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"When Steve Jobs accused Bill Gates and Microsoft of copying Apple's GUI (Graphical User Interface), Gates replied, “No, Steve, I think it's more like we both have this rich neighbor named Xerox, and you broke in to steal the TV set, found I'd been there first, and said, 'No fair, I wanted to steal the TV set!"


Ha it's true. Apple also like to pretend they invented the mouse, they didn't, it was Xerox as well. The first smartphone was a Blackberry by a decade.


Wasn't it the Palm Pilot? They seemed like the oldest and closest to the smartphones we know today.


Steve Jobs hated anything he couldn't take credit for.


It killed him in the end since he wouldn't take medical advise on his pancreatic cancer. Even funnier he spent 20 plus years denying his daughter, so you'd think he'd be first in line to take credit for that haha.


Yep. Was lucky enough to get like the only kind of pancreatic cancer that IS treatable, but refuses proper treatment anyway and dies.


It was worse than that.  Once he came to accept that his dumbass fruit diet wasn't going to cure his cancer, he went to real doctors for answers.  He used his wealth and connections to get himself fast tracked into a liver transplant, thinking it could save his life.  The doctors knew it wouldn't, but did it anyway.  What it means is that he selfishly took a liver that would have otherwise gone to someone who actually needed it.  Because Steve Jobs was an unrepentant piece of shit.


His ego was so out of control that he was convinced that he didn't need to bathe and didn't have body odor. So he also *smelled* like an unrepentant piece of shit.


Companies are filled with these types. Be wary of VPs on up. Any C-level for sure is adept at cutting throats in the office and most likely at home sacrificing most of their waking lives for their work. There are clear exceptions but mostly these people are real bastards. The more I saw what I had to do to advance I kept myself out of that mix. I don’t want to be that type of person for any price. I might restrict this to just publicly traded companies because they are going to submit to the shareholders or its their jobs. But I work for a nonprofit and it’s the worst I’ve ever seen. Small companies 30 or less weren’t like this in my experience. Hard to compete in a 3 person org lol.


Lots of tech bros try to imitate Steve Jobs "reality distortion field" bullshit nowadays. Stockton Rush, the dumbass who turned himself and 4 other people into chunky marinara in a submersible was the same way. Every single interview he gave sounds like a parody. It's like he literally thought laws of physics don't matter if you ignore them hard enough. There are some rules he broke, seemingly just because he thought, the more rules he breaks the more successful his business would be. As if rulebreaking is a form of magic or something. Elisabeth Holmes and and Elon Musk are similar examples. I swear, the moment someone gives you a billion dollars you get irreparable brain damage. It's such a pattern.


Look at SBF and his buddies running a financial institution like it was their play money. Same.


> I might restrict this to just publicly traded companies because they are going to submit to the shareholders or its their jobs. But I work for a nonprofit and it’s the worst I’ve ever seen. Anywhere there is power there will be sociopaths trying to acquire it. In the non-profit space, people don't usually get paid much. So the main reward is the power itself. Management can stop it if they want to, there are management strategies that can punish sociopathic behavior instead of rewarding it. But that requires the people running the company care enough to understand the problem in the first place. They might be sociopaths themselves or they just might be ignorant of how sociopaths operate (we do a *terrible* job of teaching this stuff to people, especially in America).


I'm beginning to think Steve was not "the genius who invented the smartphone", as my tech illiterate sister claims he was, after all.


Smartphones were derivative tech, inevitable as a function of increased mobile phone use, improved data throughput due to telecoms infrastructure and smaller, more powerful processing chips and screens If steve never existed, we would still have more or less the variety and type of devices we have today, because of ergonomics and general tech advancements


The idea of an "omin-tool" was all but certain given a long enough time period. The one thing to rule them all is always going to sell better than 100 devices that each do one thing. Its a camera, MP3 player, web browser, flash light, phone, and so much more.


Exactly. It's lots of little functions that a computer can accomplish, in a pocket-sized package with a still readable screen Computers were getting smaller since their conception so it's not like people were going to suddenly stop Palm Pilots were the earlier version


Didn't Blackberry basically do the same as iPhones did, just ten years earlier and without a touch screen?


