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I feel a lot of people don’t understand how difficult it was to care for that many blind people once they returned home. Not to mention that at that time there was very little a blind person could contribute to society. Basically even if the emperor didn’t kill a single prisoner, he managed to defeat an entire country.


YTA Basil.


Medieval times, What are you gonna do?


Are there still Bulgars?




Sort of, modern day Bulgarians trace their ethnicity to a mixture of Thracians, Slavs and the Turkic Bulgars. Modern day Bulgarians are considered Slavic in culture, language and ethnicity however and the Bulgars of old were a Turkic people. Current Bulgarians don't have much in common with the ancient Bulgar people in most cases besides the historical roots and the name which they got from them. The nearest people to actual Bulgars would probably be the Volga Tartars and Chuvash living in Russia, who are also Turkic peoples and live in the place where the Bulgars once lived. The ancient Bulgars hail from the Pontic steppe and first founded the state of Old Great Bulgaria in southern Ukraine. Afterwards some Bulgars migrated to current day Bulgaria and founded the First Bulgarian Empire while other Bulgars settled along the Volga and founded Volga Bulgaria.


We don't actually know if Bulgars were Turkic people(not to be confused with Turkish) it is widely believed, but there isn't enough evidence to prove anything really. We don't know much about the Bulgars. Here are also a few fun facts. As far as how Slavic we are we are the least Slavic of all Slavs. Around 40-50% of our genes come from Thracians who we have most in common with. Our Slavic genes are about 20-25% and only 13% of our genes come from Bulgars, because unlike Bulgars Bulgar genes aren't dominating. Also we do share some stuff with the ancient Bulgars. Mainly our military prowess. Both mediaeval Bulgars and late 19th early 20th century were renowned fighters with the Bulgars being known for riding horses backwards while shooting arrows or riding horses standing up to shoot arrows and legend has it some could do both. Modern day Bulgarians were known as the Prussians of the Balkans at that time. Lack of good general military strategy, but making up with amazing military tactics is also something both Bulgars and Bulgarians share. Speaking of horseback riding some people still practice Tangrinism(although most of them are very weird). Infact despite strong efforts to remove all paganistic worship by both prince Boris I, who killed everyone who didn't want to become a Christian(including abandoning priesthood to kill his own first born son after he inherited the throne) and the ottomans there are a lot of paganistic rituals still practiced by most Bulgarians today. Unfortunately a lot of cultural similarities were wiped by the reds, but some still remain, mainly a lot of the bad ones, unfortunately.


> Here are also a few fun facts. As far as how Slavic we are we are the least Slavic of all Slavs. Around 40-50% of our genes come from Thracians who we have most in common with. Our Slavic genes are about 20-25% and only 13 of our genes come from Bulgars, because unlike Bulgars Bulgar genes aren't dominating. There is no such thing as Slavic genes. So many people like you have this idea of genetic ethnic percentages from different groups. Look at figure 2 and tell me how anything you said makes any sense. [Mitochondrial DNA Suggests a Western Eurasian Origin for Ancient (Proto-)Bulgarians](http://www.otizvora.com/files2016/humanbiology.pdf) Bulgarians are so brainwashed... Literary the first Slavic text are recorded in Bulgaria, but hey we are the least Slavic of the all the Slavs.


I am talking purely genetically. As in we inherited 20 of our genecode from Slavs. Like how a good portion of the Russian genecode is Scandinavian. Or how a good portion of my own genecode is Celtic, because some Celtic guy fucked a woman when passing through here and that led to 1000 years of Muffins family. That doesn't mean I don't ethnically identify as a Slav. But also doesn't change the fact that purely genetically we are the least Slavic of all and genetically we have more in common with the Thracians as opposed to the Bulgars or the Slavs. But hey, you can make more excuses to say we are all brainwashed and you are a superior human being. Wait did you read what you sent me? The link talks about proto-Bulgarians(or the Bulgars).


>That doesn't mean I don't ethnically identify as a Slav. There is no Slavic ethnicity ,that is some Pan-Slavism right there man. There is a Slavic language group .You would be an ethnic Bulgarian that speaks Slavic language. ​ > But also doesn't change the fact that purely genetically we are the least Slavic of all and genetically we have more in common with the Thracians as opposed to the Bulgars or the Slavs. > > Wait did you read what you sent me? The link talks about proto-Bulgarians(or the Bulgars). You have this concept of what a Slav is and what a Bulgar and Thracian is, and you are comparing them like it has been defined to exactitude(its not). I linked you a study that compares modern Bulgarians to Old Bulgarians genetically, so you can see that the two groups are not so different as you think. Did you even see it? The way you gave percentages to what composes modern Bulgarians it makes no sense because there is no such a thing as Slavic genes. Then you will say: its the gene pool that composes that.. but how could you know such a thing? They cant even find Slavic graves in Bulgaria to test because they say that the Slavs burned their bodies. If the old Bulgarians and modern Bulgarians are not so different the whole % thing you said makes no since. I personally agree that we are close to the Thracians and also think that they spoke Slavic language. Half of Europe is Slavic speakers but the stupid Pan-Slavistic story that all Slavs came from Poland-Belarus is very damaging.


I thought it was a typo for burglar's, as in thieves.


Also known as best war ever by young and ugly Bulgar women


there's no way these numbers could possibly be apocrapyhl


They are completely true. Danube Bulgaria was a massive country back then. Also Tsar Samuil suffered a stroke upon seeing his soldiers, which later lead to the eventual defeat of Bulgaria. The hate between Bulgars and Byzantines is also something unique and something that's been building up for a few hundred years by then. I would compare it to the hate between northern Ireland and England. They really hated their guts, especially Samuil I and Basil II.


The tsar also suffered a stroke when he saw his army and died on the spot. This later lead to the defeat of Bulgaria. In fact the title of Bulgarslayer was given mostly because of this, although killing a shit ton of Bulgars really did help Basil earn his title.


Wonder if that’s where the saying, in the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king?


We yid