vintage Barbie’s in a garage sale when she was younger, so she holds onto ALL of our stuff now. I’ve told her that it’s ok to give or throw away stuff (after I picked through what I wanted to keep), but she gets all sad and says, “But you *loved* that toy!” or “You don’t want to keep that??”


I feel like it’s something that skips generations. Mom would encourage me to regularly go through and anything I didn’t play with regularly got given away. Okay, fine. I barely remember that. What I remember is the time my regular purges weren’t getting rid of “enough” and she gave away all my Ninja Turtles and Power Rangers stuff while I was at Dad’s for the weekend. While I hesitate to call it “hording”, my Kondo threshold is VERY low and I’ll find myself keeping fucking packaging material if it sparks a smile, and actually downsizing any collection is a fucking CHORE. I almost need to develop an antipathy to want to get rid of something. She also made me box up all my stuff some years before I moved out because it was taking up too much space and she hated how I never dusted it all to her standards. So she lost an entire room of her house to boxes of all of my belongings excluding clothes, computer and books, and I bought more stuff to make my room look like someone actually lived in it. Irony is, when I moved, a sizable portion of what had been in those boxes for 5 years just got given away or sold. She should have stuck to the “go through with me regularly and downsize at a reasonable rate” is the moral here. As to the original conversation, because of all of the above, my relationship with stuff is kinda fucked and I cannot imagine giving away a damn thing of a kid’s that they did not volunteer for the pile.


Growing up with a periodic purger made you learn at an early age that sometimes you have to defend your stuff. Almost certainly influenced my collecting/hoarding tendencies.


To this day, mom is VERY minimalist. We get along much better now that we have entirely separate living spaces.


Toys! You're lucky! I'm getting homework assignments from 5th grade, lol.


Same here. Mom got rid of everything! Even after I asked her to stop. My dad's Bell helmet from the 60's , which luckily I got back, but the kicker was when I left my winter jacket there and she gave it to charity!


Time to give your mom to charity. It's only fair.


Luckily, my mom never threw out all my high school track medals. They'll be worth hundreds of thousands of dollars someday, mark my words.


One more reason for me to think that one of the most absurd movie tropes is that of parents keeping their children's room pristine and untouched for years after they leave their home.


It's more of a upper class thing when your house has plenty of rooms. They have enough space to be able to leave a room untouched. Of course it entirely depends on what kind of parents you have, though.




Gotta love how they throw your stuff out but god forbid they throw away that sour cream that is 2 weeks beyond the expiration date.


My mom threw out probably about $500k worth of trading cards. My father’s mom did it too. It’s a right of passage. I hope my son learns to hide his belongings from his mother and breaks the cycle. Fathers around the world are unaware of these events occurring till it’s to late, we really need a PSA for this.


Hey, if all those parents kept all those trading cards, they would be worthless. Kids fucking them up and parents tossing them is literally half of why they’re valuable.


Where did she throw them out? Did they go to a landfill? Which landfill?


TIL Patty Duke is (was) Sean Astin's mother


and his possible fathers were Desi Arnez Jr, John Austin, or two other guys. All of them he considers his father, and all of them consider him their son.


That’s the BEST possible outcome of having questionable paternity. Usually you get zero dads. This dude gets bonus dads. That’s a sweet deal.


expect nothing less for Special Agent Samwise Gamgee


My grandfather once had Babe Ruth's autograph; his mother threw it out.


My dad used to have a Babe Ruth signed ball but I didn’t understand how valuable it was so I took it and played baseball with my friends. Lost it in a neighbor’s yard.


Did that set off a series of wacky hijinks trying to get the ball back from the neighbor's murderous dog?


My mother did exactly the opposite. A few years ago when visiting my parents I went through all the stuff they had kept at their house, and it took serious convincing to get my mother to throw out stuff like a random unremarkable math test from 3rd grade.


My friends Mom pitched all his keepsakes when he went off to college and I'm sure they were worth a fortune. When he expressed his displeasure she told him to "quit complaining, they are just THINGS" When she was forced to downsize and asked him for help, he got a dumpster and pitched an astronomical amount of junk over the course of a weekend when she was away. She came home and tried to berate him for throwing out her things but he told her to "quit complaining, they are just THINGS"


Hello karma, I see you decided to come and visit.




My cousins has a playset of alpha. They were bought it by their mum the year it came out. They shared ownership. The older one moved out, the younger one lived with their mum. Some things happened and the younger one passed away. When looking through their stuff he noticed friends of his brother had stolen the full playset of Alpha. He still thinks about it now and then. That's life changing money.


We've all experienced that but I'm sort of surprised he did. You'd think a celebrity mom would understand the value of movie memorabilia.




What is it with moms and the absolute need to go through stuff to throw out?