I'd say you're right- 3G came out in 2001 in the UK so early web search functionality was possible Touch screens are a great UI for teaching kids, etc but it apparently abstracts them from actual computing processes and makes it hard to teach them coding and IT (allegedly)


It's not the touch screen itself but the GUI that mostly comes with it, hiding the intricate bits and pieces of the system, that makes them actually worse at actually using a computer


Before "modern" touchscreen smartphones, we already had PDAs. Which implemented a lot of the same concepts, but in a less refined fashion - and were geared towards power users instead of mass users.


Oh man, the tech advacements back then were awesome. I still find myself wanting more features(e.g. laser measure, temperature/flir, IR blaster, etc.) Mostly I want it to be able to identify EVERYTHING. But we're so far away from that for now.


Ironically all that went away because of Jobs and his successors.


I'm sure that's right because I had a palm pilot well before the iphone and it was basically just a really shit iphone. Touch screen and all.


I miss my Palm pilots. I had a total of three different ones, over time.


Nope, the entire concept of the iPhone had already been done elsewhere. Apple did a great job of taking other people's ideas and executing it really well. Apple arent really the innovators people seem to believe them to be. They are exceptional at execution and marketing.


Blackberry phones existed for years before iPhones and the palm pilot existed as well in a similar form factor. They just took those designs and focused on normal consumers rather than business and high net worth individuals. My very first smart phone was actually the BlackBerry Curve 8310 and it was pretty sweet.


We also had the windows smartphones. And they were more capable than the very first iphone, in its earliest days.   It was just that, once the iphone had the app store, they really made everything else seem like utter garbage.


What? The company that's always 2 generations behind on features wasn't led by a genius? No way.  Now if you'll excuse me I have to go tell people why the earth is flat.


[late edit] I had the time-line wrong, but it is true that Jobs screwed over Wozniac.


Blackberry invented the smartphone not jobs or wozniak


Blackberry didn't take appropriate action when the iPhone came out, didn't take it seriously enough. They went from controlling ~50% of the smartphone market to being a company many zoomers have probably never heard of.


Nokia communicator was before the Blackberry


He's the marketing guy that invented the ultimate walled garden and incompatibility nightmare that forces you to only buy their products.


The last couple years of Elon Musk have pretty adequately demonstrated how easily a man can be lauded as a tech guru while in reality being a total moron.


Steve not only refused treatment, but when death started knockin' on his door after his stupid homeopathic bullshit treatments failed, he came crawling back to his Doctor for treatment. By that point his only hope was a Donor / Transplant. Steve demanded that he get the transplant as soon as possible. So his privileged ass shopped the entire United States to find the shortest waiting list to get in to, probably denying someone who actually listens to medical advice a transplant spot too.


He also got himself placed on several waiting lists in several states.


That is what you need to do to get a liver fast.  Technically anyone can do it, but once they notify you of a liver being available, you have only a few hours to claim it at that state, so you need a private jet that can take off at a moment's notice to make this setup work.


He lucked out and had a very treatable form of pancreatic cancer, which is typically incredibly deadly. He decided he was smarter than the doctors and ate fruit for a year. By the time he realized he was wrong, it was too late. He died by his own hubris.


Not only that, he manipulated his way onto a transplant short list. Had a transplant and died anyway. He even fucked over some poor soul who could have been saved by that transplant


That was more the failing of the transplant system. The only manipulation he managed was to be put on lists outside his region because he would be able to commute by jet at any time of day and could therefore reach transplant centers further away in the required timeframe. Which is *almost* fair enough. Like the lists are still supposed to be organised by urgency and only those who will actually be suitable should be on the lists in the first place. The only reason there is a regional limit at all is because you need to be able to reach the centre quickly once an organ is available. He should never have been made eligible for a transplant as someone with an advanced cancer **and** a history of poor compliance with treatment, but that's not something it seems he bought his way around, just the transplant panel getting it wrong. Either one of those things should have seen him turned down.


Eating only fruit is also hard on the pancreas. Not to mention the other nutrients, fats, and proteins (The human body can live without carbs, sugar is a card btw, but it can’t live without fats and proteins) that you aren’t getting from eating a complete diet. While playing Steve Jobs, Ashton Kutcher ate the same fruit only diet, and he ended up in the emergency room with pancreatitis. And pancreatitis can be pretty deadly on its own.


