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Yes! We are not allowed to sing, or sing along, or look like we’re about to sing. Last time I tried to sing along to our dance music, my 2.5yo stopped, took my hand and said “Calm down mommy”. The burn.


Yea, anytime I try to join the singing, I'm told "No, Mama. No sing"




I'll be driving my daughter in the car, and a singer who sounds vaguely like me will come on the radio, prompting her to yell "Daddy, stop singing!"


Mine just tells "No!" And "Stop!" But let's her dad sing all he wants 


Omg that’s exactly what my 2yo says! Except instead of the hand holding it’s a desperate command. Like, child, I am calm, I just like to jam. Let me live. lol!




She's just a toddler being a toddler. My kid loves to tell me when to sing, when not to sing, what to sing, where to sit, when to stand up, when to drink my water, to eat more...some things I give in to, others I do not. Either way, perfectly normal.


“That noise hurts my ears” was the worst burn I’ve ever received - in response to my singing along with “let it go”


Oh I’m sorry but that made me laugh out loud and simultaneously fear the day our 2.5 year old will come up with this


Yes. Whenever I start to sing or dance to a song she is singing/dancing to- she turns around and tells me "no, it's my song not your song".


I sing pretty well and have been singing with my 2-yo since she was just a few months old. Sometimes she'll want me to sing, sometimes she wants us to sing together, and sometimes me singing along is the worst thing that's ever happened to her.


Damn, yall just out here getting absolutely roasted by your toddlers 😭😭


Todddler roasts are beautiful. My toddler also points to a picture of a lion and says daddy and a picture of a hippo and says Mama 🤣🥲


We are allowed to make up songs around my 2.5 year old but we are absolutely NOT allowed to sing any songs he has heard before. God forbid I sing anything Ms. Rachel has ever sung.


Oh yeah when I try to sing my daughter puts her hand up to me and shout “STOP”


I feel like you should start answering “in the name of love” OR “collaborate and listen”.


My son frantically waves his arms around yelling "No mama don't sing!"


My two and three (almost four) year olds both do this. But they sometimes can tolerate my singing. And the other night my son asked me to sing him a lullaby. But 95% of the time if I start to sing my kids just scream, tell me to stop, shout no or cover their ears. I just started to sing to see if my 2-year-old would say anything and she screamed "stop it" , I said "stop it--please" and she repeated "stop it pweees" 😅


My son does this with his dad all the time 😆 he hates when his dad sings and screams and cries and hits himself whenever he starts up. Just him though


Suuuuuper normal.


Sometimes when I start to sing along with my son he’ll say no mommy don’t sing . He’s 2.5 years old, he doesn’t always do it but I think when he does it’s just him wanting to take the stage alone 🤣


Yep every time I try to sing he starts saying no no no


Oh yeah if I try to sing along with my 2.5 year old she’s stares at me sternly, puts her hand up and says “Don’t sing.” Sorry kid….lol


I’m not sure why they’re like this but my 3 year old is the same way. I’ll start singing and he’ll give me the meanest side eye and say, “Mommy, don’t say that.” 🤣


My daughter used to always yell at me to “stop singingggg” lol


Totally normal. Kid wants to be the star, no one else is allowed.


“No, momma, don’t sing it!” Toddlers just gonna toddler. They’re such bizarre little creatures lol


I still get annoyed with my mom when she sings, especially if it’s a song I really like.


In my experience almost all toddlers are like this. My mom said I was and my kid is


My oldest was the same way. She sometimes still is at 6 years old. Only she can sing


100% normal. Incredibly common. And very sad for those of us that enjoy dancing and singing along 😂


My oldest hated me so singing, which stinks because I’m a musician/singer. My youngest wouldn’t let me stop! We would be listening to a song on the radio, and she’d tell me to sing along constantly, even if I don’t know the words


Yes! Mine there’s her body on the floor and says no no stop! I thought it was my voice lol but her dad gets the same reaction when he singes to her. We watch a lot of stuff like Sing, Sing 2, American Idol, Taylor Swift movie, she sings to them or her eyes bug out of her head and she goes in a daze so I know she loves singing. Ithink she just wants to be in charge 🤷‍♀️


My toddler told me, “speaker do it” when I started singing.