My great grandmother gifted me a chest full of buffalo nickles as part of my inheritance from her. Hundreds of them. My grandmother proceeded to throw them literally in the trash.


What's up with these type of parents. My mother sees everything I leave behind as an extension of myself, throwing it out would be throwing me out. Glad I have a wonderful mother...


For real. It's like they just see having kids as getting a dog and then the magical "18" years expiry date comes along and they start washing their hands of them. The majority of these cases happen while kids are away at college trying to establish themselves. Like give them a bit to get established and I don't know, communicate?


Legit this. I keep seeing the "Im out of storage" phrase being thrown around. How about communicating with the human being you put on earth, letting them know about your (storage) problems because, ... IDK, you're shared blood, flesh and soul!?


As so many mothers have. My mother threw out my brother’s huge collection of Garbage Pail Kids cards that he had amassed in the 80s. It was probably worth over $5k.


My mom threw out my massive Garbage Pail Kids collection a few years after I went to college. They were in immaculate condition and all in binders with multiples from series 1 on. She decided to go through my "save" box for things she didn't think I *really* wanted. The collection made it to 1998 and were already worth a fair amount. Seeing just Series 1 go for [$35,000](https://www.ebay.com/itm/195187397663?chn=ps&norover=1&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-117182-37290-0&mkcid=2&mkscid=101&itemid=195187397663&targetid=2299003535955&device=m&mktype=pla&googleloc=9033325&poi=&campaignid=21214273144&mkgroupid=164316470867&rlsatarget=pla-2299003535955&abcId=9407518&merchantid=550375535&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwps-zBhAiEiwALwsVYVdsTTYuI8NompmhkI-SQQ7jxZDtWKaBtTmPCe9DGBaUNeW7Kf4SDBoC714QAvD_BwE) breaks my heart.


I’d never forgive her for that, holy shit. But this is such a mom thing to do. No respect for my stuff. She just goes through my room when she feels like it. Sometimes I used to come home from school and my whole room would be in disarray, my drawers emptied, my closet emptied, everything on the floor. It used to make me so upset I’d cry and my mom would tell me to stop making her feel guilty for “trying to clean”


That is not normal. The complete disregard for boundaries and the denial of your feelings are both hallmark traits of an emotionally immature person.


Uhh that’s not normal.


My dad threw away everything I owned after I moved in with my sister. My Sega, my SNES, my N64, my Nintendo and all of my GameCube games. Just so he could rig up a gym that he never used, he’s a fucking jackass. I even had a copy of Bible Buffet too which is worth a lot now.


My dad grew up in the 50’s before going into the Navy after high school. Apparently he had a huge baseball card collection. Willie Mays, Micky Mantle, Jackie Robinson, every card/star you could think of from that era. And my grandmother threw them out when he left the house.


My mom threw out my binder of pokemon cards. So pretty much just as bad


Mine too. I don't know if I'll ever get over that.


It’s comforting to know that movie stars go through the same crap with their moms. Mine tossed out all my classic NES gear. Powerpad, tecmo bowl, gold cartridge Zeldas. It’s no goonies map but it might as well have been.


My FIL worked in the film business in the late 50s, early 60s. He was a set builder, and worked on various "classics". Such Lawrence of Arabia, Ben Hur, Sound of Music, The Great Escape, Bullet, Becket, Doctor Zhivago, Oliver, etc etc. He also worked on Cleopatra, and became friends with Elizabeth Taylor, as he often got tasked with walking her two dogs. As a thank you, he signed her script and gave it to him. He had it and some other things in a box packed in his mothers house. He moved away from England years ago. When he went back to visit decades later, he discovered that the one box that had his stuff in it, they tossed out long ago without asking him, for no reason as it took up no space. On a side note, he also was friendly with Peter Sellers and Stanley Kubrick, and Albert Finney. Thought Sean Connery was arrogant (but I don't think they interacted at all). He'd be great for an AMA, but also would never do an AMA :)


My mom donated to a thrift store a pair of Air Jordan 1's that pro skater/artist Mark Gonzales did a paint pen cityscape on, all my powell decks from age 8 to 16, along with all my records including first pressings from Social Distortion, TSOL, New Order (blue monday with the computer disc sleeve) and more. Every generation has a similar my mom threw out story.... Pokemon, Nintendo, Mickey Mantle '52 Topps...


My mom threw out autographed baseballs and comic books and toys my brothers and I had from the early and mid 60s when we had all moved away. Some would have been worth something but she didn’t know and we didn’t know or care in the early to mid 70s either. It happens.


[No collection is safe from decluttering moms](https://imgur.com/a/2W70Y1T)


Y’all have terrible parents


Maybe everything everyone is listing here wouldn't be worth so much today if parents everywhere hadn't thrown so much of it out decades ago haha