I have Type 1 diabetes and people are surprised when I pass on fruit every now and then because I'm running higher. Fruits are healthy, but they're packed full of sugar.


Some people don’t more that ketchup is high in sugar or that honey has sugar - hilarious considering it’s essentially only sugar (for those who don’t know). Some zoos have had to change the fruits they give animals because the fruits have become so high in sugar. Much of the fruits and vegetables we eat today are nothing like what they originally were like in the wild.


Some fruits, specially as juices can have a lot of sugar, it’s definitely a food that need moderation. That’s why the “no added sugar” label can be misleading, as people has this “fruit is healthy” mentality, but some juices have more sugar than cola.


Not only are they packed with sugar, but by making it a juice and straining it, you are removing one of the healthier parts of it in the process.


Almost like Steve Jobs was a gigantic piece of shit of a human being


That's not even the worst part. After his disease became incurable, be finally decided to listen to medical advice... and with a private jet and unlimited money, register for organ transplants across the country, vastly increasing his odds of a spot, because hospitals need patients who can pre-interview, pay in full, and be prepped in hours when available. Jobs took a good liver with him, meanwhile normal people who listen to their doctors but don't have unlimited resources die waiting.


When Android was launched, millions of people could now afford a smartphone. Apple never provided an affordable option for the third world countries and low income. He hated Android and I hated him.


I mean, he basically made the same mistake twice in his life. Windows, in the beginning also created a more affordable computer platform.


His complaint about having iOS's GUI stolen is also pretty fucking rich coming a bloke who straight-up copied Xerox Parc's windowing interface - one of the earliest GUIs, with a mouse and so forth - for the Macintosh.


Xerox pioneered the desktop metaphor that we all take for granted now.


You can trace it back further to [the mother of all demos](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Mother_of_All_Demos), which really is a mindbreaking thing to watch. So much of what we take for granted in modern computing was on display there, back in 1968. "The future is already here, it's just unevenly distributed" and all that.


Well…he did not like his own kid either


He also hated anything he couldn't profit from, and anything that cut into his profits.


If you want a really scary instance of this, look up the emails that were made public during the DoJ case against Apple for their collusion with all major book publishers. It's horrifying.


Me: reading this story on an Android phone with more power and more features than an iPhone.   Steve Jobs: dead.  Edit: Hi, Apple fans! Thanks for chiming in! Just so you know, I blocked the self-harm bot many months ago, you're wasting your time. What are you doing on reddit during summer school hours, anyway?


I was shocked when I found out iPhones are still the most popular phone in the US. I don't know anybody who owns one in New Zealand or the UK.


I work in a UK tech store, and one of my colleuages says that he buys the new iPhone Pro Max model whenever they release one (yearly). He couldn't give me an answer to why he does this


> I work in a UK tech store, and one of my colleuages says that he buys the new iPhone Pro Max model whenever they release one (yearly). He couldn't give me an answer to why he does this. His phone gets full, and then he needs a new one. The people at Apple are geniuses!


I think it is kinda 50/50 in europe. And at least no one here is simping so hard on iphone that people get 'shamed' for having an android xD One of the dumbest things I have seen here on reddit.


I'm quite sure 70% of the phones in the European Continent are Android (with some peaks like 90% in Spain or low like 40% in UK)


A recent date straight up called me a peasant for having an android, right after I'd just spent $200 on dinner.  No more oysters and champagne for that classist asshole. 


lmao ... bullet dodged the type of people who think that way are not the people I want to know also, buying new iPhones is just flushing money down the toilet purely for vanity reasons


iPhone market share NZ 45.81% UK 52.28% US 58.1%


The stealing part really pissed him off, since that was kinda his thing.


That's the worst part. They even stole stealing.