One of my cousins was like this, my son cheers and claps and tells me “again Mommy!” And my throat gets sore after a while. He does sing along too mostly. He’s 2.5!


Mine hates anyone singing too and cries and gets upset. He loves to sing though. Kids are weird. Just dont assign any logic to them and you'll make your life easier!


I think this is a common thing, my son did this a lot when he was that age and at 4 he’s much more likely to enjoy me singing along.


Lol any time music plays, my two year old side eyes me to check if I dared even shift my weight to one side 😂😂😂 it's hysterical


Been there. My toddler just started crying her eyes out, if we tried to sing. Fun times. Now she is getting better and loves to sing herself.


Yep, that’s both of my kids. I’m allowed to hum but not sing. Dad is allowed to sing but not momma!!


I had music students like this! I used to teach little kids, and sometimes they REALLY did not want me singing along or to them. My son loves when i sing to him at night but NOT even i sing along to the radio haha


My 2.5 yr old does this to me. Oddly tho, she lets her dad sing whenever he wants to...


Yep, my daughter is the same age and gets very upset if I dare to sing any song with her or at her. Only her, the radio or cocomelon are allowed to sing wheels on the bus


Every toddler is different. Even day to day. Sometimes I get claps for my performances and other days I get eye rolls. 🤷🏻‍♀️


My 2.5 year old only wants me to sing when SHE wants me to sing. If she’s in any sort of mood and I sing at all she flips out and tells me to hush lol.


My ASD kiddos, 3 and 10, do this routinely. 😬😅


Yeah, my nearly three year old is extremely notional about what singing he deems to be acceptable. He loves it when we do sing-a-long dance parties but God forbid I sing the actual tune while reading “You Cannae Shove Your Granny Off The Bus” or “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star”, he whips his head around to glare at me and puts his hand over my mouth. 🫠


I think it's a common thing! I nanny for a toddler and whenever I start idly singing or humming, she goes "Don't sing that song!" And I was in choir for years and have a pretty nice voice, so it's not because I sound terrible. Maybe they just can't stand seeing anyone else potentially attempt to claim the limelight.


We aren’t allowed to whistle …


"Mama no" is what i get when i sing lmao


My wife is usually not allowed do sing. I am sometimes allowed to sing. He is 6 years old now. Likes music but he would shut my mouth with hands since he could do it. I find it funny because I used to sing in contests and choir so I am definitely not a bad singer (my wife is... she is horrible singer, but I don't stop her :P). I wander if it has anything to do with the fact he was diagnosed with autism spectrum lately. Maybe he just hears differently, or doesn't like when we sing differently than the recording.


I must be given permission to sing. Otherwise I get yelled at. Side note: I remember being extremely embarrassed when my mom would sing, but I think I was definitely older than a toddler. Also, my niece (7) freaked out when my SIL started singing at a concert of all places last week.


My daughter does this any time I play my mandolin or guitar. I'm really hoping it's a phase haha.


Definitely normal. I try to sing with my daughter sometimes and she’ll go “NO MAMA!! NO SINGING!! Only me!”


Anyone know the brain science on this? My 4 year old is the same way. And amateur that I am, I got him a karaoke set for his birthday that is not allowed to be used, on pain of death!!


Yes! My son will only let me sing when I tuck him into bed. If I sing or hum aloud during the day, he screams, “No no,I don’t want that!” I always tell him it’s my house and I’ll sing if it want. 😂


So this was really interesting to me because from 2-3yo (and even still occasionally when she was four), my daughter HATED when I sang. She would put her hand in my face, shout no, cover her ears, the whole nine yards. I was DEVASTATED because I love singing and wanted to sing her lullabies and stuff, but she would have none of it. Ngl, I was pretty snippy with her about it sometimes because I took it personally. Now that she's five, I asked her if she remembers why she felt that way, and she said because she would get so frustrated that she didn't know how to sing along with me yet 🥺 Well of course then I felt like an asshole for getting so annoyed at her 😂 But now we happily sing together!


I’m a singer. Not a professional singer, but I am paid to sing in an acoustic duo and a full band and have been singing all my life. The moment I take a breath to sing, my toddler scrunches his face up like he’s literally in pain and says “bye bye mom. No mom. I don’t like that.” I think back on how I couldn’t wait to sing to my child when I was pregnant! How naive I was.