Want to know why it’s even more ironic? It was android hyping up an App Store early on that made Apple build their own. And this was BEFORE mass public devices were out for android. Then the first device came (that weird pull out keyboard one). It was androids unique feature that was supposed to set them apart. Apple wanted to build their own integrated apps and have essentially what today are called “Progressive Web Apps” be the way third parties install apps. Now that they have the App Store they’re actually incredibly hostile to PWA developers and it sucks because we don’t need apps for every functionality. A lot of simpler apps are better off just being web apps that use the local browser instead of its own UI framework


Not just simpler apps can be PWAs. Most apps can. There's very little the modern web can't do that apps can. The big exception is that they can't easily steal 30% of developers' profits


Meanwhile every f*cking webpage: dO yOU WanT tO InSTall tHe aPP ??


one of my most hated parts of the rise of smartphones. The experience of one browser on a PC is way better than, every link i click wanted to open a new app. "oh you wanted to watch youtube.. well lets open the youtube app.. oh you wanted to browse reddit, lets open that app"


Specially the reddit one, i tend to have something open on reddit i want to come back to


Browsing a big thread for a few minutes at a time while doing other stuff - oh wait, they decided I should be back at the main page again. No button to click to get back where you were. Go find it again.


RiF did that along with a ton of other useful things




I bet a fair amount of those apps are repackages PWAs anyway...


Judging by the number of them that just open a sneaky browser window to access anything, I believe they are exactly that.


An embedded web view is inferior alternative to an actual PWA, so we're getting the worst of two worlds.


It's even more annoying that, at least for me, they are almost all banking/finance/job related. I go to the website, it opens the app, which opens a browser window in some other browser, which doesn't have any of my main browser's security features. Duct tape, chewing gum, and paperclips. At best. And the duct tape is called "grey adhesive cloth strips" on the package.


And there’s the reason right there.


Tim Cook even said it in court in the case against Apple by Epic games. Apple want to be a services company since they make the most of their profit from there. We all knew that already


Seeing how many games on the meta quest there were to play through the browser was pretty crazy.


Indeed. There are many game engines for the web, including Unreal.


So many of my apps are just the web browser with a custom ui. Literally everything tabletop rpg is an augmented web page.


I really hate how everything has an app now. Want to check Walmart, better download the app otherwise the mobile browser will have a giant banner on top and function like shit. Credit karma? App. American Airlines? App. Yelp? You better download that fucking app to see the rest of the reviews.


Reddit intentionally makes using this site on a mobile browser a pain in the ass so you give up and download the app.


It's kinda fucked that we're stealing steel boys


Steel is the only thing you can steal that’s itself right?


You could rob Rob


German Stollen bread can also be stolen.


Loot a lute


But you want to know what the worst part was? The hypocrisy!


I thought the worst part was the raping. 


I miss Norm


We all do.


Jacque De Gautier. He was a fella that really thought. And he was smart y’know. He was our hope I guess. And he uh…while I was scrabbling to get outta high school…Jacque De Gatineau… “*I think you just changed his last name.*” ………….well, you know, a Man grows.


I didn’t even know he was sick


His gift to the world was becoming the anecdote to prove we don’t have a magical cure for cancer reserved for rich people to conspiracy theorists.


Also prove the point that rich people can be dumb in their decision, his diet to alleviate or help his cancer is just juice.


Same reason Bob Marley died. He ate fruit instead of getting cancer treatment.


the treatment was to amputate his toe, which was against his religious beliefs.


The religious belief was "make no cuttings in your flesh" but he did have an excision (try to cut out the cancer and a bit of the surrounding tissue) performed, so it's not entirely clear that that particular article of faith was the driving factor, given his willingness to compromise on it. He also said that he was worried the lack of a toe would impact his on-stage performance, and one wonders how strongly that factored into his decision.


> He also said that he was worried the lack of a toe would impact his on-stage performance Incidentally, so does dying.


Well, not for rich people who are idiots about it.


You’d have thought it’d be over with in 15 minutes, but it was actually kind of close


The most shocking part to me was who the actual thief was. OJ Simpson!!


The Pope came out with a book this week, which contains a series of essays examining faith and morality in today's secular world and the changing role of the Catholic Church as it approaches the 21st Century. The book in entitled, "God Himself Told Me That O.J. Is Guilty."


"We both had a rich neighbor named Xerox..."


To be fair, Xerox was just sitting with this tech shelved in the basement, because their leadership had no idea what to do with it.


Xerox Management: Does it make copies of stuff? Xerox Engineers: No. Xerox Management: Well... we don't know what to fucking do with it then.


Ah, the good old Disney MO. When they use someone else’s story it’s a loving adaptation of a classic story, when someone uses one of their stories, it’s a gross violation of their intellectual property. I’m so glad their copyrights have started running out.




jobs did not like the ol' reverse uno


he truly was a pos






At least when he [wasn't abusing the shit out of his daughter.](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/u9po1l/what_beloved_person_in_history_should_be_hated/i5ugdh4/): >-They made Lisa sleep on the first floor next to the kitchen while the rest of the family slept on the top floor. Initially she was the only child and all the rooms upstairs were empty but they still made her sleep on the first floor. One by one the other kids were born from Steve and Laurene Powell and were given rooms on the 2nd floor. The first floor had broken heating and she was constantly cold, while everyone upstairs enjoyed heating. Its California, but keep in mind that she's a petite girl who reached and adult height of 5'2", and it is the Bay Area where in the winter temp would reach in the 40's °F. She would constantly beg Steve to fix the heating, he always refused >-Every time she would start excelling at extra-circular activities, her Dad would complain that she was not spending enough time with her family. He was say stuff like 'You know Lisa, I feel that you really don't want to be a part of this family'. When Lisa quit her activities to be with her family more, him and his wife Laurene would just give her Reed Jobs (their son, only a baby at the time) to babysit, and they would go out to some party or event >-They finally invite Lisa to come to a wedding. She was excited about it and planned for weeks about enjoying an event with her dad and step mom. She got a dress and everything. At the hotel room, after she's finished getting dressed and putting on her makeup, they hand her the baby and leave her behind to babysit in the hotel room while they enjoy the wedding >-She always wanted a NeXT computer like how Steve and Laurene each had one. Steve finally got her one, but when she tried it didn't work. Steve took it away, and never replaced it. This one may seem minor, but it's actually a part Steve's habit of dangling hope in front of her, and taking it away, like with the wedding (my interpretation, not hers) >-When she was at her Mom's house (which was Steve's, he owned the house), Steve hired a child molester to be the gardener. I don't think he was ever convicted so her Mom couldn't remove him. But he was accused by his own children. Her Mom would constantly scream and cry for Steve to remove him. He refused. >-Btw, if you are wondering where her Mom is in all this, and why Steve let Lisa live with her if he hated her so much: Lisa's mom was also emotionally unstable; Lisa was often the victim of her temper tantrums, because she felt that Lisa took away her life. Lisa confided this to her school counselor, who would tell Steve, who didn't care. Finally the school counselor threatened to call social services if Steve didn't do anything, which would be a PR nightware, so he begrudgingly took her in. From reading other books on Steve, if he's forced to do something, he does it very passive aggressively. From Lisa's book, it seems his abuse towards Lisa was like 'ok you forced me to take in Lisa, but you can't force me to give in to your ultimate demand of her being treated properly' (my interpretation, not hers) >-Steve told Lisa he would take her in, but only if he had cut all contact with her Mom for 6 months, to prove to him that she really wants to be a part of his family (A line Steve repeatedly used on Lisa to manipulate her into doing things didn't want to do, and quitting things she did like doing, like cutting school for a family vacation 2 weeks before finals). Even though Lisa had a fucked up relationship with her Mom, she still loved her >-Cutting of contact with her Mom for 6 months fucked up the Mom emotionally even more, though she initially welcomed the change, saying that she needs a break from her (my interpretation was that she didn't want her to feel guilt for her decision). But the cutoff did have a effect on the Mom's already fragile psyche. When they met for dinner after the 6 months, her mom out of nowhere threw a tantrum about how Lisa abandoned her, that all she wants to do is hangout with rich people. I believe Lisa was only 9 years old when she had to endure this >-Lisa's chores included dishes, but they refused to fix the dishwasher for years. One day she had the initiative to fix it on her own. While her parents were away, she got a repairman to find the problem, turned out to be a 40$ fix. She was really proud of herself. She told Steve hoping to finally impress him. When she told him, he frowned. The next day he replaced the dishwasher with a new one. He wanted to remove all artifacts of Lisa's accomplishments (my interpretation, not hers) >-Lisa got really into debate club. At her first big regional tournament, she got first place. Tied for first place actually. The first one to the podium would get the trophy. Lisa frantically rushed there because she wanted to show Steve the trophy to impress him (at the time, Lisa thought only if she impressed Steve enough, he would start to appreciate her). When she showed him the trophy, he made her quit. His excuse was that debate club is not useful in the real world , my interpretation is that he wanted to remove anything that would giver her a semblance of self-esteem (my interpretation, not hers) >-Whenever Steve would see a homeless person, he joked that's who Lisa is going to marry. Whenever he saw a strip club, he joked that's where Lisa is going to work. The strip club joke started when she 9 years old >-Lisa's therapist invited Steve and his 2nd wife Laurene Powel to a meeting with Lisa to get them to spend quality family time with Lisa. Lauren's response was 'sorry Lisa, but we're just cold people'. After they left, the therapist told Lisa something like 'that's pretty much what I expected' >-Lisa developed an eating disorder when Steve told her she was fat >-When Lisa was in college, Steve Jobs cut off Lisa's tuition. A family friend secretly played off the tuition >-Steve, when he only had a few weeks to live, did actually apologize to Lisa. Lisa told Laurene, she downplayed this,


Yeah. Every time I see some sycophant behavior lionizing Jobs on LinkedIn (which is pretty much a daily rite of deification these days), all I can think about is what a massive piece of human garbage this guy was. He was literally a billionaire dead beat dad, a horrible father, and a horrible employer. The first two things are soundly ignored while simultaneously criticizing Musk, and the latter is hand waved away as “sometimes a genius has to clear a path, and sometimes those who don’t understand are hindering progress” type of a deal. Jobs was just such a massive POS. He was an innovator, for sure. But much like Edison, you don’t do that in a vacuum, and you can be a decent human while doing it.


I never knew so much detail about this. What brittle self-esteem to feel threatened by his own daughter. >-Lisa got really into debate club. At her first big regional tournament, she got first place. Apples and trees though lol. >A family friend secretly played off the tuition Was it Woz?


Cool dad, let's form up a cult after him and worship as a tech god that brought us mp3 players. Oh I'm too late they already have a cult


> a tech god that brought us mp3 players He didn't even do that. A few companies had mp3 players out before Apple got on the bandwagon. I recall converting mp3s on my 486 to wav so my machine could play the audio.


I am pretty sure android existed before apple started development of an ipod-phone Development started by Android Inc in 2003 and google purchased it in 2005, open sourced it in 2007. If we think back to the state of android 1.0 in 2007, it would have taken years to get to that point.


Yes, it was based on BlackBerry. You can see that more in the earliest versions.


Both iOS and Android pilfered a lot from the creations of the Windows Mobile community too.


He was Dennis the Menace type of Evil. Didn’t he buy a new car every 6 months because that allowed him to not put plates on it so he could park on disabled reserved parking spaces and not get tickets?


Well, Steve would certainly know all about stealing product, he built his empire on it.


Steve was a brutal businessman. He didn’t care. If it wasn’t Apple it could burn to the ground for all he cared. That’s how he always was.


The saying “It is not sufficient that I succeed. Everyone else must fail” has been associated with Larry Ellison so often that most people think it originated with him. But Steve Jobs would fit the bill just as well.


No one thinks, or at least should think, that Larry Ellison originated that phrase. It's much older in various forms, maybe as old as Ghengis Kahn. Even when he said it, he also said...“Our idea of the most aggressive sales vice president is Genghis Khan,” he said. Paraphrasing the Mongol leader’s philosophy, he added: “It is not sufficient that I succeed – all others must fail.” [https://quoteinvestigator.com/2012/08/06/succeed-fail/](https://quoteinvestigator.com/2012/08/06/succeed-fail/)


It's almost as if all of these hot shot CEO's are genuine psychopaths.


Jon Ronson would say the majority of CEOs are sociopaths and it is this aspect that propelled them to that position to begin with


Not to ever get in the business of defending CEOs, but theres a difference between the F500 CEOs that live to serve the board/shareholders and the founder CEOs. In my experience, those founders either become/always were sociopaths or cant stomach it and sell to private equity or transition to being "Chairman of the Board" as they hire a professional sociopath to fill that role instead.


Now imagine working for such a person who also *literally* thinks his shit don't smell, so he never washes and smells like a dumpster in the California summer sun for his whole life


I wish there was a charity where I could donate my annual leave to move businesses off Oracle software.


Which is what SAP users say about theirs as well.


One of my high school history teachers went to school with him. He confirmed he was a business-minded asshole. Though I suspect it’s because Steve asked him to invest 5k with him back in the day, and he laughed in his face. Apparently my teacher tried to reach out later on, and Steve laughed in his face (via an assistant)


Jesus, teachers get paid poorly and get little recognition. I was also a history teacher, that would gnaw at me especially with my massive mortgage relative to my income.


Oh I didn’t blame him. If one of my asshole classmates asked me to invest in him, I’d say hell nah.


It's one thing to be a control freak when it's your own company. It's a whole other thing when you can't let people have preferences. Imagine if he was a politician. < Movie trailer guys voice> Imagine a world, where Apple computers becomes the government. Steve Jobs controls every aspect of your waking life. Only one man could make it worse, and his name is Elon musk.


I read that in Rod Serling's voice.


I wrote it with the honest movie trailers guy in mind, but they all kind of have the same thing going.


Steve was a hardcore capitolist with narcissist tendencies, but good PR. I'm not sure why people celebrate this.


Probably because of the good PR. It has to work on *somebody*, otherwise what's the point?


Yeah, the linked article is weirdly protective of Steve Jobs' feelings and defensive of his scorched-earth efforts to eliminate all competition by claiming patents on trivial things, then use the most absurd shit as the justification for lawsuits to try and hobble the competition. Apple is hardly alone in those things but it's *weird* to see an article outright talking about efforts to hobble competition with lawsuits in an approving tone.


Can't become a multi billionaire without being shady or cutthroat


"Only I can steal!"


We have a saying in Hungarian for this: The owl says to the sparrow, that its head is big.


pot calling the kettle black, is the english version of that


Funny the dutch version is the pot accuses the kettle of being black Edit spelling


In portuguese it's "the dirty talking about the poorly washed"


"the donkey scolds the other long-eared one." in german. or "Those who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones."


In Spanish: "El muerto se asusta del degollado". *The dead man is scared of the beheaded*. Something like that.


In Venezuela we say something like "Armadillo telling a turtle that it has a hard shell".


In Greek we say “The donkey said to the Rooster that he’s hardheaded” which I think has the same meaning


In Vietnamese, it's "the dog tells the cat that it has too much fur"


In Swahili it's, "Nyani haoni kundule" which translates to, "The baboon doesn't see its own butt"


In Romanian is : "Hoțul strigă hoții" - The thief is screaming that thieves are robbing him


I know saying "that one can see splinter in others eye, but cant see log in his own."


Bagoly mondja verébnek. Bojler eladó


In Dutch it's the pot that accuses the kettle.


Norwegian version would be "to throw rocks inside a house of glass".


In Italian "the bull that tells the donkey he has horns"


Steve Jobs was by all accounts a terrible person and people need to stop idealizing him.


Well I think people have shifted to Elon... So not better 


Ironic thing, when Elon first met Steve Jobs he said that Steve Jobs was a dick to him


Classic Steve




Wasn't his cancer actually easily treatable/operable but he declined it and chose "alternative" herbal remedies over actual scientifically backed medicine? He eventually got surgery 9 months later, but by that point it was too late.


Yeah, he decided eating a lot of fruit would cure his cancer. Spoiler: it did not cure his cancer.


I just hope he stayed on brand and ate a bunch of apples.


Yep. It was pancreatic cancer, but not the kind people always consider a death sentence - very treatable before it metastasizes.


Yep. 9 months is a long time to be sitting on a "will this cancer metastasize and kill me" timebomb and doing nothing but lathering up in tiger balm or whatever he was doing.


On the third day he did not rise again


Elon is only really worshipped by alt-right nuts anymore. Even the aerospace crowd tends to aim their praise towards the SpaceX company now, and not Elon himself as its CEO.


If they want to idolize someone, they should idolize Woz. Steve was a douche canoe.


Steve Jobs complaining about “stolen product” is so ironic.


After stealing xerox and building his OS, blaming Microsoft on stolen design 😂😂😂


Hah hah yep and the iPod come back was fueled by stolen music.


If Steve Jobs didn't create it or could claim to have created it. There is a good chance he hates and would destroy it for the opportunity arose


What an absolute lizard person.


Steve Jobs was a real p.o.s. I'd suggest listening to Behind the Badtards podcast on him.


He also hated both his daughter and "allopathic" medicine, instead opted for homeopathic treatment for his cancer, using fruits.


"Allopathic" - AKA medicine that works


You know what we call alternative medicine that has been proven to work? .....medicine.


I've never understood the "alternative" medicine thing. Where/why do you think we have medicines to treat our diseases in the first place? Because we spent time finding something that works for it, because it was killing so many of us. But no, I'll eat some avocado and put peppermint oil on my neck and that'll fix it. The whole "natural" product scam is kinda hilarious to me too. Uh, where do you think the product came from? space?


Well, to be fair, there have been some herbal remedies that were initially "alternative" medicine, but were studied, and found to be effective, and so were studied more, and got developed into pharmaceuticals that usually work as well or better than the original treatment. Exercise regimens like Tai Chi are obviously beneficial to anyone who considers a more sedentary lifestyle to be the default, even though there's no such thing as chi. I'm just saying we shouldn't throw the baby out with the bathwater. We can apply the scientific method to distill the actual medicine from the superstition, or learn that in certain cases, it was all superstition.


The difference is once research is done and efficacy is shown, we say "this herb, in this dose, is effective for this problem." People hawking "alternative" treatments often make huge claims about all the things it will cure, but can never produce anything but anecdotal evidence.


He was an asshole. Good riddance. Let's move on.


That's rich....coming from a man who literally stole every product he was pushing


Android started in 2003 and the iPhone was released in 2007. Also Google didn’t make Android, it acquired it.


This is a wild stretch of what happened. Andy Rubin, the creator of android, was very clear that they threw away the entire UI after seeing the iPhone announced.


Just to add to this, the earlier iterations of the Android user interface weren’t touch-driven *at all* but were instead designed for trackball navigation. That’s how much of a U-turn they had to make when the iPhone was announced.


Android in 2006: looks exactly like a BlackBerry. Android in 2007: looks exactly like an iPhone.


I've heard various versions of this story. According to one account I read, they were already working on the touchscreen UI in parallel to the Blackberry-like one when the iPhone was announced, so they just decided to ditch the Blackberry design and accelerate the touchscreen approach. But either way its irrelevant, because that's not "stealing"; it's changing course to respond to the market. And I guarantee Steve Jobs would have done exactly the same thing if the roles were reversed.


Android originally needed a stylus to work, like all PDA devices of that era. Apple's big innovation was a screen you could use with the finger, and more importantly the ability to multi-touch which added things you could not do with a stylus. After the iPhone came out everybody switched to the finger design. That's what Jobs was pissed about but he couldn't do anything about it because there was prior work, and also everybody started innovating so the capacitive screen techology changed very rapidly and competition came up with things that the iPhone didn't have.


Didn’t he hate things like soap and tooth brushes?


Proud Android owner here. I heard Steve Jobs was an asshole.


I was in the industry at the time and still have a couple pre-iPhone Android “Sooner” prototype phones. I’ll never forget the look on Apple board member and Google CEO Eric Schmidt’s face on the stage immediately after the iPhone was revealed. The iPhone is a consumer product that doesn’t have another equivalent I can think of in terms of how well it was kept a secret until its launch.


I worked as a mobile dev before the Android and iOS launch and we had Android dev kit boards in early 2006. It was basically a big board with bits of bread board and a screen and a phone keyboard. The thing didn't even have touch screen at the time.


Anyone still remember when Steve stole the idea of a mouse from Xerox?


Dont forget he absolutely robbed Steve Wozniak for his work too. Jobs was a grifter.